Inds place in Warhammer

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2 months ago
Aug 1, 2024, 12:07:36 PM

Ind has always had a place in the Warhammer Universe, it existed since its world creation. However that place has always been shrouded in shadow for clearly that was Game Workshops main purpose for it. The Far away mystical land of trade and relics our heroes could proudly wield and say ''I've got these special blades from the lands of Ind''. But not this day. Today I'd like to figure out what could be a Future for this faction if one day it would step out of its mysterious shadows

Knowing how Ind inspired the Skaven Doomrockets once Clan Eshin stole the blueprints ( See down below )ind.jpg

 I'd say Ind is a very well technologically ( if not Magically ) advanced Nation studying all sorts of knowledge and trading countless relics/magical gear to other factions even such as the Dark Elves since Lokhir got his Blades from there.


However despite it's magical and mercantile advancements I do believe it hasn't expanded for so long due to it's main issue, the cultural infighting. Hearing how many different religions and tribes constantly fight amongst themselves and are still considered as part of IND I assume there isn't a singular Leader Uniting the entire nation yet, Without Unity it's hard to expand or declare War on other factions if you're still fighting amongst yourselves. 

The fights come from different cultures and religions yet none of them have been put down yet, you might ask why? surely whoever would have the most advanced weapons or an economy could take out the other rivaling cultures/religions? Well there in comes Inds main issue again, I believe IND unlike the rest of the Warhammer factions might be our first Faction that puts its focus into cultural diversity. Making it truly a Unique faction to play. Yes it doesn't stop with trading with the Empire, the Dark elves or the other nations. They simply do not believe in a singular culture ruling the world, that is why the explorer in his notes has been attacked for stepping his foot into the Holy land of Tigermen. 

  1. fadsasa.png

Ind has established what is considered ''special zones'' for different races out of respect for their cultures. If that is not a cultural focused faction I don't know what is. However as stated earlier this is also the factions main Conflict as it's having issues expanding into Cathay and other nearby lands due to its constant infighting for diversity like a Civilization 5 nation going for Cultural Victory with just 1 territory. However such Victory doesn't exist here so It would be quite interesting to see how such a faction would manage to unite and play in the world of Warhammer, I'm sure chaos factions such as Slanesh would have a field day destroying it as well.

Tigermen, Humans and races of all kinds would both be working together and competing in different ways in economy, diplomacy, religion, martial prowess and most importantly knowledge. Land of many Minor factions and the most diverse unit roster in the entire game fighting for their traditions. I can already imagine the many overly nice ways it could be talking to the rest of the faction leaders leading to some pretty funny interactions since they would hold no grudge against even the most reviled factions as long as they don't mess with them.

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2 months ago
Aug 1, 2024, 12:21:16 PM

I always imagined that Ind had much more space than is obvious on the map. The ideas of astral plane and projecting may have come from study of Indian culture, offering up new places to explore within the map. Each astral plane could have a look of one of the many gods within Ind and offer extra options.

The infighting could originate from a lack of balance within their deity pantheon due to a Chaos God or two infiltrating it.

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2 months ago
Aug 1, 2024, 2:14:56 PM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

I would die for Ind getting the Cathay treatment from GW. Such a fascinating place. 

Dont put that in the thread about DLC pricing... 

Joking aside, Ind would be cool but i think it's better that CA don't bite off more than they can chew. i hope they do another potion of speed update, ideally a look at settlement skins and artwork, have a look at diplomacy and trade all in the background whilst still releasing DLCs.

I really dont see any CA games coming anywhere close to WH3 in terms of scope for a long long time. so hopefully they can leave behind the best possible legacy for this game!

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2 months ago
Aug 1, 2024, 2:28:40 PM

Ind coming in as a Chaos Dwarf style race pack would be awesome! Two LLs in Ind, and one somewhere else on an expedition. I also like the OP's ideas about diversity in the culture, that's kind of how India is in real life too.

I would like the game to continue to do well so that CA and GW consider adding both Ind and Khuresh to this game.

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Aug 1, 2024, 2:35:37 PM

I'd love for Ind to be a full Race.  Though I'd prefer it if they retconned them being another group of Human kingdoms, and turn them into more of a Beastmen of the East Race.

