My dream TK DLC

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3 months ago
Jul 4, 2024, 9:03:08 AM


- Sehenesmet DLC LL

- High Liche Priest


- Apophas LH

- Tomb Herald


- Bastethi

- Bone Thrower

- Khemric Titan

- Mummies

- Ancient Ushabti


- Tutankhanut FLC LL (with his Scythians)

- Bone Dragon Mount for High Liche Priests and Tomb Kings

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jul 4, 2024, 9:09:13 AM

I would swap out the Embalmed Ones (who are Vampire Counts units from Kemmler's Barrow Army) with either Dust Goblins or the Bone Dragon. But throw in a Scythan unit for Tutankhanut as well and you have yourself a deal.

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3 months ago
Jul 4, 2024, 9:33:50 AM

I think it's a good suggestion. While Id love apophas as a LL, he'd work perfectly as a hero, both mechanically and lorewise. 

The vizier also fits thematically with the missing constructs and priest Lord.

On that note I'd probably replace the 'embalmed ones' with Tomb swarm, as it features in his army of quatar list from white dwarf.

My only concern is that, being a construct focused character (very cool and missing niche), they might go with the necrotect LH and leave apophas out. That would make me sad.

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3 months ago
Jul 4, 2024, 9:35:09 AM

DavidTWWH#4143 wrote:

I think it's a good suggestion. While Id love apophas as a LL, he'd work perfectly as a hero, both mechanically and lorewise. 

The vizier also fits thematically with the missing constructs and priest Lord.

On that note I'd probably replace the 'embalmed ones' with Tomb swarm, as it features in his army of quatar list from white dwarf.

My only concern is that, being a construct focused character (very cool and missing niche), they might go with the necrotect LH and leave apophas out. That would make me sad.

Instead of Embalmed ones they could also go for a Melee Bone Giant. 

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3 months ago
Jul 4, 2024, 9:40:56 AM

DavidTWWH#4143 wrote:
On that note I'd probably replace the 'embalmed ones' with Tomb swarm, as it features in his army of quatar list from white dwarf.

Tomb Swarm is already in the game.

DavidTWWH#4143 wrote:
My only concern is that, being a construct focused character (very cool and missing niche), they might go with the necrotect LH and leave apophas out. That would make me sad.

Missed niche? Tomb Kings as a race are construct-focused. Every unit past t3 in their roster is a construct.

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3 months ago
Jul 4, 2024, 9:44:09 AM

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

I would swap out the Embalmed Ones (who are Vampire Counts units from Kemmler's Barrow Army) with either Dust Goblins or the Bone Dragon. But throw in a Scythan unit for Tutankhanut as well and you have yourself a deal.

"A mummy, also known as the "Preserved Dead," are intelligent Undead raised from the corpses of ancient Human warriors from Nehekhara and Araby whose corpses were wrapped in funeral linens and embalmed to prevent decay."

They are used by the TK well, just under another name, I went with Embalmed Ones because it's more unique than Mummies, but I'll change it now.

The Bone Dragon IMO should be a mount but not a SEM.

Tutankhanut would come with his Scythians as a unique mechanic like Arkhan and Drycha.

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3 months ago
Jul 4, 2024, 1:11:00 PM

Tomb Kings Pack

LL: Sehenesmet

LH: Apophas

L: Liche High Priest

L: Arch Necrotect


Bone Thrower

Bone Dragon

Khemric Titan

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jul 4, 2024, 1:43:37 PM

Mummies are what the Tomb Kings used to be before the Tomb Kings actually existed as a race and had defined lore. Tomb Guard are Mummies. The Tomb Princes and Tomb Kings are mummies. ”Embalmed Ones” are a defunct unit in the world and in the context of the wider race. 

I’d go for Tomb Guard/Royal chariots instead, which could be a lower model count elite chariot the Tomb Kings could leverage in the late game.

Sub in a Nekaph FLC for Settra and you’ve got a good package cooked up.

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jul 4, 2024, 2:37:19 PM

I can semi-agree with most of what you've posted. Passthechip is correct that Mummies are now technically Tomb Kings, Tomb Princes and Tomb Guard but the idea of an elite Aspiring Champion unit for the Tomb Kings is too good to pass up so I would still allow them in (they appear in Dark Omen too so a classic unit to use).

