My revised DLC map to complete WH3, including patch content

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3 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 7:19:07 AM

I said I would do it and here it is. You all remember my previous DLC list thread, which became way more successful than I thought it would. Well, with the revealings and revelations about post-ToD patterns we have recieved since then, it was time to adapt it to align more with the current reality. The previous was a maximalist vision, this one is more guided by "realistic completionism", with several things axed in comparison. Before we get started, this prediction rests on the following assumptions:

1. We have a stabile release pattern from here (which in itself is a massive uncertainty)

2. The pattern consists of a release, then 2 months between patches, with the next release coming a month after the final path (this may change of course, but it looks likely with Khorne)

3. The number of interims will be stable at 3 per cycle, resulting in a 7-month cycle (which is appropriate since CA has said that ToD-level projects take time, but its not certain. Some may take less time, so take the timetable with a pinch of salt)

4. CA sticks to the core rule throughout the rest of WH3 (why would they really change it?)

5. CA also continues its policy of new matchups, never pitting the same races against each other more than once

6. I have commited to trying to find thematic matchups for all involved

7. I've tried to separate races that need the bigger reworks across the LPs, so that each may get the attention it duly deserves

8. Any interim patches falling within the June-July timeframe are considered Skulls patches, just like 5.1 was

9. Final assumption is that all remaining DLCs will be ToD-level (uncertain but would be welcome), producing a predictable timetable

Now Im not gonna be counting the Khorne DLC towards this DLC map, but I did post my recently updated prediction of that over on @Captain_Rex#1635  's bingo thread. That one sets the Khorne DLC down for late November, just a month after 5.3, presumed to come late October. After Khorne then, we move on to the next set of interims (disclaimer: I am not usually a mechanic/non-unit guesser, so it may seem a bit basic), which is where this map begins. All in all, it contains 9 DLCs (Khorne not included). Buckle up!



Given a 6.0 release somewhere in November, it stands to reason that the first interim, assuming it holds true to the pattern we've seen now, would come in late January of 2025, followed by 6.2 in March and 6.3 in May. In these interims, many things can happen of course, but some prominent features may include the Khorne (if the Monogods get separate ones) and Ogre Endgame Crisis scenarios, given how both of these races will likely be functionally done after this update. I've also put a minor rework of the bloodstained Dark Elves's slavery mechanic, plus a possible Endgame Crisis, here, as it seems appropriate to the wider Khornate theme. Whether or not Dark Elves comes with Slaanesh, it would be a welcome touch-up on an also functionally done race. As for unit reinforcements, the focus is further reinforcing Wurrzag's Savage Orcs, Khorne getting Chosen/Marauder anti-large variants to join its lonely Chaos Warriors w Halberds and, if not implemented in the DLC, a shielded variant of Black Orcs.

erejtrtj.png1. Pains of Desire - Slaanesh vs High Elves vs Vampire Counts

This DLC is the only exception to Assumption 7 concerning rework races. While both High Elves and Vampires need reworks, I have put the Vampires here for the sole reason of them not having to wait until 2026 or 2027 to get their update (which could easily happen assuming CA keeps to the ToD-timetable). Also, atleast to me, the High Elf rework can be fairly easy, like on the level of the Empire or Nurgle in ToD (recieving a reskinned version of the Chaos Dwarf court and a influence rebalance), leaving the lion's share of rework attention to the Vampires. So Neferata and the seductive Lahmians join in with Aislinn and Dechala, bringing in the essential units left for the Vampires, as well as Konrad von Carstein and Abhorash as LHs following the Khorne example. FLCs for this DLC would be the Masque and then a late-coming Master Mutator generic lord, filling in what T&T omitted Throt and the Skaven as a whole. As to the release date, it depends on how many patches there are between Khorne and Slaanesh. If there are 2, then Slaanesh comes in April. If 3, then in June. Take the following dates from here with this in mind.

rehaerhaerah.pngSlaanesh Interims:

