

4 months ago Jun 24,2024, 14:21:09 PM

Total War: WARHAMMER III - Patch 5.1.0

209 373 Views


UPDATE 24/6/24 @ 10:20AM BST:

We identified some items that were missed from the original patch notes list, which we've now added below in the Release Spotlight section, including:

Lizardmen Faction Colours
- Lord Selection Video Refresh

We've also amended the unit, army and item abilities sections to be clearer and easier to understand. Thanks!

Greetings folks!

Patch 5.1 is finally upon us, arriving Tuesday 25th June, and with it comes the baddest good boy there ever was - Karanak, the three-headed Hound of Vengeance - as a FREE Legendary Hero! 

Let's not waste any time and dive straight into the highlights of this hefty patch!


Karanak, The Hound of Vengeance


Following the announcement at Games Workshop's Skulls for the Skull Throne event, Karanak will be joining the fray in update 5.1 for Skarbrand, Archaon, Valkia, Kholek, Bel'akor and the Daemon Prince in campaign.

The Hound of Vengeance: Explained

Karanak is the three-headed Flesh Hound that prowls Khorne’s grand throne room. He never sleeps, for like the Blood God’s unreasoning vengeance Karanak is ever watchful. Each of his heads tracks his quarry in a different fashion: The first head can follow the trail through physical space, tracking the victim over plains, forests, mountains, and all environments too bizarre to describe. The second can follow the scent through time, back into the past to the very creation of everything that is, or forward to the end of the universe. The third head tracks the quarry via its own thoughts, pursuing through dreamscapes and delusions. Of the three heads it is the last that is most dangerous, for the other two can be fooled by those with the wit to do so, but only the insane can run beyond the trace of their own mind.

In Warhammer 3, Karanak moves fast, hits hard and is very proficient at picking off unguarded soft targets, for example: artillery, missile units and spellcasters.


Prey of the Blood God - Active Ability

  • With the odour of his victim thick in his nostrils, Karanak's prey draws closer, the blood scent stronger, until there is no escape…
  • This ability nets a Lord or Hero character to prevent their movement, whilst dealing a decent chunk of direct damage to them.

Karanak's Howl - Active Ability

  • As leagues untold fall away beneath his clawed feet, Karanak’s bestial howls echo through the void, drawing other Flesh Hounds to his presence.
  • Karanak's Howl can summon a unit of Flesh Hounds to join the battlefield

Talon of the Skull Throne - Passive Ability

  • Karanak's kills are quicksilver perfection, the better to swiftly feed his hunger and his master's need for spilt blood.
  • When nearby enemy units are routing, Karanak's Melee Attack and Weapon Strength is boosted, turning him into an even fiercer pursuer

Endless Hunter - Passive Ability

  • Karanak tracks the blood scent across space and time, until the battlefield offers no hiding place from Khorne’s chosen hunter.
  • Karanak makes it extremely difficult (if not impossible) for units to take advantage of their Hide Forest, Stalk and Unspottable attribute, as he can reveal any unit within his radius


Brass Collar of Bloody Vengeance - Passive Ability

  • Thicker and heavier than those of his pack, Karanak’s Collar of Khorne is enchanted with spite and abjuration, immunising the hound against callow sorcery.
  • This passive ability can prevent his prey from using active abilities and casting spells by silencing them
  • The Collar also removes the enemy's ability to perform Magical Attacks

Conquest Mode

Patch 5.1 introduces a new competitive battle mode that might be a little familiar, this is Conquest mode!


Conquest mode is essentially a Land Battle but with one key twist! Players are still primarily encouraged to annihilate the opponent's army, but there is also a capture point in the centre of the map which unlocks 1 minute after the game starts.

Conquest is different from the Land Battles that feature capture points in Rome II, as the player holding the capture point must hold it until they generate 500 victory tickets in order to win.

Also to be clear, Conquest mode will not be replacing Land Battles in campaign. It is mode that is designed primarily for multiplayer, so it will not be featured in campaigns.


We implemented this game mode to create a more competitive multiplayer friendly version of Land Battle. Classic Land Battle, as it stands, is plagued by several degenerate strategies, such as corner camping (where one player boxes up their army into a corner and cannot be flanked), so with the addition of a capture point that serves as an alternate win condition, we incentivise players to fight in the centre of the map; rendering some of the more egregious degenerate strategies ineffective.

As in Land battle, the Army Losses mechanic is also enabled for Conquest mode, so the battle will come to more of a natural conclusion if one force vastly overwhelms another.

On launch, Conquest mode will ship with 42 re-purposed Land Battle maps that have been picked by players from the competitive MP community as well as internally by our team.

These maps are:

  • Alpine Ridge*
  • Altdorf Outskirts
  • Ash Plains*
  • Black Ark*
  • Blasted Lands*
  • Blue Reach River*
  • Choking Pits*
  • Cliff of Beasts*
  • Crossroads*
  • Dok Karaz*
  • Eschen*
  • Forest of Shadows
  • Galbaraz*
  • Glacier Lake*
  • Gor Gazan*
  • Grey Mountain Stables
  • Heorot Ridge*
  • Horned Hills*
  • Isle of the Crimson Skull*
  • Knights' Run
  • Mortis Wastes*
  • Peak Pass*
  • Peasants Pasture*
  • Pillar Of Bone*
  • Plains of the Dead
  • Praag*
  • River Amaxon*
  • Schwartzhafen*
  • Shimmersward
  • Southern Chaos Wastes*
  • Sword of Torgald*
  • The Bitter Dunes*
  • The Dead Wood
  • The Flats of Kislev*
  • The Lost Crater*
  • The Reikland Estates
  • The Tourney Grounds
  • Toothgrass Hill
  • Tower of Hoeth*
  • Troll Run
  • Valley of Thieves
  • Wyvern Lake*

* These maps will be in the Quick Battle rotation at launch. We'd love to hear your feedback on which maps should be cycled in and out of the rotation moving forwards!

Special thanks to Eumaies, Gojira, Alfare, the competitive Land Battle community and everyone else who contributed to the Land Battle with Capture Point mod. It was your passion and dedication to making Land Battles more competitively viable that inspired us to support the mode in more of an official capacity. Whilst the mode is not a straight up 1:1 conversion of the mod, we hope that it serves to drastically improve the quality of matches found within Quick Battle matchmaking and can be used as a base to improve the experience in future updates.

One final note, we will be leaving classic Land Battle as a quick battle option for now in order to make the transition for players to Conquest mode a bit smoother, but our future intention is to remove Land Battle from the list of Quick Battle options once this transitionary period has concluded. This will make Conquest and Domination the only modes that are available for Quick Battle in the long term.

Please let us know what you think of Conquest mode and we hope to see you all on the battlefield!

Domination Mode Changes

Along with the introduction of Conquest mode, we've taken some time to make some improvements to Domination mode as well. Special thanks (as ever) to Turin and the Total Tavern community for being the guiding hands on our iteration of this game mode.

Let's get in to the changes!

Gameplay Changes

The AI can now play Domination Mode!

  • Domination mode is now available to play in singleplayer custom battle and AIs can now be added to custom games! This is something that we've been wanting to do for a long time now and after laying the groundwork on Thrones of Decay, we've managed to get it implemented!
  • The AI will prioritise capturing the points first, but will also move to attack the player's main forces.
  • During the battle the AI will also bring in reinforcements and retreat them when certain conditions are met.
  • The other advantage of having the AI playing Domination is that now everyone can build their preset armies in the regular custom battle screen, instead of relying on creating a multiplayer game to access the army save/load functionality
  • We hope that the AI will provide a challenge to help everyone practise before heading online to matchmake in Quick Battles!

Lords can no longer be un-summoned in Domination battles

  • Your Lord must remain on the field and will only return to the reinforcement pool once they have been properly routed or defeated

We fixed a bug where single entities weren't providing capture weight if they were being surrounded.

  • This was due to an issue with how capture points check how many entities are present within them. This fix should also affect Siege and Survival battle capture points too.

We fixed a bug where the reinforcement window would always spawn on top of the players army list.

  • Now when the reinforcement panel is opened, it will always be out of the way of the army list
  • The panel will also now always remember it's position when it is closed and opened across a single game

Capture Weight is now displayed on the Unit Info panel!

  • Hovering the entity size information on the unit info panel will now display the unit's capture weight.

Map Additions

Community Maps

Over the course of the last few months, we have been working with community map authors to official support 5 additional Domination maps within the game. Additional maps for domination mode has always been a big wish of the Domination mode community, so we're pleased to be able to crank out a few more maps to increase the variety a bit more.

Special thanks to all of the authors mentioned below for providing their source files for our art and audio teams to pass over with audio and visual upgrades in order to prepare them for official release. All of the following maps will be available in Domination custom battles and in the Quick Battle rotation when Patch 5.1 launches!

Here's a rundown of the maps that we've collaborated on for release:

Bordelaux Landing by Bob Dat Builder


Celestial Lake by Sunshyne


Gates of Ekrund by Shroom


Glade of the Everqueen by WakaWaka3000


Road to Talabheim by Sleepylion


Creative Assembly Maps

We have also added 4 of our own maps to the Domination map pool as well, bringing the total number of new Domination maps to 9!

These are:



Hidden Oasis


Marbad's Tomb


Toothgrass Hill


Map Rotation

We've kept the rotation fairly limited this time around, to allow the community maps to shine, so with that in mind the current map rotation for Domination mode is as follows:

  • Arnheim
  • Battle for Itza
  • Black Ark
  • Bordeleaux Landing
  • Broken Leg Gully
  • Celestial Lake
  • Death Pass
  • Gates of Ekrund
  • Glade of the Everqueen
  • Road to Talabheim

As ever, if you have feedback on the maps in the rotation, please let us know if you'd like to see maps added or removed!

Daemons of Chaos - Now Available in Quick Battle


For millennia, philosophers have stood atop mountains and howled into the sky "Why is the Daemons of Chaos faction not in ranked?" ask no longer.

Originally, we were hesitant to make the faction playable as it combined the capabilities of a very diverse group of factions. Hypothetically, the faction is capable of taking the best daemon for the job for every task, but realistically suffers from an easy counter-pick of magical weapon damage due to an reliance on Physical Resistance.

After some deliberation, and keeping an eye on matches fought outside our quickplay ruleset, we've concluded that the Daemon's deserve a shot at the limelight and they will now be available in ranked play.

Free-For-All Mode Changes

Another one that probably nobody saw coming. Changes to Free-For-All mode!?

You can now play Free-For–All battles against the AI!

It's a small thing, but we think it's quite fun.

Battle UI Updates

Ordering of Units When Adding to an Army

When adding units to an army in any battle mode, the ordering of how those units are added to the army will now be consistent with the behaviour found in Warhammer 2.

Units are ordered first on category, then on gold cost (ascending). This should provide players with more of a visual link to how they are ordered in the Unit Roster UI compared to how they are added into the army.

Custom Battle Faction Selector

Gone is the spinning faction icon with arrows next to it! We've now implemented a robust drop-down box that allows players to preview a faction's flag, name and banner colours. Factions have also been re-ordered based on whether a faction is a Player or an AI faction in campaign, then on order of release.

This allows everyone to be more informed on their faction choice when going into a battle (as well as pick their favourite colour!).

Faction Picker.gif

We've also implemented some factions that were missing from custom battle, including Wood Elf and Bretonnian factions from the Warhammer 1 mini-campaign: Season of Revelations.

Sandbox Difficulty Mode


Sandbox difficulty mode is a new difficulty setting for custom battles that allows players to turn the AI off. This is perfect for learning the game, testing units out and recording videos without the AI interfering.

An AI on Sandbox difficulty will still have features such as melee and fire at will still enabled. So if you get within range of an enemy, they will still shoot you passively and when engaging in melee they will still fight back. Passive abilities will also still function.

They won't be moving units or activating spells and abilities though.

Allow Multiple Lords Toggle


This new feature does exactly what it says on the tin.

"Allow Multiple Lords" lets a player add more than one lord to their army.

So if you always wanted to create your ultimate Legendary Lizardmen doom squad, we've got you.


Custom Map Display

We've slightly refreshed the way that custom battle map selection looks. Maps authored by Creative Assembly will feature the CA icon and author name.

Community maps will feature a CA/Modded hybrid icon, with the community map author's name.

Steam Workshop maps will now feature a "Modded" icon, with the option for map authors to include their name through the use of a new author field in the battles table.

Here is is in practise:


Unit Info Panel Stat Breakdowns & Capture Weight Display

Here's another quality of life improvement that we've been wanting to do for a while now.

In battles, mousing over your units stats will now display a breakdown of factors currently affecting them. So if you want to see what's sapping your unit's Melee Attack, you can now check!

We've also placed capture weight onto the panel as well, when hovering the unit size icon. This will only be present on battle modes with capture points and will display the correct capture weight for the related game mode.

