NOW is the time to spruce up the campaign map

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9 days ago
Sep 7, 2024, 4:36:22 PM

Foreword: Not generated by AI, yes-yes!

Every region apart from Cathay, Darklands and the Empire feels bland in comaprison - not enough distinctive features, geographical highlights or unique foliage. Ulthuan should feel more magical, Southlands should be more wild, Naggaroth should have more visual landmarks.

So CA, you guys should in fact go all in and expand the map in places like Lustria and Chaos Wastes above Cathay! Imagine the wonders!


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9 days ago
Sep 7, 2024, 6:42:05 PM

Would be pretty neat.  Not my #1 priority in terms of development time, but I'd be happy to see it happen.

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9 days ago
Sep 7, 2024, 7:38:05 PM

Yes! I've been on about this for ages. So many places look bland and we spend most of our time looking at the campaign map.

Bretonnia: the golden grass must go. Give it the vibrant green on the campaign map like it has in its battle maps. Add more tournament tents., towers, chapels etc.


Middenheim - sat atop the Ulricsberg with huge cannon and skaven tunnels at its base. 4 ways in with draw bridges. Cannon should be able to be used in Battle.

Altdorf - Colleges, Imperial Palace and Caslte Reikguard of to the side.

Talabheim - set in a crater.

Mordheim - Ruins completely around it with warpstone in a few places.

Nuln - factories on the side and one of Elspeths Black Towers on the in the surrounds and another in the Grey Mountains.

The Moot - Halfling homes and farms in the surrounds.

Athel Loren: Wisps in the woods, deer replace wolves which were there in WH2 and give it more low-lying foliage. Looks to barren.

Blood Keep ruins added in the Grey Mountains.

So many art assets will needing added to really give the world more life.

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9 days ago
Sep 7, 2024, 11:50:51 PM

I agree that in addition to improving the AI (although it should be updated more) should improve the map itself, making the world more detailed and alive not only in terms of random locations but the appearance of the world itself so that every Warhammer fan like us can look at the details!

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9 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 5:06:06 AM

Jarms48#7854 wrote:

Can we stop with the "now is the time" posts? There's like 5 of them now. 

Also, didn't you already make this thread? Why not just bump it?

C'mon mate, it's a joke. And the my last thread was made 2 months ago - surely you won't call this spamming?

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9 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 5:08:05 AM

SafironDracolich#6190 wrote:

I agree that in addition to improving the AI (although it should be updated more) should improve the map itself, making the world more detailed and alive not only in terms of random locations but the appearance of the world itself so that every Warhammer fan like us can look at the details!

Agreed. One of the main reasons everyone likes map updates is because you get to rediscover a part of this awesome map again. That's why there was so much exceitement around the Darklands update or the OvN Lost World mod.

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9 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 5:12:09 AM

Lustria: add more vines and bring back the Venus Fly Traps! Make it look dangerous again.

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8 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 8:36:26 AM

Wood_Sprite#1284 wrote:

C'mon mate, it's a joke. And the my last thread was made 2 months ago - surely you won't call this spamming?

I don't think it's spamming. I'd love more conversation on map expansions. I'm just tired of the "now is the time" posts. Sorry if I came off as rude and singled you out for it. 

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8 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 9:10:50 AM

Jarms48#7854 wrote:

I don't think it's spamming. I'd love more conversation on map expansions. I'm just tired of the "now is the time" posts. Sorry if I came off as rude and singled you out for it. 

All good! Always nice to talk to mature people on the internet.

Tell you what, here's the full list of map changes I would like to have:

  1. Expand Lustria like shown in the image above, adding more Skaven in there to let Tehanhuin campaign work better.
  2. Expand Chaos Wastes above the Great Bastion so we can have the Steppes plus RoC style Chaos on Chaos action, before whoever wins decends on Cathay.
  3. Add unique skins to major settlements like race capitals and unique locations, ala OvN Lost World.
  4. Add more types of foliage and scenes to the less rich parts of the map to highlight their identity more.
  5. Add more of those lore markers on the map that show you info on hovering over them.
  6. Add more landmarks for the races that don't have many.
  7. Improve the look of corruption, especially the vampiric one so it feels more immersive/rich. Chaos trees can be better.
  8. Add a visual element to provinces with low public order - like small fires on the ground which signify that people are close to rioting.
  9. Remove the floating mountain near Tamurkhan's start and add a province or two, for more Chaos on Chaos action, or Kislevite start position.
  10. Add more minor factions to certain areas of the map, like more Skaven in Lustria, perhaps by reworking provinces a bit. (should be a long term thing I guess)

I'm sure more points can be added, but these are what I think will help a lot in making the map richer.