In the interims following 7.0, we have a mixed focus on giving Slaanesh more anti-large options in the same manner as Khorne, with Chaos Warriors and Chosen w Halberds joining the Marauders w Spears to beef up the frontlines further, plus a potential Endgame Crisis as Slaanesh will in 99% likelyhood be done. Then we have a rework for Kemmler and Krell, making him at last a proper LH, as well as giving the Vampires as a whole some Grave Guard w Halberds, a long request by some of the fans. Plus Wolf Riders w Sword&Shield, allowing the spear variant we have now to become properly anti-large, just like the Goblins in 5.2. Additionally, a QoL for the High Elves, adding male versions of Archmages, which has great RP-potential, finally allowing HE-mains to represent Belannaer the Wise (don't worry, further L/H additions will be functionally motivated). Finally, as a Christmas present rounding out 2025 (assuming we stay on the 3-interim-pattern), we recieve the ability to play Sigvald and the CoC LLs within their respective Monogod races, adding to their experience greatly.

segwha.png2. Dogs of War

Assuming the pattern holds, 2026 begins with recieving the Dogs of War. The armybook is followed. TO. THE. LETTER. PERIOD. That's all I'll say. Additionally, Aranessa is reworked, in whatever manner that entails, either giving a roster or moving. In light of the aforementioned Vampire update with Slaanesh, the Red Duke is released as FLC alongside here, to head up representation for the Blood Dragons within the Counts. Finally, a Plague Pontifex to allow Skrolk to fully utilize Clan Pestilence armies. If the pattern holds, we'll greet 2026 with this January release.

rheaehreh.pngDoW Interims:

As we head off from 8.0, we take the time to implement a High Elf Endgame Crisis, if it hasn't been already, as well as bolstering Skarsnik's Night Goblins with some anti-large variants, furthering his potency. Then we shift gears to focus all in on Bretonnia. Some of you may remember from my previous DLC map that Bretonnia got a DLC together with the Cult of Ulric and Tzeentch. Unfortunately, given that CA said that Bretonnia is getting reworked via interims and the new pace, Bretonnia is one of the spots I've had to axe. But that doesn't stop a general update, rebalancing the vows and giving us Crusades, nor Bretonnia getting reinforcements. When Foot Knights become a distant dream, the Foot Squires step in to fill the void, recieving variants including Bows and Spears which they had in 5th edition, boosting Bretonnia's beleaguered battlelines. Finally, by July 2026, the next Skulls promo rolls around, bringing in Grim Burloksson for the Dwarfs. A herald of what's to come...

srhwerherh.png3. Rise of Destruction - Cathay vs Norsca vs Dwarfs

After DoW comes the next cycle of LPs, starting with the long awaited Monkey King facing down the long awaited Norscan update in late mid-2026 (if the pattern holds), as well as the Dwarfs. Some might say that's quite an odd pairing and others would say the Dwarfs are done. To the first I say remember Assumption 5 about matchups, which now eliminates Nurgle, Empire and Greenskins as potential partners, which you will understand once you see the whole map here complicates their options. I could not pair them up with Thanquol in this new format in a way that made sense for the third faction. However, one could see this as thematic in two ways. One as an homage to the struggle of the Norse Dwarfs against Valmir Aesling, a Norscan chieftain and also that Bugman would be the Dwarf of the East, stationed in the Mountains of Mourn and just happens to encounter Sayl's horde on route to the Tower of Ashashair. To the second objection I just say that its possible with canon stuff. Anyway, Norsca gets its long awaited update, Wulfrik gets his ship and is moved somewhere and Throgg benefits from the Fimir lords coming in. Monkey King does his thing and drags Li Dao grumbling along as FLC, for which he is joined by a Norscan Seer L to further diversify Norsca.

segwsha.pngMonkey King Interims:

