Big long term request CA - Return of the Lustriabowl!

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3 months ago
Jun 27, 2024, 7:01:56 PM

So, Lustria. I think most people will agree that it is not a very exciting continent to play in right now. For me, the issue really stems from a lack of space - let me explain.

In WH2 Vortex map, Lustria was such an active area that the community named it Lustriabowl. It was this way because there were many LLs in the continent, but that wasn't the critical ingredient in my opinion. The critical part was that there was a massive war between Lizardmen and Skaven, with almost equal forces on both sides, which covered most of the continent. The LLs of other races acted like a wildcard entry, and usually ended up fighting one or the other side in this war. This is also why Tehenhauin felt so good back then, the war on Skaven meant something big!

Here's a comparison of the faction spread:

Screenshot 2024-06-28 001638.jpgand what this looks like in the maps themselves:

lustria.jpgScreenshot 2024-06-28 002101.jpg

What you will see here is how much of a challenge Skaven were providing to the Lizardmen in Vortex, while in IE they barely have a corner to themselves, and entirely depend on Skrolk's survival.

I think we need more Skaven factions on this continent to reignite the war, but we need to keep in mind that WH3 comes with new races, and especially Chaos needs to have a presence here as well (move Epidemius pls CA). Let's keep in mind also that due to being surrounded by ocean on all sides, Lustria doesn't usually get invaded by factions from other continents. So what we need is more space to place more factions, and here is my suggestion as to how we should achieve that:


This way we are only taking space from ocean, but without having to expand southwards or extending the map. I'm fully aware that making this much adjustment to the map will be a big task for CA, so I really am requesting this with a long term view - please add this change as a part of reworks at some point in the next year or two, so that we can have an engagingg experience in Lustriabowl again!

P.S.: I know that the community will have many opinions about this as well, so please fire away in the comments. The more we discuss this, the better quality feedback CA will be able to gather.

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jun 27, 2024, 7:08:58 PM

I have to admit that The Lustria Bowl in game two were beyond entertaining

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3 months ago
Jun 27, 2024, 7:49:39 PM

As a Lizardmen fan, I would be sceptical in adding more enemies into Lustria. But, I can accomodate some changes. Here is my proposal:


Lets go north to south:

1. New LL - Marco Colombo (New World Colonies): Comes with the DoW race and is tied into being an ally of Mazdamundi, primarily against Skeggi and Morathi to the north.

2. Move - The Marshal That Must Not Be Named -> Volcanic IslandsThe Marshal That Must Not Be Named should be moved from the Creeping Jungle in order to break up the Cathay-Empire-Bretonnia human trifecta that all too easily can arise in northern Lustria. He is then moved to the Volcanic Islands, offering an island base with several options. Whether to go via Xlanhuapec directly for Itza, attack Luthor Harkon and springboard from there, or to advance into Skaven territory.

3. New LL - Golgfag Maneater: In place of the former, comes Golgfag Maneater. He is a neutral that can be a friend or foe to anybody.

4. Province Redesign and New LL - Tetto'eko: This would depend on how the situation develops in the Far East. If Ku'Gath isn't moved from the Dragon Isles and Nakai takes up residence in the Lost City of the Old Ones, then Tetto'eko should be placed at home, to provide reinforcements to the Lizardmen at home and to not make Alberic's early campaign a cakewalk. Provinces would have to be redesigned so that Tlaxtlan ends up in its own province seperate from Alberic.

5. Province Redesign and New LL - Thanquol: Skaven reinforcements comes with Thanquol, who could lorefully join Skrolk in the fight for Lustria, starting from Quetza. Slight redesign of Gwangee Valley and he'd be squeezed in between Tetto'eko and Gor-Rok, or Gor-Rok would be squeezed between Thanquol and Skrolk.

I am open to other additions as well.

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3 months ago
Jun 27, 2024, 8:09:08 PM

We don't NEED the Lustria Bowl anymore.  We have the Southlands Rumble now.

