How many elves for Slaanesh DLC?

Champions of Elves: Dechala vs HE, DE and WE
Standard DLC: Slaanesh + HE and DE
Standard DLC: Slaanesh + HE or DE + XY
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a day ago
Oct 16, 2024, 7:07:12 AM


I would like to have Slaanesh vs HE vs DE vs WE. But CA is probably not beave enough to introduce another Champions style DLC but with elves.

But! If WoC and Elves get foursome DLC it would be one step from VC Bloodlines DLC everyone want!


Having both HE and DE together with Slaanesh make sense. But it would be end of elven content for very long time. Maybe ever.

I have a hunch CA would like to spread them to at least two DLC packs.


Boring and save option. One from the Chaos, one from the Order and one from the Desctruction.

Only interesting question is who would be the third.

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a day ago
Oct 16, 2024, 7:11:02 AM

My bet is on Slaanesh (Dechala), High Elves (Aislinn) and Cathay (Monkey King) with the opening up of Khuresh and the Mountain of Heaven.

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a day ago
Oct 16, 2024, 7:36:36 AM

MiniaAr#5798 wrote:

My bet is on Slaanesh (Dechala), High Elves (Aislinn) and Cathay (Monkey King) with the opening up of Khuresh and the Mountain of Heaven.

Dechala was wrecking Ind in the End Times so there is some loose connection with that area. And Helves have colonies nearby. It could work. 

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a day ago
Oct 16, 2024, 7:44:21 AM

Considering all the remaining character options:

  • In a perfect world, it would be Finubar vs. Tullaris vs. Araloth vs. Dechala.
  • In a world of ours, I expect Finubar vs. Dechala vs. someone.
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a day ago
Oct 16, 2024, 7:54:24 AM

You forgot the „Elves already got their share of love and attention in WH2, please two other races vs Slanesh option“.

HE and DE can have their mechanics expanded in interim patches and all the WE need are a few more magical forests which also don‘t need DLC for that. And none of them are broken or unfun to play ATM. Yes other races have more exciting mechanics but that doesn‘t mean the Elves are in as a horrible state as many claim. 

And can we please stop this Aislinn hype? The guy is a complete nobody, a generic character with a name. There is nothing cool or intresting about him. Why are people acting like he is this giant lore character who desperately needs to be in on the level of Thanquol and Nagash? Same thing for Araloth. 

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a day ago
Oct 16, 2024, 8:09:59 AM

Anedon26#2490 wrote:

You forgot the „Elves already got their share of love and attention in WH2, please two other races vs Slanesh option“.

Dechala not fighting elves? Heresy.

True that Elves (and Skaven) have almost everything and TW:Wh2 was very generous to them. 

But in TW:Wh3 every race deserve their share and Slaanesh is the best option to bring HE and/or DE.

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a day ago
Oct 16, 2024, 8:22:17 AM

Anedon26#2490 wrote:
HE and DE can have their mechanics expanded in interim patches and all the WE need are a few more magical forests which also don‘t need DLC for that.

High Elves still miss units, so they do need a DLC.

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a day ago
Oct 16, 2024, 11:18:21 AM

Anedon26#2490 wrote:

You forgot the „Elves already got their share of love and attention in WH2, please two other races vs Slanesh option“.

HE and DE can have their mechanics expanded in interim patches and all the WE need are a few more magical forests which also don‘t need DLC for that. And none of them are broken or unfun to play ATM. Yes other races have more exciting mechanics but that doesn‘t mean the Elves are in as a horrible state as many claim. 

And can we please stop this Aislinn hype? The guy is a complete nobody, a generic character with a name. There is nothing cool or intresting about him. Why are people acting like he is this giant lore character who desperately needs to be in on the level of Thanquol and Nagash? Same thing for Araloth. 

Dark elves need a more in depth rework and a expansion to the roster, their units still have no magic dealing units at all, their infantry can still get bulldozed very easily because delves are not good enough defensively. Legendary lords of helves and delves still have very plain Warhammer 2 playstyles. While I agree high elves are not in a horrible state and are very complete, focused dev time is necessary for both and there is obviously huge demand for content. So, you probably won't get very far in appealing for less.


I think I would like to see a complete Elf DLC, Wood Elves do not feel dysfunctional like dark elves and have quite suitable mechanics and I'm not certain they even have more units to be added, but maybe some sorta FLC addition of the elf that became Asuryan's avatar would be good? I can't remember what his name was, but I believe he was shown a vision directly from Asuryan of him ascending in ET.

Updated a day ago.
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a day ago
Oct 16, 2024, 11:21:05 AM

Loreguy#1056 wrote:
I would like to have Slaanesh vs HE vs DE vs WE. But CA is probably not beave enough to introduce another Champions style DLC but with elves.

How is that a Champions-style DLC?  It's LLs for 4 different Races.  CoC was one Race.

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a day ago
Oct 16, 2024, 11:41:10 AM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

Loreguy#1056 wrote:
I would like to have Slaanesh vs HE vs DE vs WE. But CA is probably not beave enough to introduce another Champions style DLC but with elves.