As we leave MK's 9.0 behind us, several things will be happening. A Norscan Endgame Crisis, assuming its separate from the other Chaos factions, coupled with reinforcement for the regular Cathayan lines with Sword&Shield for the Jade Riders and Celestial Dragon Guard. And then, assuming the pattern holds, we arrive at December 2026. As a Christmas present now, we get a mechanic concerning the race and fight for Karak Eight Peaks, shared between Belegar, Skarsnik and Queek, bringing beloved depth to that iconic conflict. In addition, we add a ranged version of the Warlock Engineer, who would wield a Warpmusket like they could in 7th edition, to the Skaven, giving them a true ranged hero. And then, to greet 2027, we diversify the selection of Boar Cav for the Greenskins and maybe add some sort of Slayer mechanic to Ungrim. No idea what that could be, but so long as we are back in the realm of updating the Dwarfs, we might as well.

sgewewgh.png4. Intrigues of Chaos - Tzeentch vs Empire vs WoC

As we shift into 2027 to greet 2027 (if the pattern holds), we have two other long awaited arrivals in Egrimm van Horstmann facing down the Cult of Ulric, who are dedicated of ridding the Empire of Egrimm's corruption following the machinations surrounding the ascencion of Emil Valgier. Now I know that CA sort of hinted towards Egrimm being FLC, but they didn't flat out refute the possibility of a DLC either, but I guess if I was to reduce the map further, this is the core spot that would go and the Cult of Ulric would be reassigned elsewhere. But its not only Egrimm and the Ulricans (who are joined by the Wizards and the Celestial Hurricanum), as Archaon sends his right hand to herald his imminent arrival in true force. This WoC update would be a sort of catch-all containing mixed forces that can't fit in anywhere else. Can the Empire handle this much Chaos? SURELY WITH BORIS TODBRINGER AT THE HELM! It is his day to shine at last via DLC, joined by an Ulrican High Priest/Arch Lector. 

eswwgaer.pngTzeentch Interims

We're past 10.0 now (whenever we may be in actual time), but we are certainly not out of big things to do in interim patches. How about a variant reinforcements for Tzeentch and even the Lizardmen (I tried with the Empire but couldn't think of anything)? No? How about Tzeentch's Endgame Crisis? Or better yet, THE ENDGAME CRISIS OF WARRIORS OF CHAOS. And is if that weren't enough, we top it all off with (assuming the pattern holds) a midway-to-completion celebration, bringing us both Caradryan as a part of Skulls, but also the oh so requested, the legendary, THE ONE AND ONLY SIEGE REWORK! What would that be I have absolutely no idea, but it would be big! Worthy enough to provide a change in the course of the game worthy of the Raven God himself! And yet... brace youselves...

srwerhwerhj.png5. Undead Legion

Alas, the return of Nagash! The Greatest Necromancer in history takes the stage with his legion, accompanied by Walach Harkon and Dieter Helsnicht (plus possibly Drachenfels). His own race, with everything that entails. It would also be a 2nd oppertunity to address any Vampire updates still remaining, perhaps even some more unit additions beyond the Morghasts, if there are any more essentials not added with Neferata. With the overall theme being darkness and undeath (and one that doesn't require a lot of new assets), it is also appropriate to use this oppertunity to bring in Mallobaude in a Drycha-style Dark Bretonnia set in Mousillon. Add to that a Centigor Chieftain FLC generic and the end of 2027 (if the pattern is held) looks quite dark indeed...

rheatjjtr.pngNagash Interimns:

Beyond the long shadow of Nagash, the interims of this cycle focus on the dark corners of the setting. As another Christmas approaches, a gift presents itself in the form of a Preyton and a touch-up for the Beastmen to make them stand the test of time, including their Endgame Crisis. As an easy unit, essentially that of a reskinned Terrorrgheist, it should be a simple enough one for an interim. But we're not done just yet, as the 11-interims brings the same to the Chaos Dwarfs, who by then should have accumulated a suitable layer of dust to tweak. These will also be the last interims that add Greenskin variants, bringing us reinforcement to the Orc Big Uns, most noteably with bow variants of said Big Uns to complete the upper tier of the rosters. But also, a taste of some of the filth still to come...