Tomb Kings:

King Amanhotep of Zandri (LL-Naval character)

Sehenesmet (LL-monstrous character as he interred himself into a Bone Giant)

Prince Tutankhamut (LL-character who has living people in his army who are the Scythans-really decent fighter and lore as well)

Prince Apophas (LL or LH)
The Herald Nekaph (LH)
Ramhotep the Visionary (LH)

Liche High Priest (Lord)Tomb Herald (Hero)

Tomb Swarms (considering Prince Apophas and that the Old World gave them new models, they would fit well)

Skeleton Skirmishers (from Old World-rules make these Skeleton Warriors with Skirmish and Vanguard)

Skeleton Heavy Horsemen (from 6th edition)

Bone Thrower (from Warmaster, Tomb King version of Bolt Thrower)

Mummies (should be an elite Aspiring Champion unit. Minor Nobles below Tomb Princes would be my lore)

Ushabti (two handed weapons)

Necrolith Colossus (all remaining variants which is basically Hand Weapon, Dual Weapons and Great Weapon)

Necrolith Bone Dragon (from Old World)
Khemric Titan
Hieroscorpion of Khemri (I think this is even bigger than the Khemric Titan, lore below and has artwork in 8th edition)

...However all these statues are said to be eclipsed by the size and majesty of the Hieroscorpion of Khemri, whose titanic form, as large as a burial pyramid, was forged from jet obsidian and blood-cooled bronze. The gargantuan creation prowls the deserts to this day, preying on any who dare to trespass into the Land of the Dead. - Tomb Kings 8th Edition, p.51

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jul 4, 2024, 2:57:50 PM

Passthechips#4366 wrote:

Mummies are what the Tomb Kings used to be before the Tomb Kings actually existed as a race and had defined lore. Tomb Guard are Mummies. The Tomb Princes and Tomb Kings are mummies. ”Embalmed Ones” are a defunct unit in the world and in the context of the wider race. 

I’d go for Tomb Guard/Royal chariots instead, which could be a lower model count elite chariot the Tomb Kings could leverage in the late game.

Sub in a Nekaph FLC for Settra and you’ve got a good package cooked up.


Tomb Kings, but more specifically Tomb Guards were originally supposed to be the actual "mummies". Back in 6th ed their design was very different, and vastly superior. They were essentially mummies, with a badass helm and weaponry and heavy embalment which gave them a physically stronger and more imposing silhouette.

Unfortunately, GW decided to completely redesign them in 8th. For some reason, they removed the whole mummufied part of the unit, and basically transformed them into more ornately equipped Skeleton Warriors. Their scrawny thin look paired with big golden helms on their head just looks awkward and very unthreatening.

I honestly wouldn't mind if CA "invented" a more elite version of a Tomb Guard unit with the original 6th ed look.

Either way, OPs DLC is good. Agree with most of it. I dont like the Bone Dragon Mount though. I dislike the unit as a whole, and find it terribly unoriginal in concept, and actually missplaced in the Tomb King faction. They could have come up with so made so many more interesting ideas in a faction based on Ancient Egypt that can magically build animated Constructs. A dead reanimated Dragon is just... whateves...

Here's my go at it:

LL: Sehenesmet

LH: Apophas

L: High Liche Priest

H: Tomb Herald

Ancient Ushabti (2handed cerimonial weapons)

Khemric Titan


Tomb Swarms (redesigned swarm unit)

And the 5th unit would be the Hieroscoprion of Khemri, huge OP unit, with a single unit cap like Queen Bess. Maybe recruitable after a set of objectives or similar.

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jul 4, 2024, 3:28:38 PM

John_Kimble#3765 wrote:

Passthechips#4366 wrote:

Mummies are what the Tomb Kings used to be before the Tomb Kings actually existed as a race and had defined lore. Tomb Guard are Mummies. The Tomb Princes and Tomb Kings are mummies. ”Embalmed Ones” are a defunct unit in the world and in the context of the wider race. 

I’d go for Tomb Guard/Royal chariots instead, which could be a lower model count elite chariot the Tomb Kings could leverage in the late game.

Sub in a Nekaph FLC for Settra and you’ve got a good package cooked up.


Tomb Kings, but more specifically Tomb Guards were originally supposed to be the actual "mummies". Back in 6th ed their design was very different, and vastly superior. They were essentially mummies, with a badass helm and weaponry and heavy embalment which gave them a physically stronger and more imposing silhouette.

Unfortunately, GW decided to completely redesign them in 8th. For some reason, they removed the whole mummufied part of the unit, and basically transformed them into more ornately equipped Skeleton Warriors. Their scrawny thin look paired with big golden helms on their head just looks awkward and very unthreatening.

