9 DLCs to finish the Game: My Dream Roadmap for WH3

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6 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 10:59:54 AM

Hello everyone, I would like to share my personal Dream Roadmap for the future of WH3. Realistic or not, these are the DLCs and FLCs that I would love to get before this games ends. 

I tried to keep the current pattern and only have 1 Chaos Race per DLC opposed by 2 non chaos races (including Skaven). I think its nice to have a chaos Character as the big Antagonist of each DLC. 

Some matchups probably seem a bit random, in these cases I explained my thoughts behind it. 

Also I didn't include units here because it would make this post way to long. So I focused only on the Races, LLs, LHs and potential FLCs. 

7.0 Waves of Pain

Slaanesh x High Elves x Dark Elves 

- LLs: Dechala, Sealord Aislinn, Tullaris 

- LHs: Vandred the Majestic, Caradryan, Korhil, Shadowblade, Kouran

- FLC: Masque of Slaanesh 

- FLC 2: Annointed of Asuryan Lord 

8.0 Vampire Bloodlines 

- LLs: Neferata, Zacharias, Wallach Harkon, Ushoran/Vorag

- LH: Abhourash

- FLC: Konrad von Carstein LH

- FLC 2: Red Duke LL 

9.0 Adventures of the Dogs of War 

- LLs: Borgio, Lucrezzia Belladonna, Lorenzo Lupo, Lietpold the Black 

- LH: Mydas the Mean 

- FLC: Ghark Ironskin LL 

- FLC 2: Asarnil the Dragonlord LH

10.0 Visions of Heaven 

Norsca x Cathay x Lizardmen 

- LLs: Sayl the Faithless, Monkey King, Tetto'eko 

- LHs: Nightmaw, Yangsing, Chakax 

- FLC: Lord Mordkin LL

- FLC 2 Beorg Bearstruck LH 

NOTE: Both Sayl and Tetto'ekko are Seers and associated with Azyr (Lore of Heaven). Monke rules the Mountains of Heaven. I think this would be a nice theme

11.0: Schemes of Ruin

Skaven x Kislev x Tomb Kings 

- LLs: Thanquol, Nyvena, Tutankhanut

- LHs: Skweel Gnawtooth, Ilja of Murova, Aphopas (Nekhap as a Skulls FLC LH)

- FLC: Skreech Verminking 

- FLC 2: Clan Pestilence Lord 

NOTE: The matchup seems a bit random, I just thought that pairing Thanquol with Kislev makes sense considering his lore and the Ice vs Sand theme seems cool.

12.0 Flames of Madness 

Beastmen x Cathay x Wood Elves 

- LLs: Moonclaw, Li Dau, Araloth 

- LHs: Ungrol Fourhorn, Slugtongue, "Tigermen LH", Scarloc, Naieth

- FLC: Ghorros Warhoof LL 

- FLC 2: Centigor Hero 

Narrative: Moonclaws landed in the southern Jungles of Cathay to corrupt all magical Forests in the world. Li-Dau protects his Southern Provinces while Araloth ventures east to stop him. 

13.0 Winds of Deceit

Tzeentch x Empire x Bretonnia 

- LLs: Egrimm van Horstmann, Emil Valgeir, Bohemond Beastslayer 

- LHs: Luthor Huss, Valten, Bertrand the Brigant  

- FLC: Galrauch LL

- FLC 2: Schwarzhelm LH

- FLC 3: Grand Master Lord

14.0 Fall of Marienburg 

Nurgle x Cathay x Vampire Coast

- LLs: Glottkin, Yin-Yin, Mundvard the Cruel 

- LHs: Oghrotts Daemonspew, Morbidex Twiceborn, Bloab Rotspawned, Shi-Long, Captain Drekkla (Valnir as a Skulls Event FLC LH)

- FLC: Gutrot Spume LL

- FLC 2: Edvard van der Kraal LL

Narrative: The Glottkin and Gutrot Spume attack Marienburg like in the End Times while Mundvard and Yin-Yin come to its aid to save it. I tried really hard to find a good match for the Glottkin without pairing him with the Empire. I think this matchup would be a fitting solution. 

