I would like an honest quick answer, Please.. Will Ind make it into TWWH

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 10:54:22 PM

Depends on GW. But given their past track record, maybe 20% tops and that's being quite generous.

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 10:54:34 PM

The actual landmass is extremely likely, probably like 99%. The actual Ind race though, is most likely not. I'd probably say like 5% chance.

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 11:06:27 PM

Past Track Record with GW, you would have to bet on another Cathay happening. So, like 5-10% maximum percentage wise. Probably lower than even that.

If you're counting modders, that's iffy still. There's a Slaanesh mod themed around Ind, and there are some projects that were working on Ind stuff. So, maybe like 20-30% chance of a full Ind race there. 

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 11:59:32 PM

If Warhammer III manages to have a lot of success moving forward, then we could always get ONE obscure race in a couple of years such as Khuresh, Ind, Nippon or the Hobgoblins.

Until then, it's VERYx10 unlikely. 

So much work needs to be done with the already existing races + the DoW and Nagash.

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5 days ago
Sep 14, 2024, 1:59:57 AM

AxiosXiphos#9040 wrote:

0%. Confirmed never happening multiple times.

That's not what was said though. They said "Don't hold your breath" and "Not in our current plans". 

They didn't say "Never ever happening ever guaranteed!"

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5 days ago
Sep 14, 2024, 3:30:56 AM

Considering that we got Tigermen leak, either it's a unit made for Ind and CA is outright lying saying that there are no plans, or it's a unit made for some other race and Ind has 0 chances of happening.

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5 days ago
Sep 14, 2024, 6:12:42 AM


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5 days ago
Sep 14, 2024, 7:43:45 AM

It's one of those things which go "will be/won't be" until it happens on the game support ends. No one here can give you a definite answer.

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5 days ago
Sep 14, 2024, 8:14:33 AM

Ind as a location, likely. Ind as a playable race, very unlikely.

I still believe Arbaal will start in Ind. And there will probably be mods about Ind coming up in the future.

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5 days ago
Sep 14, 2024, 8:24:32 AM

Map will be 100% open.

Few units like Tigermen 100% for Cathay and maybe DoW.

Ind as a race 0%.

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4 days ago
Sep 14, 2024, 2:32:47 PM

Ind map expansion and some Ind units, like Tigermen?  100%

Ind Race?  25%

It depends on us really.

I'm sure they have no plans for them at this time.  But if we keep buying stuff, they'll keep adding stuff.  And eventually, that new stuff will include Ind.

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4 days ago
Sep 14, 2024, 2:50:04 PM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

Ind map expansion and some Ind units, like Tigermen?  100%

Ind Race?  25%

It depends on us really.

I'm sure they have no plans for them at this time.  But if we keep buying stuff, they'll keep adding stuff.  And eventually, that new stuff will include Ind.

It also depends on GW.

But if the game still sells well in a couple of years, we could always get one of these obscure races added into the game.

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4 days ago
Sep 14, 2024, 3:36:36 PM
I think CA would probably like to have a go at making it - the map and the factions and races, but GW probably haven't any plans for such. We were very lucky to get Cathay, Norsca and Vampire Coasts. We can keep our fingers crossed for the map or maybe a unit or two like how Ogres were done in WH2 - but I don't think I'd reliably depend on it happening. I'd say the same for Khuresh, Nippon, Araby and Amazons. 
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4 days ago
Sep 14, 2024, 5:18:29 PM

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

That's not what was said though. They said "Don't hold your breath" and "Not in our current plans". 

They didn't say "Never ever happening ever guaranteed!"

IIRC, the "don't hold your breath" was right after saying that Cathay's inclusion was a coup, unlikely to be repeated.


Short term (<2 years): 0%.

Long term (2-5 years): 5%

Distant future (>5 years): 5%

There's still: two Cathay DLCs, probably a Kislev DLC, Slaanesh, High Elves, Vampire Counts (x2), Empire, Dogs of War, more Nurgle, maybe Tzeentch and Dwarfs, Thanquol, Nagash. 