I honestly wouldn't mind if CA "invented" a more elite version of a Tomb Guard unit with the original 6th ed look.

Either way, OPs DLC is good. Agree with most of it. I dont like the Bone Dragon Mount though. I dislike the unit as a whole, and find it terribly unoriginal in concept, and actually missplaced in the Tomb King faction. They could have come up with so made so many more interesting ideas in a faction based on Ancient Egypt that can magically build animated Constructs. A dead reanimated Dragon is just... whateves...

Here's my go at it:

LL: Sehenesmet

LH: Apophas

L: High Liche Priest

H: Tomb Herald

Ancient Ushabti (2handed cerimonial weapons)

Khemric Titan


Tomb Swarms (redesigned swarm unit)

And the 5th unit would be the Hieroscoprion of Khemri, huge OP unit, with a single unit cap like Queen Bess. Maybe recruitable after a set of objectives or similar.

it’s not so obvious from the photos, but in person the modern TG are also pretty heavily embalmed, though not quite as much as the old ones.

I think the change of helm was probably to give them a more distinct silhouette, the old one was essentially the same as the one skeletons had.

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3 months ago
Jul 4, 2024, 4:29:57 PM

Lord_Zarkov#7252 wrote:

John_Kimble#3765 wrote:

Passthechips#4366 wrote:

Mummies are what the Tomb Kings used to be before the Tomb Kings actually existed as a race and had defined lore. Tomb Guard are Mummies. The Tomb Princes and Tomb Kings are mummies. ”Embalmed Ones” are a defunct unit in the world and in the context of the wider race. 

I’d go for Tomb Guard/Royal chariots instead, which could be a lower model count elite chariot the Tomb Kings could leverage in the late game.

Sub in a Nekaph FLC for Settra and you’ve got a good package cooked up.


Tomb Kings, but more specifically Tomb Guards were originally supposed to be the actual "mummies". Back in 6th ed their design was very different, and vastly superior. They were essentially mummies, with a badass helm and weaponry and heavy embalment which gave them a physically stronger and more imposing silhouette.

Unfortunately, GW decided to completely redesign them in 8th. For some reason, they removed the whole mummufied part of the unit, and basically transformed them into more ornately equipped Skeleton Warriors. Their scrawny thin look paired with big golden helms on their head just looks awkward and very unthreatening.

I honestly wouldn't mind if CA "invented" a more elite version of a Tomb Guard unit with the original 6th ed look.

Either way, OPs DLC is good. Agree with most of it. I dont like the Bone Dragon Mount though. I dislike the unit as a whole, and find it terribly unoriginal in concept, and actually missplaced in the Tomb King faction. They could have come up with so made so many more interesting ideas in a faction based on Ancient Egypt that can magically build animated Constructs. A dead reanimated Dragon is just... whateves...

Here's my go at it:

LL: Sehenesmet

LH: Apophas

L: High Liche Priest

H: Tomb Herald

Ancient Ushabti (2handed cerimonial weapons)

Khemric Titan


Tomb Swarms (redesigned swarm unit)

And the 5th unit would be the Hieroscoprion of Khemri, huge OP unit, with a single unit cap like Queen Bess. Maybe recruitable after a set of objectives or similar.

it’s not so obvious from the photos, but in person the modern TG are also pretty heavily embalmed, though not quite as much as the old ones.

I think the change of helm was probably to give them a more distinct silhouette, the old one was essentially the same as the one skeletons had.

What do you mean in person? (genuine question). As in the TT model?

I own 6th ed Tomb Guard, since that's when i played them on TT. I do agree the 8th ed. minis still have some partial embalment but as you say, they have much less. 

I guess the issue is that CA dumbed down the amount even more, and the rendition we have in game is basically completely devoid and basically bare bones.

The most recent TOW artwork also goes in the same direction. They kind of shifted the design from an actual mummy to a reanimated skeleton of an unmummified royal guard (which kind of goes against their actual lore as, being of higher rank, they're supposed to have been quite properly mummified).

For me this is the OG and by far superior design.

This is CA's scrawny interpretation of the 8th ed. redesign.

This is the most recent TOW artwork that kind of follows the very same path.

