Future of DLC for cathay?

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6 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 3:18:33 PM

I am a Cathay fan, and I know some people dislike the idea of Cathay. But they have hinted at the Monkey King, and I am still expecting him in a DLC soon. Like soon soon. But as they've stated they are moving to a more player demand base for making DLC's

Am I alone in hoping their near future still involves the Monkey King? 

He would bring a very refreshing look for Cathay and make their roster feel way more full along with a change in playstyle for said faction. 

The character in lore is very interesting.

I really want to see the Monkey King in the next DLC or one after that. 

TLDR: Is there still demand for Monkey King DLC?

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6 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 3:25:08 PM

Is there demand for the Monkey King? I would say yes. I'd definitely be keen on his DLC

I'm not that interested in the rest of Cathay however. If it comes, that's fine but i'd much rather see a Cult of Ulric DLC, or a Thanquol or Neferata or Nagash or Dow or Slaanesh or HE or DE or TK or VC bloodlines or VPirates DLC or even another Nurgle DLC above more dragon Siblings

Updated 6 days ago.
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6 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 3:26:07 PM

We know that Cathay has 3 Lls left with Monke, Li Dau and Yin-Yin. Maybe all of them will be DLC, maybe just 2 of them. But we know that they will come eventually. There is also Yangsing as a LH, another Legendary Sentinel. 

And yes the demand is obviously still there. It is just that other races need content first. Like Slaanesh, HE, DE, VC, Norsca to name a few. 

Updated 6 days ago.
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6 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 3:28:11 PM

We have 2 more Dragons and the Monkey King left.

So I would guess at least 2 more DLC's.

EDIT: I think the main thing that makes Cathay's DLC hard to predict is that we don't know what was in the Army Book GW gave to CA and them being largely concocted for this game.

Updated 6 days ago.
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6 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 3:29:12 PM

You are asking if there is Monkey King hype in the middle of the Black Myth Wukong craze? Obviously, though I am not one of them.

And be assured:



Dogs of War

Monkey King - somewhere 2026

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6 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 3:32:31 PM

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

You are asking if there is Monkey King hype in the middle of the Black Myth Wukong craze? Obviously, though I am not one of them.

And be assured:



Dogs of War

Monkey King - somewhere 2026

Who even cares about Black Myth Wukong outside of China? Here in Europe at least everyone is just talking about Outlaws and Space Marine 2 when it comes to video games. 

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6 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 4:10:36 PM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:
Who even cares about Black Myth Wukong outside of China? Here in Europe at least everyone is just talking about Outlaws and Space Marine 2 when it comes to video games. 

I mean at the two week mark, it sold close to 4 million copies on Steam alone to non-Chinese countries, out of the total 17 million copies sold. 

For comparison I believe BG3, between all of early access and the first two weeks of sales, sold around 5 million copies on Steam. It’s not like BMWukong is doing poorly in the west.

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6 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 5:00:13 PM

1.  MK+Li Dao DLC with Southern Province/Mountains of Heaven-themed units.

2.  Yin-Yin DLC with Eastern Province/filling in any Cathay gaps-themed units.

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6 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 5:11:18 PM

I want Li Dao DLC, to see the southern Cathay's spiritual traditions fully explored. Hear my fire prayers!

Updated 6 days ago.
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6 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 5:31:23 PM

What I want from Cathay is to be bewitched by the following LPs.

Since they're an exotic race, based on a culture I'm not familiar with, living in an uncharted part of the world (from a Warhammer point of view).

Hope they'll go really crazy with Chinese mythology and whatnot, while giving it a proper Warhammer touch.

Updated 6 days ago.
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6 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 6:26:24 PM

Well CA pointed to Bretonnia as one of the FLC reworks they’ll be doing in one of the interim patches. That tells me that they’re likely not getting a DLC. 

So at best a rework with something like Foot Knights as an FLC unit, and maybe down the line an FLC LL if they’re lucky.

