Suggestion: Beast Kingdoms of Ind

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8 months ago
Feb 1, 2024, 6:27:24 AM

The lands of Ind are a collection of kingdoms populated by seemingly unique breeds of beastmen not found elsewhere in the world. The Kingdoms often cooperate with one another for purposes of trade and military actions. While the beastmen of these Kingdoms have presumably the same origins of their cousins elsewhere in the world, the inhabitants of Ind have seemingly developed a more advanced, less savage culture than beastmen elsewhere(at least, to outside appearances). Possibly due to Ind's geographic distance to the Chaos Wastes and their corrupting influence. One aspect of their culture though is that the individual Kingdoms and the beastmen breeds in them tend to practice very specialized roles. And then these Kingdoms cooperate with each other so that all of them can profit from each other.

Trade and Diplomacy:

The lands of Ind actually provide its people with a large variety of spices which is valued all over the world, and provides considerable wealth to the Beast Kingdoms.  There is a trade route known as The Spice Route.  This route branches off from the larger Ivory Road trade route which connects Cathay to the Old World.  The Kingdoms located along this route are those breeds that are the most tolerant and non-threatening to outsiders.  Elephant and Mongoose beastmen in particular.  As well as the Garuda(large birdmen).  They are skilled diplomats and traders and their cities are filled with beautiful gardens and palaces to impress merchants from other races around the world.  In addition to the Silk Route, these Kingdoms also control Ind’s trade port cities.

Armies fielded by Ind draw troops from many different Kingdoms within Ind. The Kingdoms that provide most of these troops are usually more violent and less friendly to outsiders than those of the trading Kingdoms. Which is why the Spice Route generally gives those Kingdoms a wide berth. These Kingdoms provide the trade Kingdoms with their military might, which the trade Kingdoms provide them with extensive wealth in return.

The backbone of most Ind forces is usually made up of Tigermen, whose Kingdom is located in the very heart of Ind, are very prideful and seek to prove their superiority to outside races and other beastmen of Ind by excelling on the battlefield.  Black-furred Panthermen are renowned for being masters of stealth, often working as assassins and thieves, often serving Ind’s armies as scouts and infiltrators.  The boarmen are large creatures eager to commit their raw strength to the battlefield.  And while it is rare for them to do so, it’s not entirely unheard of for the Garuda or even one of the massive Elephantmen to fight in an Ind army.

Most fickle though is the forces of the Monkey Kingdom.  Located in the Mountains of Heaven, located on the northern border of Ind and separates it from Grand Cathay.  The Monkey King’s people, the Monkeymen, are great warrior monks, however their allegiance is very unreliable due to the capriciousness of the Monkey King.  While he is seemingly obsessed with one day ruling Cathay, his Monkeymen frequently vacillate between fighting alongside Ind’s armies one day, and then joining Cathay to defend from Ind invasion the next, much to the frustration of the other Beast Kingdoms.


Ind is often referred to as “The Land of A Thousand Gods” by outsiders.  And while that is something of an exaggeration, they do possess an extensive pantheon with gods dedicated to almost all aspects of life.  The most popular of these gods though is generally the animal gods within their corresponding Beast Kingdoms.  The Tiger God She'ar is, as one would expect, very popular within the Tiger Kingdom.

Among the many gods of Ind though, can also be found the four Chaos Gods.  And while worship of the Chaos gods is not actually disallowed, or even discouraged, most of the beastmen of Ind don’t consider them to be any more important than most of the other gods in their pantheon.  Viewing Khorne as just another god of war, and Tzeentch a god of magic, and so on.  It should be noted though that open worship of the Chaos gods is much less common in the trade Kingdoms, and more common in the Kingdoms located furthest from the Spice Route.  These Kingdoms are generally only known to outsiders by rumors of dark places where strange sorceries and living sacrifices take place, and traders are generally warned to stay well clear of those Kingdoms.

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8 months ago
Feb 1, 2024, 6:35:30 AM

first why are panthermen why can't we have real leapords, Snow leapords , clouded leapords , cheetahs , lions , fishing cats..etc men . Black panther could be leapord , a jaguar, a Puma ..etc that has melanism. 

the cat types found on the sub conitient , yeah cheetah went excentient few centuries ago, but there is a reintroduction program going on so they count.

