Norsca DLC composition wishlist

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3 months ago
Jul 5, 2024, 11:37:24 PM
This is an wishlist/idea for a Norsca dlc, based on their content released over the years I have been looking into, trying to stay on their faction identity while covering some of their weakness and expanding on their theme with cool stuff, hope if anything is a decent read:

Norsca DLC

Sayl the Faithless sorcerer lord, lore of Heavens and Shadow,

Nightmaw: chaos spawn summon

 Schalkain's Teeth: item reduces change of mistcast and gives 10% ward save

 Viperous Staff: activate to get poison attacks and MA buff

 Mounts: horse, chariot, mammoth warshrine


  • Beorg Bearstruck melee lord shielded
Bearstruck: transforms into bearkin form

he Bear-Fang Talisman: ward save on activation and AoE ld T

he Bear Banner: Area MA buff passive 



 Generic Lord:

  • Great Shaman, lore of fire, metal, death, shadows, beasts and heavens options
Mounts: horse, chariot, mammoth warshrine


  • Tuula Bloodhair, Norscan priestess of Khorne
Great gate of Khorne (Bloodthirster summon)or if its too much even for a LH just gate of khorne (bloodletter summon
Some MA and WS buff 

Mounts: horse, chariot, Khorne warshrine



-Norscan Beastmaster anti large, 

Skill: Stops rampage skill and adds ld (same as cold blooded but only on beasts)

 Aura ld buff passive

 Mounts: horse, chariot, mammoth

 Big Centerpiece unit 

-Curs'd Ettin, huge humanoid, ap, poison, terror, reduced ld aura, bound spells: Pann´s impenetrate pelt, Soulblight, 2 charges each

Legends claim that they are the remnants of Norse warriors ruled by the Warlord-King Jorundar who when their fellows went to war against the southern people, choose to raid the lands of their neighbours. The Dark Gods cursed them and now they roam, twisted and full of hatred. They often have a second head and only one, but hugely muscled functional arm. Each head has a distinct personality which wars with the other for control. 


4 units:  

-Bearmen of Urslo: fast (46) shielded mid tier infantry, fear, frenzy, rage. mobile infantry to attack side/backlines

-Hunters (slingers: rage, vanguard deployment. fire while moving 360°, cheap mobile short ranged infantry

-Norscan Bolt thrower: rage, light artilley piece, similar to the old dwarf bolt thrower for 550 gold, to chip away flyers and other big monsters

-Bonsmen Archers, basic archers, rage



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3 months ago
Jul 6, 2024, 12:17:43 AM

While some things like Sayl and the Ettin are okay, others are just bizarre, Norscans don't use war machines like Bolt Throwers, you are confusing them with the Norse Dwarfs.

This is a for more reasonable list


- Sayl DLC LL

- Beorg FLC LL

- Shaman Sorcerer Lord

- Nigthmaw LH

- Huscarl Hero


- Cursed Ettin

- Fimir Fianna Fimm

- Bearmen (Bearmen of Urslo as RoR)

- Skeggi Cold One Riders

- Valkyries 

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3 months ago
Jul 6, 2024, 12:23:22 AM

Norsca Pack

LL: Sayl the Faithless

LH: Beorg Bearstruck
L: Fimir Matriarch
H: Dark Emissary(Shaman-Sorcerers become Lords)
Hung Archers
Hung Horse Archers
Chaos Ogres
Chaos Fenbeast
Curs’d Ettin

Norsca Race is renamed to Northmen.
Marauders, Marauder Beserkers, Marauder Champions and Marauder Champions become Norse Marauders, Norse Berserkers, Norse Champions and Norse Hunters.
Marauder Horsemen, Marauder Horsemasters and Marauder Chariots become Kurgan Horsemen, Kurgan Horsemasters and Kurgan Chariots.

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3 months ago
Jul 6, 2024, 12:26:51 AM
I do think I'd rather Beorg as a LL rather than a LH since Norsca does have more than one LH potential. Along with the a FMIR lord option.
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3 months ago
Jul 6, 2024, 12:51:49 AM

Michaelum#6984 wrote:

mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:

While some things like Sayl and the Ettin are okay, others are just bizarre, Norscans don't use war machines like Bolt Throwers, you are confusing them with the Norse Dwarfs.

This is a for more reasonable list


- Sayl DLC LL

- Beorg FLC LL

- Shaman Sorcerer Lord

- Nigthmaw LH

- Huscarl Hero


- Cursed Ettin

- Fimir Fianna Fimm

- Bearmen (Bearmen of Urslo as RoR)

- Skeggi Cold One Riders

- Valkyries 

 They did have a bolt thrower in one of the old books, the source is Ravening Hordes (2nd Edition), even greenskins have 2 ranged war machines

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3 months ago
Jul 6, 2024, 12:57:17 AM

Michaelum#6984 wrote:

Michaelum#6984 wrote:

mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:

While some things like Sayl and the Ettin are okay, others are just bizarre, Norscans don't use war machines like Bolt Throwers, you are confusing them with the Norse Dwarfs.