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jun 27, 2024, 8:11:45 PM

Hope any bowl will be spread out to make game less crammed and boring - add life to deadzone of chaos wastes and ind-kuresh territories instead of cramming aall in several points

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3 months ago
Jun 28, 2024, 5:27:19 AM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

We don't NEED the Lustria Bowl anymore.  We have the Southlands Rumble now.

I'd say in Southlands fun is only to be had around the desert rigght now. Everything below Settra is not very engaging - I recently played a Volkmar campaign and after killing Mannfred I'm surrounded by allies, which is not ideal. The closest natural enemies were Kairos and Arkhan.

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3 months ago
Jun 28, 2024, 5:28:07 AM

TancredIIQuenelles#3970 wrote:

Hope any bowl will be spread out to make game less crammed and boring - add life to deadzone of chaos wastes and ind-kuresh territories instead of cramming aall in several points

They should definitely get rid of that floating mountain near Tamurkhan's start at least!

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3 months ago
Jun 28, 2024, 5:30:27 AM

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

As a Lizardmen fan, I would be sceptical in adding more enemies into Lustria. But, I can accomodate some changes. Here is my proposal:


Lets go north to south:

1. New LL - Marco Colombo (New World Colonies): Comes with the DoW race and is tied into being an ally of Mazdamundi, primarily against Skeggi and Morathi to the north.

2. Move - The Marshal That Must Not Be Named -> Volcanic IslandsThe Marshal That Must Not Be Named should be moved from the Creeping Jungle in order to break up the Cathay-Empire-Bretonnia human trifecta that all too easily can arise in northern Lustria. He is then moved to the Volcanic Islands, offering an island base with several options. Whether to go via Xlanhuapec directly for Itza, attack Luthor Harkon and springboard from there, or to advance into Skaven territory.

3. New LL - Golgfag Maneater: In place of the former, comes Golgfag Maneater. He is a neutral that can be a friend or foe to anybody.

4. Province Redesign and New LL - Tetto'eko: This would depend on how the situation develops in the Far East. If Ku'Gath isn't moved from the Dragon Isles and Nakai takes up residence in the Lost City of the Old Ones, then Tetto'eko should be placed at home, to provide reinforcements to the Lizardmen at home and to not make Alberic's early campaign a cakewalk. Provinces would have to be redesigned so that Tlaxtlan ends up in its own province seperate from Alberic.

5. Province Redesign and New LL - Thanquol: Skaven reinforcements comes with Thanquol, who could lorefully join Skrolk in the fight for Lustria, starting from Quetza. Slight redesign of Gwangee Valley and he'd be squeezed in between Tetto'eko and Gor-Rok, or Gor-Rok would be squeezed between Thanquol and Skrolk.

I am open to other additions as well.

I'm not sure about Ogres in Lustria tbh, but the rest seems fine. I still think having more minor factions around will help in setting this up nicely, so we do need that extra space I mentioned in the OP.

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3 months ago
Jun 28, 2024, 6:53:23 AM

I don't care much for the so-called Lustriabowl, but I do agree that the Lustria map needs some kind of expansion, especially in the lower left corner of Lustria
Multiple consecutive long strips of provinces are tedious and uninteresting in a way, and some map expansion is needed to increase gameplay.

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jun 28, 2024, 7:10:32 AM

Wood_Sprite#1284 wrote:
I'd say in Southlands fun is only to be had around the desert rigght now. Everything below Settra is not very engaging - I recently played a Volkmar campaign and after killing Mannfred I'm surrounded by allies, which is not ideal. The closest natural enemies were Kairos and Arkhan.

Then don't play one of the order guys.  You're not surrounded by allies then.

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3 months ago
Jun 28, 2024, 7:28:19 AM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

Wood_Sprite#1284 wrote:
I'd say in Southlands fun is only to be had around the desert rigght now. Everything below Settra is not very engaging - I recently played a Volkmar campaign and after killing Mannfred I'm surrounded by allies, which is not ideal. The closest natural enemies were Kairos and Arkhan.

Then don't play one of the order guys.  You're not surrounded by allies then.

