Discussing Potential Empire Legendary Lords

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a month ago
Aug 9, 2024, 5:42:40 AM

This is a remake of an suggestion thread I lost on the old forum. Sadly my memory is pretty hazy to the exact mechanics but I'll try my best to recreate it. I'll add to the thread with potential legendary lords as I get time. I'll start off with the obvious ones. 

Faction 1: 

- Faction Name: Cult of Ulric

- Faction Leader: Emil Valgeir

- Faction Start Location (3 options): 

- Port of Secrets in Plain of Illusions province. Emil begins on a crusade against Chaos. Hard campaign start and relieves some pressure from Boris. Potential for mini-quest chain like Gelt where Emil can get an alliance with Boris, gain economic benefit at the cost of corruption/public order penalties and diplomatic penalties with Kislev, abandon his current crusade and return to the Empire, or do nothing.

- Frozen Landing in Goromadny Mountains province. Emil begins on a crusade against Chaos and Norsca. Slightly easier start. Potential for mini-quest chain like Gelt where Emil can gain an alliance with Malakai, gain economic benefit at the cost of corruption/public order penalties and diplomatic penalties with the Dwarves, abandon his current crusade and return to the Empire, or do nothing.

- Serpent Jetty. Emil beings on a crusade against Norsca. Hard campaign start. No real allies around, so not much opportunity for a mini-quest line.

- Faction Mechanics:

Call to WAAAGH! renamed Ulric Crusade: Crusade faction targets are limited at the start of the campaign to Beastmen, Chaos, and Norsca. To unlock additional faction targets you must progress tiers in the Ecclesiarchy mechanic. Scrap rewards are replaced with devotion. 

- The Motherland renamed Ecclesiarchy: This mechanic is also given to Volkmar as both religious leaders compete to gain supporters and become the dominant state religion of the Empire. Cult of Ulric earns points through successful crusades and passively via High Priests of Ulric/Priests of Ulric/Cult of Ulric buildings. Cult of Sigmar earns points through sealing Books of Nagash, purging corruption, and passively via Arch-lectors/Warrior Priests/Cult of Sigmar buildings. Each tier would unlock:

- Tier I: +10 diplomatic relations with Empire factions, Control: +2 (all provinces), Leadership: +5 (all armies), and Speed: +2% (all armies). Beastmen, Chaos, and Norsca faction crusade targets (Cult of Ulric only). 

- Tier II: +20 diplomatic relations with Empire factions, Control: +3 (all provinces), Leadership: +6 (all armies), and Speed: +3% (all armies). Dark Elf, Greenskin, and Skaven faction crusade targets (Cult of Ulric only). 

- Tier III: +30 diplomatic relations with Empire factions, Control: +4 (all provinces), Leadership: +7 (all armies), and Speed: +4% (all armies). Chaos Dwarf, Vampire Count, and Vampire Coast faction crusade targets (Cult of Ulric only). 

- Tier IV: +50 diplomatic relations with Empire factions, Control: +5 (all provinces), Leadership: +8 (all armies), and Speed: +5% (all armies). Tomb Kings and Lizardmen faction crusade targets (Cult of Ulric only). 

- Tier V: +100 diplomatic relations with Empire factions, Control: +6 (all provinces), Leadership: +9 (all armies), and Speed: +6% (all armies). The winner now gains the ability to place elector counts when in control of the Empires territory as well as associated rewards for controlling that elector count slot. Dwarf, Wood Elf, and High Elf faction crusade targets (Cult of Ulric only). 

In addition, just like The Motherland mechanic the Cult of Ulric or Cult of Sigmar can spend devotion on invocations for temporary buffs. Invocations also act as a late game devotion dump. 

Faction 2:

- Faction name: Order of Reiksguard

- Faction leader: Kurt Helborg

- Faction Start Location (3 options): 

- Grey Rock Point in Titan Peaks province. Helborg has been tasked by Franz to free the slaves in Naggaroth. Option to abandon Naggaroth and return to Empire.

- Slaver's Point in the Broken Lands province. As above, but a harder start location. 

