Wood elves missing content as well as update ideas

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17 days ago
Sep 2, 2024, 12:11:01 PM

So, I think the wood elves have been done dirty in the game and do not look as good as they could. There´s also a surprising amount of content that can still be implemented into the game so I wanted to share everything. All the changes and additions that I think the faction needs.First the characters and units:Araloth:Araloth_Elfos_Silvanos.jpgNaieth the Prophetess:Arqueros_de_skarloc_y_naieth_la_vidente.jpgCyanos:

774e183301d5683ae4d225ae4b0ebf1a.jpgShadowdancer:Wood_Elf_Shadowdancer.jpgBranch Nymph:

Branch_Nymph_2.jpgSpites:Spite.jpgFalconers?:Skaw_the_Falconer.jpgChariots?:unnamed.jpgNaiads?:c3bc05ee5838e08c1ceff8ca4896a868.jpgKindred: Laith-Kourn (shapeshifters):il_fullxfull.4249774082_ni4k.jpgHorned Hunters:1082964.jpgIncarnate elemental of life:tumblr_naxufhCraN1tv3g49o1_250sq.jpgMinor incarnate elementals of life:


74249-11-ELF5-AK06-204080-04-Wildcat-Felino-1987-Jes-Goodwin-p-Aurelio-Dominguez.jpgI also think there need to be some visual changes or upgrades to some of the existing units such as the Spellweavers, the hawks (which have the exact same model as the eagles), and give the eternal guard´s shields a wooden-like texture instead of that weird plain green they have now, which looks horrible. The unit also needs more than one head variant. Animations is another aspect the faction (all elf factions really) lacks when engaged in combat. They are bad, to say the least.

Spellweaver_M01.jpgmaxresdefault.jpgdescarga.jpgdescarga (1).jpgRegarding campaign mechanics I think the wood elves are not in a bad spot, but should get a second mechanic like some other factions. A mechanic that revolves around seasons perhaps.

Updated 17 days ago.
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17 days ago
Sep 2, 2024, 12:15:53 PM

Spites are already in the game. 

Araloth as an FLC LL is the best we can hope for realistically. Maybe a Shadowdancer Hero too but thats it. 

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17 days ago
Sep 2, 2024, 2:07:31 PM

Missing Wood Elf Special Characters:

Legendary Lords



Legendary Heroes

Naieth the Prophetess

Lothlann the Brave


Wychwethyl the Wild


Skaw the Falconer

Gruarth the Beastmaster

Updated 17 days ago.
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17 days ago
Sep 2, 2024, 2:11:18 PM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

Missing Wood Elf Special Characters:

Legendary Lords



Legendary Heroes

Naieth the Prophetess

Lothlann the Brave


Wychwethyl the Wild


Skaw the Falconer

Gruarth the Beastmaster

We need "Great King Laurelorn Scarloc"! Where are my Meownir? 

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16 days ago
Sep 2, 2024, 4:34:40 PM

Yes. I would really like one more WE DLC. They are my second* favourite race after all - and the barrel is not empty yet.

*Third when I'm in a particularly black mood.

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16 days ago
Sep 2, 2024, 4:44:12 PM

If WE get another dlc (Which I'd like them to as I'd also like BM to with how many characters they're missing), Naeith and Araloth as actual WE's (Not Forest Spirits, not demigods, but actual WE's) would be my pick for a dlc/flc pair (getting them up to 6 LL's). I'd also upgrade the Shadowdancer to a lord, as the Glade captain sorta was combined between the Glade Captain hero and Shadowdancer hero.

If CA wanted to keep it even, assuming we get the 4 missing BM characters (Ungrol, Ghorros, Moonclaw, Slugtongue) as either LL's or LH's, I'd add Wychwethyl (melee focused WE character) and Gruarth (Beastmaster themed character) would be my picks.

