The Tzeentchian Cult of the Possessed from Mordheim. A way to pad out a 2nd Tzeentch DLC?

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11 days ago
Oct 11, 2024, 3:31:49 PM

Whether or not a 2nd Tzeentch DLC is likely or possible in the future will remain an open question for quite some time. Even if Egrimm were to be handled via FLC, Galrauch, in his capacity as the pre-eminent remaining 8th edition mortal for Tzeentch, could be selected to head up such an update. And that update I want to talk about in the light of the Cult of the Possessed armylist that originated out of Mordheim, here depicted in White Dwarf 225. For while there are a few monsters like the Chimera, Warpfire Dragon and the Firewyrm spawn that are solid TT additions, without this list below, Tzeentch would have to reach into the uncertain realms of Plaguefleet and AoS to pull things like the Great Winged Terror or the Brimstone Horrros, or into completely new territory with some sort of created Aspiring champions in order to find further content.

But this list here below, canon as it thus is as a part of Mordheim and White Dwarf, could very well be salvation for the Raven God in remaining solidly within the TT-realm. Specifically when looking at the "mainline" infantry of Initiates and their weapon variants, as well as the potential of a Magister Lord option to match the Cultist hero we already have.


So something like this:

Egrimm LL

Melekh LH

Great Bray Shaman of Tzeentch L (atleast Beasts/Wild)

Bray Shaman of Tzeentch H (atleast Beasts/Wild)

Cultists (2 melee variants such as dual daggers and greatweapon, granting Tzeentch cheap anti-infantry and AP)

Cultist Archers

Chimera (shared w WoC)

Sorcerous Trolls

Firewyrm Spawn (shared w WoC) OR "Aspiring Champions" OR Warpfire Dragon

Galrauch FLC LL

Magister FLC L

What do you all think?

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11 days ago
Oct 11, 2024, 3:48:36 PM

Mordheim Cult of the Possessed weren’t Tzeentchian.

The worshipped ‘The Shadowlord’ (later identified as Be’lakor) who was possessing a gladiator in Mordheim (subsequently identified as the intended 11th Everchosen).

Also, that’s not the most recent version of this war band list. The most recent version is the one from the Mordheim LRB, which GW used to have available as a free pdf and so you should be able to find it online.

The Mordheim LRB contains a lot more background on who the Cult of the Possessed are as well.

Updated 11 days ago.
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11 days ago
Oct 11, 2024, 4:00:04 PM
I expect that the Cult of Possessed Warband will be used to fill the gaps in WoC DLC.
Here is the Warband from Mordheim book.
image loaded from url
image loaded from url
image loaded from url
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11 days ago
Oct 11, 2024, 4:00:35 PM

I’m sure if there’s enough feedback wanting Egrimm as a full LL then CA would consider it and I’m sure they have the flexibility with GW to do it. This is a good period to communicate what you want to them.

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11 days ago
Oct 11, 2024, 5:23:25 PM

Cultist archers seem pointless in a roster where blue horrors exist. Likewise if CA wanted to give Tzeentch great weapon frontline infantry, they’d just give marauders great weapons. Having cultists being better at cutting down infantry than marauders would be wrong.

Considering the omission of Khorne’s beastmen heroes in this next DLC, I assume there’s little chance for Tzeentch’s either.

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11 days ago
Oct 11, 2024, 6:06:32 PM

Talking of Mordheim I really hope CA look into using it to add more characters and units into the game and give Mordheim settlement on the campaign and Battle Map a unique eerie look.

Add in the Sisters of Sigmar as an auxiliary army for the Empire.


Add Aenur the Sword of Twilight LH.

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10 days ago
Oct 13, 2024, 12:40:46 AM

Asides from Merga, I don't remember Cult of the Possessed ever having any deeper connection to Tzeentch. They serve Belakor (unknowingly), so if anything they'd be undivided.

Passthechips#4366 wrote:
Having cultists being better at cutting down infantry than marauders would be wrong

Giving them great weapons don't exactly equate to them being better at cutting down infantry. It just means they have an easier time dealing with armoured targets at the cost of other areas.

They'd still very easily lose to marauders... unless CA go full-stupid and decide to power creep the marauders.

Updated 10 days ago.
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10 days ago
Oct 13, 2024, 12:42:49 AM

Passthechips#4366 wrote:
2024, 10:23:25 AM Copied to clipboard!

Cultist archers seem pointless in a roster where blue horrors exist

Did Marauders/Chaos Warriors/Chaos Knights make bloodletters, plaguebearers, seekers, juggernauts, etc. pointless?

