My DLC predictions

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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 3:39:18 AM

Here are my predictions for upcoming DLC. I tried to base my assumptions on the following:

  1. List of missing units (Steam thread)
  2. Focus on 8th edition
  3. Missing gameplay, visual appeal or faction identity
  4. Patterns observable from current DLC

So here we go:


Khorne DLC

Brutality theme

Khorne (Skulltaker)

Ogre Kingdoms (Golfag Maneater)

Greenskins (Gorbad Ironclaw)


Khorne (Someone. Honestly Skarr Bloodwrath fits better than Arbaal, who is clearly a WoC. Sorry.)

I think this one has already been talked through a lot. It will probably finish most of what is left for Ogre Kingdoms and Khorne. Khorne will still kinda get one more update (more below), but can more than easily suffice with just three LL as it is more meant to be a subfaction. Ogre Kingdoms though, while the DLC will likely leave them with no units left, only three LL is problematic. Greenskins will also likely have a lot of stuff left.

Beastman get Khorngors.


Slaanesh DLC

Breeding theme

Slaanesh (The Masque)

Vampire Counts (Neferata)

Lizardmen (Chakax or Tetto'eko)


Lizardmen (Chakax or Tetto'eko)

I think a possible pattern that could already be observable is that they are serving through the WH1 base races, with Thrones of Decay dealing with Empire and Dwarfs, and 6.0 dealing with Greenskins. So I think it would make sense to complete that cycle and turn over to the WH2 base races with a breeding themed Slaanesh DLC. You know lots of cold flesh clashing upon each other. This DLC would finish Lizardmen by adapting all of their 8th edition stuff, and Slaanesh, which again is more meant as a subfaction, though again I still think there's one more thing  for them (more below). Vampire Counts would finally see the very important character of Neferata, first of the Lahmian Vampires, but still have enough stuff left for another DLC.

Beastmen get Slaangors. Last DLC for Lizardmen.


New Norsca Race pack (3 DLC + 1 FLC)

4 Gods theme

Norsca - Khorne (Arbaal the Undefeated or Haargroth the Blooded)

Norsca - Slaanesh (Styrkaar of the Sortsvinaer)

Norsca -  Nurgle (Glottkin or Feytor the Tainted. I would do Glottkin here, tbh, because then the DLC sells like candy)

Norsca - Tzeentch (Melekh the Changer or possibly Sarthorael the Ever-Watcher cuz FLC and he's already there even though everyone only looks at Red Count or Boris)

Honestly, Norsca lacks color the most. They are so much brown and grey, playing them causes you to get depressed. What brings color into Chaos? The four gods, and it makes only sense that they are the direction this WoC subfaction is heading in. This is also what I meant with that there will be more stuff for Slaanesh and Khorne. Norscan stuff.

6 LL total sound a lot for Norsca, but this is their last DLC. Despite their absence in the TT, they are as prominent as the Kurgan in the lore so I think it fits, especially since much of four gods stuff will be recycled from the other rosters, keeping work effort comparatively low.


Bretonia FLC

??? theme

Bretonia (someone)

There'll be one more update for Bretonia, idk whom.


Elves DLC

Elves theme

High Elves (Caradryan)

Dark Elves (Someone)

Wood Elves (Araloth)


Dwarfs (Grimm Burloksson)

Nothing special. Final touch up DLC for Elves. FLC for those who don't like Elves.


Exterminator DLC

Skaven Exterminator Ice and Fire edition theme

Skaven (Nurglitch)

Cathay (Li Dao the Fire Dragon)

Kislev (Someone)


Cathay (Yin-Yin the Sea Dragon)

Finishing the WH2 base races, we would likely head back to much needed support for the underdeveloped WH3 order factions. The game heavily teases the children of the Dragon Emperor, which are essentially Cathayan Phoenix Kings or Primarchs, including some missing ones, like we are used to with these groups. So I think they are the Cathay lords.

Yin-Yin comes with Sea monsters that would also be available to Vampire Coast. 

Nurglitch just makes a lot of sense in this game.


