Dark elves murderous prowess kinda sucks

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7 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 1:30:55 AM

its rarely ever impactful. 

honestly if it were removed from the game, the faction would still be practically unchanged.

feels a bit lame, the waaah mechanic from the orks is way better. (not saying that you should give the dark elves waaaah tho)

maybe replace it with an ability that charges with kills on a individual unit basis kinda like the hell blades ability from the blood letters or something. that makes them better as they get kills, fits the whole murderey vibe.

would be kinda a cool opposite to the high elves being strong when healthy, dark elves get a growing melee attack and damage buff as the slaughter gets underway.

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6 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 10:58:32 AM

Sandboxhead#8494 wrote:

What does this lethality feature do?

When a model attacks it has a chance to kill another model instantly.

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6 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 11:10:45 AM

Neodeinos#5871 wrote:

Sandboxhead#8494 wrote:

What does this lethality feature do?

When a model attacks it has a chance to kill another model instantly.

Just reading this seems kind of OP, when is lethality triggered and does anyone know the kill chances?

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6 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 11:26:56 AM

Itssomething#2248 wrote:

Neodeinos#5871 wrote:

Sandboxhead#8494 wrote:

What does this lethality feature do?

When a model attacks it has a chance to kill another model instantly.

Just reading this seems kind of OP, when is lethality triggered and does anyone know the kill chances?

It only happens for successful hits so melee attack still matters and lethality is reduced by armour. As for the chances each units has different lethality values, for instance a unit of Slingers could have 5% of lethality which means they have 5% chance of instantly killing a model if a shot lands (chances are reduced by armour). 

I don't think this is a good idea to introduce in Warhammer. If they want to make this work they would have to do an entire balance pass on battles which is a ton of work. Battle pace in Warhammer is also way too quick to introduce such a mechanic imo.

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6 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 11:30:00 AM

I totally agree, the murderous prowess buff in Tabletop is a permanent buff and a reason to play Dark Elves at all. Right now, the mechanic just works as a steroid and you hope to get it activated. Speaking for Multiplayer here.
It should give a random chance for more weapon strength for a single attack each attack or something.
Sadly Dark Elves have lost their grip somehow, there is also no reason to bring Witch Elves or Sisters of Slaughter at all now, because every faction uses magic missiles....

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6 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 11:31:51 AM

Neodeinos#5871 wrote:

Itssomething#2248 wrote:

Neodeinos#5871 wrote:

Sandboxhead#8494 wrote:

What does this lethality feature do?

When a model attacks it has a chance to kill another model instantly.

Just reading this seems kind of OP, when is lethality triggered and does anyone know the kill chances?

It only happens for successful hits so melee attack still matters and lethality is reduced by armour. As for the chances each units has different lethality values, for instance a unit of Slingers could have 5% of lethality which means they have 5% chance of instantly killing a model if a shot lands (chances are reduced by armour). 

I don't think this is a good idea to introduce in Warhammer. If they want to make this work they would have to do an entire balance pass on battles which is a ton of work. Battle pace in Warhammer is also way too quick to introduce such a mechanic imo.

Thanks for the clarification, I agree I also don't think this should be added.  

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6 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 4:30:24 PM

MalalTheRenegade#5644 wrote:

They should just tone down the buff but make it permanent. The main issue is that it is temporary.

this is certainly the easy way out. i would prefer they just make it like an individual unit ability that gets progressively stronger as they kill, that way it justifies the buff being a tiny bit stronger on individual units.

but this isnt a bad idea either. as its kinda the same thing, just an army wide.

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6 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 4:39:33 PM

On the TT murderous prowess was a simple re-roll of failed wound rolls. Using lethality to portray this is a good idea although instead of instakilling anything it should simply be a chance to dish max damage that ignores armor and resistances. I would say in return this chance should go to 0% when a unit wavers and not recover until after the battle.

Updated 6 days ago.
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6 days ago
Sep 14, 2024, 12:15:41 AM

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:

On the TT murderous prowess was a simple re-roll of failed wound rolls. Using lethality to portray this is a good idea although instead of instakilling anything it should simply be a chance to dish max damage that ignores armor and resistances. I would say in return this chance should go to 0% when a unit wavers and not recover until after the battle.

I dont particularly like this lethality mechanic. It sounds too gimmicky for what can easily be represented with a melee attack and damage buff passive to accomplish the same thing with systems already in the game.

Changing murderous prowess to a Berserk/hellblades like passive or just making murderous prowess weaker but permanent sounds much easier to implement. And would make people feel better, because it feels bad when it pops and does nothing because it popped at a bad time.

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5 days ago
Sep 14, 2024, 10:20:43 AM

It would have to be a permanent buff but with conditions.  Such as "Disabled if unit morale drops below half, and if vigour drops to Exhausted."

If there are no conditions to the permanent buff, then might as well just change all DE unit stats and be done with it.

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5 days ago
Sep 14, 2024, 10:51:07 AM

Player#788887 wrote:

I dont particularly like this lethality mechanic. It sounds too gimmicky for what can easily be represented with a melee attack and damage buff passive to accomplish the same thing with systems already in the game.

Changing murderous prowess to a Berserk/hellblades like passive or just making murderous prowess weaker but permanent sounds much easier to implement. And would make people feel better, because it feels bad when it pops and does nothing because it popped at a bad time.

