Quick poll: SP or MP?

single-player campaign(SP)
multiplayer battle(MP)
multiplayer campaign
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2 months ago
Aug 1, 2024, 6:04:35 PM

A simple poll,  for CA developers to make decisions on.  It started with this thread, which was just too wordy (too much un-nutritious crap). 

So start this quick poll to show what people think about this topic.

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2 months ago
Aug 1, 2024, 6:08:03 PM

What's the question?

Which do you prefer?  Which ones do you play?  Which one should CA focus on?

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2 months ago
Aug 1, 2024, 6:10:07 PM

I voted for SP,  because I hardly ever (in fact only once so far) play MP battle, just the occasional MP campaign with my friends. 

SP campaign took up 95% of my playtime with this game. So I hope CA puts more resources into improving the single player campaign experience , rather than focusing on MP stat tweaks.


I'm not saying stat tweak is meaningless, it certainly has should be tweaked appropriately based on player feedback. I just resent CA's frequent stat tweaks based on MP's race win rate.I think the stats should be designed to be more in line with the lore and its playstyle, and should not be tweaked too frequent after they've been established.

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Aug 1, 2024, 6:12:30 PM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

What's the question?

Which do you prefer?  Which ones do you play?  Which one should CA focus on?

My oversight. I think the question should be the third 'Which one should CA focus on?"

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2 months ago
Aug 1, 2024, 6:15:21 PM

I have no interest in multiplayer, but I am glad it has a decent sized scene, as those guys are significantly better at giving feedback for balance than SP only players, which tends to just be "I want everything to be amazing always, and never nerf anything"

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2 months ago
Aug 1, 2024, 6:25:27 PM

yanghaohit#5017 wrote:

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

What's the question?

Which do you prefer?  Which ones do you play?  Which one should CA focus on?

My oversight. I think the question should be the third 'Which one should CA focus on?"

Where’s the both option?

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2 months ago
Aug 1, 2024, 6:48:45 PM

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

I have no interest in multiplayer, but I am glad it has a decent sized scene, as those guys are significantly better at giving feedback for balance than SP only players, which tends to just be "I want everything to be amazing always, and never nerf anything"

I agree with you on this one. 

Though as a single player, I've also been calling for nerfing  those OP units and mechanics (basically, all of Game 3's dlc content) and reducing powercreep game design to make the game more challenging and strategic. But, apparently I'm in the minority,  or CA values the views of power fantasy players more. (Because powercreep boosts dlc sales). 

But, thankfully, this game has a multiplayer battle mode, which means CA had to be forced to nerf those OP units to maintain relative balance. (Even though it was at least 1 month later, they at least did it)

Passthechips#4366 wrote:
Where’s the both option?

Sorry, I forgot to check that box.

Updated 2 months ago.
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a month ago
Aug 2, 2024, 1:52:13 AM

There should have been a both option. If you can't edit it in you should redo the poll.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Aug 2, 2024, 3:27:48 AM

I feel CA uses the worst of both worlds for their balance considerations:

#1: Catering to SP power-player mindset by making all DLC content overpowered.  Being enticed to buy something because it's unbalanced is just juvenile, but apparently it's a working strategy?

#2: Then turns around and tweaks the game based on MP balance recommendations but blind to whether or not it makes the game fun in SP mode, which is completely contradictory to #1.  Worst offending example (IMHO) was when unit masses were changed in TWWH2 so that SEMs and chariots can no longer knock over infantry.  Congrats now MP foot lords are no longer open to being abused by a human opponent.  For the small small price of making glorious charges and giant monster rampages unspectacular for the vast majority of your players.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Aug 2, 2024, 3:52:44 AM

Sandboxhead#8494 wrote:
Being enticed to buy something because it's unbalanced is just juvenile, but apparently it's a working strategy?

Or people are buying them because the characters and units are cool, and power has nothing to do with it?

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a month ago
Aug 2, 2024, 4:31:26 AM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

Or people are buying them because the characters and units are cool, and power has nothing to do with it?

One would certainly think so, but it seems CA thinks otherwise.

I'm actually not that bothered by problem #1 though, because I'm a SP player so if I don't like the fact that wearing bear hats suddenly gives a unit AP bolts, I can just mod it out.

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a month ago
Aug 2, 2024, 8:12:22 AM

They way this poll is split up is going to lead to skewed results, virtually no-one ONLY plays multiplayer. The results will then be used by people to say 'Look, see no-one plays multiplayer, CA please don't balance for multiplayer'

Even as a single-player only player I dislike the poll for that reason.

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a month ago
Aug 2, 2024, 8:46:32 AM

The poll is currently at 70% SP but i'd guess the true number is even higher as i imagine most casual players (ie not forum users) would predominantly play SP only

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a month ago
Aug 2, 2024, 12:45:52 PM

It is also a condition that you publish the survey in the general forum area, if you publish it in the MP battles forum area, the result could be very different.

Furthermore, the option to vote "both" is missing, so this survey is useless.

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a month ago
Aug 2, 2024, 1:37:24 PM

CA should refrain from using more than a bare minimum of resources on a game mode that a tiny minoroty of the player base spend any significant time on

Those resources would be much better spent on bettering the campaign with either new content or AI improvement

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a month ago
Aug 2, 2024, 1:41:53 PM

Reeks#2417 wrote:

CA should refrain from using more than a bare minimum of resources on a game mode that a tiny minoroty of the player base spend any significant time on

Those resources would be much better spent on bettering the campaign with either new content or AI improvement

AI improvement would be a game changer, particularly on the campaign map. but also in battles 

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a month ago
Aug 2, 2024, 2:13:22 PM

Both, obviously. The only true waste of resources is further development of the RoC campaign or Mirror of Madness.

And this thread isn't valuable for CA, they've got a ton of data from every game ever played.

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a month ago
Aug 2, 2024, 3:34:39 PM

Reeks#2417 wrote:

CA should refrain from using more than a bare minimum of resources on a game mode that a tiny minoroty of the player base spend any significant time on

Those resources would be much better spent on bettering the campaign with either new content or AI improvement


MP players have the same right to have improvements in their game modes as SP players.

Just because we are less does not mean that we do not have the same rights.

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a month ago
Aug 2, 2024, 4:20:17 PM

Singleplayer only. Always. I have never played multiplayer in TW:WH. The last TW game where I tried the mode was Shogun because of Avatar Conquest.

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