Dogs of War Race pack

Tilea/Mercenaries theme

Dogs of War (Borgio the Besieger)

Dogs of War (Lucrezzia Belladonna)

Dogs of War (Leonardo di Miragliano)

Dogs of War (Lorenzo Lupo)


Empire (Kurt Helborg)

Dogs of War are mercenaries from Tilea, a culture inspired by 15th century Italy and the Roman republic, as well as other ideas related to italian culture. They worship Elf gods under slightly different names and sell their services anywhere through the world. They have access to Leonardo Da Vinci-style technology and uses foreign mercenaries from all around the world as auxiliaries and specialists. 

I really hope they break their three lords one DLC rule this time because three lords is too underdeveloped in the long run. The RoR units of Dogs of War are also accessible to their respective factions of origin. New Sartosan units are also available to Aranessa Saltspite (Vampire Counts).

Opens Ind & Kuresh on IE.


Greenskin DLC

Greenskin theme

Greenskins (someone)

Chaos Dwarfs (Ghazak Khan)

Ogre Kingdoms (someone)


Greenskins (The Black Gobbo)

When I said three Lords for Ogres are are problematic, then it's certainly something they share with the Chorfs. That's why I think the next Ogre Kingdoms DLC will actually just be 50% of content and substitute the rest with new stuff, making way for this Greenskin themed DLC. The Ogre units are Gnoblar heavy. Ghazak would be a Hobgoblin focused army with limited access to chorfs but access to the Paymaster Hero and the Paymaster's bodyguard unit, and the RoR from DoW. Last DLC for Ogres and Chorfs.


Beastmen DLC

Beasts and Men theme

Beastmen (Gorthor)

Empire (Emil Valgeir)

Kislev (Someone)


Empire (Boris)

A beasty themed DLC featuring Ulric units for Empire, final Touch up for Beastmen.


Men and Dwarfs get overrun by Skaven because they are drunk DLC

Madness theme

Dwarfs (Josef Bugman)

Empire (Marius Leitdorf)

Skaven (Skreech Verminking)


Skaven (Thanquol)

Thanquol is the first version, same goes for his companion, Bone Ripper. Free because Gotrek & Felix character. It's advertisment for novels and such can be discounted ;)

Skaven come with Rat units also available to Vampire Coast.


Undead DLC

Tomb Kings (Nagash)

Vampire Counts (Zacharias the Everliving)

Cathay (Shiyama the Spirit Dragon)


Vampire Counts (Red Duke)

Finally, Nagash. The first version. Only DLC for Tomb Kings, last DLC for Vampire Counts. Cathay has Jade Vampires also available to Vampire Counts.


Fall of the North DLC

Annihilate the WH3 humans theme

Warriors of Chaos (Galrauch)

Cathay (Monkey King)

Kislev (Someone)


Warriors of Chaos (Sayl the Faithless)

Last basic DLC for WH3. I honestly don't know where to place this Monkey King and find the demand for him weird. It's just Sun Wukong. 


End times expensive campaign DLC or TW:Saga game

Play the End Times!

Save the World or destroy it!

Play new campaign on revised IE map!

Play as:


Tyrion or Teclis or Malekith (just one)

Some Dwarf





Dragon Emperor of Cathay/Dragon Empress of Cathay (shared campaign)

I think End Times can only be done like that, with a new campaign. They have the map already, so why not do it? This would open up the Hung territories on IE and fill it with Chaos to turn the tides a bit more. If possible they should do a cheap reskin for the Hung AI and add White Scar heads to their generic Chaos Barbarians, like TT players do.

Features the second versions of Nagash and Thanquol & Boneripper, as well as the Ascendancy and new Mounts for many characters.

The following 8th edition Lords I think are not going to make the cut:

Empire (Lietpold the Black)

Lord Mortkin (Norsca)

Remaining Vampire Coast Lords

What do you think?

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 3:58:13 AM

mcnuss93#3394 wrote:
(Someone. Honestly Skarr Bloodwrath fits better than Arbaal, who is clearly a WoC. Sorry.)

Oh cool.  I can stop reading there.

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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 4:06:46 AM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

mcnuss93#3394 wrote:
(Someone. Honestly Skarr Bloodwrath fits better than Arbaal, who is clearly a WoC. Sorry.)

Oh cool.  I can stop reading there.

