5 prospective content timelines

Completionism -> 2030-2031 (I demand content!)
Realism + Bloodlines -> 2029-2030 (Give us what is do)
Realism -> 2028-2029 (I can live without Bloodlines)
Essentialism -> 2027-2028 (It hurts, but we can't survive 40k)
Minimalism -> 2027 (WH3 is a failure anyway, let it die)
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a day ago
Oct 16, 2024, 7:19:52 PM

Created these out of some different potential content outcomes, built around the prospect of 7-month post-ToD content cycles. Completionism offers maximum exploitation of core races for LPs (except a Slaanesh #2 and a seperate Li Dao DLC, which would be a maximalist scenario). Realism centers around the proverbial forum consensus of remaining core content + a satisfying range of legacy race updates. Essentialism cuts the crap further and relies on the End Times DLC for stuff like further Nurgle content. And minimalism is a horrible timeline with just the few big names and absolutely mandatory updates, including pushing Nagash until the very end. Which do you prefer?


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a day ago
Oct 16, 2024, 10:01:55 PM

Why does the realism timeline include races like Greenskins, Lizardmen, Dark Elves, or Coast when they’re realistically done (GS after this next DLC)? 

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21 hours ago
Oct 16, 2024, 10:38:22 PM

Passthechips#4366 wrote:

Why does the realism timeline include races like Greenskins, Lizardmen, Dark Elves, or Coast when they’re realistically done (GS after this next DLC)? 

They can all either still produce enough stuff for DLCs (Snagla's Forest Goblins for example) or because they are more likely than other races to get DLCs (unlike say BM, WE and Bretonnia) in that scenario. Plus pairing appropriateness.

Surge_2#1464 wrote:

Game ends at the end of 2026.

With the post-ToD content pattern of 7 months inbetween? Literally impossible.

Updated 21 hours ago.
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21 hours ago
Oct 16, 2024, 11:21:16 PM

TheWattman#7460 wrote:
Which do you prefer?

Slaanesh (Dechala) vs HE (Aislinn) vs Cathay (Monkey King) - First half of 2025

DoW - Second half of 2025

VC (Nagash) vs Skaven (Thanquol) vs Kislev (new version of Ivan Radinov) - First half of 2026

Norsca (Sayl the Faithless) vs WoC (Crom the Conqueror) vs Empire (Valten) - Second half of 2026

Character pack №1 - First half of 2027

Character pack №2 (if something won't fit in character pack №1) - Second half of 2027


Updated 17 hours ago.
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21 hours ago
Oct 16, 2024, 11:22:30 PM

TheWattman#7460 wrote:
With the post-ToD content pattern of 7 months inbetween? Literally impossible.

If they cannot improve the rate of delivery, then yeah, wrap this up. 2 more years at 1.5 DLC a year?

lol no.

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14 hours ago
Oct 17, 2024, 6:03:03 AM

7.0 Slaanesh(Dechala) + HEs(Aislinn) + DEs(Tullaris)
8.0 Dogs of War(Borgio + Lucrezzia + Marco + Lietpold)
9.0 Vampire Bloodlines(Walach + Neferata + Zacharias + Ushoran)
10.0 Norsca(Sayl) + Cathay(MK) + Skaven(Thanquol)
11.0 Undead Legions(Nagash) + TKs(Sehenesmet) + VCoast(Zheng Shih)
12.0 BM(Ghorros) + Bretonnia(Bohemond) + WEs(Araloth)

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12 hours ago
Oct 17, 2024, 8:12:00 AM

CA said multiple times that they will support the game as long as the DLCs sell well. So if the DLCs are still successful in 2029, CA will continue doing them. 

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12 hours ago
Oct 17, 2024, 8:23:30 AM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

CA said multiple times that they will support the game as long as the DLCs sell well. So if the DLCs are still successful in 2029, CA will continue doing them. 

Yeah and with the new post-ToD content pattern, they are certainly aiming for a qualitative long haul.

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12 hours ago
Oct 17, 2024, 8:34:03 AM

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

CA said multiple times that they will support the game as long as the DLCs sell well. So if the DLCs are still successful in 2029, CA will continue doing them. 

Yeah and with the new post-ToD content pattern, they are certainly aiming for a qualitative long haul.

Which also alines with SEGAs goal of having more long term games that follow the "Games as aservice" formula. 

The idea that CA will just drop WH3 because they reached a random time-mark is laughable and makes 0 sense. 

Even if they ever do 40k, they likely won't drop WH3s DLC support since these games would be very different. 40k would be a scifi game that wouldn't give me my fantasy fix. Both games can perfectly coexist without competing with each other. Sure Tyranids, Tau and Space Marines are cool and all but sometimes I just wanna play classic medieval Humans, Dwarfs, Elves and Orcs with Monsters, Wizards, Giants, Dragons and all that fantastical stuff. 40k doesn't give me that. Its like saying "well if you want more LotR content you can just watch Star Wars, its both fantasy". 

