Bring Based Sehenesmet. The Chad Vizier of Quatar into TWW3.

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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 6:22:40 PM

Who is Sehenesmet? I tell you who.

A Tomb King character that appeared in the 6th Edition of Warhammer Fantasy Battles via a supplement to Warhammer Chronicles from 2004 (not in the very book, that's the various Tomb Giant variants that appeared there) that was available from GW's Australian site (luckily someone managed to save him). He was also mentioned in the 6th Tomb Kings army book (tried to look up 8th ED Rulebook, but there was nothing on him).

Before Nagash wiped out life in all of Nehekhara, the city state of Quatar was the center of worship of the gods. It was also the place known for having the Priesthood rule it instead of a Nehekharan royal like it's usual here. Instead it was the Viziers who were the head of the Quataran Priesthood who managed the place. There lived Sehenesmet. Last and greatest in a line of Viziers. When Nagash's spell hit the city, everyone died horribly except for Sehenesmet who managed to survive the genocidal spell. Quatar, now instead of being called The White City is called the Palace of Corpses, had to be rebuild for millennia by the Vizier and his army of constructs (and the few soldiers to his disposition since unlike your usual TKs, the Priesthood didn't get to be entombed with whole armies). Over the years he perfected his already great skills in magic and artifice. He was THE original Hierotitan before 8th ED came, for he entombed himself for all eternity inside a Bone Giant, making him a force of nature on the battlefield since he combines the powers of a High Liche Priest with the toughness and strength of a Bone Giant. All while commanding his army of powerful constructs.

The Charnel Valley and the monolithic statues there that guard the place? His work that are whispered around all of Araby. He also can awaken the Stone Guardian of Quatar (which from descriptions sounds like a ginormous stone griffon or something of a stone version of a proto-Celestial Lion, but not!Egyptian).

I mean who wants Ramhotep as a LL if you have an actual LL material here? Not only does Sehenesmet predate Ramhotep, he's far more unique than him and hits multiple checklists to add in both the High Liche Priests as well as constructs to the Tomb Kings like Ushabti with Great Weapons or the Khemric Titan (and with his skills, he totally can and will have at least one or two of those).

Ramhotep and Apophas are better as LHs. Sehenesmet may never had any official models (only kitbashes), but he did have the aforementioned rules. I mean, if they can add in monstrous LLs like Kholek, Throgg and Taurox...even unconventional ginormous LHs like Saytang for Cathay that came with the update to Shadows of Change, then why not make another one in the form of a High Liche Priest inside a Bone Giant?

image loaded from url

PS: To anyone from CA, please choose him for the Tomb Kings. And to everyone here on the forum, show CA you want this guy.

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 6:29:10 PM

YO! You were the guy that left a comment on GBoG's TK video last night weren't ya? I was the guy that responded lol.

Obviously agree with this whole heartedly. Give me the actual ruler of a Tomb city who is also a wizard and meled with a giant stone Gundam suit! Ramhotep specifically never took credit for anything so he could keep working, so he sounds like perfect LH material.

The only bit I don't agree on is Apophas being LH as well, but that's mostly because he's my favorite character and I would be let donlwn if I couldn't play a campaign centered around him.

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 6:53:58 PM

Rhemhotep seems the more likely Necrotect because he's an armybook character.

But Sehenesmet is way cooler because of his mount.

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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 7:15:24 PM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:
Nah Apophas as LL and Nekhap a LH is the only option. 

Yeah, the non-verbal ghost that roams the desert alone as a LL...brilliant...

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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 7:33:09 PM

Sehenesmet probably fits the most as the coolest remaining Tomb King character that also still makes sense being an LL. Then again, that last part isn’t the most relevant considering CA toyed with the idea of making Apophas an LL (imo he should be an LH).

Though with all the remaining TK characters, I don’t think you can go wrong with most choices for the next LL. The only somewhat dull option would be Tutankhanut.

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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 7:42:24 PM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:
Nah Apophas as LL and Nekhap a LH is the only option. 

Yeah, the non-verbal ghost that roams the desert alone as a LL...brilliant...

