What about a 100th LL?

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9 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 12:02:15 AM

And so, since we expect that after the DLC with Khorne there will be 4 LL and that there will be 100 LL by now, but at the same time...what about a "Jubilee" DLC that could serve as such a good gift? If Nagash can be made as a separate DLC with its own units, then it seems that for the Jubilee one, Tankuol would be a good option given the connection to Qhorn. Of course you can argue that: "CA don't plan to lead a special 100th LL". Maybe so, but these are nothing more than thoughts in the rumor mill and it's interesting to read your point of view

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9 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 1:51:24 AM

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:
CA probably will just show them off in order so Golgfag is the 100th LL, which is a big character.


The trailer will probably show Skulltaker and Arbaal together, then Gorbad, then Golgfag.  Making him #100.

Updated 9 days ago.
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9 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 8:46:44 AM

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

CA probably will just show them off in order so Golgfag is the 100th LL, which is a big character.

That's pretty disappointing IMO. 

A bonus FLC LL with the DLC would have been nice. So 3 DLC LL + 2 FLC LL would have been super exciting. 

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9 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 11:04:57 AM

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

CA probably will just show them off in order so Golgfag is the 100th LL, which is a big character.

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:
CA probably will just show them off in order so Golgfag is the 100th LL, which is a big character.


They trailer will probably show Skulltaker and Arbaal together, then Gorbad, then Golgfag.  Making him #100.

Basically it certainly makes sense that Golgfag could conceivably be like the 100th LL as a big and recognizable character, or the same Gorbad who is just as big a character who has done just as much action

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9 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 11:30:38 AM

I imagine they had planned for a 100th character but, after all the changes it’s a little meaningless. They may advertise a major free character or maybe just forget it. I just don’t think it’s a major issue as I simply like the DLC and content model they’re currently using, that’ll do for me.

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9 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 12:36:23 PM

davedave1124#4773 wrote:
I imagine they had planned for a 100th character but, after all the changes it’s a little meaningless.

It's a pretty safe bet that ToD and 6.0 weren't originally planned to have a FLL.  And also we know Slaanesh was originally planned to be 6.0.

Which means 7.0 would have been the Khorne pack.  And it's headliner was originally going to be LL #100.  Which means it still probably would have been Golgfag.

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9 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 1:01:02 PM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

davedave1124#4773 wrote:
I imagine they had planned for a 100th character but, after all the changes it’s a little meaningless.

It's a pretty safe bet that ToD and 6.0 weren't originally planned to have a FLL.  And also we know Slaanesh was originally planned to be 6.0.

Which means 7.0 would have been the Khorne pack.  And it's headliner was originally going to be LL #100.  Which means it still probably would have been Golgfag.

And if in the trailer they introduce Gorbad, Golgfag or Skulltaker as the 100th LL announcing it, then it makes any but sense

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8 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 9:26:19 AM

AxiosXiphos#9040 wrote:

I always assumed people were taking the whole 100th LL thing abit too seriously.

Yeah people expecting anything special just set them semthelves up for disappointment. 

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8 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 9:31:26 AM

97. Golgfag

98. Gorbad

99. Skulltaker

100. ???

101. Arbaal

With this simple trick they could make 100th LL in the future.

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8 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 9:36:47 AM

Loreguy#1056 wrote:

97. Golgfag

98. Gorbad

99. Skulltaker

100. ???

101. Arbaal

With this simple trick they could make 100th LL in the future.

There won't be a 5th LL coming alongside the Khorne DLC. It will just be one of the 4 LLs without any special promotion/marketing about it. 

At some point CA will just say something like "We never really thought about it but yeah I guess Golgfag/Arbaal/Gorbad/Skulltaker can be considered the 100th LL."

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8 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 9:40:02 AM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

AxiosXiphos#9040 wrote:

I always assumed people were taking the whole 100th LL thing abit too seriously.

Yeah people expecting anything special just set them semthelves up for disappointment. 

I think it would be cool for the fans of this series to get a special 100th LL but I think it would also be cool for the devs to make a special one.

This game has been going for 8 years... some/ many devs would have put in a huge amount of effort and love into the series which is by far CA's biggest project in terms of scope. Would be nice just for them to be able to mark the occasion. Doesn't necessarily have to be free, i get they're not running a charity at CA, but a cool character to mark the milestone would be amazing

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8 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 9:46:08 AM

Theo91#7431 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

AxiosXiphos#9040 wrote:

I always assumed people were taking the whole 100th LL thing abit too seriously.

Yeah people expecting anything special just set them semthelves up for disappointment. 

I think it would be cool for the fans of this series to get a special 100th LL but I think it would also be cool for the devs to make a special one.