Updated 16 days ago.
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16 days ago
Sep 2, 2024, 4:58:13 PM

ByPiros#6333 wrote:

So, I think the wood elves have been done dirty in the game and do not look as good as they could. There´s also a surprising amount of content that can still be implemented into the game so I wanted to share everything. All the changes and additions that I think the faction needs.First the characters and units:Araloth:Araloth_Elfos_Silvanos.jpgNaieth the Prophetess:Arqueros_de_skarloc_y_naieth_la_vidente.jpgCyanos:

774e183301d5683ae4d225ae4b0ebf1a.jpgShadowdancer:Wood_Elf_Shadowdancer.jpgBranch Nymph:

Branch_Nymph_2.jpgSpites:Spite.jpgFalconers?:Skaw_the_Falconer.jpgChariots?:unnamed.jpgNaiads?:c3bc05ee5838e08c1ceff8ca4896a868.jpgKindred: Laith-Kourn (shapeshifters):il_fullxfull.4249774082_ni4k.jpgHorned Hunters:1082964.jpgIncarnate elemental of life:tumblr_naxufhCraN1tv3g49o1_250sq.jpgMinor incarnate elementals of life:


74249-11-ELF5-AK06-204080-04-Wildcat-Felino-1987-Jes-Goodwin-p-Aurelio-Dominguez.jpgI also think there need to be some visual changes or upgrades to some of the existing units such as the Spellweavers, the hawks (which have the exact same model as the eagles), and give the eternal guard´s shields a wooden-like texture instead of that weird plain green they have now, which looks horrible. The unit also needs more than one head variant. Animations is another aspect the faction (all elf factions really) lacks when engaged in combat. They are bad, to say the least.

Spellweaver_M01.jpgmaxresdefault.jpgdescarga.jpgdescarga (1).jpgRegarding campaign mechanics I think the wood elves are not in a bad spot, but should get a second mechanic like some other factions. A mechanic that revolves around seasons perhaps.

We need Asrai Chariots. And have CA make one deer-pulled variant and another pulled by great stags. The first being a cheap anti-infantry unit and the latter a roided-up version of the former with additional anti-large and magical attacks.

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16 days ago
Sep 2, 2024, 5:45:31 PM

Ben1990#8909 wrote:
We need Asrai Chariots. And have CA make one deer-pulled variant and another pulled by great stags.

Meadow Chariots would use horses just like Glade Riders, as the Kindred of Equos of the Meadow Glades provide all the WE's charioteers and horsemen.

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16 days ago
Sep 2, 2024, 6:11:10 PM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

Ben1990#8909 wrote:
We need Asrai Chariots. And have CA make one deer-pulled variant and another pulled by great stags.

Meadow Chariots would use horses just like Glade Riders, as the Kindred of Equos of the Meadow Glades provide all the WE's charioteers and horsemen.

Fair enough. But I'd still go with more chariot variants for them and a RoR unit with some nice support abilities that buff up cavalry...and chariots too.

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16 days ago
Sep 2, 2024, 6:48:06 PM

Wood Elves are one of the rare case scenario where I wouldn't be shocked if they didn't get any LP in the course of Warhammer III and just one FLC (same for the Beastmen).

Even though it's always better if everyone gets a proprer DLC, time will tell.

Updated 16 days ago.
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15 days ago
Sep 4, 2024, 1:25:02 AM

FLC Araloth would be hype

And i'll never say no to another Lord pack for any faction but i feel like the WE are very feature complete atm and other races needed the attention way more.

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15 days ago
Sep 4, 2024, 8:56:42 AM

XxXScorpionXxX#2310 wrote:

FLC Araloth would be hype

And i'll never say no to another Lord pack for any faction but i feel like the WE are very feature complete atm and other races needed the attention way more.


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3 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 12:14:04 PM


It feels like Wood elves are almost complete but miss more option to spice and add flavor. 

I think WE need a few things :

-More playable factions : WE have only 4 lords (and 2 start in nearly the same spot). It could be cool to have a Wardancer kind of lord or a skirmish cavalry lord.

-A new lord with a horde type faction?

-More Magical Forests (as starting points for the new lords AND/OR new location of expansion) Those new magical forest can even be in the hands of other non-wood elves factions at the start of the game.

-Possibility to vassalize/confederate Avelorn ?

-New capacities for Lord and Hero Casters. Some of them don't have enough skills to put all their points. And as elves they are supposed to be better mages that humans... Examples of new capacities for them :

  1. Shaow Casters : Skill that gives a passive 2%/5%/8% magical attacks in an area of effect around the character to other WE units.
  2. Beast Casters : Skill that allow the caster to summon 1 Dryad unit/ 2 Dryad unit/ 2 Malevolent Dryads units
  3. Life Casters : Skill that gives a passive Regeneration of +0.05%/+0.08%/+0.10% HP in an area of effect around the character to other WE units


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3 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 12:17:14 PM

WE's feel like BM to me. They are probably not getting anything else, but if they did get a dlc to bring a few of their missing characters, I would be happy.

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3 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 12:45:46 PM

Need Laurelorn, could even have a Mechanic to symbolize it's ties with The Empire.