How is that a Champions-style DLC?  It's LLs for 4 different Races.  CoC was one Race.

Busted! :D

It is not. You are right. There will not be shared units (expect maybe some Slaanesh and Druchii).

But having four elves together (from different in-game races) is almost like champions DLC.

Four elven champions clashing.

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a day ago
Oct 16, 2024, 11:45:08 AM

Loreguy#1056 wrote:

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

Loreguy#1056 wrote:
I would like to have Slaanesh vs HE vs DE vs WE. But CA is probably not beave enough to introduce another Champions style DLC but with elves.

How is that a Champions-style DLC?  It's LLs for 4 different Races.  CoC was one Race.

Busted! :D

It is not. You are right. There will not be shared units (expect maybe some Slaanesh and Druchii).

But having four elves together (from different in-game races) is almost like champions DLC.

Four elven champions clashing.

Except that, for now, CA isn't doing four-ways with LL's and they probably won't advertise a FLC in their trailer, so it can't be a 1 vs 3 as it stands.

CoCs basically shared the same mechanics and CA said, when making SoC, that they had a big workload designing all the mechanics for all seperate races. So, it may be a big ask. But, who knows...they changed their minds post ToD, they might push on to do more.

Updated a day ago.
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a day ago
Oct 16, 2024, 12:17:34 PM

Slaanesh Vs HE Vs Norsca or Cathay.

Don't think we'll see any more paid content for DE or WE.

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a day ago
Oct 16, 2024, 12:47:16 PM

Anedon26#2490 wrote:

And can we please stop this Aislinn hype? The guy is a complete nobody, a generic character with a name. There is nothing cool or intresting about him. Why are people acting like he is this giant lore character who desperately needs to be in on the level of Thanquol and Nagash? Same thing for Araloth. 

The goalposts shift with every new lord. I mean it makes sense that relative order of importance when there are still important characters, but look for instance at Kabandha suddenly dominating Khorne character conversations. 

That said, I think Aislinn fits the theme of the remaining units and has been talked about long enough for CA to take notice, and HE are about due for their last dlc anyway. I think he's got more going for him than Kabandha for instance. 

I think Monkey King for Cathay or Sayl for Norsca are in the pool for the next Dlc with Aislinn. Dechala, Masque and 2 of those 3 options.

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a day ago
Oct 16, 2024, 1:20:51 PM

I'm not sure if Slaanesh will come with any elves or not. I don't want to see Norsca or Counts with them, but I'd be fine with Cathay (if Dechala is in Ind), Tomb Kings, HE and/or DE. Dechala does seem like she would pair well with High Elves, but I'm not so sure if she does with Aislinn.

Anedon26#2490 wrote:
And can we please stop this Aislinn hype? The guy is a complete nobody, a generic character with a name. There is nothing cool or intresting about him. Why are people acting like he is this giant lore character who desperately needs to be in on the level of Thanquol and Nagash? Same thing for Araloth. 

Because he's a tabletop character, tied to several missing HE units? That might have something to do with it.

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a day ago
Oct 16, 2024, 1:29:49 PM

My guess is that we’ll see Slaanesh vs HE vs not DE, possibly Cathay with either the MK or Yin-Yin focusing around the sea south of Cathay or opening up Ind. 

I’m more bearish on the DE because there isn’t much left to add to their race unit-wise and they/Morathi could feasibly pick up some stuff from Slaanesh in the Anointed. Much that could be fixed for them could be done in an interim patch. 

That being said, I wouldn’t be very surprised if the DE did show up.

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21 hours ago
Oct 16, 2024, 3:11:56 PM

None I guess. No evidence is confirmed that there is going to be any elf. Slaanesh, VCounts and Lizardmen could potentially be a fine choice.

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20 hours ago
Oct 16, 2024, 3:41:13 PM

kaiki#4128 wrote:

None I guess. No evidence is confirmed that there is going to be any elf. Slaanesh, VCounts and Lizardmen could potentially be a fine choice.

There is no evidence for Lizardmen or VCounts either. I recall CA saying explicitly, they plan to "make more stuff" for dark elves at one point, when they were revamping their economy. Also, neither VCounts nor Lizardmen really fit this theme anyway. Slaanesh has no use for dead things and wouldn't like Lizardmen and the DLC would revolve around Slaanesh specifically, since they are game 3 race.

For dark elves, CA could easily add Khainaite warrior variants (halberd Executioners for example) or constructs, since Tullaris is the most likely DLC material. They could make something like the Endless as units.

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20 hours ago
Oct 16, 2024, 4:05:22 PM

Slaanesh vs High Elves is almost a given at this point, but I'd rather they not include the Dark Elves in there. I still want more goodies for the druchi of course but I'd prefer if they didn't revisit previous DLC matchups, new pairings are just more interesting. I wouldn't mind if the Wood Elves were the third side as it keeps with the overall themeing, but I suspect it will be another race. Though I hope neither Cathay or Kislev, I'd prefer each LP limit themselves to one game three race from here on out (excluding Chaos Dwarfs).

Updated 20 hours ago.
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