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8 months ago
Feb 1, 2024, 7:09:36 AM
saweendra#3399 wrote:
first why are panthermen

Because Bagheera from Jungle Book was a black panther.

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8 months ago
Feb 1, 2024, 7:13:36 AM
DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:
saweendra#3399 wrote:
first why are panthermen

Because Bagheera from Jungle Book was a black panther.

i don't care about bgheera , or the jungle book to be  quite frank that's more of west thing. throw that reference to ror. but proper leapords are better.

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8 months ago
Feb 1, 2024, 9:05:42 AM
saweendra#3399 wrote:
i don't care about bgheera

Well I'm not really interested in your cat obsession.  And it's my suggestion so...*shrug*

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8 months ago
Feb 1, 2024, 9:28:20 AM

I love beastmen and Ind beastmen, but I doubt if beastmen are civilized enough to form a kingdom.

Anyway anything help expanding Ind in IE would be great.

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8 months ago
Feb 1, 2024, 10:27:09 AM
DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:
saweendra#3399 wrote:
i don't care about bgheera

Well I'm not really interested in your cat obsession.  And it's my suggestion so...*shrug*

its not a cat obsession, your trying to sell a race which can attract lot of new customers and newer demographic , big cats on the end of the day are fine in fact cellibrated with out having lot of strings attached. in my part of the world.

Moongose aren't they are not popular as human replacements and depending on the sub culture even bit offensive not as bad as dogs but still,  Elephant men also come with lot of strings as that is too close to major hindu god. so out side of full human cats are definitely the best choice also good choice since you can do like one skeleton or two at most and have diverse roster. with out any pit falls. 

its a simple way to have wh roster to give freedom to make it as dark as necessary to be apart of the setting with out simply being rip off of a book which isn't even that popular in the sub continent 

Updated 8 months ago.
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8 months ago
Feb 1, 2024, 2:55:16 PM

I feel like there has to be a human element to Ind. Either with Ind being a patchwork of human states and beastial states(often tribal in nature, like the Tigermen), or with a human populace ruled over by Beastmen warrior-nobility. Also Boarmen don't fit in with the rest IMO, feel like especially with Razorgors being a thing they shouldn't have another boar chaos beast sort of thing,

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8 months ago
Feb 1, 2024, 6:32:30 PM
AHumpierRogue#5296 wrote:

I feel like there has to be a human element to Ind. Either with Ind being a patchwork of human states and beastial states(often tribal in nature, like the Tigermen), or with a human populace ruled over by Beastmen warrior-nobility. 

Both of these options fit quite nicely, imho.

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7 months ago
Feb 2, 2024, 12:12:04 AM
saweendra#3399 wrote:
DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:
saweendra#3399 wrote:
i don't care about bgheera

Well I'm not really interested in your cat obsession.  And it's my suggestion so...*shrug*

its not a cat obsession, your trying to sell a race which can attract lot of new customers and newer demographic , big cats on the end of the day are fine in fact cellibrated with out having lot of strings attached. in my part of the world.

Moongose aren't they are not popular as human replacements and depending on the sub culture even bit offensive not as bad as dogs but still,  Elephant men also come with lot of strings as that is too close to major hindu god. so out side of full human cats are definitely the best choice also good choice since you can do like one skeleton or two at most and have diverse roster. with out any pit falls. 

its a simple way to have wh roster to give freedom to make it as dark as necessary to be apart of the setting with out simply being rip off of a book which isn't even that popular in the sub continent 

Yeah. I think Ind is a much bigger minefield to navigate than most people outside of the region understand. Your example of dogs is an excellent illustration of one (ONE) of the many potential PR nightmares that are waiting around numerous corners. Dogs are viewed extremely different depending on where you were raised in the world and those biases have to be kept in mind throughout the entire setting; not just the beginning. One lapse in focus, and they've introduced a culturally offensive theme into the environment that didn't even register with them, because it's such a non-issue for them culturally. 