Why? Religious fanatism?

SerPus#7395 wrote:

mcnuss93#3394 wrote:
What do you think?

Not a single thing there makes any sense.

Again, explain why? Because it defers from the online echoe chambers you have been listening on YT non-stop? Am I talking with badly programmed AI here? Or a religious cult that tries to coerce their game developers with their strange niche feelings for outdated miniatures?

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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 4:34:37 AM

Most of these don't make any sense, and feels like you intentionally picked choices that don't make sense, or just didn't bother to pick a character at all and just googled characters without actually reading about any of them. 

Why is Gorthor the BM lord when he's actually dead dead when BM have like 4 other characters? 

Why do half the dlc's just say "Someone" instead of any of the remaining characters? 

Why is Norsca getting 4 marked characters, but all of them are marked characters who lead marked forces and should be in their own monogod races instead of the marked characters that make sense to lead Norscans? 

Why is Ghazak Khan being put into Chaos Dwarfs, when the other hobgoblin character is a LH because Hobgoblin lords don't work with the Chorfs? 

Why on earth would Skaven get Nurglitch as a LL over Thanquol, Skreech Verminking, or even Skretch Half-Dead? 

Why would Masque be the Slaanesh dlc lord over Dechala? 

Why would the Greenskins get the Black Gobbo when they still have Snagla, Morglum, Gorfang, hell even Gitilla? 

Why is the actually confirmed dead and not coming Shiyama a LL for Cathay? 

Why is Nagash, the most hated enemy of the Tomb Kings, in the Tomb King race?

And those are all at just a passing glance

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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 5:22:23 AM

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

Most of these don't make any sense, and feels like you intentionally picked choices that don't make sense, or just didn't bother to pick a character at all and just googled characters without actually reading about any of them. 

Why is Gorthor the BM lord when he's actually dead dead when BM have like 4 other characters? 

Why do half the dlc's just say "Someone" instead of any of the remaining characters? 

Why is Norsca getting 4 marked characters, but all of them are marked characters who lead marked forces and should be in their own monogod races instead of the marked characters that make sense to lead Norscans? 

Why is Ghazak Khan being put into Chaos Dwarfs, when the other hobgoblin character is a LH because Hobgoblin lords don't work with the Chorfs? 

Why on earth would Skaven get Nurglitch as a LL over Thanquol, Skreech Verminking, or even Skretch Half-Dead? 

Why would Masque be the Slaanesh dlc lord over Dechala? 

Why would the Greenskins get the Black Gobbo when they still have Snagla, Morglum, Gorfang, hell even Gitilla? 

Why is the actually confirmed dead and not coming Shiyama a LL for Cathay? 

Why is Nagash, the most hated enemy of the Tomb Kings, in the Tomb King race?

And those are all at just a passing glance

1. Because Gorthor is an LL in WHFB 8th edition and the others are not. Dead never mattered many characters are dead but this is an alternate continuity.

2. Because any character could work as DLC as the 8th edition LL are all already included. The rest is a matter of preference, which I did not have in any case. 

3. I looked it up an all of the characters ARE Norscans. They are also all clearly WoC (well besides Glottkin but I said he makes the deal sell) and not Demon like everyone in the monogods factions but Tamurkhan, who is a maggot shaped Chaosspawn of Nurgle and hardly human anymore. If Kurgan WoC got a four marked DLC, why not Norsca, considering they are also just WoC?

4. I already explained Gazakh would get limited access to Chorf units but Paymasters, Paymasters bodyguard and RoR from DoW instead. So no Hashut or Chorf infantry units but Hobgoblins with Human mercs and Chorf artillery. A bit of distinguished gameplay.

5. Did you continue to read? Because Thanquol and Skreech Verminking appear later. In fact Thanquol does twice. Nurglitch fits the theme of WH3 best and would spread Nurgle corruption alongside Skaven corruption. His Skaven units would then receive buffs on corrupted territorry. They could do another Skaven instead though, I'm not fixated on him, but a big hint imho is that a missing Old Edition Lord is the Plague Pontifex, who uses the equally missing War Litter Mount. Nurglitch would be the LL version as the leader of Clan Pestilens.

