The Immortal Empires: expand the map
The Immortal Empires: leave as it is
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2 days ago
Sep 17, 2024, 4:12:58 PM

I am of the opinion that the current Immortal Empires map needs an expansion given the release of more and more playable factions.

As shown in the maps below I would increase the size of the land masses...

- in the Old World: Albion, Estalia and Tilea.

- in the Southlands: Nehekhara, Araby and the Southlands themselves.

- in the Far East: Dark Lands, Mountains of Mourn, Eastern Steppes and add Nippon.

- in the New World: Ulthuan, Naggaroth and Lustria.

I would also increase the size of the Great Ocean with the various seas and connect the Southern Wastes of Chaos with Gates of Calith.
With this new map, in addition to avoiding an overnumber of playable factions in certain areas, it will facilitate the positioning of future new races.

Current map:wh3_dlc_ie_parchment_map_english.jpgPossible map:p32l84ng97q41 (1).png

Updated 2 days ago.
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2 days ago
Sep 17, 2024, 5:39:48 PM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

The IE map we need:

agreed. And cut some provinces to avoid provinces with only 2 regions when other nearby have 4 (like Caledor)

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2 days ago
Sep 17, 2024, 9:28:25 PM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

The IE map we need:

Hopefully no ocean above/below the Northern/Southern Chaos Wastes, that should be land too.

I still have some issues with this. Such as Naggaroth, Lustria, and the Southlands being squished. I don't really care for the RoC being added either.

Updated 2 days ago.
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2 days ago
Sep 17, 2024, 9:33:46 PM

I'm more interested in seeing the eastern chaos wastes expanded, than the chaos realms added. I just don't think there's much reason to go there outside the realm of chaos campaign, and it would be better for the game if there was territory up there instead of a few places you teleport to for a couple rounds

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2 days ago
Sep 17, 2024, 9:46:05 PM

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

I'm more interested in seeing the eastern chaos wastes expanded, than the chaos realms added. I just don't think there's much reason to go there outside the realm of chaos campaign, and it would be better for the game if there was territory up there instead of a few places you teleport to for a couple rounds

I'd like both; but I think that we badly need more Chaos Wastes than we do the Realms of Chaos. The Chaos Wastes are supposed to be this moshpit of (wait for it).... TOTAL WAR! They need a lot more space to cram WoC factions in. 

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2 days ago
Sep 17, 2024, 10:10:29 PM

Jarms48#7854 wrote:
Hopefully no ocean above/below the Northern/Southern Chaos Wastes, that should be land too.

It's not ocean.  It's the void between realms.

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2 days ago
Sep 17, 2024, 10:40:18 PM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

Jarms48#7854 wrote:
Hopefully no ocean above/below the Northern/Southern Chaos Wastes, that should be land too.

It's not ocean.  It's the void between realms.

Then why is there islands?

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2 days ago
Sep 17, 2024, 10:55:59 PM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

The IE map we need:

This looks awesome.

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2 days ago
Sep 17, 2024, 11:08:52 PM

Jarms48#7854 wrote:
Then why is there islands?

Rocks floating in space.  Have you not been to the top of the map in IE?

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2 days ago
Sep 18, 2024, 12:34:57 AM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

Rocks floating in space.  Have you not been to the top of the map in IE?

I know what's on the current map, but the rocks aren't on the actual in-game map currently. It's weird seeing them there. 

In saying that, I prefer this map over the other one. 

p32l84ng97q41 (1).png

Updated 2 days ago.
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a day ago
Sep 18, 2024, 5:48:10 AM

Jarms48#7854 wrote:
I know what's on the current map, but the rocks aren't on the actual in-game map currently.

Yes they are.

The point is, there IS no land beyond the Chaos Wastes.  If you keep walking north, reality itself unravels as you leave the material world entirely and enter the Realms of Chaos.

Updated a day ago.
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a day ago
Sep 18, 2024, 9:23:16 AM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

Jarms48#7854 wrote:
I know what's on the current map, but the rocks aren't on the actual in-game map currently.

Yes they are.

That's the campaign map. Not the literal map. 


Updated a day ago.
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19 hours ago
Sep 18, 2024, 9:30:30 PM

As much as I would love new playable races like The Kingdoms of Ind, Khuresh, and Nippon to be added, I think this is more realistically how the map will be opened up and even possibly expanded and who will be in those territories:

Ind: Depending on how many provinces they decide to put in there, for the area of Ind, I'd imagine that the non-LL factions populating that area can be Grand Cathay (in the northeast), Greenskins, Beastmen, Skaven, Dark Elves, Vampire Counts, Ogre Kingdoms, and maybe with one or two monogod Chaos factions for the NPC factions. Maybe a Tomb Kings NPC faction can go in the northwest, too. The LLs that can start there can be Lokhir Fellheart, Arbaal the Undefeated, and Dechala the Denied One, since the latter two were there for the End Times. If Lokhir Fellheart gets moved to Ind, I hope that would only be after they introduce a new LL who starts in the Grand Cathay region that would be another enemy to Grand Cathay, like a Vampire Coast LL or something, otherwise then it'd be just Deathmaster Snikch as the only enemy LL inside Grand Cathay. If Lokhir Fellheart does get moved, then an NPC Dark Elves faction should take his old starting position in Grand Cathay.

