

4 months ago Sep 10,2024, 13:59:08 PM

Total War: WARHAMMER III - Dev Chat on 6.0 & Interim Patches - What's Next?

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UPDATE 12/09/24 @ 10:30AM BST:

Hi all, I’m so glad you’re championing the idea of us making Egrimm, I want him too!  When I mentioned in the video that he would better suit a DLC rather than a patch, I meant that it takes a vast amount of time, effort and money from across the team to do a character like him justice,  so I didn’t want you all to get your hopes up that you’d see him in one of our interim patches like 5.2 or 5.3. He is on our loooooong to-do list with lots of other things you're requesting, and while we aren't currently planning a new Tzeentch DLC specifically or Egrimm anytime soon, we still plan to introduce other characters you're all super passionate about through FLC and maybe one day Egrimm in this capacity too!

- Rich // Senior Game Director

​​Greetings folks!

Back in June I sat down with Rich, Sean and Victor from the WARHAMMER III development team to share some juicy new details on what's coming to the game in the next DLC, as well as our approach to interim patches coming between now and the next DLC's arrival. In case you've been living under an Ogre-sized rock these past couple of months, you can check it out right here.

Recently I hopped back on the sofa to chat with Rich and Sean, plus Design Director Mitch Heastie, to chat more about what's coming in 6.0 get some insight on what sort of content you can also expect to see in our future interim patches.

Allow your eyes to absorb it here:

As with last time, this is a pretty new format for us, so please do share your thoughts with us along with any suggestions on what you'd like to see more of next time! You can also head over to the official Discord server and the CA Community forums to share your hopes and dreams regarding future refreshes and reworks. Who knows, maybe Mitch will agree with you and make some magic happen!

We aim to be back with more news on our next major patch, 5.3, towards the end of October, so until then, we'll see you on the battlefield!

— Steve // Senior Community Manager

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4 months ago
Sep 10, 2024, 2:05:50 PM

Ah this, we're REALLY going to get a Patch 5.3, I'm not sure whether to be happy or sad about it...


More happiness, less sadness. After watching the video, I think the longer wait will probably be worth it.

Updated 4 months ago.
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4 months ago
Sep 10, 2024, 2:41:23 PM

well if you need feedback i'll start by saying i like this format, you guys seem very relaxed and friendly.

 even throwing some news between the teeth is good for the community chatter. 

good job here

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4 months ago
Sep 10, 2024, 2:56:56 PM

I'd like to ask though: With Golfag getting a mercenary mechanic, does that mean you can hire him when playing a different faction? Or is it exclusively a mechanic you get to engage with when playing a Golfag campaign?

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4 months ago
Sep 10, 2024, 3:18:15 PM

Darthplagueis13#4382 wrote:

I'd like to ask though: With Golfag getting a mercenary mechanic, does that mean you can hire him when playing a different faction? Or is it exclusively a mechanic you get to engage with when playing a Golfag campaign?

Probably the latter. Faction mechanics only function, when the player himself controls the respective faction.

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4 months ago
Sep 10, 2024, 3:36:06 PM

For me, no faction reworks or new content will ever be as important as foundational stuff like:

1. Improving siege battles. They still feel like a chore every single time.

2. Improving the battle AI in general. For instance, any time the AI battle lines are disrupted, they start sending their units towards you one by one, the opposite of what a human player would do. (The other most egregious problem is lords rushing to their deaths ahead of the rest of the army, but it sounds like this might have been improved in the latest patch?)

But if I did have to pick one fix that ought to be a much more manageable amount of work... Let Vampire Coast sack a port and retreat to the sea the same way Black Arks can!

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4 months ago
Sep 10, 2024, 4:39:26 PM

Skulltaker looks chic. I expect his UI will be a sight to behold. And I hope there won't be as many cut corners as in ToD.

P.S. The High Elves should get two DLC LH's, too. Caradryan and Korhil standing beside Finubar would be a delight.