NOTE: Don't worry, Mundvard wouldn't start in Marienburg but in Wreckers Point in the Northern Empire, Edvard van der Kraal would represent Marienburg on the map

15.0 Return of Nagash (Last DLC of the Game) 

- LLs: Nagash, the Nameless, Dieter Helsnicht 

- LH: Hand of Nagash?? (Not sure what they could do here tbh) 

- FLC: Kurt Helborg LL

- FLC 2: Summon the Elector Counts (Toddy, Marius Leitdorf, Aldebrand Ludenhof, Valmir von Raukov) 

- FLC 3: Bugman & Grimm Burlockson (LLs/LHs)

NOTE: There are so many FLCs because this would be a good bye and thank you from CA for the years of support 

Let me know what you think about these DLC ideas. :)

Updated 6 days ago.
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6 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 11:23:17 AM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

12.0 Flames of Madness 

Beastmen x Cathay x Wood Elves 

- LLs: Moonclaw, Li Dau, Araloth 

- LHs: Ungrol Fourhorn, Slugtongue, "Tigermen LH", Scarloc, Naieth

- FLC: Ghorros Warhoof LL 

- FLC 2: Centigor Hero 

Narrative: Moonclaws landed in the southern Jungles of Cathay to corrupt all magical Forests in the world. Li-Dau protects his Southern Provinces while Araloth ventures east to stop him. 

If prior to this The map has expanded with Ind/kuresh landmass Moonclaw would be an excellent start there as a direct threat to MK,Li Dao and Gelt.

Kroxigor dude could also be moved down to create a nice southern threat.

Updated 6 days ago.
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6 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 11:29:41 AM

I have a couple of notes:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

10.0 Visions of Heaven 

Norsca x Cathay x Lizardmen 

- LLs: Sayl the Faithless, Monkey King, Tetto'eko 

- LHs: Nightmaw, Yangsing, Chakax 

- FLC: Lord Mordkin LL

- FLC 2 Beorg Bearstruck LH 

NOTE: Both Sayl and Tetto'ekko are Seers and associated with Azyr (Lore of Heaven). Monke rules the Mountains of Heaven. I think this would be a nice theme

Bad, bad idea. Both Norsca and Lizardmen need major reworks. Putting them together would run the risk of both falling short or one getting overshadowed (i.e. like Lizardmen always have). Norsca vs Cathay is a good theme though, but Lizardmen need a rework DLC all to themselves.

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

9.0 Adventures of the Dogs of War 

- LLs: Borgio, Lucrezzia Belladonna, Lorenzo Lupo, Lietpold the Black 

- LH: Mydas the Mean 

- FLC: Ghark Ironskin LL 

- FLC 2: Asarnil the Dragonlord LH

I would choose Marco Colombo instead of either Lorenzo or Lietpold. Not only because he is a ranged with a new battle niche, but because Lorenzo in Lustria would just be another Marshal That Must Not Be Named. Either kick out Lietpold or make Lorenzo a LH alongside Mydas, if you're not gonna attach any special mechanics to him. Also, no LHs in FLC2 please, save that for generics. Or just include Asarnil in the DLC proper.

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

10.0 Visions of Heaven 

Norsca x Cathay x Lizardmen 

- LLs: Sayl the Faithless, Monkey King, Tetto'eko 

- LHs: Nightmaw, Yangsing, Chakax 

- FLC: Lord Mordkin LL

- FLC 2 Beorg Bearstruck LH 

NOTE: Both Sayl and Tetto'ekko are Seers and associated with Azyr (Lore of Heaven). Monke rules the Mountains of Heaven. I think this would be a nice theme

Lets not clutter up the FLC2 with LHs please. Either skip out on Nightmaw or Beorg. Other things take precedence.

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

12.0 Flames of Madness 

Beastmen x Cathay x Wood Elves 

- LLs: Moonclaw, Li Dau, Araloth 

- LHs: Ungrol Fourhorn, Slugtongue, "Tigermen LH", Scarloc, Naieth

- FLC: Ghorros Warhoof LL 

- FLC 2: Centigor Hero 

Narrative: Moonclaws landed in the southern Jungles of Cathay to corrupt all magical Forests in the world. Li-Dau protects his Southern Provinces while Araloth ventures east to stop him. 

Why is the Centigor Hero not part of the DLC proper? I mean I assume you provide a Centigor Lord in the DLC right?

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

13.0 Winds of Deceit

Tzeentch x Empire x Bretonnia 

- LLs: Egrimm van Horstmann, Emil Valgeir, Bohemond Beastslayer 

- LHs: Luthor Huss, Valten, Bertrand the Brigant  

- FLC: Galrauch LL

- FLC 2: Schwarzhelm LH

- FLC 3: Grand Master Lord

Very thematic! But... they said Bretonnia rework is FLC. Also, Empire should get Ulric and Helborg DLCs, so throw Schwarzhelm in with Helborg instead.

