A way to ease Ind into the game

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4 days ago
Sep 15, 2024, 7:34:03 AM

So I think we all agree that Ind as a landmass is going to show up sooner or later. We also know that the Tigermen of Ind are in the works. So how about adding Tigermen as a non-playable race with a limited roster of Tigermen units?

It's been done before. Before being playable, Norsca was just the Marauder units cut out of WoC and made into their small, limited roster. Same with Bretonnia, who were just a few knights and peasants reskinned over and over.

Not only that could serve as a base for mods, but it also leaves the door slightly open for CA, if they ever change their minds and decide to do something with them.


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4 days ago
Sep 15, 2024, 7:39:12 AM

Fossoway#5540 wrote:

So I think we all agree that Ind as a landmass is going to show up sooner or later. We also know that the Tigermen of Ind are in the works. So how about adding Tigermen as a non-playable race with a limited roster of Tigermen units?

It's been done before. Before being playable, Norsca was just the Marauder units cut out of WoC and made into their small, limited roster. Same with Bretonnia, who were just a few knights and peasants reskinned over and over.

Not only that could serve as a base for mods, but it also leaves the door slightly open for CA, if they ever change their minds and decide to do something with them.


Wait, when was Tigermen confirmed again? Are we still on about that random leak that said Cathay would be getting an Ogre character?

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4 days ago
Sep 15, 2024, 7:39:18 AM

Take it up with GW, not CA. If GW don't want a separate Tigerman faction, it ain't coming. Norsca and presumably Vampire Coast only came about because back then GW considered WHFB dead and buried. That's no longer the case.

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4 days ago
Sep 15, 2024, 7:41:43 AM

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

Fossoway#5540 wrote:

So I think we all agree that Ind as a landmass is going to show up sooner or later. We also know that the Tigermen of Ind are in the works. So how about adding Tigermen as a non-playable race with a limited roster of Tigermen units?

It's been done before. Before being playable, Norsca was just the Marauder units cut out of WoC and made into their small, limited roster. Same with Bretonnia, who were just a few knights and peasants reskinned over and over.

Not only that could serve as a base for mods, but it also leaves the door slightly open for CA, if they ever change their minds and decide to do something with them.


Wait, when was Tigermen confirmed again? Are we still on about that random leak that said Cathay would be getting an Ogre character?

The voice actor for Tigermen was leaked long ago.

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4 days ago
Sep 15, 2024, 8:02:17 AM

Fossoway#5540 wrote:

The voice actor for Tigermen was leaked long ago.

After Legend's stunt I am weary of putting any confidence in supposed "leaks".

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4 days ago
Sep 15, 2024, 8:06:50 AM

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:

Fossoway#5540 wrote:

The voice actor for Tigermen was leaked long ago.

After Legend's stunt I am weary of putting any confidence in supposed "leaks".

Legend had nothing to do with the voice actor thing.

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4 days ago
Sep 15, 2024, 8:08:36 AM

Fossoway#5540 wrote:

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:

Fossoway#5540 wrote:

The voice actor for Tigermen was leaked long ago.

After Legend's stunt I am weary of putting any confidence in supposed "leaks".

Legend had nothing to do with the voice actor thing.

I said "any". If it's just an ImdB listing I'm also discounting it.

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4 days ago
Sep 15, 2024, 8:17:53 AM

Fossoway#5540 wrote:

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

Fossoway#5540 wrote:

So I think we all agree that Ind as a landmass is going to show up sooner or later. We also know that the Tigermen of Ind are in the works. So how about adding Tigermen as a non-playable race with a limited roster of Tigermen units?

It's been done before. Before being playable, Norsca was just the Marauder units cut out of WoC and made into their small, limited roster. Same with Bretonnia, who were just a few knights and peasants reskinned over and over.

Not only that could serve as a base for mods, but it also leaves the door slightly open for CA, if they ever change their minds and decide to do something with them.


Wait, when was Tigermen confirmed again? Are we still on about that random leak that said Cathay would be getting an Ogre character?

The voice actor for Tigermen was leaked long ago.

It was a mocap roll IIRC.

But yeah, I could see that potentially happening. Not a guarantee for a Ind race mind you, but something akin to the Savage Orc tribes in game perhaps.

Updated 4 days ago.
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4 days ago
Sep 15, 2024, 8:31:41 AM

Wyvax#7456 wrote:

Fossoway#5540 wrote:

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

Fossoway#5540 wrote:

So I think we all agree that Ind as a landmass is going to show up sooner or later. We also know that the Tigermen of Ind are in the works. So how about adding Tigermen as a non-playable race with a limited roster of Tigermen units?

It's been done before. Before being playable, Norsca was just the Marauder units cut out of WoC and made into their small, limited roster. Same with Bretonnia, who were just a few knights and peasants reskinned over and over.