6. Because Masque looks hot and is an 8th edition LH and Dechala looks terribly outdated and is a 5th edition LH. Sorry to say it but this is exactly this weird obsession over the apparent underdog that the YT influence into this community. 

7. Because the Dwarfs got the White Dwarf, also over a lot of bigger lore characters. It's good advertisment for the associated magazine and feels good because something is complete.

8. The Spirit Dragon. What tells you that? Not really dead. Spirits are a theme for Cathay and she is already referenced in the tooltips ingame, just like the other named missing Cathay Dragons. Cathay is very barebones and the only reason people not constantly complain about that is because it is new.  My expectancies would be gunpowder units (Fire Dragon), monsters (some of them sea monsters that would also go to Vampire Coast) and spirits. Hence why Shiyama the Spirit Dragon has returned, bringing the wrath of the Ancestors! I think it is here that the Jade Vampire really fits in a DLC that also has Vampire Counts and Tomb Kings.

9. He could also be Vampire Counts but I think having an LL for Necrarch is very important for faction identity, and Tomb Kings need one more DLC, too. The first version of Nagash is from an older shared Undead book. He would use an altered roster anyways.

Yeah, just a passing glance but at least you bothered to ask. 

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 5:43:21 AM

 I agree with Gorthor as well(even though Ghorros would be my preference). Frankly with the upcoming DLC Orc lord as proof, I think any one who was a lord choice in TT is on the menu.

mcnuss93#3394 wrote:

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

Most of these don't make any sense, and feels like you intentionally picked choices that don't make sense, or just didn't bother to pick a character at all and just googled characters without actually reading about any of them. 

Why is Gorthor the BM lord when he's actually dead dead when BM have like 4 other characters? 

Why do half the dlc's just say "Someone" instead of any of the remaining characters? 

Why is Norsca getting 4 marked characters, but all of them are marked characters who lead marked forces and should be in their own monogod races instead of the marked characters that make sense to lead Norscans? 

Why is Ghazak Khan being put into Chaos Dwarfs, when the other hobgoblin character is a LH because Hobgoblin lords don't work with the Chorfs? 

Why on earth would Skaven get Nurglitch as a LL over Thanquol, Skreech Verminking, or even Skretch Half-Dead? 

Why would Masque be the Slaanesh dlc lord over Dechala? 

Why would the Greenskins get the Black Gobbo when they still have Snagla, Morglum, Gorfang, hell even Gitilla? 

Why is the actually confirmed dead and not coming Shiyama a LL for Cathay? 

Why is Nagash, the most hated enemy of the Tomb Kings, in the Tomb King race?

And those are all at just a passing glance

1. Because Gorthor is an LL in WHFB 8th edition and the others are not. Dead never mattered many characters are dead but this is an alternate continuity.

2. Because any character could work as DLC as the 8th edition LL are all already included. The rest is a matter of preference, which I did not have in any case. 

3. I looked it up an all of the characters ARE Norscans. They are also all clearly WoC (well besides Glottkin but I said he makes the deal sell) and not Demon like everyone in the monogods factions but Tamurkhan, who is a maggot shaped Chaosspawn of Nurgle and hardly human anymore. If Kurgan WoC got a four marked DLC, why not Norsca, considering they are also just WoC?

4. I already explained Gazakh would get limited access to Chorf units but Paymasters, Paymasters bodyguard and RoR from DoW instead. So no Hashut or Chorf infantry units but Hobgoblins with Human mercs and Chorf artillery. A bit of distinguished gameplay.

5. Did you continue to read? Because Thanquol and Skreech Verminking appear later. In fact Thanquol does twice. Nurglitch fits the theme of WH3 best and would spread Nurgle corruption alongside Skaven corruption. His Skaven units would then receive buffs on corrupted territorry. They could do another Skaven instead though, I'm not fixated on him, but a big hint imho is that a missing Old Edition Lord is the Plague Pontifex, who uses the equally missing War Litter Mount. Nurglitch would be the LL version as the leader of Clan Pestilens.

6. Because Masque looks hot and is an 8th edition LH and Dechala looks terribly outdated and is a 5th edition LH. Sorry to say it but this is exactly this weird obsession over the apparent underdog that the YT influence into this community. 