Updated 4 months ago.
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4 months ago
Sep 10, 2024, 9:17:18 PM

I would have only one request : please finally add those officers and standard/banner bearers to each regiment. It is seriously missing in this game, especially when you look at the tabletop units.

Human, elves, dwarves and undead factions really need them !

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4 months ago
Sep 10, 2024, 10:01:33 PM

Yeah for me personally (Im a heavy but casual player) I always get most excited about new, unique factions and the story based 'rpg ish' elements of campaigns. While I like the attention to addressing some long standing issues on the gameplay/balancing sides and the new Lords usually do bring unique gameplay mechanics, there are still lots of great avenues which could be explored with new factions. I don't want to flog a dead horse, but Dogs of War, Araby, Nagash.. 


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4 months ago
Sep 11, 2024, 12:05:28 AM

Norsca rework when? 

If need and the community have idee to make it great 

Make a real hunt quest with multiple quest, the hold quest that make us go to different place and ravage some country for have information wasn't bad make it a way that we can call for other norsca faction to help us (maybe put all norsca faction in alliance a the start) and when we finally kill the best they give us some really big bonus for the all the faction and équipement but if we have to much of them the other norsca faction became envious and we have to conferate them by killing their leader by doing some quest and maybe win legendary or renon by making this but make it hard to get make us have bonus or low renon unit unlock when piage other non chaos faction and rework the tech tree for make it easier to go to the big boost against faction when we take their principal city because it take to much turn to get it most of the time you destroy the faction way before having this tech add some new units specially for troll like catapulte use by troll, slow but powerful, or berserk troll who get uncontrolable when in fight low armor and week against distance but power full in melee or ballista on troll back... 

Anyway norsca need a rework, please 

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4 months ago
Sep 11, 2024, 10:41:44 AM

Nice update CA, good to get news

The release day is looking a lot like December... does this post basically guarantee the DLC wont drop end of October?

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4 months ago
Sep 11, 2024, 10:44:26 AM

Yeah i think if you asked 100 people 90 would say sieges need looked at badly...

Why did u design towns with massive weak points with no towers defending them segments? The AI basically always uses them and the player abuses them... 

Why did you nerf the buildable towers multiple times? First you removed them from 100% hit chance so now they never hit and hit the buildings in front of them more than their targets! And then you nerfed their damage and range so they cant even reach their targets and when they do its pointless damage! 

You already have a mechanic in game to use siege resources to summon units... add this to towns to spawn units to help defend. 

Add better towers and maybe keeps in high tier towns that can dish out damage and hold for a while.

I know you cant remove ladders as it would break the AI so add a fall chance for units using ladders  and make it slower for them to climb, the AI will swarm castles most the time and just run past your units on the walls and straight to the victory points...

Weve been asking for ages but theres still no artillery mounts on the walls... artillery cant even shoot from half the highgrounds in castles its bugged and they just derp, some wall mounts or high ground closer to the walls so we can shoot at the attackers would be nice .

Siege maps... im sick of the same siege maps even for special towns... even when towns have their back to a mountain somehow they have 360 layouts... please add unique siege maps im pretty sure you said you were doing this a while back.

Some towns should have moats or something special that helps them defend.

100% you could even sell us a siege rework DLC and people would be happy to pay for it. Its the biggest fail of the game right now apart from the derpy battle AI

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4 months ago
Sep 11, 2024, 5:49:59 PM

As most people have pointed out, sieges need a massive rework. All the things the community has asked for since Warhammer 2 are continuously ignored when it comes to sieges. Main points being wall mounted artillery. If I have garrisoned cannons or catapults I should be able to mount them on the walls. Secondly the way troops go up and down walls is silly and should have dedicated towers/stairs like in Rome 2 where you could only go up and down the walls through a specific area. Last, but not least the siege maps are are mostly copy and paste, there's no variety, and in immortal empires this gets boring VERY quickly. I can't seem to get past playing past turn 150 - 180.