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

14.0 Fall of Marienburg 

Nurgle x Cathay x Vampire Coast

- LLs: Glottkin, Yin-Yin, Mundvard the Cruel 

- LHs: Oghrotts Daemonspew, Morbidex Twiceborn, Bloab Rotspawned, Shi-Long, Captain Drekkla (Valnir as a Skulls Event FLC LH)

- FLC: Gutrot Spume LL

- FLC 2: Edvard van der Kraal LL

Narrative: The Glottkin and Gutrot Spume attack Marienburg like in the End Times while Mundvard and Yin-Yin come to its aid to save it. I tried really hard to find a good match for the Glottkin without pairing him with the Empire. I think this matchup would be a fitting solution. 

NOTE: Don't worry, Mundvard wouldn't start in Marienburg but in Wreckers Point in the Northern Empire, Edvard van der Kraal would represent Marienburg on the map

Not two FLC LLs. It doesn't happen. And Van Der Kraal is... expendable (if he doesn't happen in the DoW DLC, he won't). Sorry. If someone is to start in Marienburg province, its either Mundvard or Mona Mimn with the Fimir.

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

15.0 Return of Nagash (Last DLC of the Game) 

- LLs: Nagash, the Nameless, Dieter Helsnicht 

- LH: Hand of Nagash?? (Not sure what they could do here tbh) 

- FLC: Kurt Helborg LL

- FLC 2: Summon the Elector Counts (Toddy, Marius Leitdorf, Aldebrand Ludenhof, Valmir von Raukov) 

- FLC 3: Bugman & Grimm Burlockson (LLs/LHs)

NOTE: There are so many FLCs because this would be a good bye and thank you from CA for the years of support 

Let me know what you think about these DLC ideas. :)

I am really hesitant to bank so much on the final DLC to add so much that is missing and also bring in Nagash at the same time. Sure its the final one, but it also has to be feasible.

Overall though I say its a good basic structure. Really good effort. You cover a lot of the essentials. I am working on one of these myself (that includes patch content) and it just so happens that it is also 9 DLCs long, ending with 15.0. We're in the same train of thought, just different carts. What I lack here though is a Clan Moulder Lord for Skaven, a final Greenskins DLC with Snagla and Kurt Helborgs Knights. But very good work, its just some details I disagree with.

Updated 6 days ago.
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6 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 11:33:25 AM

Nice thread. for me it would be something similar:

7.0 Slaanesh x High Elves x Dark Elves 

8.0 Vampire Bloodlines 

9.0 Adventures of the Dogs of War (proper mercenaries mechanics)

10. Norsca x Cathay (Monkey King) x Bretonnia (evil Bretonnia)

11.0 Empire (Cult of Ulric) x Skaven (Thanquol) x Nurgle (Glottkin)

12.0 Nagash 

Anything on top of this would be a bonus for me, but the above content is what i would really like to see. 

Also a Snagla DLC would be fun but that's my GS bias talking

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6 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 11:47:57 AM

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

I have a couple of notes:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

10.0 Visions of Heaven 

Norsca x Cathay x Lizardmen 

- LLs: Sayl the Faithless, Monkey King, Tetto'eko 

- LHs: Nightmaw, Yangsing, Chakax 

- FLC: Lord Mordkin LL

- FLC 2 Beorg Bearstruck LH 

NOTE: Both Sayl and Tetto'ekko are Seers and associated with Azyr (Lore of Heaven). Monke rules the Mountains of Heaven. I think this would be a nice theme

Bad, bad idea. Both Norsca and Lizardmen need major reworks. Putting them together would run the risk of both falling short or one getting overshadowed (i.e. like Lizardmen always have). Norsca vs Cathay is a good theme though, but Lizardmen need a rework DLC all to themselves.

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

9.0 Adventures of the Dogs of War 

- LLs: Borgio, Lucrezzia Belladonna, Lorenzo Lupo, Lietpold the Black 

- LH: Mydas the Mean 

- FLC: Ghark Ironskin LL 

- FLC 2: Asarnil the Dragonlord LH

I would choose Marco Colombo instead of either Lorenzo or Lietpold. Not only because he is a ranged with a new battle niche, but because Lorenzo in Lustria would just be another Marshal That Must Not Be Named. Either kick out Lietpold or make Lorenzo a LH alongside Mydas, if you're not gonna attach any special mechanics to him. Also, no LHs in FLC2 please, save that for generics. Or just include Asarnil in the DLC proper.

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

10.0 Visions of Heaven 

Norsca x Cathay x Lizardmen 

- LLs: Sayl the Faithless, Monkey King, Tetto'eko 

- LHs: Nightmaw, Yangsing, Chakax 

- FLC: Lord Mordkin LL

- FLC 2 Beorg Bearstruck LH 

NOTE: Both Sayl and Tetto'ekko are Seers and associated with Azyr (Lore of Heaven). Monke rules the Mountains of Heaven. I think this would be a nice theme

Lets not clutter up the FLC2 with LHs please. Either skip out on Nightmaw or Beorg. Other things take precedence.

