My suggestions for future unit variants in the regular updates

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a day ago
Sep 23, 2024, 12:28:35 PM

I love that CA are adding unit variants in the regular updates with the x.x.0 patches now. IDK what is going to be feasible for them to add, like whether GW is okay with them adding variants that didn't already exist or if it's strictly things that already existed. Either way I don't know which category my suggestions fall into, but here they are:

- Black Orcs (Sword & Shield)

- Stormvermin (Spear & Shield) - (Side note; Stormvermin should get silver shields, it's kinda goofy that tier 1 units from other factions have silver shields but the Skaven's BEST shielded, front-line infantry in the game only have bronze)

- Depth Guard (Sword & Shield)

- Depth Guard (Spear & Shield)

- Black Guard of Naggarond (Spear & Shield)

- Phoenix Guard (Spear & Shield)

- Bestigor Herd (Axe & Shield)

- Bestigor Herd (Halberd) - This is even an ror, so just turn it into a regular unit

- Minotaurs of Khorne (Shields) - Just to match the variants of Minotaur that the Beastmen have so you don't have to choose between anti-large and anti-infantry

- Tzar Guard (Halberds)

I also think that they should go back to some of the units that have halberds but no shield and consider giving some of them a shield. If some scrawny skeletons (Tomb Guard-Halberds) can carry a halberd AND a silver shield, I think it makes sense for highly trained elites to be able to as well. I would be happy if any spear/halberd unit above is replaced with a (Halberd & Shield) variant.

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a day ago
Sep 23, 2024, 12:31:51 PM

I'd like to see the following

  1. Savage orcs with spears
  2. Savage orc big uns with great weapons
  3. Savage orc big un ror and savage orc boar boy big un ror
  4. Savage giant

Justice for the savage bois!

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a day ago
Sep 23, 2024, 1:56:00 PM

I don't really want to start seeing like 3+ variants of every unit. I'd rather get new units to fill those places than copy/paste the same unit a bunch in the same roster

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a day ago
Sep 23, 2024, 2:40:22 PM

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

I don't really want to start seeing like 3+ variants of every unit. I'd rather get new units to fill those places than copy/paste the same unit a bunch in the same roster

Agreed. Units like savage orc variants are thematic so don't fill a roster purpose but rather an immersion purpose.

For example, orc boyz with spears will serve the same purpose as savage orcs with spears but if you're playing a Wurrzag campaign, having the savage variant adds a lot of fun. likewise some RoRs, and a great weapon big un variant so you don't need borcs

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a day ago
Sep 23, 2024, 2:41:14 PM

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

I don't really want to start seeing like 3+ variants of every unit. I'd rather get new units to fill those places than copy/paste the same unit a bunch in the same roster

Perhaps not 3 of each, but for basic foot infantry or cavalry, 2 variants is a good rule of thumb. One Sword&Shield and then an anti-large option. 

So for Savage Orcs, you get:

Savage Orcs w Spear&Shield

Savage Big Uns w Spear&Shield OR Greatweapon

Savage Boar Boyz w Spears

Savage Boar Boy Big Uns w Spear&Shield

Savage Giant

And then their roster is complete. Repeat across the Greenskin variants and other races.

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a day ago
Sep 23, 2024, 2:42:38 PM

Theo91#7431 wrote:

Agreed. Units like savage orc variants are thematic so don't fill a roster purpose but rather an immersion purpose.

For example, orc boyz with spears will serve the same purpose as savage orcs with spears but if you're playing a Wurrzag campaign, having the savage variant adds a lot of fun. likewise some RoRs, and a great weapon big un variant so you don't need borcs

They fill a purpose for Savage-only armies. 

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a day ago
Sep 23, 2024, 2:59:11 PM

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

Theo91#7431 wrote:

Agreed. Units like savage orc variants are thematic so don't fill a roster purpose but rather an immersion purpose.

For example, orc boyz with spears will serve the same purpose as savage orcs with spears but if you're playing a Wurrzag campaign, having the savage variant adds a lot of fun. likewise some RoRs, and a great weapon big un variant so you don't need borcs

They fill a purpose for Savage-only armies. 

Exactly. And that's a noble purpose indeed. Gork and Mork would be proud

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a day ago
Sep 23, 2024, 3:01:36 PM

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

I don't really want to start seeing like 3+ variants of every unit. I'd rather get new units to fill those places than copy/paste the same unit a bunch in the same roster

Perhaps not 3 of each, but for basic foot infantry or cavalry, 2 variants is a good rule of thumb. One Sword&Shield and then an anti-large option. 

So for Savage Orcs, you get:

Savage Orcs w Spear&Shield

Savage Big Uns w Spear&Shield OR Greatweapon

Savage Boar Boyz w Spears

Savage Boar Boy Big Uns w Spear&Shield

Savage Giant

And then their roster is complete. Repeat across the Greenskin variants and other races.

No shields. The savage bois aren't about defence. 

Savage orcs with spears for chaffy AL

Savage orc BUs with Greatweapons for the mid to end game

That's the higher priority. Tbh i dont think we need more cav variants - two is fine. But RoRs would be super cool for the BUs and BBBUs.

And the savage giant would be cool with a bit of physical resistance and slightly faster speed

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a day ago
Sep 23, 2024, 3:24:19 PM

Theo91#7431 wrote:

No shields. The savage bois aren't about defence. 