If I can't get them as a Race, then I hope at the very least they could get a few DoW units.  Then at least they could make up a few Minor Factions in Ind using those units to represent the culture.

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2 months ago
Aug 1, 2024, 2:45:53 PM

Jonasfull#5486 wrote:

Honestly, I do agree with most of the stuff you've brought up, as I would love to see Ind be more than just Indian inspired humans and exotic eastern beastmen and such.

And while I'm a little on the fence about the level of technology the people of Ind should have, I will admit that I'm certainly not against them having some crazy stuff of their own, I'm just not entirely sure how to feel about the idea of them just copying a bunch of crazy weapons from the Skaven and such, that's all. 

And I would also say that their armor and weapons should be known to be of very high quality, like second only to the regular Dwarfs, as kind of a reference to Damascus steel and such, which was developed in India. Like if the dwarf weapons and armor are a 10, then the weapons and armor from Ind are easily an 8.

And I do think that it'd be pretty cool to see their armies be a nice mixture of Indian inspired human, exotic eastern beastmen, and maybe some fairly crazy things as well.

But one thing I really want to see be updated is that beastmen of Ind, the tigermen and such, preferably to be more than different looking chaos beastmen. They don't have to make them all boy scouts or anything, but just not such savage and nasty creatures who might be treated as nothing more than savage shock troops.

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2 months ago
Aug 1, 2024, 2:51:45 PM
For me personally Ind stands as a Country of a thousand gods. It would be great if beside humans and tigermen there would be also avatars of different gods embodied in humans (as LL). You need to built a number of temples where certain amount of monks would live in spiritual development and deep meditation. And once one of them in a random period of time achieves a really high state of conscience he thus becomes suitable to embody a god - and here comes an option to achiev a super cool Lord for your faction))) Something like that would be great)))

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2 months ago
Aug 1, 2024, 2:55:02 PM

VikingHuscal1066#5774 wrote:

Jonasfull#5486 wrote:

Honestly, I do agree with most of the stuff you've brought up, as I would love to see Ind be more than just Indian inspired humans and exotic eastern beastmen and such.

And while I'm a little on the fence about the level of technology the people of Ind should have, I will admit that I'm certainly not against them having some crazy stuff of their own, I'm just not entirely sure how to feel about the idea of them just copying a bunch of crazy weapons from the Skaven and such, that's all. 

And I would also say that their armor and weapons should be known to be of very high quality, like second only to the regular Dwarfs, as kind of a reference to Damascus steel and such, which was developed in India. Like if the dwarf weapons and armor are a 10, then the weapons and armor from Ind are easily an 8.

And I do think that it'd be pretty cool to see their armies be a nice mixture of Indian inspired human, exotic eastern beastmen, and maybe some fairly crazy things as well.

But one thing I really want to see be updated is that beastmen of Ind, the tigermen and such, preferably to be more than different looking chaos beastmen. They don't have to make them all boy scouts or anything, but just not such savage and nasty creatures who might be treated as nothing more than savage shock troops.

 I believe best way to showcase Tigermen as a more civilized version of Beastmen would be to have at least one Minor if not Legendary Lord you could play as or interact with on the Campaign Map. Sure there could be a somewhat more militaristic or reclusive tigermen beastmen faction but we definetly need at least one we can interact with peacefully. I hope Ind would have at least 2 Legendary lords, so one of them could be a Human and another one could be a Tigerman (Both however would have tigermen, human and other race units in their roster )

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2 months ago
Aug 1, 2024, 2:56:30 PM

pashyash#4000 wrote:
For me personally Ind stands as a Country of a thousand gods. It would be great if beside humans and tigermen there would be also avatars of different gods embodied in humans (as LL). You need to built a number of temples where certain amount of monks would live in spiritual development and deep meditation. And once one of them in a random period of time achieves a really high state of conscience he thus becomes suitable to embody a god - and here comes an option to achiev a super cool Lord for your faction))) Something like that would be great)))

Definetly should be one of its main Mechanics. This faction has so much to offer

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2 months ago
Aug 1, 2024, 3:09:52 PM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

I would die for Ind getting the Cathay treatment from GW. Such a fascinating place. 

Yep would be awesome. If not hopefully a modded gets on it.