This game has been going for 8 years... some/ many devs would have put in a huge amount of effort and love into the series which is by far CA's biggest project in terms of scope. Would be nice just for them to be able to mark the occasion. Doesn't necessarily have to be free, i get they're not running a charity at CA, but a cool character to mark the milestone would be amazing

Of course it would be cool but it is still not going to happen. CA mentioned that only once in a random throwaway statement on discord and then never again. People are just putting way to much into such a random statement. 

The 100th LL will just be one of the 4 Lls coming with the Khorne Pack. 

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8 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 10:00:54 AM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

davedave1124#4773 wrote:
I imagine they had planned for a 100th character but, after all the changes it’s a little meaningless.

It's a pretty safe bet that ToD and 6.0 weren't originally planned to have a FLL.  And also we know Slaanesh was originally planned to be 6.0.

Which means 7.0 would have been the Khorne pack.  And it's headliner was originally going to be LL #100.  Which means it still probably would have been Golgfag.

After 8 years of LLs I don’t think Goldfag is in anyway a special or 100th worthy.

They may have had a plan for it but, it’s one of those things we’re I don’t want them to rush or crowbar in a popular character.

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8 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 10:31:30 AM

davedave1124#4773 wrote:

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

davedave1124#4773 wrote:
I imagine they had planned for a 100th character but, after all the changes it’s a little meaningless.

It's a pretty safe bet that ToD and 6.0 weren't originally planned to have a FLL.  And also we know Slaanesh was originally planned to be 6.0.

Which means 7.0 would have been the Khorne pack.  And it's headliner was originally going to be LL #100.  Which means it still probably would have been Golgfag.

After 8 years of LLs I don’t think Goldfag is in anyway a special or 100th worthy.

They may have had a plan for it but, it’s one of those things we’re I don’t want them to rush or crowbar in a popular character.

I agree. They may have had 'casual' plans for a special lord but it certainly looks like their plans have changed. 

It would have super cool if out of nowhere they were like, here's Thanquol or here's Nagash and it was super epic but they're also characters which need to be done right. No point shoehorning them in.

Sometimes when i've been smoking too much hopium, i think maybe the reason for the long delay between ToD and this DLC is because they will surprise us with something epic. But when the hopium wears off, it hits you hard and all you're left with is long periods of no content and threads about going all in on Cathay :(

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8 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 10:40:07 AM

davedave1124#4773 wrote:

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

davedave1124#4773 wrote:
I imagine they had planned for a 100th character but, after all the changes it’s a little meaningless.

It's a pretty safe bet that ToD and 6.0 weren't originally planned to have a FLL.  And also we know Slaanesh was originally planned to be 6.0.

Which means 7.0 would have been the Khorne pack.  And it's headliner was originally going to be LL #100.  Which means it still probably would have been Golgfag.

After 8 years of LLs I don’t think Goldfag is in anyway a special or 100th worthy.

They may have had a plan for it but, it’s one of those things we’re I don’t want them to rush or crowbar in a popular character.

Golgfag is the best choice for the 100th LL. He is one of the oldest and most iconic WH characters after all. 

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7 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 2:12:03 PM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

davedave1124#4773 wrote:

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

davedave1124#4773 wrote:
I imagine they had planned for a 100th character but, after all the changes it’s a little meaningless.

It's a pretty safe bet that ToD and 6.0 weren't originally planned to have a FLL.  And also we know Slaanesh was originally planned to be 6.0.

Which means 7.0 would have been the Khorne pack.  And it's headliner was originally going to be LL #100.  Which means it still probably would have been Golgfag.

After 8 years of LLs I don’t think Goldfag is in anyway a special or 100th worthy.

They may have had a plan for it but, it’s one of those things we’re I don’t want them to rush or crowbar in a popular character.

Golgfag is the best choice for the 100th LL. He is one of the oldest and most iconic WH characters after all. 

Iconic.. let’s not go too far, he’s no Thanquol.

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7 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 2:30:39 PM

davedave1124#4773 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

davedave1124#4773 wrote:

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

davedave1124#4773 wrote:
I imagine they had planned for a 100th character but, after all the changes it’s a little meaningless.

It's a pretty safe bet that ToD and 6.0 weren't originally planned to have a FLL.  And also we know Slaanesh was originally planned to be 6.0.

Which means 7.0 would have been the Khorne pack.  And it's headliner was originally going to be LL #100.  Which means it still probably would have been Golgfag.

After 8 years of LLs I don’t think Goldfag is in anyway a special or 100th worthy.

They may have had a plan for it but, it’s one of those things we’re I don’t want them to rush or crowbar in a popular character.

Golgfag is the best choice for the 100th LL. He is one of the oldest and most iconic WH characters after all. 

Iconic.. let’s not go too far, he’s no Thanquol.

So? We won't get Thanquol as the 100th LL. But we will get Golgfag. 

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