- Serpent Coast in the Kingdom of Beasts province. I say Serpent Coast, but ideally I'd like to see the borders redrawn to add Mangrove Port as a minor port settlement. Helborg has been tasked to protect the Mangrove Port. Option to abandon the Southlands and return to the Empire.

- Faction Mechanics:

- Path to Glory renamed Knightly Orders: Once an Empire General reaches level 4 they can devote themselves to a Knightly Order. They then transform into a Chapter Master and select 1 of the 4 major Empire knightly orders, IE: Reiksguard, White Wolves, Panther, or Blazing Suns. Empire Captains have the option to become an Inner Circle Preceptor for a chosen order. Instead of souls they earn prestige.

Chivalry: Very similar to how Bretonnia works, except instead of summoning the Green Knight you can temporarily summon Grand Master Rein Volkhard, Werner von Kriegstadt, or Siegfried Trappenfeld as powerful legendary heroes. You must have a Chapter Master from the relevant order to unlock each Grand Master summon. After getting to the final tier of Chivalry you can gain them as permanent legendary heroes. When you temporarily summon a Grant Master this can be done during the deployment phase at the cost of prestige, however, you cannot gain any experience on them until they become permanent legendary heroes.

- Rites: As a late game prestige dump. 

Faction 3: 

- Faction name: Bright Order

- Faction leader: Thyrus Gormann

- Faction Start Location (3 options): 

- Albion. This assumes there's a map expansion that widens many of the compressed areas. Such as the Western landmasses, Araby, and Albion. Thematically Thyrus lead an Imperial contingent to the island. 

- Ind. Similar to above except assuming these land masses are opened up to regular gameplay. Franz has sent Thyrus on a diplomatic mission to the lands of Ind, much like how Gelt has gone to Cathay. Franz wants him to seek out new allies, and see if there's any unknown magical techniques that could be applied to the Empires colleges of magic. For Thyrus it's a mission to increase his own power and potentially challenge Gelt for his position as Supreme Patriarch. 

- Khuresh. Having heard tales of the Snakemen and their foul blood magic Thyrus has been sent to investigate. As well as try to find a lost city that could house powerful artifacts. 

- Faction Mechanics:

- Athel Tamarha renamed Aqshy's Aegis: Razing settlements, indoctrinating or executing prisoners, promoting Bright Wizards, and completing quests provide a new currency called Red Winds. This is used to upgrade the Bright College and Nordwald Citadel.

Ice Court renamed Apprentices and Magisters: While you can still recruit wizards traditionally, this gives the option to spend Red Wind currency to instead recruit Bright Wizards with random unique traits. 

Updated 4 days ago.
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a month ago
Aug 9, 2024, 5:59:16 AM

Emil Lord Pack, yes.

Kurt Lord Pack, yes.

Then a "Summon the Elector Counts!" Character Pack with Boris, Marius, Valmir and Aldebrand.

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a month ago
Aug 9, 2024, 6:31:48 AM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

Emil Lord Pack, yes.

Kurt Lord Pack, yes.

Then a "Summon the Elector Counts!" Character Pack with Boris, Marius, Valmir and Aldebrand.

Pretty much these guys. Though it would be cool to see Thyrus Gorman eventually. Quite a few lores of magic, such as Fire, have no characters dedicated to them, while others (looking at you Shyish) seem to be dime-a-dozen.

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a month ago
Aug 9, 2024, 7:05:45 AM

WarbossAohd#6756 wrote:
I didn't see a Halfling Start here.

Because it'll be a unique minor faction like Savage Orc Tribes after DoW adds some Halfling units.

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a month ago
Aug 9, 2024, 7:10:48 AM

WarbossAohd#6756 wrote:

I didn't see a Halfling Start here.

I’m not done yet. :)

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a month ago
Aug 9, 2024, 7:17:23 AM

Kurt, Toddy and Emil, done.

With 8 LLs the Empire is done, then it's time to move on to other Races.

The Empire is just 1 Race among many, there a better things to spend time and resources than in giving a Race 10+ LLs for no good reason.

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a month ago
Aug 9, 2024, 7:24:51 AM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

Emil Lord Pack, yes.

Kurt Lord Pack, yes.

Then a "Summon the Elector Counts!" Character Pack with Boris, Marius, Valmir and Aldebrand.