sdbhereh.png6. Infestations of Darkness - Nurgle vs Greenskins vs Skaven

We have arrived in 2028 (if the pattern holds) and now it is time for another big name wam! Glottkin (plus the Maggoth Riders) AND Thanquol! First though, I will confess that this where I considered putting Neferata if I wasn't placing her in the Slaanesh DLC. It would've made quite a bit of sense, having both Greenskins (with Snagla defending his home) and Vampires (Neferata standing in for Vlad's efforts to defend Altdorf in the End Times) fight against the great Nurgle invasion of the northern Empire. And it would make more sense for Thanquol to fight against the High Elves, given his attack on the Gates of Calith. However, even if I should reshuffle this DLC to come earlier, it would still mean delaying the Vampire update until atleast 2026, which I feel wouldn't be fair to the Vampires given their long wait. So now here we are, with the final updates for 3 races, with Thanquol bringing the last basics to complete the various Clans, Snagla bringing Forest Goblins and Glottkin rounding off Nurgle. FLC is Ushoran coming off the heels of the Undead focus and a Gorehoof to complete the Beastmen roster.

sdhgdrn.pngGlottkin Interims

The second half of 2028 revolves around the last Nurgle interims, which would, if it hasn't happened by then, see Skrolk getting access to upgraded Plagues and Tretch getting... something. The Skulls this time is Ungrol Four-Horn, bringing the Beastmen their first LH. The rest of the time is split between a touch-up and arrow variant reinforcement of the Wood Elves, as well as bolstering the mortal Nurgle lines and unleashing their Endgame Crisis. Indeed it has been a dark period of updates so far, but not so much from here...

segwerhwer.png7. Chills of Rage - Kislev vs Empire vs Tomb Kings

This might also seem like an odd pairing, as these are all basically Order factions. The story here stems from the lore of Ramhotep, with the Imperial Invasion of Quatar in 2141. An army of Reikland stormed Quatar, damaging many of its constructs and looting the city. In the lore, it was Ramhotep who then years later teamed up with Arkhan to invade Reikland in revenge. But now instead of Ramhotep, comes the great big boi Vizier of Quatar, Sehenesmet himself, to enact revenge upon Reikland. In his way stands the Empire's final and best hope, the Reiksmarshal Kurt Helborg, bringing the epitome of Empire Steel to this final showdown. And there is also Kislev, helping the Empire for once, with whoever it is to head up the last Kislev update, whether that be some sort of "Ungol" or something else. FLC is Tutankhanut, chilling back in Numas with his Scythans.

srherjre.pngKislev Interims:

With Kislev and the Empire hopefully updated to perfection following Chills of Rage, this would be the moment to introduce their respective Endgame Crises. In case of the Empire, in time for both updating Volkmar and the Marshal That Must Not Be Named, if they haven't already, as well as recieving Luthor Huss for a final Skulls event. Elsewhere, the Tomb Kings recieve the Greatweapon variant of Ushabti and Kislev's frontline is bolstered by some sorely needed anti-large and some more basic warriors.

raerhae.png8. Waves of Destiny - Cathay vs Dark Elves (OR Vampire Coast) vs Lizardmen

We have arrived at the last LP of WH3, which may come as early as April 2028 (2 interim cycle) or here in September 2029 (3 interim cycle) with this particular map. If the Tzeentch LP is removed, then the earliest is November 2027 (2 interim cycle). Whenever it may come, it is the final Cathayan update, with Yin-Yin bringing whatever her sea theme entails, plugging any remaining holes in the roster that the Monkey King doesn't. Against her stand the Lizardmen and either the Dark Elves or Vampire Coast, depending on if the Dark Elves are still considered eligible for a DLC update and how the Vampire Coast looks after Aranessa's DoW face-lift/Nagash's contributions. Both versions are loreful and logical, as Yin-Yin has a natural rivalry with both and with the Lizardmen. The Lizardmen get their long awaited rework overhaul, bringing all of WH3's races to final mechanical and unit-content completion. The final DLC FLC package contains Naieth for the Wood Elves and a Lore of Life Sorceror for Cathay, giving Miao Ying a generic wielder of her own wind.

