What would be a better centerpiece for Slaanesh?

Dread Maw
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2 days ago
Sep 17, 2024, 7:58:19 AM

Dreadmaw makes 0 sense. Should be a Norsca Unit for the Sayl DLC. 

The Basilisk is already a huge stretch but it fits at least thematical and aesthetical. Ideally non of them would be part of the DLC. 

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2 days ago
Sep 17, 2024, 8:00:28 AM

Dread Maw, clearly. The Basilisk, corrupting everything around it with poison and decay, is so clearly Nurgle it shouldn't even be a question.

The following for a Slaanesh DLC:

Dechala LL

Vandred LH

Chaos Sorceror L

Exalted Hero H

Devoted of Slaanesh, shared with Morathi

Slaangors, shared with BM


Fiend of Slaanesh spawn

Dread Maw, shared with WoC

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2 days ago
Sep 17, 2024, 8:02:18 AM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

Dreadmaw makes 0 sense. Should be a Norsca Unit for the Sayl DLC. 

The Basilisk is already a huge stretch but it fits at least thematical and aesthetical. Ideally non of them would be part of the DLC. 

0 sense? Come on, snake theme is so Slaanesh and the way it tortures victims in its stomach is also very Slaanesh.

Basilisk is in the same vain as the Toad Dragon for Nurgle.

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2 days ago
Sep 17, 2024, 8:03:10 AM

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

Dread Maw, clearly. The Basilisk, corrupting everything around it with poison and decay, is so clearly Nurgle it shouldn't even be a question.

The following for a Slaanesh DLC:

Dechala LL

Vandred LH

Chaos Sorceror L

Exalted Hero H

Devoted of Slaanesh, shared with Morathi

Slaangors, shared with BM


Fiend of Slaanesh spawn

​Dechala LL

Vandred LH

Chaos Sorceror L

Exalted Hero H

Knights on Boob Snakes

Devoted of Slaanesh



Fiend of Slaanesh spawn

Dreadmaw has absolutely nos pace in Slaanesh and you forgot Knights on Boob Snakes

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2 days ago
Sep 17, 2024, 8:03:26 AM

How about no "centerpiece" units? Can't remember even a single one that actually raised the quality of its attached DLC. Either it was redundant and underpowered or totally broken and overpowered. NEVER was there one that fit right in. The whole "centerpiece" units thing is also very Kirby-esque. You know, the guy who almost ran GW into the ground with his desire to sell overpriced big monster kits instead of fixing the game?

Skaven got no "centerpiece" units in Prophet and Warlock and yet they got upgraded from bottom tier to acceptable tier by the units within nonetheless.

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2 days ago
Sep 17, 2024, 8:04:36 AM

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

Dreadmaw makes 0 sense. Should be a Norsca Unit for the Sayl DLC. 

The Basilisk is already a huge stretch but it fits at least thematical and aesthetical. Ideally non of them would be part of the DLC. 

0 sense? Come on, snake theme is so Slaanesh and the way it tortures victims in its stomach is also very Slaanesh.

Basilisk is in the same vain as the Toad Dragon for Nurgle.

It Is more a sandworm straight from Tattoine or Dune and not a Snake. It doesn't fit. Neither the Basilisk nor the Dreadmaw should go to SLaanesh. They should go to Norsca and the Basilisk maybe to BM too. 

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2 days ago
Sep 17, 2024, 8:06:28 AM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:
Dreadmaw makes 0 sense. Should be a Norsca Unit for the Sayl DLC. 

Technically it should be a Khuresh unit, but unknown if that happens, so just like what happened with the Cockatrice and Tzeentch, it's now in the running as the Slaanesh centrepiece. 

Dread Maw has nothing to do with Norsca. 

Updated 2 days ago.
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2 days ago
Sep 17, 2024, 8:08:52 AM

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:

How about no "centerpiece" units? Can't remember even a single one that actually raised the quality of its attached DLC. Either it was redundant and underpowered or totally broken and overpowered. NEVER was there one that fit right in. The whole "centerpiece" units thing is also very Kirby-esque. You know, the guy who almost ran GW into the ground with his desire to sell overpriced big monster kits instead of fixing the game?

Skaven got no "centerpiece" units in Prophet and Warlock and yet they got upgraded from bottom tier to acceptable tier by the units within nonetheless.

Except that Skaven got NUKES with P&W.

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

It Is more a sandworm straight from Tattoine or Dune and not a Snake. It doesn't fit. Neither the Basilisk nor the Dreadmaw should go to SLaanesh. They should go to Norsca and the Basilisk maybe to BM too. 

