What would be the best DLC for Nagash?

DLC Nagash like Daniel (VC, TK, VP and Nagashizzar units)
DLC Nagash like last DLC (Nagash, TK, VC/VP)
DLC Nagash like CoC (Nagash, TK, VC, VP)
DLC Nagash with Dieter and Nameless
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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 1:11:01 PM

Since there is some discussion that the best DLC for Nagash would be as a single LL with him who would bring all the undead forces together. Others believe that it is possible to do on the likeness of the last DLC, namely three lords for each race where there will be Nagash and someone from the rest of the undead. There were those who thought about the similarity of Champions of Chaos (although it is unlikely that it will be so) and of course DLC where in addition to Nagash can be added Dieter Helsnicht and Nameless that in fact they could also fit in very well with him. And decided to make a poll about what would be the best DLC for Nagash and discuss what mechanics could be added to him.


значок Нагашиззара полная версия.png

Updated 5 days ago.
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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 1:23:19 PM
Seperate race. Race pack with Helsnicht, Drachenfels and possibly Walach Harkon (if Red Duke represents the Blood Dragons for the Counts).

Coming 2 LPs after DoW, who come after Slaanesh.
Not the final DLC.
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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 1:27:38 PM

Nagash being his own race, with a unique roster, set of characters and mechanics would obviously be the most interesting option.

Updated 5 days ago.
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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 1:34:44 PM

Undead Legion as a DoC like Race but with 3 LLs (Nagash, Nameless and Dieter Helsnicht) + Morghasts and Dread Abyssals.

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 2:46:19 PM

The first option but with 3 other LLs to represent his Mortarchs.

Wallach, Dieter and Nameless would be the best since at this point they are completely redundant in VC and 2 of them were his actual Mortarchs during the ET.

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 3:47:58 PM

Nagash being his own race (which should be fairly small) but having the ability for "special" forced confederation with all the undead races. 

What i mean by "special" is that when he defeats a LL led faction (not minors) he would get access to that factions buildings and units, he would also unlock a part of his research tree dedicated to that faction. 

Basically, when he conquers a settlement he can select to make it a Undead Legion or a Tomb Kings one, the province would then be locked to that race.

This basically means that late game Nagash has access to all undead units.

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 4:18:35 PM

​A copy and paste of my opinion the last few times this topic came up (and which I'll add to the next one too, and the one after that, and the one after that...)

"Personally, I'd like to see a very simple, bare bones (heh), arguably incomplete roster based around the old Undead army book. Just skeletons. Skeleton infantry, skeleton cavalry and skeleton chariots Bone Thrower and the old style skull-chucker. While I am not quite old enough to be a proper Oldhammer fan, I absolutely love (some) of those old models. The chariot and cavalry with crazy long lances especially I just adore. Certainly no End Times nonsense. Hideous looking things those were!

The rest of the roster would come from some kind of Mortarch mechanic. Get Vlad/Izzy/Manfred on side, get the troops from the VC Forest chain. Make Arkhan yours, get a number of Nehekaran troops. Kemmler= ethereals, Harkon or Noctilus= zombie pirates, etc.

I also think that this would really emphasise the coming-back from the dead, rebuilding his power narrative which has always been a key to the character."

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 4:43:44 PM

I kinda would like constant as a legendary lord, but could be just nameless as hero unit too I suppose for nagash.

Constant Drachenfels would make a good intrigue lord, kinda could use something similar like the high elves can with influence, but maybe have his own flavor and spin to it. Also as a character he is really tall in the artwork, like an ogre height. so would be like large and heavy hitting in melee.

He could also use daemons I suppose cause he was a daemonolgist with his undead, so some chaos demon units.

Updated 5 days ago.
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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 5:28:48 PM

Vashyo#5079 wrote:

I kinda would like constant as a legendary lord, but could be just nameless as hero unit too I suppose for nagash.

Constant Drachenfels would make a good intrigue lord, kinda could use something similar like the high elves can with influence, but maybe have his own flavor and spin to it. Also as a character he is really tall in the artwork, like an ogre height. so would be like large and heavy hitting in melee.

He could also use daemons I suppose cause he was a daemonolgist with his undead, so some chaos demon units.