Overcast Toggle Button

Overcasting has been a feature present in the game since Warhammer 1, but has always been a bit fiddly to use and tricky to find. Now we have an overcast toggle button that toggles the overcast state for every spell in the spell wheel.

This is especially helpful for the Lore of the Hag, which features a series different spells when the overcast feature is triggered.

Silenced Attribute UI

When a unit is affected by the Silenced attribute, the UI will change state to indicate this. Previously it would simply grey out the unavailable spells and abilities, but now it will explain why!


Healing Tooltip Improvements

The healing tooltip that we improved in Thrones of Decay has been improved further!

  • The healing value is now displayed at two decimal places
  • The Incoming Healing Modifier now adjusts to account for being recently hit by a flaming attack, which halves the total modifier
  • This tooltip now respects intensity-based abilities that provide regeneration (For example the Chaos Warshrine of Nurgle)
  • A nested tooltip now explains what the Incoming Healing Modifier does


The stat "Healing Power" has also been renamed to "Incoming Healing Modifier" to better reflect what the mechanic does. The tooltip has also been re-written.


Tooltips for Shrapnel and Vortex Projectiles

Ability tooltips for magic missiles that spawn a vortex or use the shrapnel feature now correctly display the information of that vortex or shrapnel:


On top of these changes, the missile weapon stat breakdown in the unit info panel also takes into account vortex and shrapnel projectiles:


Directional Shield Tooltip

The Directional Shield attribute now has a new tooltip when hovering over the shield icon in the unit info panel that displays the current effectiveness of the shield:


The attribute itself also has a separate tooltip to explain what it does.


Lizardmen Faction Colours

We've been cracking the case on some faulty spawning pools and done an initial pass on the Lizardmen faction colour masks. A large selection of Lizardmen units now come in a dazzling rainbow of colours depending on the faction controlling them.

image (6).png

Lord Selection Video Refresh

We've gone back and done a refresher on a variety of old lord select videos! See some of your old favourites in new, high definition glory with new scenes and audio! (Khalida finally found her throne room!)

image (7).png

The following characters have received new selection movies:

  • Repanse
  • Aranessa Saltspite
  • Count Noctilus
  • Luthor harkon
  • Crone Hellebron
  • Lokhir Fellheart
  • Malus Darkblade
  • Rakarth
  • Thorek Ironbrow
  • Wulfhart
  • Alarielle
  • Alith Anar
  • Eltharion
  • Imrik
  • Gor'rok
  • Nakai
  • Tehenhauin
  • Tik'Taq'To
  • Ikit Claw
  • Deathmaster Snikch
  • Throt The Unclean
  • Tretch Craventail
  • Arkhan The Black
  • Khalida
  • Settra The Imperishable (and many more titles)
  • The Sisters Of Twilight
  • Cylostra Direfin

Phew! That about covers it for quality of life improvements. Now onto the full notes!

PATCH 5.1.0



  • Fixed crash when upgrading units as Nurgle in realm battles.
  • Dwarf units with shieldwall are no longer allowed to toggle it while docked to a wall or a platform barricade. These situations already apply formation behaviour and the overlapping activations can crash the game under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed a crash on old game saves related to the battle AI pathfinding through maps.
  • Fixed an issue with performance stuttering on the campaign map when playing as Oxyotl and moving the camera.
  • Fixed issues with Chaos Dwarfs resource distribution system to avoid duplicated recalculations
  • Fixed crash when changing settings while in battle


General Updates

  • Fixed a number of passive Hero actions that weren't applying an effect until the action was upgraded to its first level
  • The Slave Pens building will now correctly reduce the cost of Diktats in the local province (again!)
  • The warband recruitment tooltip for Pestigor units now correctly lists Nurgle corruption as a reason for replenishment
  • The Glaive Gun can now be equipped by Dramar Hammerfist (Ancestor Master Engineer)
  • Fixed mission objective pin being visible in pre battle screen
  • Dwarf banner runes from the forge are now applied to units only, as the text tooltip indicates.
  • Fixed units greyed out by Lightning Strike becoming active when hovering on the autoresolve button
  • Fixed UI issue with extra space being present in some events, like Settlements Occupied events.
  • Fixed issue where bankruptcy attrition was being applied a turn early
  • Fixed UI issue where a Placeholder Augment effect was showing on recruited Skaven units through allied recruitment
  • Fixed issue where unit category icon state in unit information panel was not working. It will now correctly update the colour based on the unit type (for example renown units show as purple)
  • Fixed issue where right-clicking on a hidden unit card would reveal it in the unit and spell browser
  • Fixed issue where clicking on highlighted skills that can't be researched played the research animation and sound
  • Fix awakened immortal heroes spawning directly on top of a settlement instead of around it in valid position, causing them to get stuck in the settlement and armies being unable to interact with the settlement anymore
  • The Cathay Celestial building chain can now be constructed in minor settlements
  • Fixed campaign victory screen underlay not scaling to screen size, causing it to appear too small
  • Fixed monster pen recruitment button not closing the recruitment panel
  • Fixed intercept range stat effects being applied to forced spell mastery
  • Fixed Resiliance ability in campaign showing wrong attrition types when previewing units from other factions (such as units in unit browser or enemy units)
  • Fixed building level in events feed showing the wrong number for buildings built on an army (such as horde or ogre camps)
  • Fixed issue where player was able to interact with settlements in the pre-battle screen
  • Fixed issue where right-clicking on a hidden unit card would reveal it in the unit and spell browser


  • Fix AI ignoring unit cap restrictions in custom battles
  • Changed reinforcement popup in battle to open on top of army panel so that it doesn't overlap. Also made it remember its position after clicking on a different reinforcement point instead of resetting to the default
  • Fixed broken rendering causing several characters like Skarbrand, Lord of Change and Kairos to disappear at times in battle. Note that this affected also the Changeling changing into these characters.
  • Fixed floating volcano on Malus Bloodfire Falls
  • Fixed lord funds showing as white/affordable when selecting the reinforcing army header, even though the player can't afford adding lords to reinforcing army
  • Fixed UI display order on Heroes sometimes not being ordered correctly when a more costly unit was added to the current roster
  • Fixed an issue with the summoned Things in the Woods and Skink Priest units were missing the Strider attribute
  • The 'Docked (Siege Wall)' ability now shows in the tooltip when hovering over siege walls
  • Capture points have been reworked to more broadly consider all entities within their bounds. This will specifically help how reliably single entities (such as Lords) can capture points in Domination and Sieges when surrounded by enemies.
  • Fixed an issue where the Marquis of Masochism (Keeper of Secrets RoR) was not correctly receiving the Feasting on Fears ability in campaign and battle
  • Lords can no longer be teleport withdrawn in Domination.
  • Capture points are no longer capturable during deployment in Domination and Conquest.
  • Fixed an issue where human characters who fight with swords and shields on horseback would always miss when performing a moving attack


  • Fix game mode checkboxes in Ranked Multiplayer not being greyed out while searching for a match.
  • When in matchmaking, if the timer runs out and a player didn't select a lord, the cheapest lord with default upgrades will now be selected. If this makes the total cost too high then units will be removed until valid.
  • Added a new option in Skirmish vs. AI and Multiplayer battles that allows you to add multiple Lord units to the army. The option can be found under the map settings.



  • Fixed some missing images when playing in languages where the lowercase version of a letter was different than English
  • Fixed rendering issues with several weapons and shields when using TAA


  • Updated positional and FOV checks for campaign character VO. This should stop VO spam from characters on the other side of the map as multiple players make actions.
  • Fixed Plague Censer-Bearers vocalisations not triggering
  • Added new sound memory pool size setting in the sound settings menu
  • Fixed a potential audio related crash on the Everqueens Garden due to too many sounds triggering on the magical heart VFX.
  • Fixed issue where no UI sound played when converting a building
  • Fixed the new commander VO triggering when an army is wiped out
  • Fixed audio issue where rain ambience disappears after the camera goes near Blasted Wastes
  • Fixed audio issue where tree-based units were triggering leather impact sounds when attacked
  • Non-WH3 factions will play their respective title's Win/Draw/Loss music after battles
  • Fixed audio corruption ambience loops triggering twice for land battles in chaos wastes with high corruption
  • Fixed rare volume fluctuations in music when camera changes during cutscenes.


  •  Fixed an issue where Greater Daemons were incorrectly listed as "Spellcasters", when they use Bound Spells instead of regular spells.


  • Spirit Conduit - Heirotitan
    • Spirit Conduit now passively buffs the Spell mastery of Friendly Spellcasters within it's radius
    • Effect Range: 0m -> 100m
    • Spell Mastery %: 0 -> 20

  • Spirit Leech (Bound) - Heirotitan
    • Number of Uses: 1 -> 2

  • Shem’s Burning Gaze (Bound) - Heirotitan
    • Number of Uses: 2 -> 3

  • Shield of Faith - Warrior Priest
    • Effect Range: 35m -> 55m

  • Grand Shield of Faith - Volkmar, Arch Lector
    • Effect Range: 35m -> 55m

  • Soulfire - Warrior Priest
    • Base Explosion Damage: 36 -> 50

  • Grand Soulfire - Volkmar, Arch Lector
    • Base Explosion Damage: 36 -> 50

  • Burning Alignment - Ancient Stegadon (Engine of the Gods)
    • Burning Alignment was quite tricky to hit enemies with, due to it's slow speed. With a boosted radius and movement speed, it should now be a bit easier to hit targets with.
    • Starting Radius: 6 -> 8
    • End Radius: 6 -> 8
    • Movement Speed: 7 -> 12

  • Language of Da Boyz - Grom the Paunch
    • Language of Da Boyz is now always active and affects friendly units within 55m of Grom
    • This was changed to fix a bug with it's activation conditions.

  • Mistwalkers’ Barrage - Eltharion
    • Removed the Spread from Mistwalker's Barrage to make it more accurate once again
    • Spread: 10 -> 0

  • Fanatical Resolve - Drycha
    • Drycha's Fanatical Resolve has now been re-worked into a single intensity based ability instead of the three health-threshold-conscious abilities that it was before.

  • Giver of Arcane Glory - Chaos Warshrine of Tzeentch
    • Power Recharge %: 0.2 -> 1
    • Reserves Per Second: 0 -> 0.2

  • Spirit Bear - Mother Ostankya
    • Number of Uses: Infinite -> 3

  • Dire Spirit Bear - Mother Ostankya
    • Number of Uses: Infinite -> 3

  • Lamprey’s Bite - The Screaming Skyrays
    • Number of Uses: Infinite -> 5

  • Pigeon Bomb - Master Engineer
    • Number of Uses: Infinite -> 3

  • Full Power! - Land Ship, The Wonder of the age, Amethyst Land Ship
    • Acceleration %: 200 -> 100
    • Movement Speed %: 100 -> 50
    • Mass %: 50 -> 0

  • Docked (Siege Wall) - Any unit docked to a Wall in a Siege Battle
    • Missile Block Chance %: 0 -> 25

  • Gate of Nurgle - Cultist of Nurgle
    • Initial Recharge Time (Seconds): 30 -> 60

  • Gate of Slaanesh - Cultist of Slaanesh
    • Initial Recharge Time (Seconds): 15 -> 60

  • Greater Gate of Nurgle - Cultist of Nurgle
    • Initial Recharge Time (Seconds): 60 -> 120

  • Greater Gate of Slaanesh - Cultist of Slaanesh
    • Initial Recharge Time (Seconds): 30 -> 120

  • Blessing of the Ancients - Durthu, Ariel, Coeddil, Ancient Treeman
    • Spell Mastery 0 -> 20%

  • Rune of Hearth & Home - Thorek Ironbrow, Runelord
    • Vigour Per Second %: -5 -> -3

  • Aura of Protection - Luminark of Hysh, The Templehof Luminark, The Scions of Mathlann
    • Effect Range: 35 -> 55


  • Pandemicium - Tamurkhan
    • The damage and explosion radius of Pandemicium was causing some negative gameplay interactions when facing Tamurkhan as the AI, so we have taken steps to make it's damage output feel a bit more reasonable.
    • Base Explosion Damage: 45 -> 40
    • Armour Piercing Explosion Damage: 60 -> 20
    • Radius: 7 -> 4


  • Golden Tributes - Nakai the Wanderer
    • Removed Attribute(s):
      • Perfect Vigour
    • Vigour Per Second %: 0 -> -1

  • Dwarf Gouger - Queek Headtaker
    • Base Weapon Damage %: 0 -> 50

  • Warp-Shard Armour - Queek Headtaker
    • Effect Range: 35 -> 55

  • Sunfang - Tyrion
    • Base Vortex Damage: 32 -> 33

  • Wind Bow - Saytang the Watcher
    • The damage output of Saytang's Wind Bow item was over-tuned, so we have now taken steps to make it a lot more reasonable. The visuals have also been corrected to reflect the new explosion size.
    • Base Missile Damage: 50 -> 25
    • Armour Piercing Missile Damage: 150 -> 75
    • Base Explosion Damage: 90 -> 30
    • Armour Piercing Explosion Damage: 30 -> 10
    • Explosion Radius: 10 -> 3