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7 months ago
Feb 2, 2024, 12:49:38 AM
Funzo#7954 wrote:
saweendra#3399 wrote:
DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:
saweendra#3399 wrote:
i don't care about bgheera

Well I'm not really interested in your cat obsession.  And it's my suggestion so...*shrug*

its not a cat obsession, your trying to sell a race which can attract lot of new customers and newer demographic , big cats on the end of the day are fine in fact cellibrated with out having lot of strings attached. in my part of the world.

Moongose aren't they are not popular as human replacements and depending on the sub culture even bit offensive not as bad as dogs but still,  Elephant men also come with lot of strings as that is too close to major hindu god. so out side of full human cats are definitely the best choice also good choice since you can do like one skeleton or two at most and have diverse roster. with out any pit falls. 

its a simple way to have wh roster to give freedom to make it as dark as necessary to be apart of the setting with out simply being rip off of a book which isn't even that popular in the sub continent 

Yeah. I think Ind is a much bigger minefield to navigate than most people outside of the region understand. Your example of dogs is an excellent illustration of one (ONE) of the many potential PR nightmares that are waiting around numerous corners. Dogs are viewed extremely different depending on where you were raised in the world and those biases have to be kept in mind throughout the entire setting; not just the beginning. One lapse in focus, and they've introduced a culturally offensive theme into the environment that didn't even register with them, because it's such a non-issue for them culturally. 

Literally why i said go full cats. Lot of other media has done it.

Its fairly popular in the region.  No pr issues.

Any thing elese one has to be carful. But fortunately there is plenty of people from sub continent in England so the pitfalls are easier to see.

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7 months ago
Feb 2, 2024, 1:04:29 AM
saweendra#3399 wrote:
Funzo#7954 wrote:
saweendra#3399 wrote: its not a cat obsession, your trying to sell a race which can attract lot of new customers and newer demographic , big cats on the end of the day are fine in fact cellibrated with out having lot of strings attached. in my part of the world.

Moongose aren't they are not popular as human replacements and depending on the sub culture even bit offensive not as bad as dogs but still,  Elephant men also come with lot of strings as that is too close to major hindu god. so out side of full human cats are definitely the best choice also good choice since you can do like one skeleton or two at most and have diverse roster. with out any pit falls. 

its a simple way to have wh roster to give freedom to make it as dark as necessary to be apart of the setting with out simply being rip off of a book which isn't even that popular in the sub continent 

Yeah. I think Ind is a much bigger minefield to navigate than most people outside of the region understand. Your example of dogs is an excellent illustration of one (ONE) of the many potential PR nightmares that are waiting around numerous corners. Dogs are viewed extremely different depending on where you were raised in the world and those biases have to be kept in mind throughout the entire setting; not just the beginning. One lapse in focus, and they've introduced a culturally offensive theme into the environment that didn't even register with them, because it's such a non-issue for them culturally. 

Literally why i said go full cats. Lot of other media has done it.

Its fairly popular in the region.  No pr issues.

Any thing elese one has to be carful. But fortunately there is plenty of people from sub continent in England so the pitfalls are easier to see.

It's such a clash of expectations, though. The people of a given region or culture have expectations of being interpreted or represented in certain ways that often clash with many of the -- often outdated and or insulting -- expectations of those that are not a part of said region or culture. Some of those tropes can be taken in stride or even mutually embraced but others are a total no-go. 

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7 months ago
Feb 2, 2024, 1:12:16 AM
Funzo#7954 wrote:
saweendra#3399 wrote:
Funzo#7954 wrote:
saweendra#3399 wrote: its not a cat obsession, your trying to sell a race which can attract lot of new customers and newer demographic , big cats on the end of the day are fine in fact cellibrated with out having lot of strings attached. in my part of the world.