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2 months ago
Aug 1, 2024, 3:12:11 PM

Jonasfull#5486 wrote:

pashyash#4000 wrote:
For me personally Ind stands as a Country of a thousand gods. It would be great if beside humans and tigermen there would be also avatars of different gods embodied in humans (as LL). You need to built a number of temples where certain amount of monks would live in spiritual development and deep meditation. And once one of them in a random period of time achieves a really high state of conscience he thus becomes suitable to embody a god - and here comes an option to achiev a super cool Lord for your faction))) Something like that would be great)))

Definetly should be one of its main Mechanics. This faction has so much to offer

Absolutely right. There basically could be three types of Lords: 

-humans as Rajas that rule in big coastal cities

-tigermen and maybe some other kinds of animalmen

-and finally the Avatars of god, such as Lord Shiva

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2 months ago
Aug 1, 2024, 3:19:38 PM

pashyash#4000 wrote:

Jonasfull#5486 wrote:

pashyash#4000 wrote:
For me personally Ind stands as a Country of a thousand gods. It would be great if beside humans and tigermen there would be also avatars of different gods embodied in humans (as LL). You need to built a number of temples where certain amount of monks would live in spiritual development and deep meditation. And once one of them in a random period of time achieves a really high state of conscience he thus becomes suitable to embody a god - and here comes an option to achiev a super cool Lord for your faction))) Something like that would be great)))

Definetly should be one of its main Mechanics. This faction has so much to offer

Absolutely right. There basically could be three types of Lords: 

-humans as Rajas that rule in big coastal cities

-tigermen and maybe some other kinds of animalmen

-and finally the Avatars of god, such as Lord Shiva

 I was also wondering how it would play if all 3 got merged with these mechanics. If all 3 lords could trade, have varied racial units and summon different kinds of avatar of gods? With Lords of course having more focus on the field they're best at.

The Lord focused on coastal cities would have better Naval battle buffs, Trade benefits and Crafting of expensive relics

The Tigerman Lord would have a better focus on Diplomatic relations, Tigerman/Animalmen unit buffs and some mechanic centered around bringing cultures together

The 3rd Lord would focus a lot on Magic, Knowledge and Religious buffs that would help him raise their Avatar of God sooner than the other Lords

Also at least 4 minor factions ranging from 1 settlement to 3 settlements at the beginning of the campaign, mostly at odds with each other or working together due to Religious/Economical differences 

Updated 2 months ago.
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2 months ago
Aug 1, 2024, 4:13:09 PM

Walkabout#1505 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

I would die for Ind getting the Cathay treatment from GW. Such a fascinating place. 

Yep would be awesome. If not hopefully a modded gets on it.

The wait for a modded Ind might take a while. I know there is a mod that makes an Ind themed Slaanesh faction, but I don't think there is a mod in development about it currently. I know there are two for Nippon and one for Khuresh. Hopefully, someone does something more with it.

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2 months ago
Aug 1, 2024, 6:09:09 PM

SaintCorn#3148 wrote:

Walkabout#1505 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

I would die for Ind getting the Cathay treatment from GW. Such a fascinating place. 

Yep would be awesome. If not hopefully a modded gets on it.

The wait for a modded Ind might take a while. I know there is a mod that makes an Ind themed Slaanesh faction, but I don't think there is a mod in development about it currently. I know there are two for Nippon and one for Khuresh. Hopefully, someone does something more with it.

Funny enough i heard, but not much is shown the same guy doing the khuresh mod also works on a ind one

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2 months ago
Aug 1, 2024, 6:30:01 PM

Lunaticprince#9972 wrote:

SaintCorn#3148 wrote:

Walkabout#1505 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

I would die for Ind getting the Cathay treatment from GW. Such a fascinating place. 

Yep would be awesome. If not hopefully a modded gets on it.

The wait for a modded Ind might take a while. I know there is a mod that makes an Ind themed Slaanesh faction, but I don't think there is a mod in development about it currently. I know there are two for Nippon and one for Khuresh. Hopefully, someone does something more with it.

Funny enough i heard, but not much is shown the same guy doing the khuresh mod also works on a ind one

I haven't heard that, but good news to hear about. So, thanks

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2 months ago
Aug 2, 2024, 5:10:34 AM

CA should, but (1) it's not stable enough to make obvious business decisions, and (2) it's dealing with GW... the company with a business model that has no right still being in business.