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6 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 8:26:13 PM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

1.  MK+Li Dao DLC with Southern Province/Mountains of Heaven-themed units.

2.  Yin-Yin DLC with Eastern Province/filling in any Cathay gaps-themed units.

I agree with that layout, and I'm just hoping that, because it's a game 3 faction, they will put it in the front of their list of things to do before going back to empire again, or back to something else. Besides it could be a Cathay vs Cathay vs [Game 1 or 2 race] 

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6 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 10:02:16 PM

The way that they are going to continue with their DLCs is not exactly clear, but considering we did get a Tzeentch DLC, a Nurgle DLC and now we're getting a Khorne DLC, it would be logical to conclude that the following one would be a Slaanesh-themed DLC.

Most people speculate that the Slaanesh DLC would come with High Elves and Dark Elves, and some are also mentioning that their respective new LLs would populate Ind, but how are we going to Ind without connecting it with Cathay through the Monkey King's realm between Ind and Cathay? Southern Cathay content (Monkey King and Li Dao) seem like a logical step before properly expanding the map to Ind.

We do also have a third contender, which is the Dogs of War/Southern Realms, which have been teased in the game files, and have been missing in the game since the first TW: Warhammer title.

Would it be possible that we get the Monkey King as a smaller DLC before the Slaanesh DLC? I don't see him going into a three-way DLC, as Cathay was already a part of such a DLC.

My guess for the DLC direction after Khorne-Ogre Kingdoms-Greenskins would be the following:
1. Monkey King with Li Dao as FLC, maybe something else would be included here as well;
2. Slaanesh-High Elves-Dark Elves with a proper map expansion to Ind;
3. Dogs of War/Southern Realms;
4. a large End Times DLC with more Empire, Vampire Counts, Skaven (Thanquol) etc. content, bringing Nagash as the big selling point OR a continuation of broken up DLC content to extend the life of the game, to bring in revenue for CA while they have a team or two working on other projects.

With most of the race reworks coming from the patch team, I believe the first case from my 4th point to be a realistic scenario of ending the trilogy, and then moving fully onto Warhammer 40K, with some final polishes (a patch or two and some hotfixes) for TW: Warhammer III.

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 7:42:51 AM

Passthechips#4366 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:
Who even cares about Black Myth Wukong outside of China? Here in Europe at least everyone is just talking about Outlaws and Space Marine 2 when it comes to video games. 

I mean at the two week mark, it sold close to 4 million copies on Steam alone to non-Chinese countries, out of the total 17 million copies sold. 

For comparison I believe BG3, between all of early access and the first two weeks of sales, sold around 5 million copies on Steam. It’s not like BMWukong is doing poorly in the west.

Isn't Steam available in Japan, Korea and other Asian countries (Genuinely not sure here)? 

It is obviously doing well but I wouldn't say there is hype. 

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 10:33:15 AM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

Isn't Steam available in Japan, Korea and other Asian countries (Genuinely not sure here)? 

It is obviously doing well but I wouldn't say there is hype. 

1. Yes, Steam is available in Asia, including China.  It was recently banned in Vietnam for unknown reasons.

2. Exactly how well does it have to sell in Asia and globally for you to categorize it as having hype?

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 10:38:11 AM

Yeah I think it is fairly safe to say that there is demand for Cathay DLC, and the Monkey King is definitely coming. Imo, Cathay will gat 1-2 more DLC and 1 FLC, with the monkey King definitely coming as a DLC, as he has already been hinted at, with the Fire Dragon as accompanying FLC. Yin Yin is the uncertain one as far as I can see.

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 12:25:51 PM

Most definitely. Black Myth Wukong demonstrates the demand for him and he's already a character in TWW that's been hinted at.

I'd say Cathay's future for DLC is bright and MK is certainly coming soon.

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 12:40:05 PM

I had thought they would get 2 more dlc, but with CA implying that the 4 core monogod races wouldn't get getting more than one, I don't know if Cathay gets more than two total now

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5 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 12:50:47 PM

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

I had thought they would get 2 more dlc, but with CA implying that the 4 core monogod races wouldn't get getting more than one, I don't know if Cathay gets more than two total now

Where did they imply this? Like at all? Glottkin is coming and Egrimm will also come eventually. 

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