rhbfwerjhjeh.pngFinal Interims

We're in the home stretch now, the last determined set of interim patches. What remains is ensuring that all LM LLs are updated to face the future, add the LM Endgame Crisis and the Cathayan one. In addition, its time for more updates to generics. Specifically the Dark Elf Master and the Wood Elf Glade Captain. A ranged, female, crossbow version of the Master is added in order to match the variety setup of the Dreadlords, giving the Dark Elves a longer ranged option than the Khainite Assassin. Meanwhile, a male Sword&Shield variant of the Wood Elf Glade Captain is added in order to match the setup of the Glade Lords. This would also be the time to add the omitted Flail variants for Chaos Marauders and Horsemen. And then, at last, the finale itself...

egwhwer.pngThe End TImes

The final DLC of WH3. The End Times. Everything should be in place by now and so, we finish WH3 with a character pack of 12 still major LL characters missing. This includes:

1. Gutrot Spume (NUR)

2. Moonclaw (BM)

3. Araloth (WE)

4. Mortkin (NOR)

5. Bohemond (BRE)

6. Gorfang Rotgut (GS)

7. Mona Mimn (NOR)

8. Alrik Ranulfsson (DWF) - Is replaced by Tullaris if Dark Elves are replaced by Vampire Coast in Seas of Destiny

9. Ghark Ironskin (OK)

10. Marius Letidorf (EMP)

11. Ghorros Warhoof (BM)

12. Zacharias the Everling (VC)

AND THAT'S IT! Anyone still following lol? Here we have it. 6 (or 5) LPs, 2 race packs and an End Times pack. All in all, 9 further DLCs to finish WH3, ending somewhere at the latter half of 2030 if the 3 interim cycle holds up. If it is a 2 interim cycle or the Tzeentch DLC is skipped, we still comfortably end up in 2028. What do you all think?

(P.S. Please don't quote this entire page ha ha)

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3 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 8:10:48 AM

Ignoring everything that I find unrealistic I'll just address the WoC LP part for now

There is my version of it (with some extra options)

LL: Vardek Crom (source: 6th edition supplement Storm of Chaos and the End Times: Nagash)

LH: Mordrek the Damned (source: Champions of Chaos book from the 5th edition)

Lord: Dragon Ogre Lord (source: Realm of Chaos book from the 5th edition. I personally don't like Dragon Ogres, but adding monstrous lord would allow Kholek to use thematic armies.) 

Alternative Lord/Hero option 1: Ogres Mutant (source: unit champion of Chaos Ogres from the 8th edition WoC army book. CA already promoted unit champions to characters on multiple occasions) 

Alternative Lord/Hero option 2: the Possessed (source: Mordheim, the Cult of the Possessed warband) 


  1. Chimera (source: 8th edition WoC army book)
  2. Chaos Ogres (source: 8th edition WoC army book)           
  3. Chaos Siege Giant (source: 8th edition supplement Throne of Chaos)            
  4. Emperor Chaos Dragons (source: 8th edition supplement Storm of Magic)           
  5. Great Chaos Spawn (source: 8th edition supplement Storm of Magic) 
  6. Darksouls (source: Mordheim, the Cult of the Possessed warband)
Updated 3 days ago.
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3 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 8:20:17 AM

SerPus#7395 wrote:

Ignoring everything that I find unrealistic I'll just address the WoC LP part for now

There is my version of it (with some extra options)

LL: Vardek Crom (source: 6th edition supplement Storm of Chaos and the End Times: Nagash)

LH: Mordrek the Damned (source: Champions of Chaos book from the 5th edition)

Lord: Dragon Ogre Lord (source: Realm of Chaos book from the 5th edition. I personally don't like Dragon Ogres, but adding monstrous lord would allow Kholek to use thematic armies.) 