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

12.0 Flames of Madness 

Beastmen x Cathay x Wood Elves 

- LLs: Moonclaw, Li Dau, Araloth 

- LHs: Ungrol Fourhorn, Slugtongue, "Tigermen LH", Scarloc, Naieth

- FLC: Ghorros Warhoof LL 

- FLC 2: Centigor Hero 

Narrative: Moonclaws landed in the southern Jungles of Cathay to corrupt all magical Forests in the world. Li-Dau protects his Southern Provinces while Araloth ventures east to stop him. 

Why is the Centigor Hero not part of the DLC proper? I mean I assume you provide a Centigor Lord in the DLC right?

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

13.0 Winds of Deceit

Tzeentch x Empire x Bretonnia 

- LLs: Egrimm van Horstmann, Emil Valgeir, Bohemond Beastslayer 

- LHs: Luthor Huss, Valten, Bertrand the Brigant  

- FLC: Galrauch LL

- FLC 2: Schwarzhelm LH

- FLC 3: Grand Master Lord

Very thematic! But... they said Bretonnia rework is FLC. Also, Empire should get Ulric and Helborg DLCs, so throw Schwarzhelm in with Helborg instead.

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

14.0 Fall of Marienburg 

Nurgle x Cathay x Vampire Coast

- LLs: Glottkin, Yin-Yin, Mundvard the Cruel 

- LHs: Oghrotts Daemonspew, Morbidex Twiceborn, Bloab Rotspawned, Shi-Long, Captain Drekkla (Valnir as a Skulls Event FLC LH)

- FLC: Gutrot Spume LL

- FLC 2: Edvard van der Kraal LL

Narrative: The Glottkin and Gutrot Spume attack Marienburg like in the End Times while Mundvard and Yin-Yin come to its aid to save it. I tried really hard to find a good match for the Glottkin without pairing him with the Empire. I think this matchup would be a fitting solution. 

NOTE: Don't worry, Mundvard wouldn't start in Marienburg but in Wreckers Point in the Northern Empire, Edvard van der Kraal would represent Marienburg on the map

Not two FLC LLs. It doesn't happen. And Van Der Kraal is... expendable (if he doesn't happen in the DoW DLC, he won't). Sorry. If someone is to start in Marienburg province, its either Mundvard or Mona Mimn with the Fimir.

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

15.0 Return of Nagash (Last DLC of the Game) 

- LLs: Nagash, the Nameless, Dieter Helsnicht 

- LH: Hand of Nagash?? (Not sure what they could do here tbh) 

- FLC: Kurt Helborg LL

- FLC 2: Summon the Elector Counts (Toddy, Marius Leitdorf, Aldebrand Ludenhof, Valmir von Raukov) 

- FLC 3: Bugman & Grimm Burlockson (LLs/LHs)

NOTE: There are so many FLCs because this would be a good bye and thank you from CA for the years of support 

Let me know what you think about these DLC ideas. :)

I am really hesitant to bank so much on the final DLC to add so much that is missing and also bring in Nagash at the same time. Sure its the final one, but it also has to be feasible.

Overall though I say its a good basic structure. Really good effort. You cover a lot of the essentials. I am working on one of these myself (that includes patch content) and it just so happens that it is also 9 DLCs long, ending with 15.0. We're in the same train of thought, just different carts. What I lack here though is a Clan Moulder Lord for Skaven, a final Greenskins DLC with Snagla and Kurt Helborgs Knights. But very good work, its just some details I disagree with.

Okay. Norscas rework would be pretty simple and can be paired with the LM. 

I don't want Marco. Lorenzo on the other hand is my most wanted DoW LL. 

I made the Centigor Hero FLC for Ghorros and this way we can get Slugtongue as a second LH. 

I personally don't expect a Bretonnia DLC but I still want one. 

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6 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 11:48:39 AM

kissmydairia#7307 wrote:

I would only swap out one Cathay dlc for Empire with Kurt Helborg being a dlc LL and getting a Knightly Orders Mechanic.

I highly doubt that the Empire will get 2 more DLCs. 1 is already a lot. 

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6 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 11:52:28 AM

Looks great. I'd say you are going a bit crazy with the amount of FLC content though, CA is not an NGO.

My only issue would be Moonclaw who, IMO, is much more fitting as a LH when Ghorros and Slugtongue could come as "aligned" BM. But that's an old debate so I won't discuss it further.