  • The Portalglyph - Exalted Lord of Change, Herald of Slaanesh
    • Number of Uses: 2 -> 1

  • Starcrusher - Kholek Suneater
    • Base Weapon Damage %: 0 -> 50

  • Skull of Katam - Chaos Sorcerer Lord of Tzeentch
    • Spell Mastery %: 120 -> 60

  • The Mace of Helsturm - Arch Lector
    • Active Time (Seconds): 41 -> 40
    • Recharge Time (Seconds): 120 -> 90
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage %: 0 -> 50


  • Regrowth & Regrowth Upgraded
    • Active Time (Seconds): 29 -> 26

  • Fleshy Abundance & Fleshy Abundance Upgraded
    • Active Time (Seconds): 20 -> 18

  • Gaze of Mork
    • Winds of Magic Cost: 4 -> 5

  • Gaze of Mork Upgraded
    • Winds of Magic Cost: 6 -> 7

  • Vindictive Glare
    • Winds of Magic Cost: 4 -> 5


Adjusted the balance for generic character innate traits with the following changes:

​Hochland Scopes (Hero)

  • Range bonus: 15% -> 10% (now applies only to the character)

Hochland Scopes (Lord)

  • Range bonus: 15% -> 10% (still applies to the army)

Mechanist (Hero)

  • Removed, the engineer hero now has access to Weapon Master

Mechanist (Lord)

  • Upkeep for artillery and warmachines: -5% -> -15%

Weapon Master

  • Added +10% missile strength
  • Added +10% reload time reduction


  • Armour piercing missile damage: removed
  • Added missile strength +10%

Plague Rush

  • Speed no longer applies to the entire army
  • Speed: +10% -> +15%


  • Casualty replenishment: +10% -> +6%
  • No longer available to heroes (Plagueridden and cultists)


Special thanks to our Exalted Creators, as well as Eumaies and the team behind the "Community-Sourced, Peer-Reviewed Balance Recommendations" thread on the forums. With the introduction of Conquest mode, we have taken the time to address the lions-share of the unit balance issues raised here. From new concerns over Thrones of Decay content dating right back to issues with older single entities that are lacking a bit of punch since the move to the new competitive standard of Ultra unit size, there have been extensive changes made across the entire game.

We hope that these changes will serve to shift the multiplayer meta in a positive way, as well as offering campaign players some new and exciting experiences as well.

As ever, we'd love to continue hearing your feedback moving forwards.

Known Issues:

Here's a small list of known issues that we are aware of and will be addressing in future updates.

  • All units that use the collision type "capsule" have a problem where missiles can pass through the top 5-10% of their collision box and deal no damage
  • Articulated vehicles such as chariots can be hit multiple times by projectiles, resulting in double or even triple damage being dealt to them.
  • A unit that is docked a wall that is also half docked to a gatehouse will have it's line of sight blocked and may not be able to shoot.

Complex stat changes:

Collision attacks

We've added collision attacks to several large units this patch. Collision attacks are an alternate form of melee attack that is attempted when the entity collides with enemies while charging or attacking. Primarily present on chariots and some large entities. These have internal cooldowns and maximum target lists defined on a per unit basis.

Max Splash Targets

Several units have had their max splash targets reduced. The general trend is that this is a buff, as damage is split across the targets of a splash attack. The overall lethality of these units when fighting something they can splash should go up.

Vehicle Collision Attack Tuning Pass

We've adjusted the collision attack balance on just about every chariot and vehicle unit in the game based on feedback from the community. Collision attacks are now informed by the unit's weapon strength which ensures that the unit performing the collision is getting an optimal roll of damage.

Special thanks to community modder Spellbound, who had already performed some tests into the collision attack system and how it affected unit performance. These investigations helped to provide context and gave us a bit of a head-start on our own investigations into the mechanic, as it is quite a tricky one to visualise and gauge unit performance on.

Removal of Hard Collision from Wall Merlons

The merlons on walls in siege battles have had their hard collision removed, so they should no longer block line of sight. This should make units much more reliable when they are shooting from the top of the walls (especially direct-fire units such as handguns).

A small amount of Missile Block Chance has been added to the Docked (Siege Wall) ability to replicate the previous simulated blocking behaviour of the merlon hard collisions.


  • Fixed the Undivided Exalted Hero missing the "Aura of Chaos" skill
  • Fixed a number of Heroes missing the Scout Ruins action
  • Fixed an issue with some Chaos units not being correctly excluded from skills
  • Generic character innate trait balancing
  • Effects that apply to Nurgle units should now also apply to Tamurkhan's Chieftain's units
  • Fixed some inconsistencies with capstone yellow line skills for characters with great weapons
  • Fixed an issue where Lords of Change had inconsistent recruitment time compared to other Greater Daemons
  • The "Hates Slaanesh" skill now works when facing off against Slaanesh factions
  • Fixed an issue where the The Angels of Decay (Plague Drones - Death's Heads) to some skills that weren't affecting them
  • Added missing Terror unit attribute from the following Ethereal Units: Shadewraith Gunners (Deck Gunners), Usirian's Legion of the Netherworld (Nehekhara Warriors), Skink Priest Avatar, The Things in the Woods (Ethereal)



  • Gorebull

    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1075 -> 1050
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 280 -> 320

  • Gor Herd

    • Base Weapon Damage: 25 -> 31
    • Bonus vs. Infantry: 0 -> 5

  • Bestigor Herd

    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 28 -> 32

  • Razorgor Chariots

    • Base Weapon Damage: 14 -> 18
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 34 -> 36

  • Chaos Spawn

    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1000 -> 950

  • Minotaurs

    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1200 -> 1250

  • Minotaurs (Shields)

    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1200 -> 1250

  • Minotaurs (Great Weapons)

    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1200 -> 1250

  • Khorrok’s Manrippers (Bestigor Herd)

    • Base Weapon Damage: 14 -> 12
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 26 -> 30
    • Bonus vs. Large: 16 -> 20

  • Cygor

    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 315 -> 335
    • Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 6 -> 5
    • Base Missile Damage: 84 -> 90
    • Armour Piercing Missile Damage: 336 -> 360
    • Base Explosion Damage: 55 -> 60
    • Armour Piercing Explosion Damage: 85 -> 100

  • The Eye of Morrslieb (Cygor)

    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 315 -> 335
    • Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 6 -> 5

  • The Bloodbrute Behemoth (Ghorgon)

    • Melee Attack: 71 -> 69
    • Melee Defence: 43 -> 38
    • Spell Damage Resistance %: 0 -> 35



Only a few small changes for Bretonnia this time, that aim help promote the diversity of their Cavalry-based roster a little more.

  • Questing Knights
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 36 -> 38

  • The Companions of Quenelles (Questing Knights)
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 36 -> 38

  • Grail Knights
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 30 -> 28

  • Grail Guardians
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 38 -> 36

Chaos Dwarfs

General Updates

  • Fixed the Infernal Castellan skill "Inspiring Inferno" not applying to Infernal Guard (Fireglaives) units
  • Fixed a number of innate traits not functioning for Daemonsmith Sorcerer Heroes and Convoy Overseers
  • Fixed issue where the Convoy route preview (little Convoy icon on character card) would show in the wrong position


Cost changes is the general theme surrounding Chaos Dwarfs this time around. They were paying a bit of a premium across their roster for mounts and High Tier infantry, so these units have been made slightly cheaper.

  • Zhatan the Black [Mount: Great Taurus]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1700 -> 1600

  • Zhatan the Black [Mount: Lammasu]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1850 -> 1700

  • Sorcerer-Prophet [Mount: Great Taurus]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1600 -> 1500

  • Sorcerer-Prophet [Mount: Lammasu]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1750 -> 1600

  • Overseer
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 900 -> 700

  • Overseer [Mount: Great Taurus]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1600 -> 1300

  • Overseer [Mount: Lammasu]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1750 -> 1400

  • Bull Centaur Taur’ruk
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1200 -> 1100

  • Infernal Castellan
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 700 -> 650

  • Hobgoblin Archers
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 525 -> 500
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 525 -> 500
    • Upkeep Cost: 131 -> 125

  • Hobgoblin Wolf Raiders (Bows)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 650 -> 600
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 650 -> 600
    • Upkeep Cost: 163 -> 150

  • Hobgoblin Wolf Raiders (Spears)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 550 -> 525
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 550 -> 525
    • Upkeep Cost: 138 -> 131

  • Chaos Dwarf Warriors
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 625 -> 600
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 625 -> 600
    • Upkeep Cost: 156 -> 150

  • Chaos Dwarf Warriors (Great Weapons)
    • Base Weapon Damage: 9 -> 10
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 27 -> 28

  • Infernal Guard
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1000 -> 950
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1000 -> 950
    • Upkeep Cost: 250 -> 237

  • Infernal Guard (Great Weapons)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1150 -> 1000
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1150 -> 1000
    • Upkeep Cost: 288 -> 250
    • Base Weapon Damage: 11 -> 12
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 33 -> 34

  • Infernal Guard (Fireglaives)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1250 -> 1200
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1250 -> 1200
    • Upkeep Cost: 313 -> 300

  • The Granite Guard (Chaos Dwarf Blunderbusses)
    • Base Weapon Damage: 11 -> 12
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 33 -> 34

  • Lammasu
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1250 -> 1200
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1250 -> 1200
    • Upkeep Cost: 313 -> 300

  • K’daai Fireborn
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1500 -> 1400
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1500 -> 1400
    • Upkeep Cost: 375 -> 350

  • K’daai Destroyer
    • Missile Damage Resistance %: 0 -> 15
    • Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 12 -> 8
    • Splash Attack Knockback Force Multiplier: 1.7 -> 1.75

  • Magma Cannon
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1100 -> 1050
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1100 -> 1050
    • Upkeep Cost: 275 -> 262
    • Missile Weapon now deals majority AP damage

  • The Daemon’s Tongue (Iron Daemon)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1600 -> 1700
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1600 -> 1700
    • Upkeep Cost: 400 -> 425

  • The Daemon’s Tongue (Dreadquake Mortar)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 3600 -> 3700
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 3600 -> 3700
    • Upkeep Cost: 900 -> 925

Daemons of Chaos

General Updates

  • Fixed an issue where sometimes the Daemon Prince would recruit Nurgle units not at full health
  • Fix daemon prince portrait tint in diplomacy sometimes being too intense in colour


Now available in custom battle!

  • Red Ulgor, Prince of Slaughter
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2350 -> 2200
    • Spell Damage Resistance %: 25 -> 35

  • Chaos Furies
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 550 -> 600
    • Hit Points: 5880 -> 5280

Dark Elves

General Updates

  • Malus Darkblade's bonus ward save depending on his possession level is now physical resistance instead.
    • Malus has been acting as the gatekeeper for all factions starting in his surrounding area, and has proven time and time again to be an extremely difficult foe to bring down. The daemonic protection afforded by T'zarkan can now be pierced by magical attacks, like most other daemons, which should make him a bit less overbearing. This means he no longer has as much innate resistance to his own degeneration when transformed, so you don't have to wait quite as long for him to burn out after he turns on the gas.


This time around for the Dark Elves, we're correcting the Black Dragon mount gold costs to some more reasonable values as well as fixing a couple of unit balancing issues.

  • Malekith [Mount: Seraphon]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2850 -> 2500
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 2450 -> 2500
    • Upkeep Cost: 600 -> 625
    • Melee Attack: 55 -> 60
    • Melee Defence: 48 -> 50

  • Lokhir Fellheart [Mount: Maelstrom]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2450 -> 2100
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 2350 -> 2100
    • Upkeep Cost: 687 -> 537
    • Melee Attack: 55 -> 60

  • Rakarth [Mount: Bracchus]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2450 -> 2200
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 2350 -> 2200
    • Upkeep Cost: 650 -> 550
    • Melee Defence: 46 -> 50

  • Rakarth [Mount: Scourgerunner Chariot]
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1650 -> 1350
    • Upkeep Cost: 375 -> 337
    • Ammo of Primary Missile Weapon: 48 -> 72
    • The Missile Weapon of Scourgerunner Chariot mounts has been completely rebalanced. Previously it was using the damage profile of a unit of Chariots, which was a bug.

  • Supreme Sorceress [Mount: Black Dragon]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2000 -> 2100

  • Dreadlord (Sword & Crossbow) [Mount: Black Dragon]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2400 -> 2100
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 2300 -> 2100
    • Upkeep Cost: 575 -> 525

  • Dreadlord (Sword & Shield) [Mount: Black Dragon]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2400 -> 2100
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 2300 -> 2100
    • Upkeep Cost: 575 -> 525

  • High Beastmaster
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1200 -> 1000
    • Upkeep Cost: 300 -> 250

  • High Beastmaster [Mount: Scourgerunner Chariot]
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1650 -> 1200
    • Upkeep Cost: 412 -> 300
    • Ammo of Primary Missile Weapon: 48 -> 72
    • The Missile Weapon of Scourgerunner Chariot mounts has been completely rebalanced. Previously it was using the damage profile of a regular unit of Scourgerunners, which was a bug.