Alternative Lord/Hero option 1: Ogres Mutant (source: unit champion of Chaos Ogres from the 8th edition WoC army book. CA already promoted unit champions to characters on multiple occasions) 

Alternative Lord/Hero option 2: the Possessed (source: Mordheim, the Cult of the Possessed warband) 


  1. Chimera (source: 8th edition WoC army book)
  2. Chaos Ogres (source: 8th edition WoC army book)           
  3. Chaos Siege Giant (source: 8th edition supplement Throne of Chaos)            
  4. Emperor Chaos Dragons (source: 8th edition supplement Storm of Magic)           
  5. Great Chaos Spawn (source: 8th edition supplement Storm of Magic) 
  6. Darksouls (source: Mordheim, the Cult of the Possessed warband)

Solid options. I could see Chaos Ogres replacing the Warpfire Dragon.

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2 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 8:23:28 AM

TheWattman#7460 wrote:
Solid options. I could see Chaos Ogres replacing the Warpfire Dragon.

I left out Warpfire Dragons from the list because having two dragon options is too much. They could come with Tzeentch LP (if CA ever make such an LP).

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2 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 8:26:04 AM

Please explain why there's a need for "Nightgoblins with spears" or "Marauders of Khorne with spears" and other such variations.

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2 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 8:43:44 AM

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:

Please explain why there's a need for "Nightgoblins with spears" or "Marauders of Khorne with spears" and other such variations.

Simple. Skarsnik's Night Goblin subrace could use anti-large variants on the front lines. You can compare my additions with the current roster to see the holes it would fill. As for the Khornate spears, that is also anti-large, which Khorne kind of lacks many options for in the current roster. It also completes a unit set, as the Chaos Warriors w Halberds are alone without Marauder or Chosen variants, which you can see in the current roster.

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2 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 9:05:26 AM

I appreciate OP's work and the contents look good to me. But tbh I would be quite surprised if CA still makes contents for this game in 2028.

Updated 2 days ago.
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2 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 9:12:16 AM

That’s pretty rough that it’d be another 5 years before Volkmar and Markus get reworks. Volkmar I’d have put with Emil at the very least. As there could be some rival mechanics there.

Also, I don’t think Armoured Kossar (Spears) should count as FLC at all. The unit already exists and just needs to be ported to IE. 

Updated 2 days ago.
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2 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 9:15:05 AM

By 2029 we will probably be debating whether CA is pulling the plug off 40K or not.

Updated 2 days ago.
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2 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 9:19:48 AM

So far I like most of what I see, although two changes I would make would be that Savage Orcs should not have shields, and thus the Spear Boyz would just have spears, and the Savage Orc Big 'Uns should get a great weapon variant rather than a spear, to be a pseudo replacement for the lack of Black Orcs in their armies (if we are to go with themed armies).

And please to god I hope we get Marked Gor variants:

Tzaangors: Halberd and Bow variants, and their Axe and Shield changed to Sword and Shield

Pestigors: Axe and Shield and Throwing Axes variants
Khorngors: All Melee Variants
Slaangors: Spears and Shields, Hellscourges of Slaanesh, and Javelins

Updated 2 days ago.
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2 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 9:26:37 AM

kaiki#4128 wrote:

I appreciate OP's work and the contents look good to me. But tbh I would be quite surprised if CA still makes contents for this game in 2028.

Thank you. We can hope and honestly if we go with ToD-levels, we're really gonna have to.

Jarms48#7854 wrote:

That’s pretty rough that it’d be another 5 years before Volkmar and Markus get reworks. Volkmar I’d have put with Emil at the very least. 

Of course, one could structure stuff differently. But no matter what, someone will always be left behind.

GeneralKong#3567 wrote:

So far I like most of what I see, although two changes I would make would be that Savage Orcs should not have shields, and thus the Spear Boyz would just have spears, and the Savage Orc Big 'Uns should get a great weapon variant rather than a spear, to be a pseudo replacement for the lack of Black Orcs in their armies (if we are to go with themed armies)

Actually in 8th edition, Savage Orcs did not have Greatweapons. Just Hand Weapon, Spears and Dual. But I wouldn't be against doing Greatweapons either. It would match up against the Savage Orc Big Boss.