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a month ago
Aug 9, 2024, 7:55:38 AM

All Empire LL's need a way that they can be confederated like the Beastmen and Dwarfs.

1. Summon the Elector Counts! DLC Character pack. (Boris as TW access)


Aldebrand Ludenhof: Hochland 

I've said it for years. CA like to reuse animations like Fay Enchantress and Spellsingers, so they could do so with Aldebrand Ludenhof and Araloth both with hawks.

Kurfürst_03_(6.Edition).jpgValmir von Raukov: Ostland

I've so badly wanted Valmir von Raukov with access to a Griffon so he could snipe from above with his Dragon Bow. He would also have a great start for a Co-op campaign with Kislev.


Marius Leitdorf: Averland

Marius Leitdorf with a pre battle random effect and some form of madness mechanic.


Graf Boris Todbringer: Middenland 

Graf Boris Todbringer must be changed back to his grey moustache giving him a more veteran look. I hate that they changed him in SoC. Give him a unique Shield and white horse.

2. The Cult of Ulric DLC:


Emil Valgeir the Ar-Ulric: the Cult of Ulric

Coming with Teutogen Guard, Knights of the White Wolf, Knights Panther, Warrior Priest of Ulric, Wolf-Kin and Hunting dogs Celestial Hurricanum to finally add it.

3. Emperors Men DLC:

Kurt-Helborg-Warhammer-Fantasy.jpgReiksmarshal Kurt Helborg LL added for Reikland and available from Castle Reikguard. Personally I'd be happy for a start position like this to accompany Karl Franz and make room for other LL's but make sure we get him.

gw-99810202002-1.jpgLudwig Schwarzhelm LH added to Reikland and available from Imperial Palace (Altdorf) or level unlock.

I would be happy for all LL's listed to start in the Empire. No I don't care if it's considered crowded. Maybe the Empire Factions will survive longer.

I want them all.

I also want auxiliary units available from:

Sisters of Sigmar from Mordheim.

Halflings from the Moot.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Aug 9, 2024, 8:55:05 AM

Just a reminder that the Empire is the only base game race (bar those of WH3 who have yet to get their content) to have never received a FLC Legendary Lord.

You can thank Isabella for that (and yes, I'm still salty about it).

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a month ago
Aug 9, 2024, 8:56:37 AM

I want:

- Emil Valgeir

- Kurt Helborg 

- Toddy

- Marius Leitdorf

- Aldebrand Ludenhof 

- Valmir von Raukov

Ideally the Empire would get a proper Middenland/Ulric DLC with Emil Valgeir plus Kurt Helborg as a proper FLC LL. And then an Elector Counts Character Pack adding the 3 Elector Counts that had unique models plus Toddy as a small FLC. 

For LHs I want:

- Valten

- Luthor Huss

- Schwarzhelm 

- Jubal Falk (pretty unlikely at this point sadly)

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a month ago
Aug 9, 2024, 11:54:01 AM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

I want:

- Emil Valgeir

- Kurt Helborg 

- Toddy

- Marius Leitdorf

- Aldebrand Ludenhof 

- Valmir von Raukov

Ideally the Empire would get a proper Middenland/Ulric DLC with Emil Valgeir plus Kurt Helborg as a proper FLC LL. And then an Elector Counts Character Pack adding the 3 Elector Counts that had unique models plus Toddy as a small FLC. 

For LHs I want:

- Valten

- Luthor Huss

- Schwarzhelm 

- Jubal Falk (pretty unlikely at this point sadly)


I'd like Bertha Bestraufrung as a LH from Mordheim with a Sisters of Sigmar auxiliary army pack too. When you build the Sigmar's Rock unique building in Mordheim you would gain access to them. (Just like gaining Halfling units in the Moot when you control it and build the Grand Cauldron unique building building hopefully).