Oh and Skaven×Kislev×TK is indeed weird and replacing Skaven by Norsca could be fitting. But then it breaks the match-up Norsca×Cathay. Skaven×Cathay is fine though but Sayl against Cathay would be so good.

Edit: One last thing, I really don't care about Yangsing, who would do the exact same thing as the other Sentinel LH. The blind engineer who is buffing Skyjunk would be much more interesting from both a lore and gameplay point of view.

Updated 6 days ago.
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6 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 11:59:20 AM

MalalTheRenegade#5644 wrote:

Oh and Skaven×Kislev×TK is indeed weird and replacing Skaven by Norsca could be fitting. But then it breaks the match-up Norsca×Cathay. Skaven×Cathay is fine though but Sayl against Cathay would be so good.

I really didn't know what else I could do with TK and I didn't want to break up my Sayl DLC with the Heaven Theme.

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6 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 12:00:22 PM

Not too bad, don't think we get that many flc's.

Also Norsca won't have gotten any content for at least 8 years, they should get a tribes dlc like the vampires should get a bloodline.

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6 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 12:00:51 PM

MalalTheRenegade#5644 wrote:

Edit: One last thing, I really don't care about Yangsing, who would do the exact same thing as the other Sentinel LH. The blind engineer who is buffing Skyjunk would be much more interesting from both a lore and gameplay point of view.

I saved Shi Long for the Yin-Yin DLC. 

Yangsing would be a melee Sentinel and Yang aligned while the other is ranged. Would be perfect for teh HArmony theme of Cathay. 

Updated 6 days ago.
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6 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 12:04:36 PM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

Okay. Norscas rework would be pretty simple and can be paired with the LM. 

Simple in what way?

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6 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 12:06:34 PM

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

Not too bad, don't think we get that many flc's.

Also Norsca won't have gotten any content for at least 8 years, they should get a tribes dlc like the vampires should get a bloodline.

They get one side of  a lordpack at best

And probaly undivided woc units to port back to woc 

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6 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 12:09:07 PM

Lunaticprince#9972 wrote:

They get one side of  a lordpack at best

And probaly undivided woc units to port back to woc 

nah, they're a new army, so they'll get new units. Like Cathay and Kislev did.

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6 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 12:11:48 PM

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

Okay. Norscas rework would be pretty simple and can be paired with the LM. 

Simple in what way?

Like the Ogre one. It needs some tweaks and other stuff but the base is already solid with Favour of the Gods and monster hunts. 

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6 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 12:13:24 PM

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

Not too bad, don't think we get that many flc's.

Also Norsca won't have gotten any content for at least 8 years, they should get a tribes dlc like the vampires should get a bloodline.

How long did VC wait? Norsca getting a DLC right after DoW is pretty soon and realistic. They won't get anything before that anyways. 

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6 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 12:14:13 PM

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

Lunaticprince#9972 wrote:

They get one side of  a lordpack at best

And probaly undivided woc units to port back to woc 

nah, they're a new army, so they'll get new units. Like Cathay and Kislev did.

Based on what? There is no new stuff for ToW except Huscarls. There is enough chaos stuff left for Norsca without inventing things. 

Updated 6 days ago.
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6 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 12:16:37 PM

Lunaticprince#9972 wrote:

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

Not too bad, don't think we get that many flc's.

Also Norsca won't have gotten any content for at least 8 years, they should get a tribes dlc like the vampires should get a bloodline.

They get one side of  a lordpack at best

And probaly undivided woc units to port back to woc 

Exactly. Norsca won't get more than 1 DLC and maybe 1 FLC. Throw in stuff like the Curs'd Ettin, Dreadmaw, Flayerkin, Kurgan Horsemen, Whalers and its good to go. 

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6 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 12:18:40 PM

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

Lunaticprince#9972 wrote:

They get one side of  a lordpack at best

And probaly undivided woc units to port back to woc 

nah, they're a new army, so they'll get new units. Like Cathay and Kislev did.

They will not, nothing in their roster is invented and even they were safe from the mono God fate so far, thet  made is perfect sense that CA let's say add the Chimera to norsca to port it back to woc 

But if we hope best case scenario they try keep making norsca unique in this department and just  add some more "norsca" fitting units

But as CA right now have a habit to char units to other races who have them, I see pretty easy that will CA do with norsca 

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6 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 12:26:37 PM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

Like the Ogre one. It needs some tweaks and other stuff but the base is already solid with Favour of the Gods and monster hunts. 

Even still, Norsca has been left behind so much that it might not be as simple as that. For the most part, I would try to separate the major reworks still needed.

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