Small things that could Improve Warhammer 3

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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 1:42:20 AM

​Sorry for the kinda long title, but I wasn't sure how else to really title it.

But I got to thinking about this sort of topic again recently and I thought that what someone told me was true, and that this topic is worth being its own thread.

However, I will say that I still believe that having the vast majority stats and buffs be in groups of 5 would be a good way of making both unit and campaign buffs feel impactful. But it could be helpful, even if only for keeping things more organized. But I won't dwell on that too long.

But I think that a lot of little things that could be nice little quality of life improvements on their own, but together, could possibly make the game far better than it already is.

Now, I won't say that every single one of the things I'm going to talk about is some sort of giant game changing addition, but I will say that I think they'd be nice little additions that could add to the flavor and tactical variety of the game. And I won't try go over literally every thing I can think of, but I'll just go over a few things I personally think would just be improve the game in fun ways.

And I will say that I'm sorry the OP is so long, it's just a big topic. But I will ask that you guys to please bear with me when it comes to reading the OP. I'm going to break it up into different sections to try to make it easier to read. Just read one section at a time if that helps. 

Those sections are

Misc. Small Things​

Unit Weight Classes​

Better Skill Application 

Weapon Switching​

More Proper Unit Formations​

More Unique Playstyles

But enough with an introduction, I'll just get into the different sections.

Misc. Small Things​

I thought I'd just move this to the top of the list, as I thought it would be pretty simple, even though I would normally have ended the OP with this section.

But I think that just one small thing that I think would just be a nice little addition to the game would to have some more regional units, or at least regional RoR units if nothing else, but really try to make them a bit more unique.

I would love for the Dwarfs to have a bunch of unique "Hold Guard" or whatever RoR units for each major dwarf hold, that are granted if you can control and raise the settlement to level 3 or something like that.

I would just love to see them do some interesting things like having a "Engineer Guard" RoR if you control Zhufbar, with the unit basically being a mix of Hammerers and Engineers, in that they carry the grudge rakers and maybe 2h engineer hammers, and maybe they can use an ability to throw a volley of powerful grenades into their enemies as well. And maybe they could have a "Slayer Guard" RoR for Karak Kadrin.

But I just think that that sort of thing would just give an extra reason to try to confederate with the other dwarf factions.

Unit Weight Classes​

Now, I don't really think that this is a absolutely necessary inclusion, but I think that the unit weight classes from Troy and Pharaoh could've worked in the TW:WH games, but, I can also understand how it might be pretty tricky to translate into them due to all the monstrous units and such.

I mean, I think that they could have a few levels of unit weight classes, like Very Light, Light, Medium, Heavy, and Very/Ultra Heavy Infantry and Cavalry and just have those unit speeds instead of having almost every single unit have its own battlefield entity, though I will say that it'd be cool if CA had been able to just give each unit a number for their unit speed. But I'm sure you guys understand what I mean.

Better Skill Application (Edited in)

I forgot to include this aspect of things that could help improve WH3 before, and while I think it cold probably make for a topic for its own thread, I just figured that it'd be better to include it in this thread's OP. But I digress.

I honestly just think that some of the buffs that the red line army skill trees give can be kind of ridiculous depending on the race they're for.

Why do the Chaos Dwarf and Skaven have skills that give buffs to their most expendable chaff units, like Skavenslaves, Clanrats, and orc and goblin slaves beyond getting a nice leadership buff that comes from them being more scared of their masters than their enemies?

I won't go into every single skill, but I will just say that the only army skill that Chaos Dwarf lords have that should buff their slave and hobgoblin units should be their Fervent Fodder skill, which should be like the following in terms of buffs.

Level 1: +5 Leadership to all "Laborer" and Hobgoblin units.

Level 2: +10 Leadership to all "Laborer" and Hobgoblin units, +5 MD for all Hobgoblin units.

Level 3: +20 Leadership to all "Laborer" and Hobgoblin units, +5 MD and +5 MA for all Hobgoblin units.

That makes a lot more sense, as the chaos dwarfs wouldn't waste their time and resources to improve the weapons or armor of their chaff units, beyond the most bare minimum training for their slightly less chaffy hobgoblin units.

But I will finish this section by just saying that aside from such reworks, I would love to see all generic lords have their own thematic yellow skill trees, which should get one or two more skills, but and have those veteran skills in the red line skill tree changed to give thematic buffs based on which type of lord they are. 