Wasn't Drachenfels written at a time when the evil stuff was all mixed up anyway? Like, didn't he command greenskins too? The races as we understand them now didn't really exist back then. He was just an evil human 'Dark Lord' type.

Plus, if I remember correctly, the Nameless from the End Times wasn't ever explicitly said to be Drachenfells because he couldn't be for copywrite reasons. So if he turns up in the game, it'll be as the Nameless anyway- an evil spirit who infects and inhabits any old troops- zombie and human alike. He's just as likely to be a Nurgle LL as a Nagash one. 

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 7:15:52 PM

Tier List for the various ways Nagash could be implemented:

S-Tier:  A new Lich/Necromancer Race is created with Arkhan, Kemmler, Ghorst, Dieter and Drachenfels as LLs.  Nagash also get's his own DoC-style Race that has units from all 4 Undead rosters.

A-Tier:  A new Lich/Necromancer Race is created with Nagash, Arkhan, Kemmler, Ghorst, Dieter and Drachenfels as LLs.  Nagash gets Archaon-style Faction mechanics that give him access to units from the other 3 Undead rosters.

B-Tier:  Nagash get's his own DoC-style Race that has units from the other 3 Undead rosters.

C-Tier:  Nagash is a VCount or TK LL.

F-Tier:  Nagash ends up a Kroak/Ariel-style LH.

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 8:47:17 PM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

Tier List for the various ways Nagash could be implemented:

S-Tier:  A new Lich/Necromancer Race is created with Arkhan, Kemmler, Ghorst, Dieter and Drachenfels as LLs.  Nagash also get's his own DoC-style Race that has units from all 4 Undead rosters.

A-Tier:  A new Lich/Necromancer Race is created with Nagash, Arkhan, Kemmler, Ghorst, Dieter and Drachenfels as LLs.  Nagash gets Archaon-style Faction mechanics that give him access to units from the other 3 Undead rosters.

B-Tier:  Nagash get's his own DoC-style Race that has units from the other 3 Undead rosters.

C-Tier:  Nagash is a VCount or TK LL.

F-Tier:  Nagash ends up a Kroak/Ariel-style LH.

It is to be hoped that there will be an S way

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 8:56:46 PM

The best possible option is put Nagash in an LP against Thanquol and Skreech Verminking.

The Nagash side of the DLC could be something like this:

Lord: Liche

Hero: Cairn Wraith

Unit 1: Spirit Host

Unit 2: Morghast Archai

Unit 3: Morghast Harbinger

Unit 4: Corpse Giant

Unit 5: Now there are multiple options. I would like some undead Ogres, but if OC isn't an option then Carrions from the 4th edition undead army, or Hellwraiths as elite ethereal unit. 

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 9:32:08 PM

SerPus#7395 wrote:

The best possible option is put Nagash in an LP against Thanquol and Skreech Verminking.

The Nagash side of the DLC could be something like this:

Lord: Liche

Hero: Cairn Wraith

Unit 1: Spirit Host

Unit 2: Morghast Archai

Unit 3: Morghast Harbinger

Unit 4: Corpse Giant

Unit 5: Now there are multiple options. I would like some undead Ogres, but if OC isn't an option then Carrions from the 4th edition undead army, or Hellwraiths as elite ethereal unit. 

They should have added Guardians of Nagashizzar and Knights of Nagashizzar, and for the hero Disciple of Nagash as stated in the 8th edition of Vampires. As for Spirit Host...that's more for Vampires, though Nagash as the creator of the undead should be the first place it should go

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 9:38:16 PM

SafironDracolich#6190 wrote:
They should have added Guardians of Nagashizzar

If by Guardians of Nagashizzar  you mean Nagashizzar Guard, they are just Grave Guard. Could be turned into a new unit,  but there is no point.

SafironDracolich#6190 wrote:
As for Spirit Host...that's more for Vampires

Everything on that list is a VC unit. That's why it makes perfect sense for Nagash to be VC LL.

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 10:04:55 PM

SerPus#7395 wrote:

SafironDracolich#6190 wrote:
They should have added Guardians of Nagashizzar

If by Guardians of Nagashizzar  you mean Nagashizzar Guard, they are just Grave Guard. Could be turned into a new unit,  but there is no point.

