CA_Nova#4724, in Question about ideas
16 minutes ago
JohnnyWalker97#2147 wrote:​
CA_Nova#4724 wrote:Hi there, we welcome all ideas. The more traction an idea gets, the more evidence there is that other people agree with your idea, the more weight it gives to that idea. For that reason feel free to post your ideas on the main forum. Best, CA_Nova
@CA_Nova#4724 Relay this to the devs working on the campaign ai. There's a obnoxious Campaign AI bug that's been plaguing the game since 4.0, possibly earlier. It stops the ai from making any significant headway after turn 40+ for a indefinite amount of turns. I've seen this behavior persist 40 turns later and sometimes 60 turns later. It makes any challenge to the game null and void, since the ai cant challenge my empire, and im building up settlements and gaining compounding money, while the ai is doing nothing. I don't want a laid back ai that allows itself to be conquered when playing on Legendary. Please fix this issue.
Hi there, if you've tried the Campaign AI Beta, did this issue persist for you? Best, CA_Nova