Moongose aren't they are not popular as human replacements and depending on the sub culture even bit offensive not as bad as dogs but still,  Elephant men also come with lot of strings as that is too close to major hindu god. so out side of full human cats are definitely the best choice also good choice since you can do like one skeleton or two at most and have diverse roster. with out any pit falls. 

its a simple way to have wh roster to give freedom to make it as dark as necessary to be apart of the setting with out simply being rip off of a book which isn't even that popular in the sub continent 

Yeah. I think Ind is a much bigger minefield to navigate than most people outside of the region understand. Your example of dogs is an excellent illustration of one (ONE) of the many potential PR nightmares that are waiting around numerous corners. Dogs are viewed extremely different depending on where you were raised in the world and those biases have to be kept in mind throughout the entire setting; not just the beginning. One lapse in focus, and they've introduced a culturally offensive theme into the environment that didn't even register with them, because it's such a non-issue for them culturally. 

Literally why i said go full cats. Lot of other media has done it.

Its fairly popular in the region.  No pr issues.

Any thing elese one has to be carful. But fortunately there is plenty of people from sub continent in England so the pitfalls are easier to see.

It's such a clash of expectations, though. The people of a given region or culture have expectations of being interpreted or represented in certain ways that often clash with many of the -- often outdated and or insulting -- expectations of those that are not a part of said region or culture. Some of those tropes can be taken in stride or even mutually embraced but others are a total no-go. 

??? What are you going on about?

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7 months ago
Feb 2, 2024, 1:51:18 AM
saweendra#3399 wrote:
Funzo#7954 wrote:
saweendra#3399 wrote: Literally why i said go full cats. Lot of other media has done it.

Its fairly popular in the region.  No pr issues.

Any thing elese one has to be carful. But fortunately there is plenty of people from sub continent in England so the pitfalls are easier to see.

It's such a clash of expectations, though. The people of a given region or culture have expectations of being interpreted or represented in certain ways that often clash with many of the -- often outdated and or insulting -- expectations of those that are not a part of said region or culture. Some of those tropes can be taken in stride or even mutually embraced but others are a total no-go. 

??? What are you going on about?

Look at the French for example. Mon ami is actual French. It's not slang, it's not an archaic use of the term my friend, but people visiting France are discouraged from using mon ami WITHIN France. That's not something that most people would EXPECT.

To be courteous enough to a person by addressing them as a friend, with the added layer of doing it in their native language would not be expected to be met with resistance or resentment. However, the use of a French TERM OF ENDEARMENT has fallen out of favor within France and you are EXPECTED to use a different term when visiting France while speaking French. That's a clash of expectations. You meant no offense but you have likely offended. 

Updated 7 months ago.
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7 months ago
Feb 2, 2024, 1:53:27 AM

I see that has no bearing to this conversation. 

Nothing has changed regarding cats in the sub continent or out of fhe sub continent in the relevent demographic. 

But if you wanna be safe just do humans. Problem solved..

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7 months ago
Feb 2, 2024, 2:36:02 AM
AHumpierRogue#5296 wrote:

I feel like there has to be a human element to Ind. Either with Ind being a patchwork of human states and beastial states(often tribal in nature, like the Tigermen), or with a human populace ruled over by Beastmen warrior-nobility. Also Boarmen don't fit in with the rest IMO, feel like especially with Razorgors being a thing they shouldn't have another boar chaos beast sort of thing,

I’m more of a fan of the first option.

Ind is made up of human kingdoms, and it should be represented that way.  We already have Grand Cathay humans being ruled over by non-human nobility.  With Khuresh also being a region where non-humans (Snakemen/Nagas) rule over human slaves, Ind would offer the differential that is needed in the region.

With that said, there are beastmen (like the tigermen) who make up a significant population inside of Ind.  These beastmen would need to be recruitable in the Ind roster, and I wouldn’t mind a playable Tigerman LL in allegiance to an Ind kingdom.

I’ve also hypothesized that the Monkey King, if added after the Ind DLC, could be a hybrid faction of both Cathay and Ind, offering significant buffs to the beasts of those factions (Monkey Warriors/Tigermen/etc), similar to Throgg with Norsca.

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7 months ago
Feb 2, 2024, 4:41:56 AM
Funzo#7954 wrote:
To be courteous enough to a person by addressing them as a friend, with the added layer of doing it in their native language would not be expected to be met with resistance or resentment. However, the use of a French TERM OF ENDEARMENT has fallen out of favor within France and you are EXPECTED to use a different term when visiting France while speaking French. That's a clash of expectations. You meant no offense but you have likely offended. 