  • High Beastmaster [Mount: Manticore]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1500 -> 1400
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1650 -> 1400
    • Upkeep Cost: 412 -> 350

  • Bloodwrack Medusa, The Siren of Red Ruin (Bloodwrack Medusa) & Bloodwrack Shrine
    • The Medusa received an unintentional buff with the changes to the homing behaviour in patch 5.0. We've adjusted the power of the projectiles, so the damage output should be much more reasonable. We'll keep a further eye on this going forward.
    • Base Reload Time (Seconds): 8 -> 10
    • Radius: 7 -> 3

  • Har Ganeth Executioners
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1200 -> 1150
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1200 -> 1150
    • Upkeep Cost: 300 -> 287

  • Blades of the Blood Queen (Har Ganeth Executioners)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1500 -> 1450
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1500 -> 1450
    • Upkeep Cost: 375 -> 362


General Updates

  • The ancestor relics granted by legendary grudges against grimgor and the chaos dwarfs no longer require owning the chaos dwarfs DLC
  • Fixed an issue where a Legendary Grudge could abort where the target faction was confederated
  • Fixed the Guild Masters' Council building missing the Master Engineer garrison
  • Fixed the Guild Masters' Council building providing more potent effects when damaged
  • Added missing VFX and audio to Thorek's Anvil of Doom melee attacks, including a fresh new effect where his anvil runes glow brighter when making a strike!
  • Resolved an issue preventing Anvil of Doom characters from performing melee attacks under certain circumstances.
  • We've disabled Dwarf Warriors recruitment on the main settlement chain as on further review the units quality is too high to be so easily accessible. This change will also give more purpose to the Miners, that can still be recruited on the main Dwarf settlement chain. Dwarf Warriors can now be recruited from a Tier1 Army Barracks.
  • Fix right clicking certain units causing the unit browser to not select the unit and instead default to the Beastmen faction
  • Fixed an issue where the Honoured by Grimnir skill wasn't applying increases to AP strength
  • Thunderers (Grudge Rakers) no longer fire both barrels with the first shot and just a puff of smoke with the second. Additionally, they now correctly fire twice when shooting at targets high above or below them.
  • Malakai artillery recruit rank bonus now properly applied to the trait holders army instead of all the allied armies.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Goblin Hewer to distort or appear invisible.


Dwarfs are getting some cost reductions for their lords this time around, as well as a small buff to Great Weapon units and Bolt Throwers. The Thunderbarge is getting a few more nerfs to make it more reasonable to deal with.

  • All Dwarf Infantry Units
    • Collision box size on Dwarf Infantry units has been reduced very slightly, as it was a bit too generous in most cases. This should help with pathing and improve melee combat.

  • Thorgrim Grudgebearer
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1500 -> 1400

  • Ungrim Ironfist
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1250 -> 1150

  • Belegar Ironhammer
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1000 -> 900

  • Grombrindal - The White Dwarf
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1600 -> 1500

  • Daemon Slayer
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 900 -> 800

  • Lord
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 800 -> 700

  • Thane
    • Added Attribute(s):
      • Charge Defence vs Large
    • In campaign, thanes can now be upgraded to gain the attribute: expert Charge Defence

  • Dwarf Ancestor Spirits
    • All Ancestor Spirits have had their HP increased to match the unit that they are based on.
    • Certain Ancestor Spirits now have the attribute: Charge Defence vs Large

  • Dwarf Warriors (Great Weapons)
    • Base Weapon Damage: 7 -> 8
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 23 -> 24

  • Longbeards (Great Weapons)
    • Base Weapon Damage: 9 -> 10
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 25 -> 26

  • The Grumbling Guard (Longbeards - Great Weapons)
    • Base Weapon Damage: 9 -> 10
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 25 -> 26

  • Quarrellers (Great Weapons)
    • Base Weapon Damage: 7 -> 8
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 23 -> 24

  • Rangers (Great Weapons)
    • Base Weapon Damage: 7 -> 8
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 23 -> 24

  • Ulthar’s Raiders (Rangers - Great Weapons)
    • Base Weapon Damage: 7 -> 8
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 23 -> 24

  • Bugman’s Rangers
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 8 -> 9

  • Giant Slayers
    • Base Weapon Damage: 15 -> 16
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 35 -> 36

  • Thunderers (Grudge-rakers)
    • Projectile Mass: 10 -> 5
      • This change is designed to prevent units from being knocked down by the first shot, resulting in the second shot missing.

  • Bolt Throwers
    • Both Throwers now come as a group of 8 models instead of the usual 4. They have also been re-tuned slightly to make them a viable counter for monstrous infantry and cavalry units. 
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 550 -> 700
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 550 -> 700
    • Upkeep Cost: 138 -> 175
    • Base Missile Damage: 28 -> 20
    • Armour Piercing Missile Damage: 116 -> 90
    • Bonus vs. Large: 30 -> 50

  • Goblin Hewer
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1000 -> 950
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1000 -> 950
    • Upkeep Cost: 250 -> 237

  • Organ Guns
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1100 -> 1000
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1100 -> 1000
    • Upkeep Cost: 275 -> 250

  • Gyrocopters
    • Ammo of Primary Missile Weapon: 40 -> 30

  • Gyrocopters (Brimstone Guns)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 800 -> 750
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 800 -> 750
    • Upkeep Cost: 200 -> 187
    • Ammo of Primary Missile Weapon: 36 -> 42

  • Skyhammer Squadron (Gyrobombers)
    • Added missing hit points and renamed to give this unit a pluralised name.

  • Thunderbarge
    • The Thunderbarge has had several changes made to it's missile weapons in order to slow it's damage output down a bit. It's ammunition has also been significantly reduced to account for it's low rate of depletion (typically the Thunderbarge didn't run out of ammunition during a battle).
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2800 -> 3000
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 2800 -> 3000
    • Upkeep Cost: 700 -> 750
    • Ammo of Primary Missile Weapon: 140 -> 40 salvos
      • The Primary Missile Weapons are the bomb bays on the bottom of the hull and the fore mounted cannons.
    • Bombs
      • Impact Damage has been removed from the bombs, so bombs now deal 100% of their damage via Explosion Damage.
      • Base Reload Time (Seconds): 5 -> 10
      • Base Explosion Damage: 60 -> 75
      • Armour Piercing Explosion Damage: 25 -> 35
      • Explosion Radius: 7 -> 6
    • Cannons
      • Base Missile Damage: 84 -> 64
      • Armour Piercing Missile Damage: 336 -> 286
      • Base Reload Time (Seconds): 5 -> 10
      • Minimum Range: 10 → 20

  • The Spirit of Grungni
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 3200 -> 3400
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 3200 -> 3400
    • The changes listed above also affect the Spirit of Grungni
    • The Flaming Cannon upgrade has had it's damage output reduced in order to bring it in line with other cannon-based weapons.

Grand Cathay

General Updates

  • Fixed the crane guns on sky lanterns missing a muzzle flash and smoke vfx.
  • Fixed an issue where Jade Wizards on Pegasus were not gaining the Elemental Winds skill once the Temple of the Elemental Winds was constructed


  • Zhao Ming, the Iron Dragon
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1600 -> 1700

  • Miao Ying, the Storm Dragon
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1800 -> 1700
    • Fixed a bug where Miao Ying wasn't getting Talons of the Night when in Dragon form

  • Saytang the Watcher
    • Ammo of Primary Missile Weapon: 35 -> 30
    • Base Missile Damage: 175 -> 100
    • Armour Piercing Missile Damage: 525 -> 425
    • Base Explosion Damage: 45 -> 30
    • Armour Piercing Explosion Damage: 15 -> 10
    • Explosion Radius: 6 -> 3
    • Saytang's projectile explosion VFX has been scaled down slightly to match this change

  • Bandits of the Silver Road (Peasant Archers)
    • Domination Capture Power: 2 -> 5

  • Jade Warriors
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 500 -> 550
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 500 -> 550
    • Upkeep Cost: 125 -> 137

  • Jade Warriors (Halberds)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 700 -> 650
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 700 -> 650
    • Upkeep Cost: 175 -> 162

  • Jade Warrior Crossbowmen (Shields)
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 700 -> 650
    • Upkeep Cost: 175 -> 162

  • Great Longma Riders
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1400 -> 1350
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1400 -> 1350
    • Upkeep Cost: 350 -> 337

  • Righteous Lances of Wei-Jin (Great Longma Riders)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1600 -> 1650
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1600 -> 1650
    • Upkeep Cost: 400 -> 412

  • Empress Crowmen (Onyx Crowmen)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 950 -> 1000
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 950 -> 1000
    • Upkeep Cost: 235 -> 250



  • Grimgor Ironhide
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1400 -> 1350

  • Wurrzag [Mount: Spleenrippa]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1000 -> 950

  • Orc Warboss
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1000 -> 850

  • Orc Warboss [Mount: Warboar]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1300 -> 1050

  • Orc Warboss [Mount: Orc Boar Chariot]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1500 -> 1200

  • Goblin Great Shaman [Mount: Arachnarok Spider (Catchweb Spidershrine)]
    • Hit Points: 9033 -> 10029
    • Base Weapon Damage: 110 -> 140
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 310 -> 360 

  • Night Goblin Warboss [Mount: Great Cave Squig]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1000 -> 850
    • Bonus vs. Infantry: 40 -> 20

  • Black Orc Big Boss
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 825 -> 750

  • Black Orc Big Boss [Mount: Warboar]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1125 -> 950

  • Orc Shaman [Mount: Warboar]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 600 -> 500

  • Goblin Big Boss [Mount: Goblin Wolf Chariot]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 600 -> 550

  • Goblin Wolf Chariots & Teef Robbers (Goblin Wolf Chariots)
    • Goblin Wolf Chariots now come in a group of 12 instead of 8
    • Hit Points: 6432 -> 6816

  • Spider Hatchlings
    • Domination Capture Power: 5 -> 2

  • Arachnarok Spider, The Arachnarok Queen (Arachnarok Spider) & Lava Arachnarok Spider
    • Base Weapon Damage: 110 -> 140
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 310 -> 360

  • Rogue Idol
    • Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 12 -> 10

  • Da Big Un (Rogue Idol)
    • Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 12 -> 10
    • Base Missile Damage: 84 -> 90
    • Armour Piercing Missile Damage: 336 -> 360
    • Base Explosion Damage: 55 -> 60
    • Armour Piercing Explosion Damage: 85 -> 100

High Elves

General Updates

  • Fixed Eltharion's Athel Tamarha panel missing its animated background
  • Fix missing mistwalker unit category frame state for custom battle units
  • The High Elf gates now correctly align with the terrain and other props 


  • Tyrion
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1400 -> 1300
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1400 -> 1300
    • Upkeep Cost: 350 -> 325
    • Enabled Flaming Attacks
    • Enabled Magical Attacks

  • Tyrion [Mount: Malhandhir]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1700 -> 1600
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1700 -> 1600
    • Upkeep Cost: 425 -> 400
    • Enabled Flaming Attacks
    • Enabled Magical Attacks

  • Alith Anar
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1100 -> 1000
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1200 -> 1000
    • Base Missile Damage: 77 -> 100
    • Armour Piercing Missile Damage: 275 -> 300

  • Alith Anar - Decoy
    • Base Missile Damage: 35 -> 50
    • Armour Piercing Missile Damage: 125 -> 150

  • Handmaiden of the Everqueen
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 750 -> 700

  • Handmaiden of the Everqueen [Mount: Barded Ithilmar Steed]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1000 -> 950

  • Loremaster of Hoeth
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 800 -> 750

  • Rangers
    • Added Attribute(s):
      • Vanguard Deployment

  • The Fireborn (Dragon Princes)
    • The Fireborn have had their AP damage ratio flipped in order to turn them into a more interesting unit for the High Elf roster.
    • Base Weapon Damage: 31 -> 13
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 13 -> 31
    • Bonus vs. Large: 18 -> 15

  • Great eagle
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 800 -> 750
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 800 -> 750
    • Upkeep Cost: 200 -> 187


General Updates

  • Fixed an issue where Marauders of Khorne (Dual Axes) were being affected by the Overwhelming Stampede skill
  • Fixed rider animation glitch when riding a Chaos Steed (of Khorne version)
  • Fixed an issue where Minotaurs of Khorne were being affected by the Savage Bloodlust skill instead of Monstrous Strength, despite not being demonic
  • Fixed an issue with Chaos Chariots of Khorne incorrectly receiving buffs from the Overwhelming Stampede Skill


  • All Khorne Units
    • Spell Damage Resistance %: 35
      • Previously, mortals had 15% spell resistance and daemons had 25%

  • Exalted Bloodthirster
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2400 -> 2300