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2 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 9:39:07 AM

GeneralKong#3567 wrote:

Tzaangors: Halberd and Bow variants, and their Axe and Shield changed to Sword and Shield

Pestigors: Axe and Shield and Throwing Axes variants
Khorngors: All Melee Variants
Slaangors: Spears and Shields, Hellscourges of Slaanesh, and Javelins

God, that's ugly roster bloat. TT Tzaangors don't even get bows (that's for the Tzaangor Skyfires) or spear options (that's for Tzaangor Enlightened) and that's in a roster that doesn't have all the Chaos Warrior options.
Also, why give Khorngors all melee options? Khorne isn't a god of martial proficiency (that's more Slaneesh's territory), he's a god of "hack and slash at stuff untl it's broken". So there should be no halberd and spear options.
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2 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 10:00:31 AM

I hope we get a savage giant, savage orcs with spears and savage orc big 'uns with great weapons but all the the savage orc content should come before the next DLC. Seems like a waste getting 90% of the savage orc content and doing a wurrzag campaign knowing there's a tiny bit more still coming. Also the Savage orc hero character is a must in the next DLC.

To be honest i like everything you suggested, particularly the GS #4 and Empire #4 DLCs, i hope we do end up getting those packs.

My only extra thought is this is a lot of content and i've learnt to dial back my expectations with CA. i dont think we'll end up with anywhere near this amount of content in the end

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2 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 10:01:59 AM

If 99% of the content you can think of is just weapon variants, it's a sign the race is thoroughly saturated with content.

What would adding Savage Orks with Spears even do? Nothing. Either they're better than the regular orks with spears or they are not. Either way, one unit will see no play so you are effectively adding nothing.

Updated 2 days ago.
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2 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 10:09:40 AM

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:

What would adding Savage Orks with Spears even do? Nothing. Either they're better than the regular orks with spears or they are not. Either way, one unit will see no play so you are effectively adding nothing.

This is clearly from someone who doesn't play GS. Boyz, big uns, boar riders and boar big uns all have a savage orc variant which serves minimal purpose other than game immersion... but they do a fantastic job of game immersion and that's why playing the GS is so fun.

All their LLs except Wurrzag have pretty limited access to the savage orcs (as it should be), you only get them when you capture certain locations. Wurrzag on the other hand almost exclusively uses them.

Basically what i'm saying is these simple weapon variants serve a huge purpose in terms of making the campaign more fun even if theyre not strictly necessary from a battle pov

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2 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 10:18:39 AM

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:

If 99% of the content you can think of is just weapon variants, it's a sign the race is thoroughly saturated with content.

What would adding Savage Orks with Spears even do? Nothing. Either they're better than the regular orks with spears or they are not. Either way, one unit will see no play so you are effectively adding nothing.

Simple. Add anti-large to the Savage Orc armies.

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

No! VC need their own Bloodlines DLC. Neferata makes 0 sense for the Slaanesh DLC. 

I still provide a Vampire unit update and a representation for each Bloodline in the game. Just not all in one. This way, you get updates for more races. But if one was to replace the Tzeentch DLC though, it would be with a Bloodlines DLC. Im absolutely not against doing one, its just that I felt with the new pace of content, it wouldn't fit in, considering everything else needed.

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2 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 10:24:53 AM

Mandatory changes.

High Elves

LL - Aislinn -> Finubar or Caradryan

LH - Caradryan or Belannaer and Korhil

Sea Elf Wardancers -> Doomfire Dragon (Emperor Dragon variant of Fire Dragon)

Dark Elves

L - Black Ark Fleetmaster

One of the units -> Statue of Khaine

Other changes


Slaanesh - Masque - FLC LL -> DLC LH

Tzeentch - Galrauch - DLC LH -> DLC LL

Cathay - Li Dao - FLC LL -> DLC LL

Dwarfs - Josef Bugmann DLC LL -> Grimm Burloksson DLC LL

There are other issues but these are the most glaring ones.

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2 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 10:30:32 AM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

No! VC need their own Bloodlines DLC. Neferata makes 0 sense for the Slaanesh DLC. 

VC need a bloodline DLC however if CA don't do that, this is a next best solution no?

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