Savage orcs with spears for chaffy AL

Savage orc BUs with Greatweapons for the mid to end game

That's the higher priority. Tbh i dont think we need more cav variants - two is fine. But RoRs would be super cool for the BUs and BBBUs.

And the savage giant would be cool with a bit of physical resistance and slightly faster speed

They need shields more than any since they have little to no armour. And it was an option in 8th to have Savages with shields, so I don't see any argument against it.

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16 hours ago
Sep 23, 2024, 8:53:20 PM

Too many variants can cause roster bloat, just look at High Elves. New variants should only be added if they fill a role not already occupied by an existing unit or potential DLC unit from the Tabletop. I would however like to see some existing variants to get changed like Silver Helms (no Shields) being changed to sword and shield instead of lances

Also some roster holes are there for a reason, so giving every tool to every race isnt a great idea 

Updated 12 hours ago.
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15 hours ago
Sep 23, 2024, 9:48:50 PM

Theo91#7431 wrote:
No shields. The savage bois aren't about defence. 

You don't know much about the lore then, they're not only an option for savage orcs, but a pretty common pick too.

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14 hours ago
Sep 23, 2024, 11:16:08 PM

Empire easy stuff:

Halberdiers (Shields). 8th Edition unit upgrade. This would be shields on their back, as they couldn't be used in combat.

- Empire Knights (Greatswords). 8th Edition unit upgrade. 

- Outriders with Barded Warhorses. 8th Edition unit upgrade. 
- Free Company Militia (Dual Sword): 8th Edition unit. Just needs the pistol replaced with an additional sword and some stat changes. Oddly this is how they actually came on the table top. 

 - Reiksguard Foot: 6th Edition unit, appeared in white dwarf will update when I remember issue. Not exactly a variant, but still a very simple unit to do. You just reuse the existing model.

- Archers (Shields) 4th Edition unit upgrade. Similar to the above except these could be used in close combat as Archers had hand weapons. You could also give them the light armour upgrade that increases their armour from 20 to 30. This might require more effort, but you could probably reuse the Jade Warrior assets for the shield animations.
- Crossbowmen (Shields) 4th Edition unit upgrade. As above, except with Crossbowmen. 
 - Reiksguard Foot (Halberds): 3rd Edition unit. Similar to Reiksguard Foot except swapping sword and shield for assets from Halberdiers model and stat changes. 
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10 hours ago
Sep 24, 2024, 2:47:30 AM

Foe-Hammer#3998 wrote:
Too many variants can cause roster bloat

No such thing.

More options = more flavor

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8 hours ago
Sep 24, 2024, 5:15:45 AM

I don't mind variants as long as they're ROR.  Alternatively, units need campaign effects so that variants don't cause roster bloat - Every different variant has a different beneficial effect on the campaign map.

Having variants to cover each and every different situation leads to bland armies.  For example, the reason most halberds do not have shields is because you are trading AP+AL -a potent combination that invalidates most monsters- with the ability to survive missile fire.  So that an army which has invested in monsters and cavalry can counter a halberds-heavy army with archers.  So if everyone has halberds + shields, you've just erased drawbacks which necessitated tactics such as a well-balanced army.  Also, shielded spearmen will now become completely redundant.

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8 hours ago
Sep 24, 2024, 5:33:14 AM

Also suggest to take another easier way, to bring mount to roster unit, like :

Zombie Dragon => Vampire Count

Chaos Dragon => WoC

Griffon (Feral) => Empire

Hippogryph (Feral) => Bretonnia 

Feral Ice Bears => normal Kislev factions 

Updated 8 hours ago.
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5 hours ago
Sep 24, 2024, 7:42:02 AM

Reiksguard on Foot

Grave Guard with Halberds 

Night Goblins with Spears 

Savage Orcs with Spears 

Black Orcs with shields 

Marauder Horsemen with Flails 

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5 hours ago
Sep 24, 2024, 7:51:55 AM

GreenColoured#3418 wrote:

Theo91#7431 wrote:
No shields. The savage bois aren't about defence. 

You don't know much about the lore then, they're not only an option for savage orcs, but a pretty common pick too.

Sure, I’m certainly not a lore expert. But I actually meant it from an in game point of view, thematically they are a faster, harder hitting slightly more aggressive option vs their non savage variants.

Orc boyz have shields now so I don’t mind that staying as a difference to savage orcs going forward 

Edit: also I should note that if we got savage orcs with spear and shield, I would still be happy. The variants is what I care about albeit my slight preference is without shields 

Updated 5 hours ago.
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3 hours ago
Sep 24, 2024, 9:43:11 AM

Sorry, that's just Radious-style roster bloat for no real discernible gameplay gain. It will do nothing but either remove unique faction playstyles or render other units in the roster obsolete.

What's the point of giving Bestigors so many weapon options? Right, so you can just stuff your armies with Bestigors that can take every role and can finally shun all low-tier units. Terrible idea.

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3 hours ago
Sep 24, 2024, 9:47:36 AM

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:

Sorry, that's just Radious-style roster bloat for no real discernible gameplay gain. It will do nothing but either remove unique faction playstyles or render other units in the roster obsolete.

What's the point of giving Bestigors so many weapon options? Right, so you can just stuff your armies with Bestigors that can take every role and can finally shun all low-tier units. Terrible idea.

Lets take VC Grave Guard with Halberds then.... VC are lacking AL infantry. 

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