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8 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 11:01:53 AM

Wood_Sprite#1284 wrote:

Jarms48#7854 wrote:

I don't think it's spamming. I'd love more conversation on map expansions. I'm just tired of the "now is the time" posts. Sorry if I came off as rude and singled you out for it. 

All good! Always nice to talk to mature people on the internet.

Tell you what, here's the full list of map changes I would like to have:

  1. Expand Lustria like shown in the image above, adding more Skaven in there to let Tehanhuin campaign work better.
  2. Expand Chaos Wastes above the Great Bastion so we can have the Steppes plus RoC style Chaos on Chaos action, before whoever wins decends on Cathay.
  3. Add unique skins to major settlements like race capitals and unique locations, ala OvN Lost World.
  4. Add more types of foliage and scenes to the less rich parts of the map to highlight their identity more.
  5. Add more of those lore markers on the map that show you info on hovering over them.
  6. Add more landmarks for the races that don't have many.
  7. Improve the look of corruption, especially the vampiric one so it feels more immersive/rich. Chaos trees can be better.
  8. Add a visual element to provinces with low public order - like small fires on the ground which signify that people are close to rioting.
  9. Remove the floating mountain near Tamurkhan's start and add a province or two, for more Chaos on Chaos action, or Kislevite start position.
  10. Add more minor factions to certain areas of the map, like more Skaven in Lustria, perhaps by reworking provinces a bit. (should be a long term thing I guess)

I'm sure more points can be added, but these are what I think will help a lot in making the map richer.

​​Moreover, that as I personally think that the following should still be added:
1. The time of day, such as night, morning, afternoon and evening. For if it was made very pleasing to the eye in Troy, why not do the same for Warhammer?

2. Make the atmosphere when the spoil level in the provinces catches up. For example vampires would have dark and foggy with the addition of bats;
3. Make weather to make the world more alive. Of course, maybe it's not really necessary, but to me it would be such a good addition to the game.

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7 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 7:41:19 AM

Lustria could clearly need a little expansion. Would love to see the following settlements added: 

- New Bechafen (Luthor Harkons Capital from WHFRP)

- Nuevo Luccini 

- Santa Magritta 

- Cadavo

- Amazon Island 

- Tip of Lustria

- City of the Dead

Updated 7 days ago.
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7 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 9:42:42 AM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

Lustria could clearly need a little expansion. Would love to see the following settlements added: 

- New Bechafen (Luthor Harkons Capital from WHFRP)

- Nuevo Luccini 

- Santa Magritta 

- Cadavo

- Amazon Island 

- Tip of Lustria

- City of the Dead

Exactly. I think in general more playable space is needed on this continent to get the Vortex feeling back. Man that would be so good - proper large scale skaven wars!

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7 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 9:48:13 AM

Wood_Sprite#1284 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

Lustria could clearly need a little expansion. Would love to see the following settlements added: 

- New Bechafen (Luthor Harkons Capital from WHFRP)

- Nuevo Luccini 

- Santa Magritta 

- Cadavo

- Amazon Island 

- Tip of Lustria

- City of the Dead

Exactly. I think in general more playable space is needed on this continent to get the Vortex feeling back. Man that would be so good - proper large scale skaven wars!

Yesh Lustria is way to crowded right now and the Lm factions are mostly gone around turn 10. Especially MArkus, Algeneric, Yuan Bo and Luthor are just to close toe ach other without any room to breathe. 

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7 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 10:07:35 AM

Wood_Sprite#1284 wrote:

All good! Always nice to talk to mature people on the internet.

Tell you what, here's the full list of map changes I would like to have:

  1. Expand Lustria like shown in the image above, adding more Skaven in there to let Tehanhuin campaign work better.
  2. Expand Chaos Wastes above the Great Bastion so we can have the Steppes plus RoC style Chaos on Chaos action, before whoever wins decends on Cathay.
  3. Add unique skins to major settlements like race capitals and unique locations, ala OvN Lost World.
  4. Add more types of foliage and scenes to the less rich parts of the map to highlight their identity more.
  5. Add more of those lore markers on the map that show you info on hovering over them.
  6. Add more landmarks for the races that don't have many.
  7. Improve the look of corruption, especially the vampiric one so it feels more immersive/rich. Chaos trees can be better.
  8. Add a visual element to provinces with low public order - like small fires on the ground which signify that people are close to rioting.
  9. Remove the floating mountain near Tamurkhan's start and add a province or two, for more Chaos on Chaos action, or Kislevite start position.
  10. Add more minor factions to certain areas of the map, like more Skaven in Lustria, perhaps by reworking provinces a bit. (should be a long term thing I guess)

I'm sure more points can be added, but these are what I think will help a lot in making the map richer.