To clarify, I'm NOT saying lords like possible Black Orc or Savage Orc Warbosses should only buff their related units, but rather, that they should give their whole armies somewhat thematic buffs based on the sub faction and such within their race that they come from. And maybe similar heroes could also get some skills that allow them to do similar things.

Weapon Switching​

I know I mentioned this one before in another thread, but I think it's really worth mentioning here. Because I really think that the idea of CA being allowed to take the whole units being able to switch between different melee weapons even further than in Troy and Pharaoh, and really make it work for both historical and fantasy TW games.

I'll a basic example.

In Pharaoh the future pharaoh Ramesses has his elite Medjay units, and there's the Elite Medjay Warriors (Axes) unit can switch between khopesh swords and shields and two handed axes.

Now I wouldn't mind that under most circumstances, but it just feels kinda ridiculous for there to just be the basic versions of such units are just sword and shield infantry and that's it, when giving the basic version Medjay and elite Medjay warrior units the ability to switch between spear and shield and sword/khopesh and shield would truly make them feel elite. And I think that the axe variant should be a spear and shield infantry unit that can hold the line and switch to two handed axes for an assault.

The point I'm getting at is that I'm pretty sure that if CA can allow units to switch between spear and 2h axe and sword and 2h axe, why can't they just make it to where units can switch between spear and sword?

But back to the main point.

I think that while I would love to see some elite units, such as elite cavalry units have the old Rome 2/Attila thing where they use long lances on the charge and switch to a sword or other melee weapon in melee, I can understand that switching between weapons might work a bit better in a game like Warhammer 3. And maybe they could take it further with an elite unit like the Black Orcs.

And the weapon switching could absolutely be balanced by simply only allowing it to be used outside of melee combat, so you can't just be like "Oh no, there's a SEM coming for my engaged Black Orcs! I better switch to their great axes!" and well, just switch in between the different weapons willy nilly. It would make you have to really think about using the right weapons at the right time.

More Proper Unit Formations​

While I know that the Dwarfs were recently given their new shield wall formation, but that formation doesn't seem to be anything but an admittedly good testudo formation and not a true shield wall, as it really doesn't have any bonuses for MD or anything that could help the units out in melee.

I honestly feel like it's not still think that that and other formations should've been brought into these games by now.

But I would just really like for some of the somewhat more "classic" TW formations to be brought back into to TW:WH3 properly. Things like proper shield wall, spear/pike walls, square formations, and maybe even infantry wedge formations, though I will say they should be more shaped like the Flying Wedge formation from Rome 2, as I found that to be the far more effective formation, via testing it out through modding.

But I do think think that regardless of other formations, if CA does add in the DoW, they will NEED to give their pike infantry units proper pike formations that actually allow them to present multiple ranks of pikes to the enemies, be it in a square or in a single direction. And I will say, that I will be incredibly enraged if they don't include those and just have the pikemen units be units basically be spearmen with extra long spears and extra bonus vs large.

But after looking at some things on 3K, I do think that CA could probably manage to make some of those sorts of formations work pretty well in Warhammer 3, especially the formations that are made for missile melee hybrid infantry units, as it could make "mixed" or whatever you might call formations that has the first two ranks presenting the pikes or halberds and the 3rd and 4th ranks using the unit's ranged weapons.

And I know they certainly wouldn't be super overpowered, as they could be smashed apart by really big things mainly like SEMs.

But I would just really like to see CA be able to bring a lot of the formations we've seen work pretty well in past TW games to WH3, as I do think they would much some units far more useful and all.

More Unique Playstyles

Now, I know this might sound a little silly, but I think that at this point, I really wish that some LLs could've/would've to have been given a little more unique playstyles that made them feel more like what they and their forces were like in the lore.

I mean, there's actually a lot of little things that could be done that would help make many LL's factions feel a bit more unique and feel like this or that particular faction within a race.

Now, I'm not saying that every LL should necessarily get a giant rework to how they play, as I think that the likes of Grimgor and Wurrzag don't really need a super crazy bunch of stuff to allow them to be the black orc and savage orc focused Greenskin LLs respectively, but I do feel like a few others just don't have the ability they need to really run the type of armies they're known for.

But the LLs I'm thinking about are Alith Anar, Oxyotl, possibly Josef Bugman, Markus Wulfhart, Deathmaster Snikch, and maybe Shadowblade if he's made a LL, since Snikch was made a LL, but I digress.

And I will admit, I'm a little biased, as I do love me some stealth tactics, but I just feel like most of the LLs I mentioned above just don't really have the array of tools to really make their whole playstyles truly viable compared to any other playstyles.