Matriarch Lord 

Sister Superior Hero

Augur hero

Sisters of Sigmar (whip and buckler)

Sisters of Sigmar (dual weapons - flail)

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Aug 9, 2024, 1:10:58 PM

While I like the idea of the prominent elector counts having unique models and weapon choices, I don't think I'd want them as Legendary Lords, as they'd either have very similar Empire start positions, or overfill the world with Empire colonies. The Empire is one of (if not the) most important factions in the setting, perhaps alongside Vampires, Greenskins and Warriors of Chaos, and deserve 8+ lords, but I'd sooner see Valgeir and Helborg alongside Toddy as the one alternative elector to Karl Franz, I'm not sure I'd have any interest playing the rest. 

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a month ago
Aug 9, 2024, 1:28:06 PM

So good to see people want smaller characters with a nuance to their playstyles and equipment. I like the big monsters and units but it's also in the smaller details that this game gets so much theme and flavour. Take for instance Valmir von Raukov a character I want so badly. As a hybrid Lord on a Griffon he could act similar to a Glade Lord firing shots from above as he swoops around the battle lines.

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a month ago
Aug 9, 2024, 1:34:47 PM

eomat#7953 wrote:

So good to see people want smaller characters with a nuance to their playstyles and equipment. I like the big monsters and units but it's also in the smaller details that this game gets so much theme and flavour. Take for instance Valmir von Raukov a character I want so badly. As a hybrid Lord on a Griffon he could act similar to a Glade Lord firing shots from above as he swoops around the battle lines.

VrR could be something between a Huntsman General and a General, I do see the appeal and it should be easy to do. If CA do start to add unique lords without associated campaigns / quest battles /  start positions then I'd be fully on board.

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a month ago
Aug 9, 2024, 1:38:35 PM

Fossoway#5540 wrote:
Just a reminder that the Empire is the only base game race (bar those of WH3 who have yet to get their content) to have never received a FLC Legendary Lord.

They also got by far, the most flc generic characters, so it's not like they've gotten nothing.

mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:

With 8 LLs the Empire is done, then it's time to move on to other Races.

The Empire is just 1 Race among many, there a better things to spend time and resources than in giving a Race 10+ LLs for no good reason.

At the least, Empire shouldn't be getting more than 8 LLs until most other races get up to 6

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Aug 9, 2024, 1:42:40 PM

DrJammat#8325 wrote:

While I like the idea of the prominent elector counts having unique models and weapon choices, I don't think I'd want them as Legendary Lords, as they'd either have very similar Empire start positions, or overfill the world with Empire colonies. The Empire is one of (if not the) most important factions in the setting, perhaps alongside Vampires, Greenskins and Warriors of Chaos, and deserve 8+ lords, but I'd sooner see Valgeir and Helborg alongside Toddy as the one alternative elector to Karl Franz, I'm not sure I'd have any interest playing the rest. 

I think that it is more about some nuanced flavour creating themed armies and the Empire holding out against all the enemies against it. Also playing as Karl Franz I'd love to collect Elector Counts and build diverse armies with different make ups.

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a month ago
Aug 9, 2024, 1:49:24 PM

Fossoway#5540 wrote:
You can thank Isabella for that (and yes, I'm still salty about it).

Isabella? You should rather thank all those FLC Wizards the Empire got.

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a month ago
Aug 9, 2024, 2:16:35 PM

SerPus#7395 wrote:

Fossoway#5540 wrote:
You can thank Isabella for that (and yes, I'm still salty about it).

Isabella? You should rather thank all those FLC Wizards the Empire got.

If anything, Toddy came too soon. Had Call of the Beastmen come later in the game, I'm sure Toddy would have been playable. 

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a month ago
Aug 9, 2024, 2:19:03 PM

DrJammat#8325 wrote:

While I like the idea of the prominent elector counts having unique models and weapon choices, I don't think I'd want them as Legendary Lords, as they'd either have very similar Empire start positions, or overfill the world with Empire colonies. The Empire is one of (if not the) most important factions in the setting, perhaps alongside Vampires, Greenskins and Warriors of Chaos, and deserve 8+ lords, but I'd sooner see Valgeir and Helborg alongside Toddy as the one alternative elector to Karl Franz, I'm not sure I'd have any interest playing the rest. 

They would work like minor factions from Pharao which are awesome. Being able to play as Ostland would be super fun just like playing Elspeth in Nuln is super fun. Start positions being close to each other is a non factor and not a problem. 

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