Northern Chaos Wastes:

- I agree with a map expansion above Cathay, but I'd like to add a "Land Lane" (basically a sea lane but for land) that allows an army to teleport from East to West/West to East If you look at the map both the West and East most sections are called Hung implying they're one of the same. Which means there's likely going to need to be new provinces/regions added to accommodate that. 

- Speaking of the Eastern Steppes from memory there's new Kislev lore in The Old World saying they have cities there. So I think some landmarks for retaking old lands could be nice.


- General map expansion to the West.

- Add in the Broken Lands, Isle of Great Beasts, Rumbling Isle, and Sulpheret Islands. 

- Widen Naggaroth as it's incredibly squished against the edge of the map.


- I was always happy with what you suggested. Though I'd like to see the Huntsmarshal's Expedition hostility mechanic removed from them and instead applied to the lands of Lustria itself. Think something similar to the new Imperial Authority mechanic, where as soon as a faction controls one province in the area the mechanic is triggered. Hostility itself applies to every non-Lizardmen faction and increases depending on several actions. Any battles against Lizardmen directly, any battles against a settlement linked to the geomantic web (this is doubled if the settlement is sacked/razed/owned by Lizardmen), and corrupting the geomantic web by reaching 100% corruption of any type except untainted. 

- With the map expansion west maybe some additional 1 region province islands dotted in the larger ocean could be nice. 


Great Ocean:

- Should be expanded on to make room for some adjustments.

- Albion should be roughly double its current size.

- Lothern should be moved South, with the Northern parts in line with Estalia. It's far too close to Bretonnia currently. This also means The Galleons Graveyard will also need to be moved. 


- Needs to have its regions redrawn and have a forest added to give Mother Ostankya a place to teleport to.


- Araby should be around 4 times its current size. This opens up the possibility for Araby to be added as a faction.

- The map should be expanded Southwards as the entire Southlands should be longer and looks incredibly squished currently. 

- It would be nice to have Mangrove Port added as a region somewhere along the Shifting Mangrove Coastline. Maybe as a new Empire minor faction port region apart of the The Golden Pass province. This would likely be taken over fairly quickly, but it opens up opportunities for future Empire LL starts.


The Sentinels and Pigbarter should have minor human factions in them. Both are massive trade hubs between East and West. 

Ind and Khuresh:

- Open them up. Even if they're just filled with minor factions for now it'd still open up some new areas for exploration and conquest. 

Nippon and The Lost Isles of Elithis:

- Expand the map East and add these in. Also add in that land mass that's directly East of Cathay that attaches to the Eastern Steppes. 

Southern Wastes:

- Could also expand this Southwards a bit, then add a land lane between East and West. 

Updated 7 days ago.
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7 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 12:30:21 PM

Bigger Lustria ! 

Yes ! Yes !

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7 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 1:33:55 PM

Jarms48#7854 wrote:

snip for brevity

Your ideas would be so nice to have implemented but I dunno if CA would ever increase the map dimensions. Basically the only reason I've tried to limit my suggestions to what can be done without doing that.

Updated 7 days ago.
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7 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 1:36:13 PM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

Wood_Sprite#1284 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

Lustria could clearly need a little expansion. Would love to see the following settlements added: 

- New Bechafen (Luthor Harkons Capital from WHFRP)

- Nuevo Luccini 

- Santa Magritta 

- Cadavo

- Amazon Island 

- Tip of Lustria

- City of the Dead

Exactly. I think in general more playable space is needed on this continent to get the Vortex feeling back. Man that would be so good - proper large scale skaven wars!

Yesh Lustria is way to crowded right now and the Lm factions are mostly gone around turn 10. Especially MArkus, Algeneric, Yuan Bo and Luthor are just to close toe ach other without any room to breathe. 

That and there's also too few Skaven to be any challenge. If you take Skrolk out early (which both Gor-rok and Tehenhauin do) then that's the end of Skaven in Lustria...

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6 days ago
Sep 10, 2024, 9:23:24 AM

Wood_Sprite#1284 wrote:

Your ideas would be so nice to have implemented but I dunno if CA would ever increase the map dimensions. Basically the only reason I've tried to limit my suggestions to what can be done without doing that.

I'm just putting all the cards on the table. I don't expect CA to do everything. :P

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