Mydas the Mean must be a DoW LL

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9 days ago
Sep 10, 2024, 11:53:37 PM

​Welcome ladies, gentlemen, boys, girls, and those enjoying their morning teas.

I am here to present to you today the idea that Mydas the Mean must, and I repeat it for emphasis, must be a Dogs of War Legendary Lord. This potentially spectacular lord is oft pegged as a Legendary Hero and not unfairly. Paymasters were designated heroes in Dogs of War and Mydas was the named version.

Mydas with his companion (wink wink, nudge nudge), Sheikh Yadosh could represent an integral part of Dogs of War, and at the same time introduce a delicious campy element to an otherwise dark narrative. The Pay Cart could be upgraded to a Pay Chariot, garnished in garish glory. While at the same time taking itself entirely seriously. 

Playstyle would be that of a buff lord. However the model has a lot of potential for playustyles depending on who/what is within/on it. Theoretically some of Mydas's big, buff, bodyguards could be on top with spears or bows, adding some pain to the proceedings. Campaign wise Mydas can be anywhere, this is Warhammer and he's a soldier of fortune. This also gives him the freedom to make the most of mercenary mechanics, while other Dogs of War lords represent Tilea, exploration, or related concepts. Mydas's story would be one where he chases down the money needed to repay Sheikh and then at the end have Sheikh reject it in favour of continuing their adventures together.



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9 days ago
Sep 10, 2024, 11:58:38 PM

The DoW have a literal laundry list of characters who would make for better LLs than Mydas. If the DoW are getting four characters then it should be their 4 actual army book LLs: Borgio, Lucrezia, Lorenzo, and Marco.

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9 days ago
Sep 11, 2024, 12:07:53 AM

Passthechips#4366 wrote:

The DoW have a literal laundry list of characters who would make for better LLs than Mydas. If the DoW are getting four characters then it should be their 4 actual army book LLs: Borgio, Lucrezia, Lorenzo, and Marco.

Borgio and Lorenzo are the same archetype. Big melee beat stick dude. It's redundant to include both. 

Including Mydas would represent a critical part of their playstyle while also being unique from the other three. 

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9 days ago
Sep 11, 2024, 12:20:24 AM

Mydas is the perfect candidate for a LH.

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9 days ago
Sep 11, 2024, 12:23:14 AM

Beast_of_Guanyin#8747 wrote:

Borgio and Lorenzo are the same archetype. Big melee beat stick dude. It's redundant to include both. 

So is Mydas. The role of support dude could be played by Lorenzo just as well as Mydas. Most melee characters have auras. 

Lorenzo has the added benefit of being stylish as all hell, and potentially supporting units like Republican Guard for a Rome expy campaign. Leads an actual city too. 

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9 days ago
Sep 11, 2024, 12:23:53 AM

mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:

Mydas is the perfect candidate for a LH.

No. No LH's! No!

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9 days ago
Sep 11, 2024, 12:24:51 AM

Passthechips#4366 wrote:

Beast_of_Guanyin#8747 wrote:

Borgio and Lorenzo are the same archetype. Big melee beat stick dude. It's redundant to include both. 

So is Mydas. The role of support dude could be played by Lorenzo just as well as Mydas. Most melee characters have auras. 

Lorenzo has the added benefit of being stylish as all hell, and potentially supporting units like Republican Guard for a Rome expy campaign. Leads an actual city too. 

Mydas rides around in his Pay Chariot. He's a Chariot buff lord, not a melee beat stick like those two.

Aint nobody stylin on Mydas. 

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9 days ago
Sep 11, 2024, 12:53:19 AM

I'm actually for it even if I know there is a ton of competition of potentials here. For yes, he actually brings something unique to the table in that he'd be a support chariot lord.

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8 days ago
Sep 11, 2024, 4:08:51 AM

As a Paymaster, Mydas is a born DoW Support LH.

That said...if having Mydas as a LL gets me an Arabyan DoW faction with several Arabyan units...I'll allow it.


Beast_of_Guanyin#8747 wrote:
No. No LH's! No!

Well that's just nonsense.

Even if Mydas was a LL, DoW has plenty of other great LH options like Leonardo, Asarnil and Vespero.

Updated 8 days ago.
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8 days ago
Sep 11, 2024, 7:25:15 AM

He is THE prime candidate for the LH. LLs should be Borgio, Lucrezzia, Lorenzo and if they get a 4th, Lietpold the Black. 

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8 days ago
Sep 11, 2024, 7:46:27 AM

Borgio, Lucrezzia, Marco Colombo, Lorenzo (or Lietpold). No contest. 

Read the armybook. Paymasters are heroes. Not lords.

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8 days ago
Sep 11, 2024, 8:08:03 AM

TheWattman#7460 wrote:
Read the armybook. Paymasters are heroes. Not lords.