  • Daemon Prince of Khorne
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2100 -> 1900
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 2550 -> 1900
    • Upkeep Cost: 525 -> 475

  • Herald of Khorne [Mount: Blood Throne]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1700 -> 1400

  • Bloodreaper [Mount: Blood Throne]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1500 -> 1200

  • Marauder Horsemen of Khorne (Throwing Axes)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 700 -> 675
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 700 -> 675
    • Upkeep Cost: 175 -> 168

  • Gorebeast Chariots of Khorne
    • Base Weapon Damage: 16 -> 18
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 34 -> 36
    • Bonus vs. Infantry: 28 -> 30

  • Chaos Knights of Khorne
    • Melee Attack: 44 -> 42
    • Melee Defence: 47 -> 45

  • Chaos Knights of Khorne (Lances)
    • Melee Defence: 31 -> 33

  • Skullcrushers of Khorne
    • Melee Attack: 42 -> 44
    • Melee Defence: 40 -> 42

  • Knights of the Brazen Throne (Skullcrushers of Khorne)
    • Melee Attack: 52 -> 54
    • Melee Defence: 50 -> 52

  • Chaos Furies (Khorne)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 600 -> 650
    • Hit Points: 5880 -> 5280

  • Spawn of Khorne
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1100 -> 1050

  • Bloodthirster & Khorne's Bloody Fist (Bloodthirster)
    • Base Weapon Damage: 145 -> 160
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 335 -> 360
    • Bonus vs. Large: 25 -> 30 


General Updates

  • Fixed the Gryphon Lodge Secrets technology for Kislev not applying the correct amount of weapon strength
  • Resized the vfx for some of the Frost Wyrm's Attacks to fit its new stature a bit better
  • The Kislev skill "Ursun's Favoured" now also applies to rank 7 Feral Bears, Fell Bats and Spider units


  • Hag Witch
    • Hag Witch Speed should accurately match what's on the unit info panel

  • The Things in the Woods (Ethereal)
    • Added Attribute(s):
      • Causes Terror
      • Strider

  • Gryphon Legion
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1200 -> 1250
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1200 -> 1250
    • Upkeep Cost: 300 -> 312

  • Armoured Kossars & Armoured Kossars (Great Weapons)
    • Melee Attack: 36 -> 32
    • Base Missile Damage: 18 -> 15

  • The Watchmen in the Night (Armoured Kossars)
    • Melee Attack: 45 -> 41

  • Boydinov’s Brawlers (Streltsi)
    • This unit's missile weapon has been redesigned to match it to it's original design intention as a Blunderbuss-type weapon
    • The unit should now be comparable to other Blunderbuss-type units, such as Chaos Dwarfs (Blunderbusses)

  • Kossovite Dervishes
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 450 -> 475

  • Elemental Bear
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1900 -> 1800
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 2200 -> 1800
    • Upkeep Cost: 500 -> 450

  • The Frozen Heart of Winter (Elemental Bear)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2400 -> 2200
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 2400 -> 2200
    • Upkeep Cost: 600 -> 550

  • Little Grom
    • Bonus vs. Large: 50 -> 25
    • Effective Range: 450 -> 420
    • Base Reload Time (Seconds): 12 -> 14


General Updates

  • Fixed Nakai's army ability "Beasts of Itzl" being hidden
  • Fixed Cold Ones being buffed twice by Nakai's Itzl temple rewards 


  • Gor-Rok
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1200 -> 1100
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1200 -> 1100
    • Upkeep Cost: 325 -> 275

  • Oxyotl
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1100 -> 1050
    • Fixed a bug where Oxyotl's cooldowns wouldn't function if he was using his Master Predator ability

  • Kroq-Gar [Mount: Grymloq]
    • Base Weapon Damage: 120 -> 130
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 360 -> 400

  • Saurus Oldblood [Mount: Carnosaur]
    • Base Weapon Damage: 110 -> 125
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 330 -> 370

  • Saurus Scar-Veteran
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 700 -> 650

  • Saurus Scar-Veteran [Mount: Cold One]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1000 -> 950

  • Saurus Scar-Veteran [Mount: Carnosaur]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1850 -> 1800
    • Base Weapon Damage: 105 -> 120
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 315 -> 360

  • Skink Priest [Mount: Stegadon]
    • Base Missile Damage: 100 -> 125
    • Armour Piercing Missile Damage: 300 -> 150
    • Missile Bonus vs. Large: 0 -> 50

  • Skink Chief
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 400 -> 450

  • Skink Chief [Mount: Terradon]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 800 -> 750

  • Skink Chief [Mount: Stegadon]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1750 -> 1700
    • Base Missile Damage: 100 -> 125
    • Armour Piercing Missile Damage: 300 -> 150
    • Missile Bonus vs. Large: 0 -> 50

  • Skink Chief [Mount: Ancient Stegadon]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2050 -> 2000

  • Skink Oracle
    • Base Weapon Damage: 115 -> 120
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 300 -> 330

  • Cohort of Huatl (Sacred Kroxigor)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1600 -> 1700
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1600 -> 1700
    • Upkeep Cost: 400 -> 425

  • Feral Carnosaur, Blessed Carnosaur & Geltblom’s Terror (Feral Carnosaur)
    • Base Weapon Damage: 105 -> 120
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 315 -> 360

  • Feral Troglodon & The Pale Death (Feral Troglodon)
    • Base Weapon Damage: 115 -> 120
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 300 -> 330

  • Coatl & Spirit of Tepok (Coatl)
    • Base Weapon Damage: 115 -> 120
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 280 -> 310

  • Stegadon & Blessed Stegadon
    • Base Missile Damage: 100 -> 125
    • Armour Piercing Missile Damage: 300 -> 150
    • Missile Bonus vs. Large: 0 -> 50

  • Feral Dread Saurian
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2300 -> 2400
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 2300 -> 2400
    • Upkeep Cost: 575 -> 600
    • Melee Defence: 28 -> 32
    • Armour: 100 -> 120
    • Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 12 -> 8
    • Enabled Collision Attacks
      • This allows the unit to perform melee attack rolls when colliding with enemies during charges or attack animations, separately from its standard attack.

  • Dread Saurian
    • Melee Defence: 28 -> 32
    • Armour: 100 -> 120
    • Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 12 -> 8
    • Enabled Collision Attacks

  • The Shredder of Lustria (Dread Saurian)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 3700 -> 3600
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 3700 -> 3600
    • Melee Defence: 36 -> 41
    • Armour: 100 -> 120
    • Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 12 -> 8
    • Enabled Collision Attacks


General Updates

  • Fixed an issue where Kroq'gar's Neutralise Chaos skill didn't mention Norsca in its targets
  • Fixed Norsca missing its race description on the front end, and fixed an errant typo within the battle playstyle!
  • Fixed weapon docking and left elbow glitch during transition animations for Marauder Hunters


  • Wulfrik the Wanderer [Mount: Marauder Chariot]
    • Base Weapon Damage: 145 -> 170
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 275 -> 320

  • Wulfrik the Wanderer [Mount: War Mammoth]
    • Armour: 70 -> 80
    • Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 10 -> 8

  • Marauder Chieftain [Mount: War Mammoth]
    • Armour: 70 -> 80
    • Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 10 -> 8

  • Skin Wolf Werekin
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1150 -> 1100
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1150 -> 1100
    • Upkeep Cost: 288 -> 275

  • Brutes of the Hound (Marauder Berserkers)
    • Melee Defence: 31 -> 26
    • Spell Damage Resistance %: 15 -> 35

  • Fimir Warriors
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1300 -> 1200
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1300 -> 1200
    • Upkeep Cost: 325 -> 300
    • Base Weapon Damage: 31 -> 32
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 59 -> 68

  • Fimir Warriors (Great Weapons)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1450 -> 1300
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1450 -> 1300
    • Upkeep Cost: 363 -> 325
    • Base Weapon Damage: 31 -> 32
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 64 -> 68

  • Mist Stalkers (Fimir Warriors)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1600 -> 1500
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1600 -> 1500
    • Upkeep Cost: 400 -> 375
    • Base Weapon Damage: 31 -> 32
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 59 -> 68

  • Feral Mammoth
    • Leadership: 55 -> 60
    • Missile Damage Resistance %: 0 -> 15
    • Armour: 30 -> 50
    • Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 10 -> 8

  • War Mammoth & War Mammoth (Warshrine)
    • Leadership: 60 -> 65
    • Missile Damage Resistance %: 0 -> 15
    • Armour: 70 -> 80
    • Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 10 -> 8

  • Soulcrusher (War Mammoth)
    • Leadership: 70 -> 75
    • Missile Damage Resistance %: 0 -> 15
    • Armour: 70 -> 80
    • Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 10 -> 8

  • The Great Mawherd of Bloodfjord (Feral Mammoths)
    • Armour: 30 -> 50
    • Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 10 -> 8

  • Burplesmirk Spewpit
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2300 -> 2200

  • Killgore Slaymaim
    • Spell Damage Resistance %: 25 -> 35

  • Kihar the Tormentor
    • Hit Points: 4900 -> 6900


General Updates

  • Fixed the Chaos Lord of Nurgle missing the Seal of Sickness skill when playing as Warriors of Chaos
  • Adjusted the difficulty of Tamurkhan with the following changes to balance his impact:
    • Reduced the power level of the Pandemicium bombardment:
      • Explosive radius: 7 -> 4
      • Explosive base damage: 45 -> 40
      • Explosive AP damage: 60 -> 20
    • Lowered additional uses of Pandemicium at maximum chieftain rank: 2 -> 1
    • Changed Tamurkhan's scaling resistance benefit from chieftain rank: Ward save -> Physical Resistance
  • Fixed an issue where the melee attack and melee defence icons for Tamurkhan's Puppet Tyrant skill were the wrong way round
  • Fixed an issue where the Path to Glory upgrade costs for Nurgle Chaos Sorcerers were not being reduced
  • Fixed an issue where the The Rotting Riders (Rot Knights) were suffering a penalty to leadership from Fear, despite themselves having Terror
  • Fixed an issue with Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgle (Death) being able to unlock all 3 mutually exclusive skills
  • Fixed the level 3 Nurgle minor settlement building costing 3 population surplus instead of 2
  • Fix nurgle plague button notification showing after 5 turns instead of when gaining 200 infections
  • Fixed an issue where if Ku'gath gained multiple ranks in one go, the additional blessed symptom gained at ranks multiple of 10 would not unlock
  • Fixed audio issue where Bubebolos footsteps were echoing on campaign map
  • Fixed the Nurgle cult building "Plague Cult Hospice" not providing Infections
  • Fixed an issue where the The Angels of Decay (Plague Drones RoR) weren't affected by the Airborne Agues skill
  • Fixed an issue where Epidemius's tally effects that apply to enemy armies that are plagued would not always take effect during the AI turns
  • Added Pestigors to the Chaos Vanguard skill for Warriors of Chaos and Nurgle factions
  • Fixed an issue where Kayzk's skill Ultimate Rider wouldn't auto unlock at level 10
  • Fixed an issue where Nurgle hero traits weren't applying effects to armies
  • Fixed issue where Kayzk the Befouled was incorrectly turning to shoot behind himself when engaged with single entities
  • Tamurkhan Defeat Trait:

    • +1 global recruitment capacity (factionwide) -> +1 local recruitment capacity (local province)

    • +3 all hero capacity -> 15% increased XP gain for embedded heroes (lords army)
      Dev note: While we enjoyed watching players (and the AI) generate tremendous tides of heroes using this trait, we've concluded that gaining over a dozen heroes per lord with this trait is not tenable. As a rule of thumb, we try to avoid defeat traits giving stackable factionwide benefits, as they're meant primarily to empower the character doing the defeating and otherwise lack a ceiling to their impact. On this occasion it slipped through the net, sorry!