7. Because the Dwarfs got the White Dwarf, also over a lot of bigger lore characters. It's good advertisment for the associated magazine and feels good because something is complete.

8. The Spirit Dragon. What tells you that? Not really dead. Spirits are a theme for Cathay and she is already referenced in the tooltips ingame, just like the other named missing Cathay Dragons. Cathay is very barebones and the only reason people not constantly complain about that is because it is new.  My expectancies would be gunpowder units (Fire Dragon), monsters (some of them sea monsters that would also go to Vampire Coast) and spirits. Hence why Shiyama the Spirit Dragon has returned, bringing the wrath of the Ancestors! I think it is here that the Jade Vampire really fits in a DLC that also has Vampire Counts and Tomb Kings.

9. He could also be Vampire Counts but I think having an LL for Necrarch is very important for faction identity, and Tomb Kings need one more DLC, too. The first version of Nagash is from an older shared Undead book. He would use an altered roster anyways.

Yeah, just a passing glance but at least you bothered to ask. 

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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 5:53:28 AM

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

Why is Gorthor the BM lord when he's actually dead dead when BM have like 4 other characters? 

Why would Masque be the Slaanesh dlc lord over Dechala? 

To be fair...
Why is Gorbad the GS lord when he's actually dead dead when GSs have like 4 other characters? 

Why is Skulltaker the Khorne dlc lord over Arbaal? 

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:
Why is Nagash, the most hated enemy of the Tomb Kings, in the Tomb King race?

Because unless he gets his own Race, the TK army is closest to Nagashizzar's army.

mcnuss93#3394 wrote:
Because Gorthor is an LL in WHFB 8th edition and the others are not.

No he's not.  BM didn't have an 8E armybook.

He's from the 7E armybook.  Just like Ghorros, Slugtongue, Moonclaw and Ungrol.

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 6:02:02 AM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

Why is Gorthor the BM lord when he's actually dead dead when BM have like 4 other characters? 

Why would Masque be the Slaanesh dlc lord over Dechala? 

To be fair...
Why is Gorbas the GS lord when he's actually dead dead when GSs have like 4 other characters? 

Why Skulltaker the Khorne dlc lord over Arbaal? 

Because the four god factions are servants of the gods and the WoC are Champions of Archaon. All Monogod LL are Demons, except for Tamurkhan who is a Chaosspawn of Nurgle inhabiting the body of an Ogre Tyrant (and not becoming a Demon Prince and essentially being left to rot is his gift from Nurgle you could say).

Arbaal is a mortal Champion. Chaos Champions are WoC or Norsca. He's not even a Demon Prince.

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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 6:16:14 AM

mcnuss93#3394 wrote:
All Monogod LL are Demons, except for Tamurkhan

So...they're not all Daemons.

Monogod races are not Daemon races.  They're "everything under that god" races.  Daemons, mortals. BM, and monsters.

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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 6:18:13 AM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

Why is Gorthor the BM lord when he's actually dead dead when BM have like 4 other characters? 

Why would Masque be the Slaanesh dlc lord over Dechala? 

To be fair...
Why is Gorbad the GS lord when he's actually dead dead when GSs have like 4 other characters? 

Why Skulltaker the Khorne dlc lord over Arbaal? 

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:
Why is Nagash, the most hated enemy of the Tomb Kings, in the Tomb King race?

Because unless he gets his own Race, the TK army is closest to Nagashizzar's army.

mcnuss93#3394 wrote:
Because Gorthor is an LL in WHFB 8th edition and the others are not.

No he's not.  BM didn't have an 8E armybook.

He's from the 7E armybook.  Just like Ghorros, Slugtongue, Moonclaw and Ungrol.

Yeah with Nagash you would probably make quite a bit of a special roster, also to keep the older Tomb Kings DLC from falling out of value too much.

Yeah, well latest edition. But the others are LH and the DLC all will include some LH I think. I think they want each faction to have like a handfull at least going by the trends set in WH3. There has been a huge expanse in LH. These are also quick to make and can keep people satisfiyed while they wait for the larger DLC, like we have with Karanak now. I didn't detail these out, but I think all recent edition chars for any faction will make it into the game except with DoW who will only get one DLC I think.