This is a for more reasonable list


- Sayl DLC LL

- Beorg FLC LL

- Shaman Sorcerer Lord

- Nigthmaw LH

- Huscarl Hero


- Cursed Ettin

- Fimir Fianna Fimm

- Bearmen (Bearmen of Urslo as RoR)

- Skeggi Cold One Riders

- Valkyries 

 They did have a bolt thrower in one of the old books, the source is Ravening Hordes (2nd Edition), even greenskins have 2 ranged war machines

Dude, 2nd freaking edition, nothing from that edition is valid, that is ancient stuff that was retconned ages ago.

CA only goes back to 4th at max.

And what about GS having various artillery pieces? We are expecting 2 more with the next DLC, this isn't a competition about who has more, some races have X thing some don't.

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jul 6, 2024, 1:08:41 AM
Solid list!

I don't know if we will get Beorg as a Legendary Lord, but it is an interesting pick for one. Could specialize in Skinwolves.Bearmen of Urslo, I would expect as an RoR probably shared with the Dogs of War. Bolt Thrower is an interesting choice. It is from a really old edition which makes it a little doubtful, but it could add some nice variety to the roster.
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3 months ago
Jul 6, 2024, 1:16:49 AM

Michaelum#6984 wrote:

4 units:  

-Bearmen of Urslo: fast (46) shielded mid tier infantry, fear, frenzy, rage. mobile infantry to attack side/backlines

-Hunters (slingers: rage, vanguard deployment. fire while moving 360°, cheap mobile short ranged infantry

-Norscan Bolt thrower: rage, light artilley piece, similar to the old dwarf bolt thrower for 550 gold, to chip away flyers and other big monsters

-Bonsmen Archers, basic archers, rage

These look boring.

My list would look something like:

DLC LL: Sayl the Faithless

FLC LL: Crom the Conqueror

LH: Beorg Bearstruck

Lord: Shaman Lord

Hero: Dolgan Khan. They were mentioned in the Throne of Chaos book as part of Sayl's army, could be melee/ranged hybrid cavalry-focused hero. Alternatively they could be lords, either leaving Norsca without a caster lord or making Shaman Lord FLC.

image loaded from url

Alternative or FLC Hero: Dark Emissary. Norsca already has a dedicated caster hero, but these guys are too cool to leave out of the game

image loaded from url


Curs'd Ettin


image loaded from url


image loaded from urlThe last two aren't so obvious, so let's say Basilisk from Monstrous Arcanum(don't really like that option, but there isn't anything good left) and maybe Darksouls from Mordheim

image loaded from urlBut these kinda step on toes of Berserkers and Flayerkin.

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3 months ago
Jul 6, 2024, 1:32:05 AM

Of the these two Legendary Lords I'd definitely favor Bearstruck for the Flavor. Sayl i feel would be better for Warriors of Chaos honestly, if anything I'd like Norsca's rework to make them more distinctly Norscan versus just generic Northmen attire, also Sayl in Warriors give them access to a Mammoth, which... they probably should have?

Also High Shaman should get a Chaos Frost Dragon mount too.

I'd also be in favor of more Fimir representation, like a melee hero or more infantry units.

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3 months ago
Jul 6, 2024, 2:17:48 AM

Just go all out and have a 4 LL pack bringing in everything. Sayl the Faithless, Crom the Conqueror, Beorg Bearstruck and Mona Mimn. Several new generic lord and hero options, some new infantry and cavalry units, expanding on the fimir and a few nice centerpiece monsters like the Fenbeast and Curs'd Ettin. It'd do great!

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3 months ago
Jul 6, 2024, 4:00:20 AM