In either case, its a long slithery thing that tortures its prey during digestion. How is that not fitting in with Slaanesh? It fits in with Dechala, with Vandred, with the Pleasureseekers. It would be the ultimate centerpiece of the snake theme. Otherwise you just have the Fiend, which may not be enough.

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2 days ago
Sep 17, 2024, 8:09:36 AM

Considering that Tzeentch got Cockatrice, Slaanesh would probably get the Dread Maw. It would go well with Dechala and her hypothetical start in Khuresh. The DLC as a whole will probably be full of snakes. I expect that CA might even bring the Snakemen from Oldhammer. 

Updated 2 days ago.
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2 days ago
Sep 17, 2024, 8:09:56 AM

NickCageStoleMyFace#5594 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:
Dreadmaw makes 0 sense. Should be a Norsca Unit for the Sayl DLC. 

Technically it should be a Khuresh unit, but unknown if that happens, so just like what happened with the Cockatrice and Tzeentch, it's now in the running as the Slaanesh centrepiece. 

Cockatrice is a Bird... the Dreadmaw is a Sandworm creature based on Dune Sandworms... how does a worm creature fit for Slaanesh? 

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2 days ago
Sep 17, 2024, 8:11:06 AM

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

Dread Maw, clearly. The Basilisk, corrupting everything around it with poison and decay, is so clearly Nurgle it shouldn't even be a question.

Venom and Poison isn't exclusive to Nurgle.  Fiends and Steeds are very poisonous. 

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2 days ago
Sep 17, 2024, 8:14:53 AM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

Cockatrice is a Bird... the Dreadmaw is a Sandworm creature based on Dune Sandworms... how does a worm creature fit for Slaanesh? 

No matter what you may call it, its long and slithery, just like most things Slaanesh. With the remaining Undivided monsters, Basilisk goes to Nurgle with all of its corruption, decay and filth, Chimera goes to Tzeentch with their magic and Dragon connections and the Dread Maw, largest of the slithering creatures, goes to Slaanesh. Who frankly needs centerpieces.

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2 days ago
Sep 17, 2024, 8:21:33 AM

TheWattman#7460 wrote:
Basilisk goes to Nurgle with all of its corruption, decay and filt

I think you are confusing the Basilisk's aura with a disease/nurgle-like aura,

When in fact its a poison aura.

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2 days ago
Sep 17, 2024, 8:21:51 AM

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

Cockatrice is a Bird... the Dreadmaw is a Sandworm creature based on Dune Sandworms... how does a worm creature fit for Slaanesh? 

No matter what you may call it, its long and slithery, just like most things Slaanesh. With the remaining Undivided monsters, Basilisk goes to Nurgle with all of its corruption, decay and filth, Chimera goes to Tzeentch with their magic and Dragon connections and the Dread Maw, largest of the slithering creatures, goes to Slaanesh. Who frankly needs centerpieces.

It would still be a horrible choice for Slaanesh. 

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2 days ago
Sep 17, 2024, 8:28:00 AM

NickCageStoleMyFace#5594 wrote:

I think you are confusing the Basilisk's aura with a disease/nurgle-like aura,

When in fact its a poison aura.

Still definetly a Nurgle vibe with a corrupting Lizard. Just look at the Toad Dragon.

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

It would still be a horrible choice for Slaanesh. 

Uhm... why? It fits with the Slaaneshi snake/slithering theme.

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2 days ago
Sep 17, 2024, 8:36:33 AM

TheWattman#7460 wrote:
Uhm... why? It fits with the Slaaneshi snake/slithering theme.
Slaanesh daemons often come with multiple limbs, long prehensile tongues and crab claws. But sure, Slaanesh is "snake" themed.

Almost as good as your insistence that Tzeentch is all about having multiple heads when a lot of his daemons have no heads.
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2 days ago
Sep 17, 2024, 8:49:23 AM

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

NickCageStoleMyFace#5594 wrote:

I think you are confusing the Basilisk's aura with a disease/nurgle-like aura,

When in fact its a poison aura.

Still definetly a Nurgle vibe with a corrupting Lizard. Just look at the Toad Dragon.

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

It would still be a horrible choice for Slaanesh. 

Uhm... why? It fits with the Slaaneshi snake/slithering theme.

It is a Sandworm that has nothing in common with a snake. Unlike the Basilisk with his 6 limbs and general serpentine aesthetics. None of them should be Monogod units tho. 

Basilisk with a BM DLC.

Dreadmaw with a Norsca DLC. 

Both also for WoC. 


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