Unpopular Opinion: I hope 7.0 isn't Slaanesh vs HE/DE

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 3:20:03 PM
I know that I will get some hate for this, but I feel compelled to make my arguments regardless.

First of I think 7.0 should include Slaanesh as one of the factions, I just don't believe that they come opposed to High and Dark Elves...Yes that would make narrative sense, but... High and Dark Elves are in a good place right now, they have almost their complete roster and the only things missing are basically forgeword or other niche models. Meanwhile there are several races in the game that desperatley need attention, Bretonnia, Norsca, the Vampire Counts, Kislev. All of them should get priority over the two Elven races who both got 2 DLCs and 2 FLC Lords as well as tons of love during Warhammer 2.

Anything further coming to HE and DE would be a "nice to have" not a bare essential to make the race decently playable. And so pushing races that need content back for a few "nice to haves" would in my opinion be a waste.

Plus CA did now imply that the monogods will each get more than one DLC. So why not do the big Slaanesh vs HE/DE later down the line when truly struggling races have been brought up to speed?

Alternativley as a compromise between narrative and what the game needs could be if the DLC is Slaanesh + one of HE/DE + a race in need of an update. Then have the other elf faction be included in the second Slaneesh DLC.

Also when it comes to the HE specifically, can people please stop this Aislinn hype? The guy is literaly the most boring special character in Warhammer, he is just a generic Lord with a name. There is basically no lore to him. If you want the Meerwyrm say you want the Meerwyrm but please stop acting like this nobody is a top 20 Warhammer character who needs to be in the game to finish it.
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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 3:24:45 PM

You are forgetting that the High Elves are basically nr 4 on the list of races that need reworks, after Norsca, Vampires and Lizardmen. Plus, the HE-Slaanesh rivalry is iconic.

Also, where did CA hint that Monogods would get a 2nd round of DLCs? In any case, Slaanesh literally CAN'T produce for 2 DLCs (unless you transfer half the DE roster via DLC), so it wouldn't work.

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 3:27:00 PM

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

You are forgetting that the High Elves are basically nr 4 on the list of races that need reworks, after Norsca, Vampires and Lizardmen. Plus, the HE-Slaanesh rivalry is iconic.

Also, where did CA hint that Monogods would get a 2nd round of DLCs? In any case, Slaanesh literally CAN'T produce for 2 DLCs (unless you transfer half the DE roster via DLC), so it wouldn't work.

High Elves don't need a full rework. They could do with an interim patch between major DLCs to get spiced up a bit. No need for an entire DLC.

As for Slaanesh CA might create a new Lord together with GW, or simply use the Maskque for the second DLC and give 7.0 FLC Lord to someone else.

Updated 5 days ago.
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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 3:28:00 PM

Anedon26#2490 wrote:
Alternativley as a compromise between narrative and what the game needs could be if the DLC is Slaanesh + one of HE/DE + a race in need of an update.

Considering that Dark Elves are complete roster-wise, that's the most likely option anyway.

Anedon26#2490 wrote:
Then have the other elf faction be included in the second Slaneesh DLC.

There would be no second Slaanesh DLC.

Anedon26#2490 wrote:
Also when it comes to the HE specifically, can people please stop this Aislinn hype? The guy is literaly the most boring special character in Warhammer, he is just a generic Lord with a name.

Caradryan would be a better pick if only he could talk. But as it is, Aislinn is probably the best candidate, even if I personally would prefer Korhil.

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 3:28:38 PM

I mean i agree woth the de take less woth the he 

But problem is

Is better to have two races who need less work (slannehs and he) that the third benefit as I not see a two races who need big or eben maximum effort in one pack would lead to a good rework

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 3:30:16 PM

SerPus#7395 wrote:
Caradryan would be a better pick if only he could talk. But as it is, Aislinn is probably the best candidate, even if I personally would prefer Korhil.

Korhil has lore, Aislinn has none, even Finubar makes more sense. He should be ahead, make Eldrya or Caradryan the LH.

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 3:44:58 PM

Anedon26#2490 wrote:
Korhil has lore, Aislinn has none, even Finubar makes more sense. He should be ahead, make Eldrya or Caradryan the LH.

It's not like CA only add characters with huge lore presence. 

Either way, as much as I don't like HE, they are missing units from their army book and major supplements, so they do need a DLC.

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 4:01:20 PM

Unless it's Cathay or Kislev, I don't know who else it would be if not HE or DE. Norsca needs a tribes dlc, and Counts need a bloodline dlc, so shouldn't be pigeonholed into the Slaanesh dlc just to give them content. Norsca has been waiting 8 years, and Counts have been waiting 6, so it's not like we can't wait a bit more for it, but that wait should be worth it.

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 4:05:08 PM

I'm a bit dubious that DE will get another DLC. I'd rather see Slaanesh vs HE vs Norsca.