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jul 4, 2024, 5:30:46 PM

John_Kimble#3765 wrote:

Lord_Zarkov#7252 wrote:

John_Kimble#3765 wrote:

Passthechips#4366 wrote:

Mummies are what the Tomb Kings used to be before the Tomb Kings actually existed as a race and had defined lore. Tomb Guard are Mummies. The Tomb Princes and Tomb Kings are mummies. ”Embalmed Ones” are a defunct unit in the world and in the context of the wider race. 

I’d go for Tomb Guard/Royal chariots instead, which could be a lower model count elite chariot the Tomb Kings could leverage in the late game.

Sub in a Nekaph FLC for Settra and you’ve got a good package cooked up.


Tomb Kings, but more specifically Tomb Guards were originally supposed to be the actual "mummies". Back in 6th ed their design was very different, and vastly superior. They were essentially mummies, with a badass helm and weaponry and heavy embalment which gave them a physically stronger and more imposing silhouette.

Unfortunately, GW decided to completely redesign them in 8th. For some reason, they removed the whole mummufied part of the unit, and basically transformed them into more ornately equipped Skeleton Warriors. Their scrawny thin look paired with big golden helms on their head just looks awkward and very unthreatening.

I honestly wouldn't mind if CA "invented" a more elite version of a Tomb Guard unit with the original 6th ed look.

Either way, OPs DLC is good. Agree with most of it. I dont like the Bone Dragon Mount though. I dislike the unit as a whole, and find it terribly unoriginal in concept, and actually missplaced in the Tomb King faction. They could have come up with so made so many more interesting ideas in a faction based on Ancient Egypt that can magically build animated Constructs. A dead reanimated Dragon is just... whateves...

Here's my go at it:

LL: Sehenesmet

LH: Apophas

L: High Liche Priest

H: Tomb Herald

Ancient Ushabti (2handed cerimonial weapons)

Khemric Titan


Tomb Swarms (redesigned swarm unit)

And the 5th unit would be the Hieroscoprion of Khemri, huge OP unit, with a single unit cap like Queen Bess. Maybe recruitable after a set of objectives or similar.

it’s not so obvious from the photos, but in person the modern TG are also pretty heavily embalmed, though not quite as much as the old ones.

I think the change of helm was probably to give them a more distinct silhouette, the old one was essentially the same as the one skeletons had.

What do you mean in person? (genuine question). As in the TT model?

I own 6th ed Tomb Guard, since that's when i played them on TT. I do agree the 8th ed. minis still have some partial embalment but as you say, they have much less. 

I guess the issue is that CA dumbed down the amount even more, and the rendition we have in game is basically completely devoid and basically bare bones.

The most recent TOW artwork also goes in the same direction. They kind of shifted the design from an actual mummy to a reanimated skeleton of an unmummified royal guard (which kind of goes against their actual lore as, being of higher rank, they're supposed to have been quite properly mummified).

For me this is the OG and by far superior design.

This is CA's scrawny interpretation of the 8th ed. redesign.

This is the most recent TOW artwork that kind of follows the very same path.

On TT models yes, I also own some of both.

But yes that new ToW artwork is even less embalmed. I suspect it’s artwork based on the models done by someone who doesn’t have that in depth understanding of the lore.

Though tbh the Kings/Princes models aren’t especially well embalmed either

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3 months ago
Jul 4, 2024, 8:12:15 PM

Passthechips#4366 wrote:
Mummies are what the Tomb Kings used to be before the Tomb Kings actually existed as a race and had defined lore. Tomb Guard are Mummies. The Tomb Princes and Tomb Kings are mummies.

No unit in the current TK roster is even remotely like the 4E Mummies unit.  One of the most damage spongey units in the game.  With more Toughness than even Ogres, and tons of Wounds per model.

Tomb Guard aren't even close to comparable.  Tomb Guard are just Wights with crappier armor.

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jul 5, 2024, 7:27:06 AM

Wasn't a giant scarab a thing or was that fan made? Would prefer that to a bone dragon, just wouldn't feel right in my opinion.

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3 months ago
Jul 5, 2024, 7:29:47 AM

Biggles#4266 wrote:

Wasn't a giant scarab a thing or was that fan made? Would prefer that to a bone dragon, just wouldn't feel right in my opinion.

That would be the Khemric Titan. 

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3 months ago
Jul 5, 2024, 7:36:59 AM

Biggles#4266 wrote:
Wasn't a giant scarab a thing or was that fan made?

The Khemric Titan is a monster right out of the Monstrous Arcanum.  It's just its model that's fan made, because it never got an official one.

Updated 3 months ago.
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