Not only that could serve as a base for mods, but it also leaves the door slightly open for CA, if they ever change their minds and decide to do something with them.


Wait, when was Tigermen confirmed again? Are we still on about that random leak that said Cathay would be getting an Ogre character?

The voice actor for Tigermen was leaked long ago.

It was a mocap roll IIRC.

But yeah, I could see that potentially happening. Not a guarantee for a Ind race mind you, but something akin to the Savage Orc tribes in game perhaps.

Yes, that's another perfect example!

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4 days ago
Sep 15, 2024, 8:41:24 AM

I'm open to this idea. Makes sense considering how Bretonnia and Norsca were handled before they were added as playable races.

It's just that, if GW is going to go through the trouble of creating the geography, cities and landmarks (which also requires building up some history) of Ind and Khuresh, how much more effort will it be to flesh out an army?

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4 days ago
Sep 15, 2024, 9:05:20 AM

AxiosXiphos#9040 wrote:

There will be a Cathay subfaction in ind: and probably the monkry king there too. Take it or leave it. Ind is never happening as a race.

I clearly remember you saying that Cathay is never happening as a race a few years ago.

Updated 4 days ago.
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4 days ago
Sep 15, 2024, 9:09:20 AM

Fossoway#5540 wrote:

AxiosXiphos#9040 wrote:

There will be a Cathay subfaction in ind: and probably the monkry king there too. Take it or leave it. Ind is never happening as a race.

I clearly remember you saying that Cathay is never happening as a race a few years ago (and yes, I have a very good memory :p)

I never said that, because CA never said that.  I will admit I never expected Cathay.

My logic is always the same - and that's to look at what comes out of CA.

Updated 4 days ago.
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4 days ago
Sep 15, 2024, 9:10:24 AM

Like Albion:

There will be raiders from other factions, landmark(s) and one LL - probably Monkey King. 

+ Tigermen for Cathay roster.

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4 days ago
Sep 15, 2024, 9:12:23 AM

Fossoway#5540 wrote:
So how about adding Tigermen as a non-playable race with a limited roster of Tigermen units?

Race made from one unit?


Wood_Sprite#1284 wrote:
how much more effort will it be to flesh out an army?

A lot. Creating a map is nothing in comparison to designing a whole army.

Updated 4 days ago.
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4 days ago
Sep 15, 2024, 9:16:21 AM

SerPus#7395 wrote:

Fossoway#5540 wrote:
So how about adding Tigermen as a non-playable race with a limited roster of Tigermen units?

Race made from one unit?

Who says there's only going to be one? The Savage orc tribes are a very good example. That's what, 5 units and a lord? You could just have 2 or 3 variants of tigermen with maybe a few peasant units (reskinned or not) and call it a day.

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4 days ago
Sep 15, 2024, 9:23:30 AM

SerPus#7395 wrote:

A lot. Creating a map is nothing in comparison to designing a whole army.

Except they are not just creating the map, they're also creating the lore of the region. Cities, geographical feature and campaign scenes will all require some background behind them, which requires a core understanding of what this race is. Otherwise it'll all feel haphazard and disconnected.

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4 days ago
Sep 15, 2024, 9:24:01 AM


Wood_Sprite#1284 wrote:
how much more effort will it be to flesh out an army?

A lot. Creating a map is nothing in comparison to designing a whole army.

Except with my proposition, you won't create a whole army. If indeed CA is creating Tigermen for Cathay, you'd just pluck them from their roster and let them be their own thing. Just like how Savage Orc tribes are currently in-game and how Norsca was pre-DLC. It's been done before.

You would get an actual Ind sub-faction with minimal effort. Much better than just pretending they don't exist, or just replacing them with Cathayan placeholders. Do you want another Araby situation, with their land taken over by Bretonnians or Tomb Kings?

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4 days ago
Sep 15, 2024, 9:29:46 AM

Fossoway#5540 wrote:
Who says there's only going to be one?

We don't have any indication that there will be more than that.

Fossoway#5540 wrote:
You could just have 2 or 3 variants of tigermen with maybe a few peasant units (reskinned or not) and call it a day.

Even if there are two of three units of tigermen, they would still require more than that. They need generic lord and other stuff, unlike Savage Orcs who just use generic Greenskins.

This idea is just wishful thinking.

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4 days ago
Sep 15, 2024, 9:37:19 AM

Wood_Sprite#1284 wrote:
Cities, geographical feature and campaign scenes will all require some background behind them, which requires a core understanding of what this race is.

What race? You thinking of it backwards. You convinced yourself that there will be a race and the map should be made with it in mind. In reality GW/CA might just come up with a bunch of cool names for settlements and provinces without writing any lore behind them. 

Fossoway#5540 wrote:
Except with my proposition, you won't create a whole army.

The question I answered was specifically about fleshing out an army.

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