  • Effects that apply to Nurgle units should now also apply to Tamurkhan's Chieftain's units


  • Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord
    • Run Speed: 45 -> 55
    • Entity Mass: 1900 -> 2500

  • Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord [Mount: Bubebolos]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2750 -> 2600

  • Ku’gath Plaguefather
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2300 -> 2400
    • Upkeep Cost: 575 -> 600
    • Minimum Range: 5 -> 15

  • Exalted Great Unclean One
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2300 -> 2200
    • Upkeep Cost: 575 -> 550

  • Daemon Prince of Nurgle
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2100 -> 2000
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 2550 -> 2000
    • Upkeep Cost: 525 -> 400

  • Chaos Sorcerer Lord of Nurgle [Mount: Chaos Warshrine]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1800 -> 1500

  • Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgle [Mount: Chaos Warshrine]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1500 -> 1400

  • Plagueridden
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 850 -> 750

  • Plagueridden [Mount: Nurgling Palanquin]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1050 -> 950

  • Plagueridden [Mount: Rot Fly]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1350 -> 1250

  • Chaos Furies (Nurgle)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 600 -> 650
    • Hit Points: 5880 -> 5280

  • Spawn of Nurgle
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1100 -> 1050

  • Chaos Warriors of Nurgle
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 850 -> 825
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 850 -> 825
    • Upkeep Cost: 213 -> 206

  • Chaos Warriors of Nurgle (Great Weapons)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 950 -> 900
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 950 -> 900
    • Upkeep Cost: 238 -> 225

  • Marauder Horsemen of Nurgle (Throwing Axes)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 700 -> 675
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 700 -> 675
    • Upkeep Cost: 175 -> 168

  • Chaos Knights of Nurgle
    • Melee Attack: 39 -> 37
    • Melee Defence: 57 -> 55

  • Chaos Knights of Nurgle (Lances)
    • Melee Defence: 41 -> 43

  • Plague Ogres
    • Melee Attack: 36 -> 34
    • Melee Defence: 38 -> 42
    • Charge Bonus: 40 -> 46
    • Walk Speed: 1.8 -> 1.85
    • Run Speed: 4.2 -> 4.8
    • Entity Mass: 1900 -> 1700

  • Plague Ogres (Great Weapons)
    • Charge Bonus: 46 -> 50
    • Walk Speed: 1.8 -> 1.85
    • Run Speed: 4.2 -> 4.8
    • Entity Mass: 1900 -> 1700

  • Pox Riders of Nurgle
    • Bonus vs. Infantry: 7 -> 12

  • Barons of the Bog (Pox Riders of Nurgle)
    • Bonus vs. Infantry: 7 -> 12 

  • Noxbringer (Soul Grinder of Nurgle)
    • Spread: 9 -> 5
    • Calibration Distance: 150 -> 300
    • Calibration Area: 30 -> 80

  • Bilious Thunderguff (Chaos Giant)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2000 -> 1900
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 2000 -> 1900
    • Upkeep Cost: 500 -> 475

Ogre Kingdoms

General Updates

  •  We previously disabled the ability for Ogre infantry to get knocked down by heavier units, as the animation they must play to get back up off the floor was so long that it was causing severe balance issues. We have been able to re-author these animations in patch 5.1, so Ogres should now get knocked down in the same way as every other unit of monstrous infantry in the game does.



  • Queek Headtaker
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 950 -> 900
    • Upkeep Cost: 263 -> 275

  • Tretch Craventail
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 750 -> 700

  • Skavenslaves
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 150 -> 125
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 150 -> 125
    • Upkeep Cost: 38 -> 31

  • Skavenslave Spears
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 175 -> 150
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 175 -> 150
    • Upkeep Cost: 44 -> 37

  • Stormvermin (Swords & Shields)
    • Leadership: 60 -> 70

  • Stormvermin (Halberds)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1000 -> 1050
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1000 -> 1050
    • Upkeep Cost: 250 -> 262
    • Leadership: 60 -> 70
    • Melee Attack: 25 -> 32
    • Melee Defence: 33 -> 34
    • Base Weapon Damage: 8 -> 9
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 20 -> 23

  • Council Guard (Stormvermin - Halberds)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1350 -> 1400
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1350 -> 1400
    • Upkeep Cost: 338 -> 350
    • Melee Attack: 32 -> 41
    • Melee Defence: 42 -> 43
    • Base Weapon Damage: 8 -> 9
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 20 -> 23

  • Gutter Runners
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 750 -> 700
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 750 -> 700
    • Upkeep Cost: 188 -> 175

  • Gutter Runners (Poison)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 825 -> 750
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 825 -> 750
    • Upkeep Cost: 206 -> 187

  • Gutter Runner Slingers
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 750 -> 700
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 750 -> 700
    • Upkeep Cost: 188 -> 175

  • Gutter Runner Slingers (Poison)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 825 -> 750
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 825 -> 750
    • Upkeep Cost: 206 -> 187

  • Ratling Guns
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 850 -> 800
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 850 -> 800
    • Upkeep Cost: 213 -> 200

  • Poisoned Wind Mortars
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1100 -> 1050

  • Brood Horror
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1200 -> 1100

  • Hell Pit Abomination & The Thing-Thing (Hell Pit Abomination)
    • Base Weapon Damage: 155 -> 120
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 365 -> 400
    • Bonus vs. Large: 17 -> 20
    • Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 6 -> 5
    • Enabled Collision Attacks

  • Doom-Flayers, Dwarf-Thing Menace (Doom-Flayers) & Blackhole Flayers (Doom-Flayers)
    • Doom Flayers now have 8 models instead of 4
    • Doom Flayer collision boxes have been optimised so that they should bump into each other a little less often
    • Hit Points: 5608 -> 6128
    • Base Weapon Damage: 30 -> 20
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 65 -> 55
    • Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 4 -> 1
      • Doom flayers don't have the per swing damage required to support a reasonable level of performance on splash attacks.
      • This also resolves some issues with attack animations that were assigned too many splash zones for the splash cap on the unit, causing these attacks to deal no damage.


General Updates

  • Fixed an issue where the Celestial Lion was immune to the Slaanesh pre-battle seduction ability
  • Gave the Strider attribute to all Slaanesh daemon units, hopefully improving their performance in battle. Let us know your experiences with this one!
  • Added the Mirror Guard to the Slaanesh Acolytes of Hedonism skill


  • All Slaanesh Units
    • Added Attribute(s):
      • Strider

  • N’Kari
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2400 -> 2300

  • Exalted Keeper of Secrets
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2100 -> 2000

  • Daemon Prince of Slaanesh
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2100 -> 2000
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 2550 -> 2000
    • Upkeep Cost: 525 -> 400
    • Run Speed: 65 -> 70
    • Fly Speed: 80 -> 85

  • Herald of Slaanesh [Mount: Exalted Seeker Chariot]
    • Base Weapon Damage: 75 -> 90
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 225 -> 250

  • Alluress
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 900 -> 750

  • Alluress [Mount: Steed of Slaanesh]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1100 -> 950

  • Alluress [Mount: Seeker Chariot]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1300 -> 1150

  • Alluress [Mount: Exalted Seeker Chariot]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1500 -> 1350
    • Base Weapon Damage: 70 -> 90
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 200 -> 230

  • Cultist of Slaanesh [Mount: Chaos Warshrine]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1700 -> 1400
    • Upkeep Cost: 250 -> 300

  • Chaos Sorcerer of Slaanesh [Mount: Chaos Warshrine]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1500 -> 1400

  • Chaos Warriors of Slaanesh
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 850 -> 800
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 850 -> 800
    • Upkeep Cost: 213 -> 200

  • Chaos Warriors of Slaanesh (Hellscourges)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 900 -> 950
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 900 -> 950
    • Upkeep Cost: 213 -> 237

  • Forsaken of Slaanesh
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 850 -> 800
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 850 -> 800
    • Upkeep Cost: 213 -> 200

  • Chosen of Slaanesh (Hellscourges)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1450 -> 1500
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1450 -> 1500
    • Upkeep Cost: 363 -> 375

  • Marauder Horsemen of Slaanesh
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 650 -> 625
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 600 -> 625
    • Upkeep Cost: 150 -> 156

  • Hellstriders of Slaanesh
    • Physical Damage Resistance %: 10 -> 5
    • Bonus vs. Large: 5 -> 10

  • Hellstriders of Slaanesh (Hellscourges)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 750 -> 725
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 750 -> 725
    • Upkeep Cost: 188 -> 181
    • Physical Damage Resistance %: 10 -> 5

  • Chaos Chariots of Slaanesh
    • Physical Damage Resistance %: 10 -> 5

  • Chaos Knights of Slaanesh
    • Melee Attack: 44 -> 42
    • Melee Defence: 52 -> 50

  • Chaos Knights of Slaanesh (Lances)
    • Melee Defence: 36 -> 38
    • Charge Bonus: 60 -> 80

  • Seekers of Slaanesh
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1000 -> 900
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1000 -> 900
    • Upkeep Cost: 250 -> 225

  • Heartseekers of Slaanesh
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1400 -> 1300
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1400 -> 1300
    • Upkeep Cost: 350 -> 325

  • Eternal Entourage (Heartseekers of Slaanesh)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1600 -> 1500
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1600 -> 1500
    • Upkeep Cost: 400 -> 375

  • Seeker Chariots
    • Base Weapon Damage: 12 -> 14
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 32 -> 34

  • Hellflayers
    • Base Weapon Damage: 14 -> 18
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 36 -> 40

  • Exalted Seeker Chariot
    • Base Weapon Damage: 70 -> 90
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 170 -> 200

  • Chaos Furies (Slaanesh)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 600 -> 650
    • Hit Points: 5880 -> 5280

  • Spawn of Slaanesh
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1100 -> 1050

  • Fiends of Slaanesh
    • Number of Entities: 12 -> 16
    • Hit Points: 7296 -> 8928

  • Keeper of Secrets
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1800 -> 1700

  • The Marquis of Masochism (Keeper of Secrets)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2250 -> 2150 

The Empire

General Updates

  • Fix Wulfhart's Hunter specialities not showing
  • Fixed an issue with the Admired Infantryman skill for Empire Captains including buffing ranged units
  • Fixed the Empire Battle Wizard skill "Lord's Councillor" not modifying income in the local province
  • Fixed an issue where Jorek Grimm was missing restock in campaign
  • The Empire battle skills, "Strength of Hardship", "Taste for Battle" and "Sharpshooter", now correctly effect both rank 7+ units and RoRs
  • Fixed an issue where Karl Franz's Emperor skill not correctly giving Empire State Troops increased AP from experience level
  • Fixed an issue where Karl Franz's skill Best of the Empire wasn't applying the recruit rank increase to all Empire Units
  • Fixed text issue with the recruitment button for the Amethyst armory when the force is moving.
  • Added upkeep reduction for artillery units to the Nuln Gunnery School landmark, to be consistent with the Nuln Cannon Foundry.


  • Elspeth von Draken [Mount: Carmine Dragon]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2300 -> 2550

  • Master Engineer
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 750 -> 850
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 750 -> 1000
    • Upkeep Cost: 188 -> 250

  • Master Engineer [Mount: Barded Warhorse]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 950 -> 1050
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 950 -> 1100
    • Upkeep Cost: 238 -> 275

  • Master Engineer [Mount: Mechanical Steed]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1150 -> 1250
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1150 -> 1200
    • Upkeep Cost: 288 -> 300
    • Run Speed: 60 -> 72

  • Master Engineer [Mount: Steam Tank]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2400 -> 2600
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 2150 -> 2100
    • Upkeep Cost: 538 -> 525
    • Changes made to the Steam Tank below also affect this unit

  • Engineer
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 550 -> 650

  • Engineer [Mount: Barded Warhorse]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 750 -> 850

  • Engineer [Mount: Mechanical Steed]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 950 -> 1050
    • Run Speed: 60 -> 72

  • Hochland Long Rifles
    • Base Reload Time (Seconds): 11 -> 13

  • The Hergig Jaegerkorps (Hochland Long Rifles)
    • Base Reload Time (Seconds): 11 -> 13

  • Knights of the Black Rose
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1200 -> 1250
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1200 -> 1250
    • Upkeep Cost: 300 -> 312 

  • The Stubborn Bulls (Empire Knights - Greatswords)
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 36 -> 38

  • Amethyst Outriders
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1150 -> 1000
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1250 -> 1000
    • Upkeep Cost: 313 -> 250

  • Land Ship, Amethyst Land Ship & The Wonder of the Age (Land Ship)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1800 -> 2100
    • Hit Points: 12630 -> 10210
    • The Land Ship's Secondary weapons (Repeaters, Hochland Long Rifle) no longer have infinite ammo.
    • Ammo of Primary Missile Weapon: 50 -> 30
      • The Primary Missile Weapon is the Culverin (small cannon) in the front of the barco
    • Ammo of Secondary Missile Weapon: 50 -> 180
      • The Secondary Missile Weapons are the Repeater Rifles and Hochland Long Rifle
    • Base Weapon Damage: 70 -> 50
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 170 -> 160
    • Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 4 -> 6
    • The speed listed on the unit info panel should now be accurate

  • Steam Tank & Steam Tank (Volley Gun)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2100 -> 2400
    • Missile Weapons other than the main hull-mounted cannon are now considered secondary missile weapons
    • Ammo of Secondary Missile Weapon: 100 -> 40
    • Base Weapon Damage: 80 -> 70
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 220 -> 180
    • Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 4 -> 6
    • The speed listed on the unit info panel should now be accurate

  • The Emperor’s Wrath (Steam Tank)
    • Changes made to the Steam Tank listed above also apply to this unit
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2400 -> 2600

Tomb Kings

General Updates

  •  Settra The Imperishable (and many other titles) can now equip arcane items. 