What I'd like to see is

Lords and Units:

r/totalwar - King Adella of the Thousand MawsKing Adella of the Thousand Maws

Adella is an 8ft tall viking lady who rules Skeggi, which is probably the most notable Norscan hold outside of actual Norsca. She rules though subversion by keeping the other various Jarls pitted against each other so could have some type of Loyalty, Public Order, Ataman, or even Chieftain system, and as she doesn't really have any units tied to her that don't already exist in the roster (and Marauders on Cold Ones should be a regional unit at best and not a regular unit) would be a perfect FLC level character

r/totalwar - High Jarl Egil StyrbjornHigh Jarl Egil Styrbjorn

Berserker lord, leader of the Skaeling tribe with a focus on sea raiding. Probably the best representation of a "Norscan" as he raids around with his fleet. Has two swordmaiden daughters which could give Norsca a Shieldmaiden/Valkyrie type hero, a Reaver Captain (berserker) lord, Reavers (Higher tier berserkers) Giant Chaos Wolf (Large SEM fenrir themed wolf), Chaos Scavengers (Chaos Ravens) and a few other more "norse" themed units to flesh out the Norscan part of Norsca

r/totalwar - Sayl the FaithlessSayl the Faithless

Caster lord, leader of the Dolgan, a Kurgan tribe which could help flesh out that subgroup as well. Most notable thing about him is his "faithless" title, as he pledges loyalty to a chaos god, gets what he wants, and then dips out to serve another. Having almost a reverse allegiance system where he tries to build up to get rewards and then changes is what I'd go with. Bring the Shaman Lord, some Elite Kurgan Horsemen for him, his "faithful" LH Nightmaw, and the Curs'd Ettin

r/totalwar - Mona MimnMona Mimn

Fimir Meargh, while her lore is a bit limited, she's been living in a swamp for years with her fenbeasts, souring over the Fimirs current state. A campaign around trying to rebuild a tribe, and then the Fimir's favor could be fresh. Give her a Fimir Warlord lord, Fimir Noble hero, Shearls (lower tier fimir warriors, could be similar to ogre bulls in number) Fenbeasts, and Mistweavers (Fimir that shroud friendly units in mist, giving them stalk similar to the Coatl)

r/totalwar - Beorg BearstruckBeorg Bearstruck

Beorg is a Skinbear, a very rare type of shifter that allows him to turn into a werebear instead of a werewolf. Rumored to have lineage with Ursun, though if that's true or not is never confirmed. Could be a good LL or LH, as he was a unit captain for DoW, and led a unit of marauders with bear mutations, but him being the only full on shifter in his tribe makes the addition of Skinbears as a unit questionable. My take is if they add Skinbears as a unit, he should be a LL, if not, a LH. Could potentially have a Skin Wolf Alpha lord brought with him as well, though that would bring Norsca up to 5 generic lords (Which I'm fine with, but CA might not be)

Changes to Norsca:

Wulfrik- Remove mounts, improve dueling capacity similar to Grimgor. Make Seafang drop off a unit of marauders (or berserkers) as well to counter losing the mounts. Give Wulfrik a map wide debuff to enemy lords or heroes from his Gift of Tongues ability when they aren't engaged with him, or give him the ability to rampage enemy characters. Campaign should be about teleporting around the map fighting his "challengers"

Throgg- To put it bluntly, Throggs model and voice both miss the mark, and while I would want it fixed, if it comes at the cost of any of the other characters or units I put getting added, I'd rather just deal with it. Either his landmark, or some type of mechanic to get more troll units, and maybe Snow Trolls could eventually come, but I'm not sure how much non-chaos trolls would offer over Ice Trolls.

Chaos Chariot Mounts- I think the Norscan characters that have a Chaos Chariot Mount should instead have a Ice Wolf Chariot to make them a bit more unique from WoC.

Marauders- The WoC Marauder model that is used for Marauders, Marauders with Greatweapons, Marauders with Spears, Marauder Hunters, Marauder Hunters with Javelins, Marauder Chieftains, Marauder Chariots, Marauder Horsemen, Marauder Horsemen with throwing axes, and Marauder Horsemasters should be reskinned to look more "Norscan" instead of being a 1:1 copy of the WoC models. They are simply used too many times in the roster to all be copy/pastes.

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3 months ago
Jul 6, 2024, 2:03:26 PM

SaintCorn#3148 wrote:
Solid list!
I don't know if we will get Beorg as a Legendary Lord, but it is an interesting pick for one. Could specialize in Skinwolves.Bearmen of Urslo, I would expect as an RoR probably shared with the Dogs of War. Bolt Thrower is an interesting choice. It is from a really old edition which makes it a little doubtful, but it could add some nice variety to the roster.

 That was also my hoping as well with this, campaign wise. Beorg could buff bearmen, skinwolves and wolves/dogs in campaign, Sayl mages and fimir as the more mystical side, Wulfrick as is, with marauders and mammoths and Throgg trolls (hoping he gets stone, river trolls and hag) and other big humanoids like Cursd Ettin and gigant.


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3 months ago
Jul 6, 2024, 5:20:33 PM

My personal wishlist for the Norscan side of the future lord pack:

LL: Egil Styrbjorn or Sayl the Faithless

LH:Beorg Bearstruck

L: Fimir Matriarch (Meargh)

Lord variant of the Fimir balefiend caster hero. Buffs Fimir and potentially has a Daemon summon to reflect their expertise in Daemonology.