The only 8th Ed character left. Same boat as Gorbad. 

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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 7:42:27 PM

Wyvax#7456 wrote:

YO! You were the guy that left a comment on GBoG's TK video last night weren't ya? I was the guy that responded lol.

Obviously agree with this whole heartedly. Give me the actual ruler of a Tomb city who is also a wizard and meled with a giant stone Gundam suit! Ramhotep specifically never took credit for anything so he could keep working, so he sounds like perfect LH material.

The only bit I don't agree on is Apophas being LH as well, but that's mostly because he's my favorite character and I would be let donlwn if I couldn't play a campaign centered around him.

AGHAST! My disguise was reduced to shreds! This is the last time I buy anything from the Changeling.

Yeah. Sehenesmet is a very fun character with an unusual theme for a Tomb Kings that works damn well. He is the OG Hierotitan and a lord choice too. He'd be very fun to play as with a construct-heavy army.

In case of Apophas, you'd have to brainstorm hard in order to make him work as a LL. I mean, the people had him so damn enough they rioted against him and resulted in the state he is now. Wouldn't be however a stretch if he collected souls over the years in order to raise his own faction designed to hunt down the one and only soul that would free him from his servitude to Usirian.

But in all honesty he should be a hero with very high assassination skills and powerful character-hunting capabilities. That's my personal thoughts since we already got a number of heroes that became lords (Markus I could justify with also CA making Huntsmen Generals, but they made Sniktch a LL because the actual leader of Clan Eshin had never a model, rules nor even art depicting him and they needed the Eshin representation for The Shadow and The Blade) and lords becoming heroes (Kroak and Alarielle).

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

Rhemhotep seems the more likely Necrotect because he's an armybook character.

But Sehenesmet is way cooler because of his mount.

Ramhotep is more like a Necrotect on steroids. Would be cool to have him as a LH that would work well with Sehenesmet.

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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 7:42:43 PM

Nehekhara (and Araby) really need a reshuffling of it's provinces, settlements and borders. It's one of the few places worse in IE than in ME or Vortex (western Naggaroth being the other.) There is room for a couple more settlements and the provinces could easily be retooled from 4 to 6. Ash River just east of the Land of the Dead, the Charnel Valley in-between it and the Devil's Backbone, and the latter gaining a settlement from Crater of the Walking Dead.

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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 7:43:25 PM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:
Nah Apophas as LL and Nekhap a LH is the only option. 

Yeah, the non-verbal ghost that roams the desert alone as a LL...brilliant...

The only 8th Ed character left. Same boat as Gorbad. 

Dude. CA didn't bat an eye when they added Ghoritch into game 2. So Sehenesmet has a large chance here.

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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 7:46:37 PM

Passthechips#4366 wrote:

Sehenesmet probably fits the most as the coolest remaining Tomb King character that also still makes sense being an LL. Then again, that last part isn’t the most relevant considering CA toyed with the idea of making Apophas an LL (imo he should be an LH).

Though with all the remaining TK characters, I don’t think you can go wrong with most choices for the next LL. The only somewhat dull option would be Tutankhanut.

If Tuthankhanut would be a LL, then they should start slowly adding Arabyans into the game to represent Scythans for the Tomb Prince ruler of Numas to have a mixed undead/living roster like in lore. And it would be really fun to have an army with a tad more staying power and which only half of it crumbles if anything happens to the general...

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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 7:49:21 PM

Wyvax#7456 wrote:

Nehekhara (and Araby) really need a reshuffling of it's provinces, settlements and borders. It's one of the few places worse in IE than in ME or Vortex (western Naggaroth being the other.) There is room for a couple more settlements and the provinces could easily be retooled from 4 to 6. Ash River just east of the Land of the Dead, the Charnel Valley in-between it and the Devil's Backbone, and the latter gaining a settlement from Crater of the Walking Dead.

Yeah. And I'd also like to see the Khemri province expanded a bit in order to give Settra a tad more staying power.