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4 months ago
Sep 12, 2024, 9:48:34 AM

DLC or FLC, as long as you do him and the Cabal proper justice, I don't really care if Tzeentch gets a DLC or not. Not to say that, hint hint, Bray Shamans/Firewyrms/Brimstone Horrors/Great Winged Terrors wouldn't make for an awesome DLC!

5.3 sounds like its gonna be big, if its taking over 3 months to make since 5.2.

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4 months ago
Sep 12, 2024, 10:01:28 AM

Many fans are still hoping for the addition of a visual tactical component with regimental banners in the squads and kettledrummers and trumpeters. Maybe it will create an additional volume to the game, but it would be nice to see such an addition in variants from the developers themselves, not just beautiful modifications. Is it not interesting and attractive to you?

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4 months ago
Sep 12, 2024, 10:22:09 AM

The new content is awesome, the corner you've turned post SoC and into ToD has been excellent. As many people are stating, reworks are brilliant and needed. Newer content is brilliant. Fixing old bugs and QoL improvements are to me, the most important thing you can do. 

I'd like to see-

Dismountable/remountable cavalry

Battle maps that take into consideration placement on the campaign map, more like Rome 1

Multi-teamed campaign battles, all v all style when the situation allows

Units not routing into a sieged city only to rally once behind the walls and start capping points

Ranged units firing properly when on fire at will and not just standing there enjoying the scenery

Responsiveness of units in general (especially ranged). They can feel slightly sluggish in their movement.

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4 months ago
Sep 12, 2024, 10:54:48 AM
Big fan of the more frequent patches and fixes. Game is in a great state right now. One thing I would love to see regularly is more multiplayer specific changes to help keep the meta from getting too stale. Things are in a great space now, but the meta has started to crystalize around some units. Even if its just the top 5 units being cost adjusted, like centi price nerf, I think it would help with the MP side of things massively. 
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4 months ago
Sep 12, 2024, 11:24:03 AM

Hello! For the interim patches some (what I think to be) attainable goals I would love to see is a climate rework and siege rework! 

Climate in WH2 was pretty meh to me I didn’t enjoy being limited expanding my favorite empires in certain parts of the map. I like to fight all kinds of different races and climate has always gotten in the way of that however it’s much worse in WH3. When you guys did the building and economic rebalancing some races and building went up to 6-10 turn building times in green climates. This has made red and yellow climates growth and building time penalty’s even more ridiculous to the point where it’s not worth the trouble. I would love to see these restrictions taken off. It would be very cool if you added your own system to fix it but I honestly just want to be able to expand my empire where I want to expand and fight who I want to fight so if the penalties get removed and nothing replaces it that’s good enough for me. 

As for sieges another very attainable little fix is just take the map and take 25-35% of the buildings out. Create wide open areas behind the walls so that more than 1 unit can fight in the area or flanking with cav and monsters can actually happen. As it is right now with every single street in every map being 1 constant choke point it makes piloting 20 stack attacks tedious and absolutely unbearable and even defending is boring because you have to rely on your inf to do everything. Squads as small as 4 or 5 get stacked up and out of shape because there is no room for any kind of strategy or formation it’s just keep pushing into the city mindlessly. Another thing is a lot of the high ground positions in sieges made for gun units have these towering walls that are slightly bigger than gun models right in front of them. Please take them out so that guns can be useful on these areas. 

Keep up the good work I’m excited to see what comes out of these interim patches cause some of these features are several years old like climate. 

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4 months ago
Sep 12, 2024, 12:46:45 PM
Great format ! Please keep going on like this. Nice to see the devs, hear their thoughts and good to see quick reactions to avoid too much hype being built up by the fanbase about Egrimm.

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4 months ago
Sep 12, 2024, 6:13:53 PM

I would like to see the unique settlement skins from mods like OvN Lost World added to the campaign map. Having these unique settlements actually look different on the map is a great immersive element, visual element, and will hopefully not be too hard to implement.

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