But also Ind doesn't fit with the WHFB worldview, so I don't think GW knows how to write it.  In order for it to work in 2024:

- It should heavily feature beastmen but they can't be Chaos.

- It should heavily feature gods or avatars but they can't be Chaos, or powerless before Chaos.

- It supposedly gave the Skaven nuke technology, but Hindu mythological nukes were magical (or even sci-fi) not steampunk.  Unless the idea is to make Ind a steampunk interpretation of mythic India (a lot more design work than just modifying existing mythic India), the aesthetics would be incongruent.

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2 months ago
Aug 2, 2024, 6:54:28 AM

Sandboxhead#8494 wrote:

CA should, but (1) it's not stable enough to make obvious business decisions, and (2) it's dealing with GW... the company with a business model that has no right still being in business.

But also Ind doesn't fit with the WHFB worldview, so I don't think GW knows how to write it.  In order for it to work in 2024:

- It should heavily feature beastmen but they can't be Chaos.

- It should heavily feature gods or avatars but they can't be Chaos, or powerless before Chaos.

- It supposedly gave the Skaven nuke technology, but Hindu mythological nukes were magical (or even sci-fi) not steampunk.  Unless the idea is to make Ind a steampunk interpretation of mythic India (a lot more design work than just modifying existing mythic India), the aesthetics would be incongruent.

You may be thinking too much into it imo. 

- We already have Tigermen and Monkeymen confirmed as non-Chaos.

- Considering the Empire or Elven pantheon, it can be the same deal but lot larger number, with maybe a couple being major enough to protect Ind, like the Dragon Emperor.

- Hindu mythology is very likely not the inspiration for Ind beyond surface-level "land of the thousand gods" stuff, since it's an active religion. But ancient India does have multiple unique artistic and architectural styles which can be utilized for aesthetics.

Ind can be developed in the same way as Cathay, and imo it's important to do so for both WH3 and the Old World, since Cathay alone has only chaos and ogres as neighbours otherwise. Plus we know that some development has been done for Ind and Khuresh lore (Ind event in-game, Dreadmaw), and in any case GW will need to develop the lands if the map in IE is to be opened up. They can't be make-believe settlements and geography afterall.

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2 months ago
Aug 2, 2024, 7:12:26 AM

Wood_Sprite#1284 wrote:

Ind coming in as a Chaos Dwarf style race pack would be awesome! Two LLs in Ind, and one somewhere else on an expedition. I also like the OP's ideas about diversity in the culture, that's kind of how India is in real life too.

I would like the game to continue to do well so that CA and GW consider adding both Ind and Khuresh to this game.

You have to remember that Ind isn't just India, it's a mixing bowl of all South East Asia. So there's a lot of cultures to draw influence from. 

Khuresh isn't a culture, it's a landmass. The only interesting thing it currently has is Snakemen. Which can be given to either Beastmen or Lizardmen, then Chaos Snakemen to Slaanesh. 

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2 months ago
Aug 2, 2024, 7:15:09 AM

Sandboxhead#8494 wrote:

CA should, but (1) it's not stable enough to make obvious business decisions, and (2) it's dealing with GW... the company with a business model that has no right still being in business.

But also Ind doesn't fit with the WHFB worldview, so I don't think GW knows how to write it.  In order for it to work in 2024:

- It should heavily feature beastmen but they can't be Chaos.

- It should heavily feature gods or avatars but they can't be Chaos, or powerless before Chaos.

- It supposedly gave the Skaven nuke technology, but Hindu mythological nukes were magical (or even sci-fi) not steampunk.  Unless the idea is to make Ind a steampunk interpretation of mythic India (a lot more design work than just modifying existing mythic India), the aesthetics would be incongruent.

 Less Steampunk and moreso Magic powered, making it easier for Skaven to imitate its technology with the whole ''using magical crystals'' thing. As for the Chaos place in it, Most definetly the Kingdoms of Ind should have some Cults at the start of the campaign mixed in with all the other rival religions trying to rise the already existing infighting conflict even more. Lands of Ind should be a very easy target for Slanesh to seduce all manner of minor factions to its side. While the Kingdoms on their own would be trying to raise their own Avatars of Gods who wouldn't be any tougher than a cathay dragon

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