  • Settra the Imperishable
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1450 -> 1250

  • Settra the Imperishable [Mount: Skeletal Steed]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1650 -> 1450

  • Settra the Imperishable [Mount: Khemrian Warsphinx]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2100 -> 2000
    • Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 7 -> 5
    • Enabled Collision Attacks

  • Settra the Imperishable [Mount: Chariot of the Gods]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2200 -> 2100

  • High Queen Khalida
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1100 -> 950

  • High Queen Khalida [Mount: Necroserpent]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1550 -> 1400

  • High Queen Khalida [Mount: Skeleton Chariot]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1350 -> 1200

  • Tomb King
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1100 -> 900

  • Tomb King [Mount: Skeletal Steed]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1300 -> 1100

  • Tomb King [Mount: Skeleton Chariot]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1350 -> 1150

  • Tomb King [Mount: Khemrian Warsphinx]
    • Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 7 -> 5
    • Enabled Collision Attacks

  • Necrotect
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 550 -> 500

  • Necrotect [Mount: Skeleton Chariot]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 900 -> 850

  • Necropolis Knights
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1425 -> 1400

  • Necropolis Knights (Halberds)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1575 -> 1450

  • Venom Knights of Asaph (Necropolis Knights)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1675 -> 1700

  • Skeleton Archers
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 475 -> 425

  • Blessed Legion of Phakth (Skeleton Archers)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 675 -> 625

  • Usirian’s Legion of the Netherworld (Nehekhara Warriors)
    • Added Attribute(s):
      • Causes Terror

  • Tomb Scorpion
    • Spell Damage Resistance %: 0 -> 20
    • Base Weapon Damage: 110 -> 120
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 270 -> 300
    • Added Contact Effect: Poison

  • Ushabti
    • Bonus vs. Infantry: 8 -> 12

  • Khemrian Warsphinx
    • Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 7 -> 5
    • Enabled Collision Attacks
    • The missile damage of the Skeleton Archers on the back of the Warsphinx has been increased to account for that fact that there are only 4 archers.

  • Hierotitan
    • Base Weapon Damage: 137 -> 140
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 413 -> 430
    • Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 10 -> 5
    • Spirit Conduit
      • Now also boosts the Spell Mastery of nearby Spellcasters by 20%
    • Spirit Leech
      • Number of Uses: 1 → 2
    • Shem's Burning Gaze
      • Number of Uses: 2 → 3 

  • Necrosphinx & The Sphinx of Usekph (Necrosphinx)
    • Base Weapon Damage: 150 -> 180
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 400 -> 460
    • Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 5 -> 7
    • Enabled Collision Attacks


General Updates

  • Fixed Burning Chariot of Tzeentch animation issue where ranged shots would fire from feet instead of hands.
  • Fixed issue where Exalted Hero of Tzeentch does not properly land on the ground during death animation if using Disc of Tzeentch mount


  • All Disc of Tzeentch Mounts
    • Fly Speed: 105 -> 95
    • Charge Speed: 130 -> 105

  • All units mounted on a Burning Chariot
    • Fly Speed: 80 -> 85

  • Kairos Fateweaver
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1400 -> 1500

  • Daemon Prince of Tzeentch
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2100 -> 1900
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 2550 -> 1900
    • Upkeep Cost: 525 -> 475

  • Chaos Sorcerer Lord of Tzeentch [Mount: Chaos Warshrine]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1600 -> 1500

  • Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch [Mount: Chaos Warshrine]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1300 -> 1400

  • Cultist of Tzeentch [Mount: Chaos Warshrine]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1100 -> 1400

  • Iridescent Horror (Metal)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 700 -> 550

  • Iridescent Horror (Metal)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1100 -> 950

  • Iridescent Horror (Metal) [Mount: Burning Chariot]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1400 -> 1250

  • Chaos Warriors of Tzeentch
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 850 -> 825
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 850 -> 825
    • Upkeep Cost: 213 -> 200

  • Chaos Warriors of Tzeentch (Halberds)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 950 -> 925
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 950 -> 925
    • Upkeep Cost: 238 -> 231

  • Forsaken of Tzeentch
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 850 -> 825
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 850 -> 825
    • Upkeep Cost: 213 -> 206

  • The Sourguts (Pink Horrors of Tzeentch)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 900 -> 950
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 900 -> 950
    • Upkeep Cost: 225 -> 237

  • Exalted Pink Horrors of Tzeentch
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1100 -> 1000
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1100 -> 1000
    • Upkeep Cost: 275 -> 250

  • Blazing Squealers (Exalted Pink Horrors of Tzeentch)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1400 -> 1350
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1400 -> 1350
    • Upkeep Cost: 350 -> 337

  • Marauder Horsemen of Tzeentch
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 600 -> 700
    • Upkeep Cost: 150 -> 175

  • Chaos Knights of Tzeentch
    • Melee Attack: 44 -> 42
    • Melee Defence: 52 -> 50

  • Chaos Knights of Tzeentch (Lances)
    • Melee Defence: 36 -> 38

  • Chaos Furies (Tzeentch)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 600 -> 650
    • Hit Points: 5880 -> 5280

  • Spawn of Tzeentch
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1100 -> 1050

  • Flamers of Tzeentch
    • Ammo of Primary Missile Weapon: 90 -> 110

  • Soul Grinder of Tzeentch
    • Reduced Penetration on Missile Weapon, reducing the amount of entities that this unit can damage in a single shot.
    • The unprecedented over-performance of this was an unintended knock-on from the projectile homing improvements that were made in Update 5.0

Vampire Coast

General Updates

  • Fixed an issue where Vampire Coast Fleet Captain (Death) had two starting spells instead of one
  • Fixed the Sea Shanty tracker UI erroneously activating when other pirate factions acquire Sea Shanties in multiplayer


  • All Rotting Promethean and Rotting Leviathan Units and Mounts:
    • These units can now brace, which means that their Charge Defence attributes will now work as intended.
    • All Rotting Promethean units and mounts now have the attribute: Charge Defense vs Large

  • Luthor Harkon [Mount: Death Shriek Terrorgheist]
    • Hit Points: 7956 -> 8497
    • Melee Attack: 44 -> 45
    • Melee Defence: 42 -> 47
    • Base Weapon Damage: 135 -> 145
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 350 -> 385
    • Bonus vs. Large: 0 -> 25
    • Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 7 -> 6
    • Splash Attack Knockback Force Multiplier: 1 -> 1.5

  • Count Noctilus [Mount: Necrofex Colossus]
    • Melee Defence: 30 -> 34
    • Base Weapon Damage: 103 -> 125
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 309 -> 350
    • Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 10 -> 6
    • Splash Attack Knockback Force Multiplier: 1.25 -> 1.5
    • Base Missile Damage: 33 -> 35
    • Armour Piercing Missile Damage: 137 -> 145

  • Cylostra Direfin [Mount: Rotting Leviathan]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2150 -> 2300
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 280 -> 360
    • Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 9 -> 6
    • Splash Attack Knockback Force Multiplier: 1 -> 1.75
    • Enabled Collision Attacks
    • Added Attribute(s):
      • Immune to Flanking

  • Vampire Fleet Captain
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 700 -> 600

  • Vampire Fleet Captain [Mount: Rotting Promethean]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1100 -> 1000
    • Upkeep Cost: 312 -> 275

  • Zombie Pirate Deckhands Mob
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 300 -> 250
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 300 -> 250
    • Upkeep Cost: 75 -> 62

  • Syreens
    • Hit Points: 6240 -> 6720
    • Melee Attack: 23 -> 26
    • Melee Defence: 32 -> 34
    • Charge Bonus: 14 -> 20
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 30 -> 32

  • The Bloody Reaver Deck Guard (Depth Guard)
    • Removed Attribute(s):
      • Charge Defence vs Large
    • Added Attribute(s):
      • Expert Charge Defence

  • Zombie Pirate Gunnery Mob (Handgunners)
    • Base Reload Time (Seconds): 14 -> 13

  • The Black Spot (Zombie Pirate Gunnery Mob (Handgunners))
    • Base Reload Time (Seconds): 14 -> 13

  • Deck Gunners
    • Leadership: 40 -> 45

  • Shadewraith Gunners (Deck Gunners)
    • Hit Points: 3816 -> 3888
    • Leadership: 50 -> 55
    • Added Attribute(s):
      • Causes Terror

  • Scurvy Dogs
    • Leadership: 30 -> 35

  • Mournguls
    • Run Speed: 45 -> 54
    • Added Attribute(s):
      • Causes Terror

  • Night Terrors (Mournguls)
    • Run Speed: 45 -> 54
    • Spell Resistance %: 0 → 35
    • Added Ability: The Chilling Aura

  • Rotting Prometheans
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1050 -> 1000
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1050 -> 1000
    • Upkeep Cost: 263 -> 250
    • Base Weapon Damage: 22 -> 25
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 55 -> 65

  • Rotting Prometheans Gunnery Mob
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1350 -> 1300
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1350 -> 1300
    • Upkeep Cost: 338 -> 325
    • Base Weapon Damage: 22 -> 25
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 55 -> 65

  • The Lamprey’s Revenge (Rotting Prometheans Gunnery Mob)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1600 -> 1700
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1600 -> 1700
    • Upkeep Cost: 400 -> 425
    • Base Weapon Damage: 22 -> 25
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 55 -> 65

  • Death Shriek Terrorgheist
    • Hit Points: 8544 -> 8289
    • Melee Attack: 38 -> 41
    • Melee Defence: 42 -> 47
    • Base Weapon Damage: 135 -> 145
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 350 -> 385
    • Bonus vs. Large: 0 -> 25
    • Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 7 -> 6
    • Splash Attack Knockback Force Multiplier: 1 -> 1.5
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2050 -> 2000
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 2050 -> 2000
    • Upkeep Cost: 400 -> 425

  • Necrofex Colossus
    • Melee Defence: 30 -> 34
    • Base Weapon Damage: 103 -> 125
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 309 -> 350
    • Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 10 -> 6
    • Splash Attack Knockback Force Multiplier: 1.25 -> 1.5
    • Base Missile Damage: 33 -> 35
    • Armour Piercing Missile Damage: 137 -> 145

  • Gallows Giant (Necrofex Colossus)
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 375 -> 350
    • Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 10 -> 6
    • Splash Attack Knockback Force Multiplier: 1.25 -> 1.5
    • Armour Piercing Missile Damage: 20 -> 25

  • Rotting Leviathan
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2000 -> 2100
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 2000 -> 2100
    • Upkeep Cost: 500 -> 535
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 280 -> 360
    • Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 9 -> 6
    • Splash Attack Knockback Force Multiplier: 1 -> 1.75
    • Enabled Collision Attacks
    • Added Attribute(s):
      • Immune to Flanking

  • Carronades
    • Base Reload Time (Seconds): 23 -> 22
    • Calibration Area: 9.8 -> 8.5

  • Damned Questing Knights
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 48 -> 50

Vampire Counts

General Updates

  •  Fixed an issue that caused Vlad Von Carstein and Isabella Von Carstein to be assigned the spell lore skill trees of a generic Carstein and Lahmian bloodline lord respectively.

Vlad Von Carstein has had a reputation of nigh immortality, we're taking a long overdue crack at his defensive layers to make him a bit less of an overbearing presence on players starting in the surrounding area.

  • Von Carstein ring:

    • 5 md removed

    • Ward save -> physical resistance,

    • Resistance: 20→15%

    • Removed army-wide casualty replenishment.

The carstein ring offered several overlapping powerful defensive layers on top of a powerful 60% ward save ability, over the course of a battle massively multiplying the effective HP you had to beat through to get past his layered regeneration effects and healing access. While Vlad will keep popping out the woodworks extremely quickly (sorry folks, that's basically his entire deal!) he should be a bit less difficult to put in the grave. We're also toning down the casualty replenishment afforded by the early combination of the carstein ring, starting with an embeddable vampire hero (replenishment action), Isabella's chalice of bathori and the generic replenishment skill available to all vampire lords.

  • Adjustments to Vlad's personal combat line.

    • Blade shield -> fleet footed.

Vlad has 2 generic melee defense nodes on his personal combat line, affording him a staggering 24 additional melee defense easily accessible, further compounding his status as a defensive powerhouse. We've replaced one with a speed node to give him a bit more mobility while reducing his overbearing defense.