Khuresh: The NPC factions can be made up of Grand Cathay (in the north), Lizardmen, Greenskins, Beastmen, Skaven, High Elves, Wood Elves, Vampire Coast, and maybe one or two monogod Chaos factions, as well. The LLs that can start in there can be Tetto'eko in The Lost City of the Old Ones and Thanquol in or at The Gates of Calith. Either Thanquol can just start off with controlling the Gates of Calith or start near it with a High Elf NPC faction controlling it at the start.

It's possible that the map could be expanded to include Nippon and The Lost Isles of Elithis, but I think that's a lot less likely to happen than the areas of Ind and Khuresh being opened up. If they do, The Lost Isles of Elithis can be populated by NPC factions of High Elves, Dark Elves, Vampire Coast, Warriors of Chaos, and a monogod Chaos faction. If the map doesn't get expanded to include the Lost Isles of Elithis, then either Sea Lord Aislinn or Finubar the Seafarer (whichever one we get, hopefully at least one of them) can start in The Eastern Colonies. If the map does get expanded, then either one of them can start in The Lost Isles of Elithis. As for Nippon, it can be populated by Grand Cathay, Skaven, Vampire Counts, and Dark Elves NPC factions, also with a High Elf NPC faction centered around The Tower of the Rising Sun. Maybe a Warriors of Chaos or a monogod Chaos NPC faction, too. Deathmaster Snikch could be moved to Nippon, but I hope they would only do so after introducing a new LL in Grand Cathay to be a new enemy there. If Lokhir Fellheart and Deathmaster Snikch were to be moved, then there'd by no enemy LL's inside Grand Cathay and it'd be way too safe and easy for the Grand Cathay factions in Grand Cathay. If Deathmaster Snikch does get moved, then an NPC Skaven faction should take his old start position in Grand Cathay.

If they do open up and expand the map, I hope they would add many new Landmarks and Unusual Locations in these areas, too.

Updated 19 hours ago.
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19 hours ago
Sep 18, 2024, 9:42:50 PM

PlaygameIT#2372 wrote:

I am of the opinion that the current Immortal Empires map needs an expansion given the release of more and more playable factions.

As shown in the maps below I would increase the size of the land masses...

- in the Old World: Albion, Estalia and Tilea.

- in the Southlands: Nehekhara, Araby and the Southlands themselves.

- in the Far East: Dark Lands, Mountains of Mourn, Eastern Steppes and add Nippon.

- in the New World: Ulthuan, Naggaroth and Lustria.

I would also increase the size of the Great Ocean with the various seas and connect the Southern Wastes of Chaos with Gates of Calith.
With this new map, in addition to avoiding an overnumber of playable factions in certain areas, it will facilitate the positioning of future new races.

Current map:wh3_dlc_ie_parchment_map_english.jpgPossible map:p32l84ng97q41 (1).png

Yeah, that's not going to happen ever. CA can only add stuff to the "empty" regions of the map but not make the map itself bigger. The old ME map had provisions for the later expansions of its fringe parts, this map does not.

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18 hours ago
Sep 18, 2024, 10:32:54 PM

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:

PlaygameIT#2372 wrote:

I am of the opinion that the current Immortal Empires map needs an expansion given the release of more and more playable factions.

As shown in the maps below I would increase the size of the land masses...

- in the Old World: Albion, Estalia and Tilea.

- in the Southlands: Nehekhara, Araby and the Southlands themselves.

- in the Far East: Dark Lands, Mountains of Mourn, Eastern Steppes and add Nippon.

- in the New World: Ulthuan, Naggaroth and Lustria.

I would also increase the size of the Great Ocean with the various seas and connect the Southern Wastes of Chaos with Gates of Calith.
With this new map, in addition to avoiding an overnumber of playable factions in certain areas, it will facilitate the positioning of future new races.

Current map:wh3_dlc_ie_parchment_map_english.jpgPossible map:p32l84ng97q41 (1).png

Yeah, that's not going to happen ever. CA can only add stuff to the "empty" regions of the map but not make the map itself bigger. The old ME map had provisions for the later expansions of its fringe parts, this map does not.

They can increase it North and East. So it's possible to "shoe-horn" in the RoC somewhere in the Northern void, expand the Eastern Steppes, add Nippon, and add The Lost Isles of Elithis. 

It's only impossible to go West and South due to the 0.0 coordinates being at the Southwestern portion of the map. If we want a better Naggaroth and Lustria CA would have to draw a new map. 

Though I wonder if it's possible for them to alter Sea Lanes and instead have them teleport you to a different map entirely. Just like TW Empire. That way they could reuse the Eye of the Vortex map for Naggaroth and Lustria. 

Updated 18 hours ago.
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16 hours ago
Sep 18, 2024, 11:59:08 PM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

The IE map we need:

Ever since seeing this on the old forum, it has been goated for me. Chaos Realm starts for Mono greater daemons plz!!!!!

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