Dark Elves are not berserkers who work themselves into a frenzy. Murderous Prowess is meant to represent their talent to hit vital spots on their target to inflict maximum pain so a critical hit type mechanic fits way better.

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5 days ago
Sep 14, 2024, 1:47:11 PM

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:

Player#788887 wrote:

I dont particularly like this lethality mechanic. It sounds too gimmicky for what can easily be represented with a melee attack and damage buff passive to accomplish the same thing with systems already in the game.

Changing murderous prowess to a Berserk/hellblades like passive or just making murderous prowess weaker but permanent sounds much easier to implement. And would make people feel better, because it feels bad when it pops and does nothing because it popped at a bad time.

Dark Elves are not berserkers who work themselves into a frenzy. Murderous Prowess is meant to represent their talent to hit vital spots on their target to inflict maximum pain so a critical hit type mechanic fits way better.

Tell that to the witch elves. That is litterally their whole deal.

And specifically mean the norsca berserker like passive. Where they get stronger the longer they are in combat. Just implemented differently and reflavored to fit better.

Skaven and high elves have basically nothing in common. But their army wide passive strength in numbers is pretty much just martial prowess with a different name and slightly different numbers.

Updated 5 days ago.
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5 days ago
Sep 14, 2024, 1:56:59 PM

Player#788887 wrote:

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:

Player#788887 wrote:

I dont particularly like this lethality mechanic. It sounds too gimmicky for what can easily be represented with a melee attack and damage buff passive to accomplish the same thing with systems already in the game.

Changing murderous prowess to a Berserk/hellblades like passive or just making murderous prowess weaker but permanent sounds much easier to implement. And would make people feel better, because it feels bad when it pops and does nothing because it popped at a bad time.

Dark Elves are not berserkers who work themselves into a frenzy. Murderous Prowess is meant to represent their talent to hit vital spots on their target to inflict maximum pain so a critical hit type mechanic fits way better.

Tell that to the witch elves. That is litterally their whole deal.

And specifically mean the norsca berserker like passive. Where they get stronger the longer they are in combat. 

Witch Elves have the frenzy special rule, so it's explicitely different from Murderous Prowess.

No, Dark Elves should not get any berserker rule because that's not how they work. They're cocky, sadistic sunsabitches who like to play and torture their victims and get cold feet when combat doesn't go their way as they lack the discipline of their Asur counterparts.

A critical hit style mecahnic that switches off when the Druchii lose their cool is the best fit.

Player#788887 wrote:
Skaven and high elves have basically nothing in common. But their army wide passive strength in numbers is pretty much just martial prowess with a different name and slightly different numbers.

That's because CA decided to portray it that way. On the TT martial prowess allows attacking from one rank further than the weapon used normally allows which means it actually has little in common with Strength in Numbers.

Updated 5 days ago.
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5 days ago
Sep 14, 2024, 5:55:17 PM

Dark elves and high elves are both good leadership factions. Neither is more "disciplined" then the other.  What your saying isn't really a thing at all. but the buff lasting until the first route is not a bad idea. but my fear is that it will just feel bad losing the buff. i want it to feel like a reward getting it.

that being able to attack from another rank can just be translated to a melee attack and damage buff. I'm not asking for new mechanics.

The chances of them creating some whole new critical hit system for a faction that is complete and very well balanced is basically non-existent. 

I just want the factions mechanic to not be so hit or miss. Often times it does nothing because of bad timing. 

Updated 5 days ago.
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5 days ago
Sep 14, 2024, 8:04:20 PM

Player#788887 wrote:
Dark elves and high elves are both good leadership factions. Neither is more "disciplined" then the other.

Completely and utterly wrong. The whole point of Druchii society is to not hold back but to indulge your basest urges and engage in whatever debauchery you desire. Druchii society has its origins in Morathi's cults of pleasure after all. You are also encouraged to murder whoever looked at you funny and take whatever station in society by force as per Malekith's "the strong rule the weak" dictum. For this reason Druchii eschew discipline and are about as loyal as the average Skaven. The Asur in contrast value diligence and temperance, hence why all Asur kingdoms  so utterly dedicate themselves to a specific and unique form of societal specialisation and warfare.

So yes, the Druchii should have poor leadership compared to the Asur.

The critical hit system is also not new, it was first used in Thrones of Britannia. The engine is capable of using it.

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5 days ago
Sep 14, 2024, 11:21:39 PM

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:

Player#788887 wrote:
Dark elves and high elves are both good leadership factions. Neither is more "disciplined" then the other.

Completely and utterly wrong. The whole point of Druchii society is to not hold back but to indulge your basest urges and engage in whatever debauchery you desire. Druchii society has its origins in Morathi's cults of pleasure after all. You are also encouraged to murder whoever looked at you funny and take whatever station in society by force as per Malekith's "the strong rule the weak" dictum. For this reason Druchii eschew discipline and are about as loyal as the average Skaven. The Asur in contrast value diligence and temperance, hence why all Asur kingdoms  so utterly dedicate themselves to a specific and unique form of societal specialisation and warfare.

So yes, the Druchii should have poor leadership compared to the Asur.

The critical hit system is also not new, it was first used in Thrones of Britannia. The engine is capable of using it.

Im litterally looking at the game and all dark and high elf units have comparable leadership. At most a 4 leadership different between units of roughly the same tier.

My point is what you are saying is not represented in game. Both factions are well above average leadership.

And besides. Their whole lore emphasizes that the weak do not survive long. And is reflected in their above average leadership. 

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