  • All Terrorgheist Mounts 
    • Hit Points: 7944 -> 8297
    • Base Weapon Damage: 125 -> 145
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 295 -> 385
    • Splash Attack Knockback Force Multiplier: 1 -> 1.5

  • All Zombie Dragon Mounts
    • Hit Points: 7440 -> 7740

  • Strigoi Ghoul King
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1000 -> 1100 

  • Strigoi Ghoul King [Mount: Terrorgheist]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2050 -> 2100

  • Cairn Wraiths
    • Hit Points: 6240 -> 6720
    • Melee Attack: 28 -> 32
    • Melee Defence: 26 -> 28

  • Crypt Ghouls
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 600 -> 550

  • Black Knights
    • Charge Bonus: 31 -> 34
    • Bonus vs. Infantry: 8 -> 12

  • Black Knights (Lances & Barding)
    • Charge Bonus: 67 -> 75

  • Hexwraiths
    • Melee Attack: 26 -> 32
    • Melee Defence: 25 -> 30
    • Charge Bonus: 34 -> 40

  • The Chillgheists (Hexwraiths)
    • Melee Attack: 34 -> 41
    • Melee Defence: 32 -> 38
    • Charge Bonus: 34 -> 40

  • Dire Wolves
    • Leadership: 30 -> 35

  • The Direpack (Dire Wolves)
    • Leadership: 40 -> 45

  • Vargheists
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1000 -> 1050

  • Varghulf
    • Base Weapon Damage: 85 -> 105
    • Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 6 -> 4
    • Added Attribute(s):
      • Immune to Flanking

  • Terrorgheist
    • Base Weapon Damage: 125 -> 145
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 295 -> 385
    • Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 7 -> 6
    • Splash Attack Knockback Force Multiplier: 1 -> 1.5

  • Black Coach
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 150 -> 170
    • Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 6 -> 2

Warriors of Chaos

General Updates

  • Fixed a number of effects meant to apply to all Nurgle marked units not applying to Rot Knights units
  • Fixed the Infectious Offering Warriors of Chaos gift not applying to certain Nurgle characters
  • Fixed an issue with Tzaangors receiving buffs from the Legion of Doom skill without being rank 7


  • Azazel
    • Physical Damage Resistance %: 20 -> 25

  • Prince Sigvald the Magnificent
    • Physical Damage Resistance %: 10 -> 5

  • Kholek Suneater
    • Base Weapon Damage: 135 -> 160
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 405 -> 440
    • Bonus vs. Large: 28 -> 30
    • Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 7 -> 6

  • Daemon Prince
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2000 -> 1800
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 2400 -> 1800
    • Upkeep Cost: 525 -> 450

  • Chaos Lord [Mount: Chaos Dragon]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2300 -> 2100
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 2300 -> 2100
    • Upkeep Cost: 575 -> 525
    • Hit Points: 7444 -> 7844

  • Chaos Sorcerer Lord [Mount: Chaos Dragon]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2100 -> 2000
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 2100 -> 2000
    • Upkeep Cost: 525 -> 500
    • Hit Points: 7316 -> 7716

  • Chaos Sorcerer Lord [Mount: Chaos Warshrine]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1500 -> 1400

  • Chaos Sorcerer [Mount: Chaos Warshrine]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1200 -> 1300

  • Mirror Guard (Chaos Warriors)
    • Physical Damage Resistance %: 10 -> 5

  • Chaos Knights
    • Melee Attack: 44 -> 42
    • Melee Defence: 52 -> 50

  • Chaos Knights (Lances)
    • Melee Defence: 36 -> 38

  • Gorebeast Chariots
    • Base Weapon Damage: 16 -> 18
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 34 -> 36
    • Bonus vs. Infantry: 28 -> 30

  • Swords of Chaos (Chaos Knights)
    • Hit Points: 7584 -> 7872
    • Melee Attack: 54 -> 52
    • Melee Defence: 63 -> 61
    • Base Weapon Damage: 20 -> 24
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 45 -> 56

  • Chaos Spawn
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1000 -> 950

  • Wyrd Spawn (Chaos Spawn)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1300 -> 1250

  • Dragon Ogres
    • Charge Bonus: 32 -> 42

  • Summoners of Rage (Dragon Ogres)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1950 -> 1900
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1950 -> 1900
    • Upkeep Cost: 488 -> 475
    • Charge Bonus: 32 -> 42

  • Dragon Ogre Shaggoth
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 350 -> 400

Wood Elves

General Updates

  • Fixed an issue where Malevolent Branchwraiths weren't affected by the upkeep reduction from the Bamboo Groves landmark building
  • Fixed Drycha's "Mantra of the Fallen" skill showing a hidden effect.
  • Fixed temporary commanders and garrison commanders sometimes choosing incorrect voice-over types when created
  • Fixed blood not showing on certain weapons from legacy content.
  • Fix Wood Elves Deeproots icon missing from the Lords & Heros panel


  • All Treemen and Ancient Treemen units now have a new ability: "Ancient Protector"
    • Ancient Protector is a passive aura that negates magical weapons
    • This is designed so that Wood Elves can leverage their Physical Resistance against Daemonic factions that predominantly centre around dealing Magical Attacks

  • Orion
    • Base Weapon Damage: 180 -> 200
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 310 -> 350
    • Base Missile Damage: 70 -> 80
    • Armour Piercing Missile Damage: 250 -> 280
    • Entity Mass: 1600 -> 2000

  • Sisters of Twilight [Mount: Ceithin-Har]
    • Hit Points: 7088 -> 7688

  • Ariel
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1250 -> 1150

  • Glade Lord [Mount: Great Stag]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1300 -> 1200

  • Glade Lord [Mount: Forest Dragon]
    • Hit Points: 7124 -> 7624

  • Glade Captain
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 700 -> 650

  • Glade Captain [Mount: Elven Steed]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 900 -> 850

  • Glade Captain [Mount: Great Eagle]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1250 -> 1200

  • Glade Captain [Mount: Great Stag]
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1150 -> 1000

  • Deepwood Scouts
    • Hit Points: 5280 -> 5520
    • Base Weapon Damage: 23 -> 19
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 3 -> 5
    • Base Missile Damage: 18 -> 20

  • Deepwood Scouts (Swiftshiver Shards)
    • Hit Points: 5280 -> 5520
    • Base Weapon Damage: 23 -> 19
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 3 -> 5
    • Effective Range: 135 -> 180
    • Calibration Distance: 85 -> 120
    • Expiry Range: 220 -> 300 
      • This is the range at which these projectiles cease to exist if they miss their targets.

  • Glade Guard (All Variants)
    • Glade Guard now have 90 entities in each unit instead of 80
    • Hit Points: 5520 -> 5940
    • Base Weapon Damage: 23 -> 19
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 3 -> 5

  • Waywatchers
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1200 -> 1150
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1200 -> 1150
    • Upkeep Cost: 300 -> 287
    • Hit Points: 5040 -> 5640
    • Ammo of Primary Missile Weapon: 23 -> 24

  • Hawk-Eyes of Drakira (Waywatchers)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1500 -> 1450
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1500 -> 1450
    • Upkeep Cost: 375 -> 362
    • Hit Points: 5040 -> 5640
    • Ammo of Primary Missile Weapon: 23 -> 24

  • Wild Riders
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1050 -> 1000
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1100 -> 1000
    • Upkeep Cost: 275 -> 250
    • Run Speed: 85 -> 90
    • Charge Speed: 108 -> 113

  • Wild Riders (Shields)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1150 -> 1100
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1200 -> 1100
    • Upkeep Cost: 300 -> 275
    • Run Speed: 8.5 -> 9
    • Charge Speed: 108 -> 113

  • Wild Hunters of Kurnous (Wild Riders - Shields)
    • The Wild Hunters of Kurnous have had their AP damage ratio flipped to give the Wood Elves more diversity in their cavalry roster.
    • Base Weapon Damage: 27 -> 13
    • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 13 -> 27
    • Bonus vs. Large: 13 -> 15
    • Run Speed: 85 -> 90
    • Charge Speed: 108 -> 113

  • Sisters of the Thorn
    • Run Speed: 85 -> 90
    • Charge Speed: 108 -> 113

  • Great Stag Knights
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1500 -> 1450
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1500 -> 1450
    • Upkeep Cost: 375 -> 362

  • Lost Sylvan Knights (Great Stag Knights)
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2000 -> 1900
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 2000 -> 1900
    • Upkeep Cost: 500 -> 475
    • Hit Points: 6240 -> 7040

  • Hawk Riders
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1050 -> 1000
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1050 -> 1000
    • Upkeep Cost: 263 -> 250

  • Great Eagle
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 800 -> 750
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 800 -> 750
    • Upkeep Cost: 200 -> 187

  • Zoats
    • Recruitment Cost (MP): 1700 -> 1650
    • Recruitment Cost (SP): 1700 -> 1650
    • Upkeep Cost: 425 -> 413

  • Forest Dragon
    • Hit Points: 7008 -> 7508


Following the release of Update 5.1 tomorrow (we're expecting to release this at 11AM BST, Tuesday 25th June), look forward to us returning to you this Wednesday with a look at What's Next in Total War: WARHAMMER III. We're excited to share with you all more news about our next Update, and to give some more detail around the additions we're making to Khorne, Ogres, and Greenskins.

Be sure to otherwise let us know how you’re feeling about this update and all things Total War over on our official channels, linked below:

DISCUSS: Total War: WARHAMMER III on the official Forums
CHAT: The Total War Official Discord

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4 months ago
Jun 24, 2024, 2:02:43 PM

Fantastic patch. Thank you guys for adding the community mode and maps! Its a massive and awesome change. You guys have done a fantastic job 

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4 months ago
Jun 24, 2024, 3:03:10 PM

Great changes to multiplayer, happy to see them come.

But very dissapointed to see that multiple characters are being nerfed way to much. For instance Malus, Vlad and Tamurkhan losing there ward save for physical resistance.

Also not happy about the sheer number of nerfs to units that didn't need them.

And why are you giving us overpowerd traits and units only to take them away the next patch. I feel like this devalues the DLC by doing so.

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4 months ago
Jun 24, 2024, 3:16:22 PM
"Karanak will be joining the fray in update 5.1 for Skarbrand, Archaon, Valkia, Kholek, Bel'akor and the Daemon Prince in campaign."-> so no Karanak for Sigvald like were the blue scribes ? :)
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4 months ago
Jun 24, 2024, 3:20:54 PM

Great changes! Interested to try them out a see how a few of them work (something that might be nice to see at some point is a second look at the gunnery units on leviathans and the necrofex, as they don't really seem to do much)

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4 months ago
Jun 24, 2024, 3:30:57 PM

The buffs are looking all good, and the UI looks to be a nice change, though battle healing cap should be on that healing UI element.

The campaign side changes and nerfs seem needlessly heavy handed however, Saytang borderline removes, sweeping multi-angle nerfs, etc.

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4 months ago
Jun 24, 2024, 3:37:33 PM

Thanks for this great patch, the multiplayer community rejoices! Keep it up and we'll have a bright future for warhammer

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4 months ago
Jun 24, 2024, 3:43:48 PM

Wish this one had more bugfixes and perhaps one or two non-MP gameplay changes, like giving more units Wallbreaker or adding recruitment options to a wide variety of landmarks, like the Nuln Gunnery School that lost its recruitment options with the DLC (again), the landmark in Hell Pit or Drazhoath's Infernal Barracks. I'm just happy that the radio silence is over for the time being. Please provide more bug fixes on a more regular basis if possible, I'm still not touching Dark Elves or Greenskins again until Massif Orcal has been returned to 10 slots or until the Druchii get back access to Elven Colonies...and I really want to, so please fix those issues already.

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4 months ago
Jun 24, 2024, 3:49:16 PM

Didnt they say 5.1 was supposed to improve sieges in some way? I was hoping for more pathing fixes for gates and while using ladders or towers...

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4 months ago
Jun 24, 2024, 3:54:55 PM

Still nothing for Bretonnia, i see. 
Also, has Repanse's been given a unique landmark in Araby?  

Also, also, has Ostankya's RoC "bug" been fixed (that the RoC map has no Tomb King faction for her to get their ingredient from)

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4 months ago
Jun 24, 2024, 4:08:13 PM

Looks really good, excited to try it out. Glad to see so many long standing issues addressed and the overall positive direction. Especially glad to have some insight into issues being looked like the multi hit bug! Great work!

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4 months ago
Jun 24, 2024, 4:16:31 PM

The multiplayer discords are singing your praises this fine Monday :)

Quick suggestion: with the changes to the spell wheel UI, did you think about displaying the WoM cost for each spell on it? I've been playing for over 1000 hours and still need to mouse-over Bjuna every time to remember how much WoM I need to save up for it.

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4 months ago
Jun 24, 2024, 4:20:32 PM

CA_KingGobbo#4380 wrote:
Elspeth von Draken [Mount: Carmine Dragon]
  • Recruitment Cost (MP): 2300 -> 2550

When can I expect an update for Carmine Dragon's model?

That is TT-accurate head shape and features, back spikes, and plates:

image loaded from url

image loaded from url

image loaded from url

Also, Imrik should be able to tame the beast.

CA_KingGobbo#4380 wrote:
The Fireborn (Dragon Princes)
  • The Fireborn have had their AP damage ratio flipped in order to turn them into a more interesting unit for the High Elf roster.
  • Base Weapon Damage: 31 -> 13
  • Armour Piercing Weapon Damage: 13 -> 31
  • Bonus vs. Large: 18 -> 15

I expect great things from my Prince's personal guard.

Updated 4 months ago.
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4 months ago
Jun 24, 2024, 4:26:58 PM

You guys are scammers.  Why did you nerf the Thunderbarge?  Will you be offering refunds to people who bought the DLC for the Thunderbarge?  There was no reason to further nerf something.  The dwarfs always get screwed.  F U.

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