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3 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 12:53:17 PM

There is space for a Wood Elves pack, I would say, but I am not holding my breath:

LL: Araloth

LH: Naeith

Generic Lord: ??

Generic Hero: Shadowdancer

Additional lore: Lore of Athel Loren

Unit 1: Meadow Charriot

Unit 2: Laith-Kourn -> would be great to adapt the Cathayan Dragon technology to have them switch between a human form and a bestial one, but at model level.

Unit 3: Falconers (4th ed I think) would match Araloth's theme

Unit 4: Treeman (Blackbriar Javelin) -> Ok a weapon variant using the weapon option from 8th army book. But still a range treeman option would be interesting for both the Wood Elves and Tree spirit sides of the roster.

Unit 5: Guardian Trees (from Storm of Magic)

Guardian Tree.JPG

Rework/Gameplay update:

- Add more magical forests -> Dukhlys forest in Kislev should be an obvious candidate (there are RPG sources, Realm of the Ice queen or Something rotten in Kislev I don't remember, with hints of wood elves there). One each in Ind and Khuresh if (when?) opened would also make sense.

- Add missing weapon variants to Glade Riders, Glade Guards and Deepwood Scouts in the same way that Aspects have been implemented.

For example, there would be two variants of Glade Guards: regular and Glade Guards (Enchanted Arrows). The latter would be able to pay gold to change their type of enchanted arrows.

- More Amber techs and perhaps some way to get additional amber (maybe via complemting campaign objectives/quests?)

- Additional Tree settlement battle maps (not just always the same one)

- Make Orion fast all the time, and not just during the Wild Hunt.

- Vlad/Isabella treatment for Orion/Ariel: Ariel can be a starting legendary lord instead of Orion in the same faction (Orion becoming LH).

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3 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 1:05:23 PM

MiniaAr#5798 wrote:

LL: Araloth

LH: Naeith

Generic Lord: ??

Generic Hero: Shadowdancer

If WE get another dlc, I'd like to see another LL like the previous one was (if you own prior dlc, you get this lord), as that would put WE at 6 LL's. I would also upgrade the Shadowdancer to a lord, as the Glade Captain was merged a bit with the Shadowdancer hero, and have the hero either be a Zoat, Beastmaster, or full melee hero.

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3 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 1:28:18 PM

My dream WE DLC: 

- Araloth LL

- Naieth LH 

- Scarloc LH 

- Shadowdancer Hero 

- Ranged Treeman 

- Meadow Chariot 

- Shapeshifters (Laith Kourn or whatever their name was)

- Naiads 

- Wild Cats 

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3 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 1:28:59 PM
MiniaAr#5798 wrote:

There is space for a Wood Elves pack, I would say, but I am not holding my breath:

LL: Araloth

LH: Naeith

Generic Lord: ??

Generic Hero: Shadowdancer

Additional lore: Lore of Athel Loren

I really like those ideas ! Maybe the Lore of Athel Loen could be added to Spellsingers and Spelweavers as a special ste of skill ? Maybe with some variations based on which branch of magic the caster uses ?


MiniaAr#5798 wrote

Rework/Gameplay update:

- Add more magical forests -> Dukhlys forest in Kislev should be an obvious candidate (there are RPG sources, Realm of the Ice queen or Something rotten in Kislev I don't remember, with hints of wood elves there). One each in Ind and Khuresh if (when?) opened would also make sense.

- Add missing weapon variants to Glade Riders, Glade Guards and Deepwood Scouts in the same way that Aspects have been implemented.

For example, there would be two variants of Glade Guards: regular and Glade Guards (Enchanted Arrows). The latter would be able to pay gold to change their type of enchanted arrows.

- More Amber techs and perhaps some way to get additional amber (maybe via complemting campaign objectives/quests?)

- Additional Tree settlement battle maps (not just always the same one)

- Make Orion fast all the time, and not just during the Wild Hunt.

- Vlad/Isabella treatment for Orion/Ariel: Ariel can be a starting legendary lord instead of Orion in the same faction (Orion becoming LH).

<3 <3 <3

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3 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 2:07:10 PM
While we don't have a generic lord candidate per say, there is a pretty obvious one to go for: Branch Nymphs (champion version of Dryads).
Generic Drycha's, the lord version of Branchwraiths. It would lessen the Forest Spirit armie's, namely Drycha's, reliance on Treemen for every single army, adding diversity. It would be a WE-equivalent to a generic infantry-blender-hybrid.
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