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11 hours ago
Oct 17, 2024, 8:44:03 AM

LPs which are a must for me (8): Slaanesh, Cult of Ulric, Nurgle, Bloodlines, Thanquol, DoW, Nagash, Monkey King

Race reworks which are a must for me (3): LZM, HE, DE

Everything else is a bonus for me. I would like a Ghorros LP or a Snagla LP but it's not the end of the world if that doesnt happen. For me the LPs above are essential for the WH experience and i think they shouldn't leave HE, DE and LZM in their current state

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11 hours ago
Oct 17, 2024, 8:54:47 AM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

CA said multiple times that they will support the game as long as the DLCs sell well. So if the DLCs are still successful in 2029, CA will continue doing them. 

Yeah and with the new post-ToD content pattern, they are certainly aiming for a qualitative long haul.

Which also alines with SEGAs goal of having more long term games that follow the "Games as aservice" formula. 

The idea that CA will just drop WH3 because they reached a random time-mark is laughable and makes 0 sense. 

Even if they ever do 40k, they likely won't drop WH3s DLC support since these games would be very different. 40k would be a scifi game that wouldn't give me my fantasy fix. Both games can perfectly coexist without competing with each other. Sure Tyranids, Tau and Space Marines are cool and all but sometimes I just wanna play classic medieval Humans, Dwarfs, Elves and Orcs with Monsters, Wizards, Giants, Dragons and all that fantastical stuff. 40k doesn't give me that. Its like saying "well if you want more LotR content you can just watch Star Wars, its both fantasy". 

I agree and disagree. I think 40k and WH fantasy can coexist as you note and i think if the WH3 DLC keeps selling well, there's no reason to ever stop churning out DLC. I think they will have a dedicated WH fantasy team.

I think where the overlap lies is in the Total War concept. Most people have relatively limited time for gaming so might not have time to play both. That could lead to player attrition for WH3 if another TW is doing really well

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11 hours ago
Oct 17, 2024, 9:01:53 AM

Theo91#7431 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

CA said multiple times that they will support the game as long as the DLCs sell well. So if the DLCs are still successful in 2029, CA will continue doing them. 

Yeah and with the new post-ToD content pattern, they are certainly aiming for a qualitative long haul.

Which also alines with SEGAs goal of having more long term games that follow the "Games as aservice" formula. 

The idea that CA will just drop WH3 because they reached a random time-mark is laughable and makes 0 sense. 

Even if they ever do 40k, they likely won't drop WH3s DLC support since these games would be very different. 40k would be a scifi game that wouldn't give me my fantasy fix. Both games can perfectly coexist without competing with each other. Sure Tyranids, Tau and Space Marines are cool and all but sometimes I just wanna play classic medieval Humans, Dwarfs, Elves and Orcs with Monsters, Wizards, Giants, Dragons and all that fantastical stuff. 40k doesn't give me that. Its like saying "well if you want more LotR content you can just watch Star Wars, its both fantasy". 

I agree and disagree. I think 40k and WH fantasy can coexist as you note and i think if the WH3 DLC keeps selling well, there's no reason to ever stop churning out DLC. I think they will have a dedicated WH fantasy team.

I think where the overlap lies is in the Total War concept. Most people have relatively limited time for gaming so might not have time to play both. That could lead to player attrition for WH3 if another TW is doing really well

And most TW players play several TW titles simultanously, especially since many WH fans would be also interested in 40k and vice versa. $0k would pull many brand new players new to the TW franchise and these people would potentially also interested in WH3. 3k, Troy and Wh2 coexisted just fine. If we ever get a 40k game I would obviously buy it but I would also still insta buy my 1-2 WH3 DLCs per year. I wouldn't be like "Oh no I don't want Egrimm and the Cult of Ulric anymore since I have 40k now. " 

Player don't ply just 1 game for an entire year. They take braks and focus on other games. So I could play 40k from january to April, then go back to WH3 from April to June and then back to 40k. As long as they time the DLCs well these games wouldn't compete. 

So yeah, CA will drop DLCs for WH3 until their believe they don't sell anymore. <CA never planned to support WH2 beyond W&P but thanks to the massive success they extended the lifecycle of the game until WH3 came out. 

Updated 11 hours ago.
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8 hours ago
Oct 17, 2024, 12:18:28 PM

TheWattman#7460 wrote:
They can all either still produce enough stuff for DLCs (Snagla's Forest Goblins for example) or because they are more likely than other races to get DLCs (unlike say BM, WE and Bretonnia) in that scenario. Plus pairing appropriateness.

It’s a stretch for them in the same way it’s a stretch for BM, WE, and Bretonnia.

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7 hours ago
Oct 17, 2024, 12:55:14 PM
Lmao, 2027 is minimalism and 2029 is realism? Some of you guys really need to get reconnected with life.

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7 hours ago
Oct 17, 2024, 1:03:52 PM

Will either end in 2026 or slow down to the point where there's a skeletal crew releasing updates and bugfixes once per year or so

People actually believing that the game will be supported like it is cureently into the next decade are huffing copious amounts of hopium to the point where they should seek a doctor for a checkup.


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