SafironDracolich#6190 wrote:
As for Spirit Host...that's more for Vampires

Everything on that list is a VC unit. That's why it makes perfect sense for Nagash to be VC LL.

But Nagash needs not a vampire faction, but its own united force of undead led by the Great Necromancer. Yes, by mechanics and some units it is suitable for vampires, but not aesthetically as Nagash has its own culture and its own architecture and what to speak about Nagashizzar Guard, which is his best army because he himself created them. And in fact it makes sense to make units for Nagash, and the ones I mentioned, they are far superior to the Grave Guards and can create their own tactics. And Nagash definitely shouldn't be in the Vampires, because he's not in the Vampire editions as well as the Tomb Kings, but he was mentioned there and there. Which suggests that he is the force that must unite all the undead under his control, for: Nagash is everything - Everything is Nagash. Not to mention Nagashizzar's description of Nagashizzar from the 8th edition of Vampires

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 10:10:19 PM

SafironDracolich#6190 wrote:
But Nagash needs not a vampire faction, but its own united force of undead led by the Great Necromancer.

That's what his campaign mechanics should be. CA already implemented something like that with Tamurkhan. Nagash should get that but better.

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 10:13:23 PM

SafironDracolich#6190 wrote:

Since there is some discussion that the best DLC for Nagash would be as a single LL with him who would bring all the undead forces together. Others believe that it is possible to do on the likeness of the last DLC, namely three lords for each race where there will be Nagash and someone from the rest of the undead. There were those who thought about the similarity of Champions of Chaos (although it is unlikely that it will be so) and of course DLC where in addition to Nagash can be added Dieter Helsnicht and Nameless that in fact they could also fit in very well with him. And decided to make a poll about what would be the best DLC for Nagash and discuss what mechanics could be added to him.


значок Нагашиззара полная версия.png

Nagash in charge of The Legions of Nagash (as its own race). With units from all the undead forces + his own stuff from Nagashizzar + the original Dark Lords of Nagash (The Dread King, The Hand of Nagash and Virion The Grim) as the other LLs available to him.

Updated 5 days ago.
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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 10:30:28 PM

Ben1990#8909 wrote:

SafironDracolich#6190 wrote:

Since there is some discussion that the best DLC for Nagash would be as a single LL with him who would bring all the undead forces together. Others believe that it is possible to do on the likeness of the last DLC, namely three lords for each race where there will be Nagash and someone from the rest of the undead. There were those who thought about the similarity of Champions of Chaos (although it is unlikely that it will be so) and of course DLC where in addition to Nagash can be added Dieter Helsnicht and Nameless that in fact they could also fit in very well with him. And decided to make a poll about what would be the best DLC for Nagash and discuss what mechanics could be added to him.


значок Нагашиззара полная версия.png

Nagash in charge of The Legions of Nagash (as its own race). With units from all the undead forces + his own stuff from Nagashizzar + the original Dark Lords of Nagash (The Dread King, The Hand of Nagash and Virion The Grim) as the other LLs available to him.

​That's what I approve of and that's what I understand!

The only question is...where to fit those original Dark Lords of Nagash...Virion the Grim could fit as LH and the other two as LL though who really knows. That said, I'd like to see that trio.

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 10:31:52 PM

SerPus#7395 wrote:

SafironDracolich#6190 wrote:
But Nagash needs not a vampire faction, but its own united force of undead led by the Great Necromancer.

That's what his campaign mechanics should be. CA already implemented something like that with Tamurkhan. Nagash should get that but better.

But also don't forget his own stuff that he should have for the sake of fairness, as he should have the best troops possible

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 10:37:00 PM

SafironDracolich#6190 wrote:
But also don't forget his own stuff that he should have for the sake of fairness

His own stuff doesn't exist. Even Morghasts are VC units. OC stuff is always possible, but not an entire campaign pack of it. CA won't invent ~30 new units when they can use stuff that already exist.

SafironDracolich#6190 wrote:
as he should have the best troops possible

That's Morghasts. I think it's obvious that Nagash would buff them more than any other LL.

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