You know that is not a solution - I shouldn't play in Southlands, unless it's as Mannfred? 

I hope they will at least move Wurrzag down in place of the greenskin faction there at least, that will allow for a more dynamic setting for everyone.

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3 months ago
Jun 28, 2024, 8:12:51 AM

I hope for the following. Next dlc includes gigantic spider riders and forest gobbos with spears/ archers.

Snagla plus forest gobbo shaman lord are added as flc and added to lustria

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3 months ago
Jun 28, 2024, 11:18:22 AM

Epidemius should have been placed in the Lustria. His current startpos sucks so much. He doesn't even have a landmark in the starting area, which is like the Nurgle portion of the Chaos Wastes.

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3 months ago
Jun 28, 2024, 12:10:30 PM

Wood_Sprite#1284 wrote:
I hope they will at least move Wurrzag down in place of the greenskin faction there at least, that will allow for a more dynamic setting for everyone.

The theater encompassing everything from the Border Princes to the Southern Wastes should contain at least one LL from each Race!

TK, LM and GS can have 2 because they actually live in those places.


Enforest#2212 wrote:
Epidemius should have been placed in the Lustria. His current startpos sucks so much. He doesn't even have a landmark in the starting area, which is like the Nurgle portion of the Chaos Wastes.

Epidemius, Skulltaker and Masque should all start in the Southern Wastes.

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jun 28, 2024, 2:08:14 PM

I agree that Epidemius would have been nice in Lustria.

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

The theater encompassing everything from the Border Princes to the Southern Wastes should contain at least one LL from each Race!

TK, LM and GS can have 2 because they actually live in those places.

Yeah that's how I see Southlands too, especially the southern parts are not homeland of any existing race, so can really house anyone.

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3 months ago
Jun 28, 2024, 2:21:02 PM

TheWattman#7460 wrote:
Comes with the DoW race and is tied into being an ally of Mazdamundi, primarily against Skeggi and Morathi to the north.

Of all the Lizardmen who would ally with the DoW, I can’t say I think that Mazdamundi would be at the top of that list. 

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3 months ago
Jun 28, 2024, 2:24:57 PM

Lustria is awfully boring right now, it definitely needs more LLs, preferably evil ones as there's too much order with those damn warm bloods.

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3 months ago
Jun 28, 2024, 2:58:59 PM

Neodeinos#5871 wrote:

Lustria is awfully boring right now, it definitely needs more LLs, preferably evil ones as there's too much order with those damn warm bloods.

Well, if you RP Lizardmen, you'll have to kill those warm bloods (especially Yuan Bo) and send them back to their lands so I wouldn't say that LM lack ennemies there.

I agree it needs at least one demonic LL though, just to allow a reenacting of the Great War against chaos.


OP I am not sure what your problem is, your table clearly shows that there is more faction diversity than there was before ?

So we do have a Lustriabowl just not a Skavenbowl. And Lustria shouldn't be plagued by Skaven, they have been pushed back a long time ago.

It is a bit like asking for all Chaos Lords to be put right in the middle of the Empire.

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3 months ago
Jun 28, 2024, 3:11:15 PM

MalalTheRenegade#5644 wrote:

Neodeinos#5871 wrote:

Lustria is awfully boring right now, it definitely needs more LLs, preferably evil ones as there's too much order with those damn warm bloods.

Well, if you RP Lizardmen, you'll have to kill those warm bloods (especially Yuan Bo) and send them back to their lands so I wouldn't say that LM lack ennemies there.

I agree it needs at least one demonic LL though, just to allow a reenacting of the Great War against chaos.


OP I am not sure what your problem is, your table clearly shows that there is more faction diversity than there was before ?

So we do have a Lustriabowl just not a Skavenbowl. And Lustria shouldn't be plagued by Skaven, they have been pushed back a long time ago.

It is a bit like asking for all Chaos Lords to be put right in the middle of the Empire.

Having Yuan Bo and Alberic while playing Wulfharf, which is all about fighting Lizardmen, makes his campaign a lot less interesting though.

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