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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 6:21:25 AM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:
Why is Skulltaker the Khorne dlc lord over Arbaal? 

the weirdest thing for me is we take arbaal will buff mortals (like tamurkhan)
And i get ca that khorne with the biggest standard mortal roster could work for him

JUst even when they find skulltaker is a better dlc lead (what i disgaree) he will not bring any new demons, as the demons side of khorne is complete and they also very good populated in the (no dlc roster) vanilla khorne factions

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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 6:24:31 AM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

mcnuss93#3394 wrote:
All Monogod LL are Demons, except for Tamurkhan

So...they're not all Daemons.

Monogod races are not Daemon races.  They're "everything under that god" races.  Daemons, mortals. BM, and monsters.

But CHAMPIONS OF CHAOS are a lore defined WoC entity. Tamurkhan is precisely not a CHAMPION OF CHAOS in the sense of that defined entity, because he is actually a maggot. It's sketchy where to place him, but for the very same reason Sigvald is kept with WoC.

A Demon Prince you could place with either WoC or Monogods, but someone that looks like a generic Khorne WoC should be a WoC or Norsca. And that's what Arbaal is, he wears the typical Khorne WoC armor that you even find with World Eaters Space Marines.

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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 6:42:25 AM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

mcnuss93#3394 wrote:
(Someone. Honestly Skarr Bloodwrath fits better than Arbaal, who is clearly a WoC. Sorry.)

Oh cool.  I can stop reading there.


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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 6:43:40 AM

mcnuss93#3394 wrote:
But CHAMPIONS OF CHAOS are a lore defined WoC entity.

No they aren't.  It's just a fancy name for Chaos character.

In fact, the 5E book "Champions of Chaos" includes mortal, daemon and even BM characters.


mcnuss93#3394 wrote:
Tamurkhan is precisely not a CHAMPION OF CHAOS in the sense of that defined entity, because he is actually a maggot. It's sketchy where to place him, but for the very same reason Sigvald is kept with WoC.

This is gibberish.

mcnuss93#3394 wrote:
A Demon Prince you could place with either WoC or Monogods, but someone that looks like a generic Khorne WoC should be a WoC or Norsca.

Anyone with a Mark of Khorne belongs in Khorne.

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 7:00:25 AM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

mcnuss93#3394 wrote:
But CHAMPIONS OF CHAOS are a lore defined WoC entity.

No they aren't.  It's just a fancy name for Chaos character.

In fact, the 5E book "Champions of Chaos" includes mortal, daemon and even BM characters.


mcnuss93#3394 wrote:
Tamurkhan is precisely not a CHAMPION OF CHAOS in the sense of that defined entity, because he is actually a maggot. It's sketchy where to place him, but for the very same reason Sigvald is kept with WoC.

This is gibberish.

mcnuss93#3394 wrote:
A Demon Prince you could place with either WoC or Monogods, but someone that looks like a generic Khorne WoC should be a WoC or Norsca.

Anyone with a Mark of Khorne belongs in Khorne.

So Valkia is placed where? As part of what DLC? And that even is a Demon Princess. Arbaal is by any means a classical WoC. He's a guy in heavy armor that slaughters his foes with an axe. And he's from Norsca, so he could very well be also the DLC for a faction that needs a lot of love and especially four gods themed support, which would best be represented through four Norscan LL like with the other WoC DLC.

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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 7:07:14 AM

mcnuss93#3394 wrote:
So Valkia is placed where?

In the wrong Race.

mcnuss93#3394 wrote:
And that even is a Demon Princess.

No she's not.

mcnuss93#3394 wrote:
Arbaal is by any means a classical WoC.

And Kairos, Skarbrand and Kugath are by any means classical DoCs.  What Race are they in again?  Is it DoC?  It's not?!  How strange...

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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 7:56:29 AM
I salute your efforts but I stopped reading when I saw that the High Elves were not included in the Slaanesh DLC.

Thematic LP sell well and CA knows that, especially with ToD, W&P, etc.
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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 8:00:58 AM

Haha that is horrible, probably the worst DLC speculation I have ever seen here. I disagree with literally everything. 

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