I mean, so are Daemon Heralds.  But look how that turned out.

Updated 8 days ago.
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8 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 12:49:53 AM

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

Borgio, Lucrezzia, Marco Colombo, Lorenzo (or Lietpold). No contest. 

Read the armybook. Paymasters are heroes. Not lords.

Lorenzo, Borgio, and Lietpold are all melee beatsticks. Having both in the same roster is redundant. Mydas is a buff lord, making him distinct and unique from the other three.

Play TWW. We have endless numbers of heroes that have been upgraded to lords. Paymasters are a crucial part of what DoW are, it only makes sense to have them as lord options.

Updated 8 days ago.
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8 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 12:55:37 AM

I personally would rather the Captains be LLs over the leaders of the Southern Realms.

Also to go on what Darth Ender said, CA isn't necessarily gonna go with the obvious options for LLs, we already got some "Wait, what?" LLs as it is.
Mydas could easily be one.

Updated 8 days ago.
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7 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 4:45:48 AM

WarbossAohd#6756 wrote:
Also to go on what Darth Ender said, CA isn't necessarily gonna go with the obvious options for LLs

I mean, we already know Borgio and Lucrezzia were chosen.  And they were the 2 most obvious picks.

Updated 7 days ago.
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7 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 5:06:37 AM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

He is THE prime candidate for the LH. LLs should be Borgio, Lucrezzia, Lorenzo and if they get a 4th, Lietpold the Black. 

The first three are obvious as they were very much original DoW LLs, but what is actually so special about Lietpold the Black?

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7 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 5:31:28 AM

Nyxilis#3646 wrote:
The first three are obvious as they were very much original DoW LLs, but what is actually so special about Lietpold the Black?

He's a literal Border Prince.  So he represents a Southern Realm besides Tilea.

And he's an actual mercenary sellsword.  Not a Merchant Prince like the others.

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7 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 6:25:34 AM

WarbossAohd#6756 wrote:

I personally would rather the Captains be LLs over the leaders of the Southern Realms.

Also to go on what Darth Ender said, CA isn't necessarily gonna go with the obvious options for LLs, we already got some "Wait, what?" LLs as it is.
Mydas could easily be one.


I don't see any particular reason to gatekeep lords to TT lords when they've promoted heroes to lords already, used obscure sources, lore paragraphs, and straight up invented lords.

I personally like the Borgio, Lucrezza, Mydas, Colombo lineup, but I'd be down for them to use Captains as LLs. Anakonda as LL would be dope.

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7 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 6:48:03 AM

Beast_of_Guanyin#8747 wrote:

Lorenzo, Borgio, and Lietpold are all melee beatsticks. Having both in the same roster is redundant. Mydas is a buff lord, making him distinct and unique from the other three.

Play TWW. We have endless numbers of heroes that have been upgraded to lords. Paymasters are a crucial part of what DoW are, it only makes sense to have them as lord options.

Okay lets see:

Snikch - Clan Eshin faction leader

Tiktaq'to - "Unique Lizardmen playstyle" that really shouldn't have been put up. He really should be a LH to Mazdamundi, running Hexoatl's air defense. Unloreful position also.

Malakai - Interesting Slayer-Engineer hybrid that features with Gotrek & Felix and brings ranged to the Dwarfs.

Marshal That Must Not Be Named - Completely invented, forced colonial narrative and character rewrite, funded by game logic need for ranged for the Empire.

Heralds - For better or for worse, subrace representation and synergy, Daemons for the Daemon races.

Oxyotl - Ranged playstyle for Lizardmen, stealth, anti-Daemon, Chameoleon representation. Would've made even more sense to save for WH3 to place in the Lost City of the Old Ones for a new loreful start.

Sisters - Proper ranged for Wood Elves, flying LL, protection campaign for the Queen. Bit odd choice but still.

I see no compelling argument in favour of Mydas here. His uniqueness would be minimal, a buff lord is still a melee lord, just less good in close combat. Besides, Araby isn't a viable start and putting down Mydas, say in the Great Desert or even in Zandri, would run the risk of creating another human trifecta (Mydas, Repanse, Volkmar), just like in Lustria, cornering Arkhan the Black and dragging Settra's campaign down along with it.

No the setup should either be Borgio-Lucrezzia-Marco Colombo-Lorenzo OR Borgio-Lucrezzia-Marco Colombo-Lietpold. Mydas would be a LH in both, where he can still buff all he wants. 

Updated 7 days ago.
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7 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 7:25:20 AM

WarbossAohd#6756 wrote:

I personally would rather the Captains be LLs over the leaders of the Southern Realms.

Also to go on what Darth Ender said, CA isn't necessarily gonna go with the obvious options for LLs, we already got some "Wait, what?" LLs as it is.
Mydas could easily be one.

They are RoR material and not LLs. The LLs shoulkd be the major Tilean Rulers. 

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