H: Huscarl, Fimir noble, or Dark emissary

Huscarl would be a typical small sized chaos melee hero version of the Chieftain. They'd also function as bodyguards for characters as they would have the guardian trait.

Fimir noble would be a large sized melee Fimir hero. Functions as an anti infantry and AP alternative to the AL Skinwolf Werekin. Also buffs Fimir near it.

Dark emissary would be a spellcaster hero with potentially an unique magic lore ( lore of Darkness) and a Fenbeast monster summon.

1. Flayerkin. 

Loose formation expendable infantry with AP damage, maybe vanguard deployment, and potentially the ability to climb castle walls without needing ladders (dependent on the siege rework).

2. Bearmen of Urso. 

A more defensive alternative for the Norscan Berserkers.  Axe infantry with a bronze shield, some armor, frenzy, cause fear, and a decent charge bonus.

3. Fimir Shearls.

A tier 2 version of Fimir warriors. A moderate anti infantry bonus, No armor (besides what their tough hide provides), expendable, and a mediocre leadership when not near Fimir warriors, Balefiend heroes, or Matriarch lords. 

4.Curs'd Rune-Caller Ettin

Large single entity monster with some bound spells from lores of death and shadow. Causes terror. Possibly might get an anti large bonus as that is an unexplored niche amongst Norscan SEMs.

5. Skeggi Cold One Riders

Monstrous hybrid cavalry with melee AP, bronze shield, a ranged javelin attack, and Primal instincts.

Potential FLC additions:

Lore of mists/swamps/bogs for Fimir casters. A debuff oriented lore with limited direct attack potential. Alternatively giving them them access to lore of hags might work as a substitute if CA doesn't want to create a new lore.

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3 months ago
Jul 6, 2024, 5:42:23 PM

Michaelum#6984 wrote:

SaintCorn#3148 wrote:
Solid list!
I don't know if we will get Beorg as a Legendary Lord, but it is an interesting pick for one. Could specialize in Skinwolves.Bearmen of Urslo, I would expect as an RoR probably shared with the Dogs of War. Bolt Thrower is an interesting choice. It is from a really old edition which makes it a little doubtful, but it could add some nice variety to the roster.

 That was also my hoping as well with this, campaign wise. Beorg could buff bearmen, skinwolves and wolves/dogs in campaign, Sayl mages and fimir as the more mystical side, Wulfrick as is, with marauders and mammoths and Throgg trolls (hoping he gets stone, river trolls and hag) and other big humanoids like Cursd Ettin and gigant.


That would be a solid selection of lords with separate specialties and unique campaigns which would be a good reason to replay Norsca a couple of times. 


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3 months ago
Jul 7, 2024, 3:33:13 PM

Sayl feels like the most obvious lord addition. Given that the roster already has fimir that feel like more of a Albion than Norscan affiliated units it would make a lot of sense to me to have the ettin as basically their equivalent to big daemon unit with bound spells, fenbeasts as something that functions similarly to chaos spawn and Dark Emissaries as generic caster lords. I think the roster could use some anti-air tools too given how much game 3 has added flying units and how much trouble they have dealing with them. But it would probably have to be either some kind of kurgan horse archer unit or frosty carrion reskin.

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3 months ago
Jul 8, 2024, 11:33:12 AM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:
I want Nightmaw as a proper LH for Sayl similar to KAyzk for Tamurkhan. Not a fan of summons (poor Krell). 

The most logical way to represent Nightmaw would be the same way Gobbla is for Skarsnik.

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3 months ago
Jul 8, 2024, 12:40:32 PM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:
I want Nightmaw as a proper LH for Sayl similar to KAyzk for Tamurkhan. Not a fan of summons (poor Krell). 

The most logical way to represent Nightmaw would be the same way Gobbla is for Skarsnik.

Doesn't make sense at all. They were 2 seperate entities in the TT with their own stats. The Skarnsik approach really only works for him and him alone. In the lore Nightmaw also operated on its own and Sayl often had to call it back and stuff. He is also the only realistic LH choice for Norsca. 

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3 months ago
Jul 8, 2024, 1:37:54 PM

I've never really liked how Skarsnik and Gobbla were implemented as a single model. They look really janky when fighting as they're locked together, even when turning, and would have rather had them be a 2 unit lord where Skarsniks model couldn't die before the Gobbla model. That's how I'd do Sayl and Nightmaw if they have to both be together, as I do agree that at most he should work like Krell and shouldn't be roaming around without Sayl.

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:
He is also the only realistic LH choice for Norsca

Beorg I think is likely to be LH'd

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