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9 days ago
Oct 13, 2024, 6:59:47 AM

GreenColoured#3418 wrote:
Did Marauders/Chaos Warriors/Chaos Knights make bloodletters, plaguebearers, seekers, juggernauts, etc. pointless?

Honestly, they do. That's why Chaos got split up.

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9 days ago
Oct 13, 2024, 8:04:41 PM

GreenColoured#3418 wrote:
Did Marauders/Chaos Warriors/Chaos Knights make bloodletters, plaguebearers, seekers, juggernauts, etc. pointless?

AKA: The flaw of Monos?


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9 days ago
Oct 13, 2024, 9:20:32 PM

GreenColoured#3418 wrote:

Passthechips#4366 wrote:
2024, 10:23:25 AM Copied to clipboard!

Cultist archers seem pointless in a roster where blue horrors exist

Did Marauders/Chaos Warriors/Chaos Knights make bloodletters, plaguebearers, seekers, juggernauts, etc. pointless?

Yes, they are different of course. They obviously have different stats and abilities. For example the Bloodletters are better killers but, less survivable. They make great flankers while the Chaos Warriors hold them in place.

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8 days ago
Oct 14, 2024, 8:07:33 AM

eomat#7953 wrote:

Talking of Mordheim I really hope CA look into using it to add more characters and units into the game and give Mordheim settlement on the campaign and Battle Map a unique eerie look.

Add in the Sisters of Sigmar as an auxiliary army for the Empire.


Add Aenur the Sword of Twilight LH.

I want Aenur dearly.

What do I think? Make Galrauch DLC LL.

I like possessed. They should be added somewhere. Maybe Be'lakor expansion with Dark Emissaries and their lore of magic.

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8 days ago
Oct 14, 2024, 8:15:42 AM

If we get a cult of the possessed stuff then they should replace all the generic mortal WoC units in the monogod's roster. I really don't like that monogods and WoC have about 90% roster overlap.

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8 days ago
Oct 14, 2024, 1:30:11 PM

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:

If we get a cult of the possessed stuff then they should replace all the generic mortal WoC units in the monogod's roster. I really don't like that monogods and WoC have about 90% roster overlap.

Cultists don't have Chaos Warriors.  You can't have Monogods without Chaos Warriors.

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7 days ago
Oct 15, 2024, 9:00:24 AM

Another Tzeentch DLC writes itself. 

Egrimm LL

Melekh LH 

Cyspeth LH

Magister Lord 


Bane Towers 

Arcane Trolls 

Tzeentch Acolytes

"Aspiring Champions of Tzeentch"

FLC Galrauch 

Updated 7 days ago.
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7 days ago
Oct 15, 2024, 11:28:42 AM

They've already had their 2nd. SoC was it, CoC was the first.

In any case, if they need to "pad out" a DLC then they shouldn't get one period. DLCs should be all killa and no filla. Low effort units are fine, but they need to be justified and have a purpose. Cultists are just so.... pointless. They don't add anything. 

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7 days ago
Oct 15, 2024, 11:35:54 AM

Beast_of_Guanyin#8747 wrote:

In any case, if they need to "pad out" a DLC then they shouldn't get one period. DLCs should be all killa and no filla

Pretty wild coming from someone who wants another 4 Cathay LPs... i mean given the first DLC was resorting to different coloured lions who knows what kind of filla the fifth DLC will have

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7 days ago
Oct 15, 2024, 12:07:43 PM

Beast_of_Guanyin#8747 wrote:

They've already had their 2nd. SoC was it, CoC was the first.

In any case, if they need to "pad out" a DLC then they shouldn't get one period. DLCs should be all killa and no filla. Low effort units are fine, but they need to be justified and have a purpose. Cultists are just so.... pointless. They don't add anything. 

Inappropriate personal comment removed. When people say DLC they mean it in the traditional sense and not a few recolours.

We also don’t require made up, worthless rules to decide whether a race gets new DLCs or not.

Updated 6 days ago.
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7 days ago
Oct 15, 2024, 12:11:25 PM

Theo91#7431 wrote:

Beast_of_Guanyin#8747 wrote:

In any case, if they need to "pad out" a DLC then they shouldn't get one period. DLCs should be all killa and no filla

Pretty wild coming from someone who wants another 4 Cathay LPs... i mean given the first DLC was resorting to different coloured lions who knows what kind of filla the fifth DLC will have

Those statements aren’t mutually exclusive. They can want high quality DLCs and also want four of them. 

Not to mention the Lions in SoC weren’t advertised as individual unit slots, but unit variants like the Plague Ogre weapon variants. Otherwise that would mean Cathay ended up with six units relative to everyone else’s five. For being unit variants, they're pretty high quality actually.

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