That takes care of the next two years easily, and stretches beyond. We're looking at close to five years of content... at which point the well starts to dry up, so maybe CA (if things are still profitable enough) goes to GW and asks to do Ind and Nippon. Ooooor... after a decade of WHFB they move on to other, more profitable things. (Remember, it's not enough to be profitable. You have to be more profitable than some other thing you could be doing instead.)

(There's also the fact that three of the things we know about Ind - Monkey Warrios, Winged Lions, and Tigerman - are seemingly all ending up in Cathay, which hurts Ind's chances.

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4 days ago
Sep 14, 2024, 5:24:51 PM

LordSolarMach#5538 wrote:

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

That's not what was said though. They said "Don't hold your breath" and "Not in our current plans". 

They didn't say "Never ever happening ever guaranteed!"

IIRC, the "don't hold your breath" was right after saying that Cathay's inclusion was a coup, unlikely to be repeated.


Short term (<2 years): 0%.

Long term (2-5 years): 5%

Distant future (>5 years): 5%

There's still: two Cathay DLCs, probably a Kislev DLC, Slaanesh, High Elves, Vampire Counts (x2), Empire, Dogs of War, more Nurgle, maybe Tzeentch and Dwarfs, Thanquol, Nagash. 

That takes care of the next two years easily, and stretches beyond. We're looking at close to five years of content... at which point the well starts to dry up, so maybe CA (if things are still profitable enough) goes to GW and asks to do Ind and Nippon. Ooooor... after a decade of WHFB they move on to other, more profitable things. (Remember, it's not enough to be profitable. You have to be more profitable than some other thing you could be doing instead.)

(There's also the fact that three of the things we know about Ind - Monkey Warrios, Winged Lions, and Tigerman - are seemingly all ending up in Cathay, which hurts Ind's chances.

I'm still certain Nippon would sell like hot cakes, but you're right, there are so many priorities that needs to be tackled first before even talking about any obscure race making it into the game.

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4 days ago
Sep 14, 2024, 5:34:46 PM

Thomashu#5291 wrote:

LordSolarMach#5538 wrote:

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

That's not what was said though. They said "Don't hold your breath" and "Not in our current plans". 

They didn't say "Never ever happening ever guaranteed!"

IIRC, the "don't hold your breath" was right after saying that Cathay's inclusion was a coup, unlikely to be repeated.


Short term (<2 years): 0%.

Long term (2-5 years): 5%

Distant future (>5 years): 5%

There's still: two Cathay DLCs, probably a Kislev DLC, Slaanesh, High Elves, Vampire Counts (x2), Empire, Dogs of War, more Nurgle, maybe Tzeentch and Dwarfs, Thanquol, Nagash. 

That takes care of the next two years easily, and stretches beyond. We're looking at close to five years of content... at which point the well starts to dry up, so maybe CA (if things are still profitable enough) goes to GW and asks to do Ind and Nippon. Ooooor... after a decade of WHFB they move on to other, more profitable things. (Remember, it's not enough to be profitable. You have to be more profitable than some other thing you could be doing instead.)

(There's also the fact that three of the things we know about Ind - Monkey Warrios, Winged Lions, and Tigerman - are seemingly all ending up in Cathay, which hurts Ind's chances.

I'm still certain Nippon would sell like hot cakes, but you're right, there are so many priorities that needs to be tackled first before even talking about any obscure race making it into the game.

I'm sure it would, and I'm sure CA would love to make it - but GW are probably not as eager about digging through their dusty vaults or working on the little details and lore tid bits with CA to make it happen. People are definitely itching to play with and against whole new races/factions in TW, they add a lot of variety and flavor. With a lot of these minor factions - they might not be very robust in terms of unit diversity or as fleshed out as people would want however

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