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7 months ago
Feb 2, 2024, 8:39:58 AM
Funzo#7954 wrote:
saweendra#3399 wrote:
Funzo#7954 wrote:
saweendra#3399 wrote: Literally why i said go full cats. Lot of other media has done it.

Its fairly popular in the region.  No pr issues.

Any thing elese one has to be carful. But fortunately there is plenty of people from sub continent in England so the pitfalls are easier to see.

It's such a clash of expectations, though. The people of a given region or culture have expectations of being interpreted or represented in certain ways that often clash with many of the -- often outdated and or insulting -- expectations of those that are not a part of said region or culture. Some of those tropes can be taken in stride or even mutually embraced but others are a total no-go. 

??? What are you going on about?

Look at the French for example. Mon ami is actual French. It's not slang, it's not an archaic use of the term my friend, but people visiting France are discouraged from using mon ami WITHIN France. That's not something that most people would EXPECT.

To be courteous enough to a person by addressing them as a friend, with the added layer of doing it in their native language would not be expected to be met with resistance or resentment. However, the use of a French TERM OF ENDEARMENT has fallen out of favor within France and you are EXPECTED to use a different term when visiting France while speaking French. That's a clash of expectations. You meant no offense but you have likely offended. 

I don't know what was the experience that led you to you to feel like this but I wouldn't use it as a general conclusion on French language and on how to use "mon ami". Also, there are actually a lot of examples where calling someone "my friend" is inappropriate, the first one being when the person is not your friend because it may seem very patronizing.


Anyway, this was a good post @DarthEnderX-#6513 , a shame it is now derailed by bigotry. You should try again later.

This is just the Araby debate all over again, people think that a whole population might get triggered by a fantasy faction inspired loosely by their culture, an assumption that has been proven wrong times and times again.

Updated 7 months ago.
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7 months ago
Feb 2, 2024, 9:55:21 AM
MalalTheRenegade#5644 wrote:
Funzo#7954 wrote:
saweendra#3399 wrote:
Funzo#7954 wrote:
saweendra#3399 wrote: Literally why i said go full cats. Lot of other media has done it.

Its fairly popular in the region.  No pr issues.

Any thing elese one has to be carful. But fortunately there is plenty of people from sub continent in England so the pitfalls are easier to see.

It's such a clash of expectations, though. The people of a given region or culture have expectations of being interpreted or represented in certain ways that often clash with many of the -- often outdated and or insulting -- expectations of those that are not a part of said region or culture. Some of those tropes can be taken in stride or even mutually embraced but others are a total no-go. 

??? What are you going on about?

Look at the French for example. Mon ami is actual French. It's not slang, it's not an archaic use of the term my friend, but people visiting France are discouraged from using mon ami WITHIN France. That's not something that most people would EXPECT.

To be courteous enough to a person by addressing them as a friend, with the added layer of doing it in their native language would not be expected to be met with resistance or resentment. However, the use of a French TERM OF ENDEARMENT has fallen out of favor within France and you are EXPECTED to use a different term when visiting France while speaking French. That's a clash of expectations. You meant no offense but you have likely offended. 

I don't know what was the experience that led you to you to feel like this but I wouldn't use it as a general conclusion on French language and on how to use "mon ami". Also, there are actually a lot of examples where calling someone "my friend" is inappropriate, the first one being when the person is not your friend because it may seem very patronizing.


Anyway, this was a good post @DarthEnderX-#6513 , a shame it is now derailed by bigotry. You should try again later.

This is just the Araby debate all over again, people think that a whole population might get triggered by a fantasy faction inspired loosely by their culture, an assumption that has been proven wrong times and times again.

Bigotry!? What you trying to incite!? I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt initially and just assume that your ability to comprehend is lacking. If not, I am going to escalate this matter unless I receive a direct apology! That's a fact. 

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7 months ago
Feb 2, 2024, 9:56:56 AM

I want Ind to be similar to the Khajiit from TES. With several cat types for different purposes. Basically a Cat version of the LM. 

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