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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 7:52:07 PM

Ben1990#8909 wrote:
If Tuthankhanut would be a LL, then they should start slowly adding Arabyans into the game to represent Scythans for the Tomb Prince ruler of Numas to have a mixed undead/living roster like in lore. And it would be really fun to have an army with a tad more staying power and which only half of it crumbles if anything happens to the general...

Eh, they would at most get access to some light cavalry and some slightly better basic troops, but not necessarily better than Nehekhara Warriors/Horsemen. 

It would be an even less interesting or noteworthy feature than the Sylvanian Levy which the whole VCount race has access to. Hardly something worth devoting a DLC LL too. That and the Numas area is already crowded. I don’t view his inclusion as very likely or ideal. Maybe after literally every other character.

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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 7:56:36 PM

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

The only 8th Ed character left. Same boat as Gorbad. 

Who also just happens to have rules that not only prevents him from leading armies, but even from joining other units in battle. He is not another Gorbad, he is another Aekold. LH, through and through. Its between Ramhotep, and Sehenesmet (and Tutankhanut for FLC) for the LL spot.

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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 8:03:40 PM

Sehenesmet is the flashy one, Ramhotep is the 8th edition choice. Tough choice.

I will support whoever leaves room for Tutankhanut (who would ride a chariot drawn by living horses) and a unit of Scythans for the FLC. Don't need a roster, just a unit. Make them cheap anti-large spear/lancer cav, giving TKs an early AL cav option.

I can mod in a proper army later...

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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 8:20:18 PM

Passthechips#4366 wrote:

Ben1990#8909 wrote:
If Tuthankhanut would be a LL, then they should start slowly adding Arabyans into the game to represent Scythans for the Tomb Prince ruler of Numas to have a mixed undead/living roster like in lore. And it would be really fun to have an army with a tad more staying power and which only half of it crumbles if anything happens to the general...

Eh, they would at most get access to some light cavalry and some slightly better basic troops, but not necessarily better than Nehekhara Warriors/Horsemen. 

It would be an even less interesting or noteworthy feature than the Sylvanian Levy which the whole VCount race has access to. Hardly something worth devoting a DLC LL too. That and the Numas area is already crowded. I don’t view his inclusion as very likely or ideal. Maybe after literally every other character.

Nah. They wouldn't be superior to TK units. However they should get a couple of units raging from infantry to cavalry. Pure melee, pure ranged, hybrid skirmishers. Both infantry and cavalry. From tier 1 to 3 with one of the cavs being a tier 1. Enough to give Tuthankhanut some edge in certain scenarios over other Tomb Kings.

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

Sehenesmet is the flashy one, Ramhotep is the 8th edition choice. Tough choice.

I will support whoever leaves room for Tutankhanut (who would ride a chariot drawn by living horses) and a unit of Scythans for the FLC. Don't need a roster, just a unit. Make them cheap anti-large spear/lancer cav, giving TKs an early AL cav option.

I can mod in a proper army later...

Would like if Tuthankhanut were a FLC along with his Scythans.

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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 8:58:15 PM

There are a few other TK LL candidates of note. King Phar of Mahrak who is a genuine rival of Settra's who wields the Skull Mace. Also Amanhotep the Intolerant, the ruler of Zandri; he's from Dreadfleet and could have a duel start up in Norsca fighting Chaos to echo the war of Sand and Snow.

I'm hoping we get some individual or bundled LLs for a given race for sale down the line, there's just more characters than units available for traditional LPs.

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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 8:59:17 PM

Sehenesmet DLC LL with Tutankhanut FLC LL would be my dream.

Apophas and Ramhotep are LH material IMO.

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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 9:08:54 PM

Ben1990#8909 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:
Nah Apophas as LL and Nekhap a LH is the only option. 

Yeah, the non-verbal ghost that roams the desert alone as a LL...brilliant...

The only 8th Ed character left. Same boat as Gorbad. 

Dude. CA didn't bat an eye when they added Ghoritch into game 2. So Sehenesmet has a large chance here.

I wouldn't mind him but I think Apophas and Nekhap are by far the most likely since they also appear in ToW.

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