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 4:22:17 PM

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

Unless it's Cathay or Kislev, I don't know who else it would be if not HE or DE. Norsca needs a tribes dlc, and Counts need a bloodline dlc, so shouldn't be pigeonholed into the Slaanesh dlc just to give them content. Norsca has been waiting 8 years, and Counts have been waiting 6, so it's not like we can't wait a bit more for it, but that wait should be worth it.

I don’t think the number of years waiting really influences the amount of content a race will receive. Tomb Kings haven’t received an update in 6, going on 7, years either. 

Can’t say I think they’ll be getting a dynasties DLC.

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 4:24:23 PM

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:
Norsca needs a tribes dlc, and Counts need a bloodline dlc

That's just what some people want. Doesn't mean that CA will make such DLCs.

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 4:26:03 PM

As a High Elves main I'd be totally okay with their DLC getting pushed back.  I'd even say I think I'd prefer it that way.  I want said DLC to happen, but the process of power creep means that the earlier the content, the more likely it will be overshadowed into irrelevance before the end of the game's life cycle.  There's really no losing as long as they get a DLC at all.

I can't agree that they don't need a rework, though.  Influence is a mess, half their LLs don't have meaningful faction mechanics, and their slow replen and tech requirements don't work well with TWH3's faster pace.  (Their roster also has some weird balancing, and like many races which haven't been updated recently, they suffer indirectly from power creep.)

I'd actually rather have a rework/unique faction mechanics for existing LLs than the new content.  Not that I don't want to see more HE content, but a lot of what we've got isn't in a good state.

Updated 5 days ago.
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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 4:43:35 PM

Passthechips#4366 wrote:

I don’t think the number of years waiting really influences the amount of content a race will receive. Tomb Kings haven’t received an update in 6, going on 7, years either. 

Can’t say I think they’ll be getting a dynasties DLC.

While that is true, CA didn't specifically mention them by name while looking at the camera and smiling while saying "there's kinda a reason for that" as to why they haven't been touched in so long either.

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 4:49:55 PM

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Both High and Dark Elves would benefit from solid updates, especially the former should get a fundamental rework. Their boring, bland, and uninspiring mechanics don't sit right with me. I also want new toys, which take precedence over any other consideration. I have waited long enough... But I can wait a little bit longer.

I agree about Aislinn, though. And that is why I want Phoenix King Finubar the Seafarer to be the final HE DLC LL. Caradryan would be my second favourite choice - his condition is not an issue. The Asur could use more Asuryan's presence.

Updated 5 days ago.
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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 4:51:28 PM

Maedrethnir#1968 wrote:
boring, bland, and uninspiring

Sounds fitting for High Elves. That should be their official motto.

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 5:01:24 PM

Passthechips#4366 wrote:

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

Unless it's Cathay or Kislev, I don't know who else it would be if not HE or DE. Norsca needs a tribes dlc, and Counts need a bloodline dlc, so shouldn't be pigeonholed into the Slaanesh dlc just to give them content. Norsca has been waiting 8 years, and Counts have been waiting 6, so it's not like we can't wait a bit more for it, but that wait should be worth it.

I don’t think the number of years waiting really influences the amount of content a race will receive. Tomb Kings haven’t received an update in 6, going on 7, years either. 

Can’t say I think they’ll be getting a dynasties DLC.

would be great though

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 5:01:41 PM

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

Passthechips#4366 wrote:

I don’t think the number of years waiting really influences the amount of content a race will receive. Tomb Kings haven’t received an update in 6, going on 7, years either. 

Can’t say I think they’ll be getting a dynasties DLC.

While that is true, CA didn't specifically mention them by name while looking at the camera and smiling while saying "there's kinda a reason for that" as to why they haven't been touched in so long either.

That’s not really related to your point about time waiting for content.

It’s also because people haven’t been asking about the Tomb Kings, despite them having less LLs, less generic lords, and less generic heroes than the VCounts. The perception is that their mechanics are slightly better and they’re in less of a need of a rework.

Not to mention the reason Rich was alluding to could be anything. Neferata coming with Nagash would be an exciting reason for example. Considering CAs prior history of messaging, notably with Egrimm as of late, I can’t say I buy into the idea of them alluding to something as grand as a tribes/bloodline DLC with that throwaway comment.

Updated 5 days ago.
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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 5:11:00 PM

It would be more thematic to have both of them in the same DLC.

Besides, the war between the HE and DE is so iconic that it would be a real pity to see one of them being updated while the other stays in the background.

To me, it seems unthinkable to have another outcome than Slaanesh VS HE VS DE. I know that Cathay is still supposed to get 2 more LP but it can wait.

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 5:15:13 PM

Thomashu#5291 wrote:
It would be more thematic to have both of them in the same DLC.

There already was HE vs DE DLC. Just because they have rivalry in the lore doesn't mean that they should be always featured together.

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 5:18:43 PM

SerPus#7395 wrote:

Maedrethnir#1968 wrote:
boring, bland, and uninspiring

Sounds fitting for High Elves. That should be their official motto.

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