Please Add BLACK FIRE KEEP to Black Fire Pass

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7 days ago
Sep 11, 2024, 8:07:30 PM

I've mentioned this multiple times in boards on Steam, but I haven't mentioned it here yet.  I hope the development team will consider adding BLACK FIRE KEEP​ as an additional fortress settlement to the Black Fire Pass.  Gamers online continue to ask why are there three forts at passes in the Empire, but not one at Black Fire Pass - this vitally important chokepoint which historically many orc invasions have been funneled through?  Well there should be - and it's in the lore.  My understanding is that Gorbad Ironclaw swept aside the defensive army and watch towers at the pass at the SECOND Battle of Black Fire Pass in IC 1707 before he invaded the Empire an ultimately destroyed the province of Solland.  Here is a quote: "As a terrific thunderstorm crashed about the peaks of the Black Mountain, the Waaagh! pushed its way through the Black Fire Pass.  The Empire garrison and their fortresses were swept aside and the Orcs and Goblins descended into the plains of Averland below." (Warhammer Armies: Orcs and Goblins 8th ed pg.17-19).  It is mentioned in Chris Wraight's excellent book collection Swords of the Emperor that after the Second Battle of Black Fire Pass, The Empire and the Dwarfs built a new, substantial fortress at a strategic chokepoint in the pass which was named Black Fire Keep.  Here is another quote: "Black Fire Keep dominated the land around it, just as its architects had intended.  The pass was under a mile wide at the point where it had been constructed.  It had been raised on a hill of granite in the centre of the otherwise flat and featureless rock around it.  The Pinnacle of the fortress commanded long views both east and west, and in normal times the standards of the Emperor and Averland rustled proudly from twenty-foot-high flagpoles.  The bare rock stretching away from the Keep on all sides was not there by an accident of nature.  After the second battle of Black Fire Pass, an army of men and dwarfs had worked for months to clear the land.  Piles of stone were levelled in back-breaking labour, and the few clumps of foliage capable of surviving the blinding snows of winter were cut down and burned.  Approaching the Keep undetected was now all but impossible, and bitter experience had taught the defenders to remain vigilant at all times." (Swords of the Emperor pg. 413 - Sword of Vengeance).  The Battle of Black Fire Pass mission in the Immortal Empires campaign seems to simulate the THIRD Battle of Black Fire Pass which takes place in IC 2520 Where Karl Franz defeats Vorbad Ironjaw and his Waaagh!  I understand there's a lot of lore in Warhammer Fantasy and not all lore can make it in, especially if it's just lore for lore's sake.  However, more than just maintaining lore, I think the inclusion of Black Fire Keep is of huge strategic importance.  Blocking off the pass is a big contributor to the Empire being able to survive the civil wars of the Age of Three Emperors, given that they didn't have a wide open southern border of orcs.  In the game blocking that pass and forcing the Orcs and Ogres to go through the Dwarf Holds would be a very important force multiplier for the Empire, which starts divided and beset on all sides.  I think it would be best to start the Black Fire Keep fortress settlement off as RUINED settlement - we can assume that Vorbad Ironjaw already damaged it on his way through. I would tie its revival with preconditions.  Perhaps ONLY the Reikland faction should be able to rebuild Black Fire Keep after completing the Battle of Black Fire Pass Campaign Quest Battle.  Rebuilding Black Fire Keep could unlock access to a new Legendary Hero - Ludwig Schwarzhelm, who is involved with the keep in the Swords of the Emperor novels.  Maybe there could be some other precondition to allow it to be constructed by other Empire or even just Human factions, but until built all anyone else could do there is just go searching for items like in other ruins.   I'd also suggest adding upgrades to all of the Empire forts similar to what already exists with the Great Bastion Gates in Cathay.  Again I hope the developers read these threads and will at least consider this option.  Thanks

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7 days ago
Sep 11, 2024, 8:46:27 PM

Hard to imagine having Gorbad without it.

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7 days ago
Sep 11, 2024, 10:28:59 PM
+ I am definitely for adding  Black Fire Keep Fortress... its thematic and it has benefits, but I am not sure on that second part that only reikland can rebuild it and occupy, even tho its neat idea that you can rebuild it after completing quest battle and getting new LH for the time being as long as that fortress is alive.   But it is good idea and something that we should discuss and expand on it. Up voted for sure!

avatar70115#6416 wrote:

 The Empire and the Dwarfs built a new, substantial fortress at a strategic chokepoint in the pass which was named Black Fire Keep

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7 days ago
Sep 11, 2024, 11:25:04 PM

It'd also make a good alternative start position for Gorbad if Gorfang Rotgut ever gets added.  Since Iron Rock and Black Crag are already right next to each other.

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7 days ago
Sep 11, 2024, 11:52:02 PM

I have a feeling Black Fire Pass Keep is one of those lore details that was mentioned once and then forgotten. I can't seem to find any details online about it. Though I do agree that something should be done regarding Black Fire Pass, here's some ideas:

- Move Grenzstadt closer to the Northern entryway of the pass so its zone of control prevents enemies from just walking through. It's literally described as a fortress-town that bears the brunt of many orc invasions. Though in the lore Grenzstadt is guarding the Northwestern entryway to the pass. Which isn't in-game. 

Tamurkhan The Throne of Chaos also mentions a frontier fortress of Mendhelhof (which also doesn't have any further lore about it), which going from the above image, likely protects the Northern entryway. So maybe this the same Black Fire Pass Keep from Sword of Vengeance? Anyway, like you suggested it could be added as a fort province. 

Kazad Haz-Drazh-Kadrin is supposedly a Dwarven fortress at the Southern entryway of the pass. So maybe a new minor settlement could be placed there and linked to the Black Mountains province? 

Speaking of fort provinces, tangent here, but I'm also hoping CA add them to the province list of the new Imperial Authority mechanic in order to hit 100%.

Updated 7 days ago.
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