And before anyone says anything, I'm not saying that we need 50 new HE Shadow Warrior or Dwarf Ranger units, but I do think it's kind of ridiculous that those units are so limited when Clan Eshin pretty much has everything they might need to make their clan's playstyle be able to work, for the most part anyway.

My point is, that some of these LLs could really offer a truly unique playstyle to their race, but they just don't have the ability to do so. I'll just give one basic example.

Aside from maybe a few more related unit variants, you could have Alith Anar and Markus Wulfhart give most of the infantry units from their race vanguard deployment and stalk via special skills or faction specific technologies from the tech tree. Then you could really have a lot of options to play around with without strictly needing a bunch of units that are almost purely meant for them alone.

But we can get into the details of this in the comments.

But what do you guys think?

What sort of fairly little things aside from bug fixes would you guys want to see be added to improve Warhammer 3?

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 2:46:11 AM

Something as basic as unit caps would go a long way. Lacking a proper population or food system typical RTS have, nor any real base building, the game needs something to control player armies.

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 5:40:22 PM

GreenColoured#3418 wrote:

Something as basic as unit caps would go a long way. Lacking a proper population or food system typical RTS have, nor any real base building, the game needs something to control player armies.

You're right, unit caps would certainly help to make both campaigns a bit more interesting instead of just spamming the same old stuff over and over again.

And I will say from experience, that hard unit caps would really help the game's MP battles, as it would it would force players to learn to get better at using the different armies of the races they play.

And while I don't really think that the population thing all that big of a problem for the TW:WH games, I will say that I think it would be pretty nice to see at least the great big capital settlements really evolve as you upgrade them and have them feel like they play to the strengths of that race.

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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 6:22:05 PM

GreenColoured#3418 wrote:

Something as basic as unit caps would go a long way. Lacking a proper population or food system typical RTS have, nor any real base building, the game needs something to control player armies.

Even something as basic as artillery reducing the movement of your army by half would go a long way. Raising an army with 8 Hellstorms rocket batteries and then blitzing through the Empire is just astoundingly stupid. That ---- should be hard to move.

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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 6:56:38 PM

HighestandCo#9562 wrote:

GreenColoured#3418 wrote:

Something as basic as unit caps would go a long way. Lacking a proper population or food system typical RTS have, nor any real base building, the game needs something to control player armies.

Even something as basic as artillery reducing the movement of your army by half would go a long way. Raising an army with 8 Hellstorms rocket batteries and then blitzing through the Empire is just astoundingly stupid. That ---- should be hard to move.

Little features like this from older TWs forced me to think much more about strategy on the campaign map. Artillery was powerful and great for sieges but would slow me down, limiting how much ground I could cover per turn and therefore how quickly that army could respond to threats in my empire or limit my ability to squash resistance when assaulting a foreign nation. A whole bunch of these little features have been either eliminated or greatly simplified over the franchises which has resulted in a far more dumbed down and less mentally stimulating campaign. It really bums me out.

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3 months ago
Jul 2, 2024, 7:32:43 PM

I guess to answer the OP I'd say:

1. Movement speed is now based on army comp. Cavalry is fastest, infantry/monsters slower, artillery slowest.

2. No replenishment unless you can recruit the unit in that province. Characters excepted.

3. RoR are now recruited in the same way as their normal unit counterparts, except they retain their level requirement.

4. If you conquer a settlement from a different race, none of the buildings are converted.

5: All battle summons are either very close to the summoner (within 10 yards) or must be pre-positioned in the deployment phase. I'm looking at you, Skaven.

These would be the small revisions I would start with.

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3 months ago
Jul 3, 2024, 2:02:04 AM

HighestandCo#9562 wrote:

Even something as basic as artillery reducing the movement of your army by half would go a long way. Raising an army with 8 Hellstorms rocket batteries and then blitzing through the Empire is just astoundingly stupid. That ---- should be hard to move.

Well, I don't think that artillery should reduce the movement range that much, as I do think that while artillery trains and all might slow an army down a little bit, but I think that the penalty should only be like maybe -15% movement range, and that's if you have like 10 or more units of artillery.

Though I will say that I think that it'd be kind of cool if at least some factions at least had some special bonuses or faction specific technologies that increase the movement range of their armies based on their faction's units or something. Because I do think that if you roll a bunch of stealthy Shadow Warriors units in Alith Anar's army, it should be able to move a little bit further per turn, as they're light guerilla troops who also act as scouts.

But I really just feel like they could stand to allow some sub factions to really feel like they're more unique than just a mechanic or two.

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jul 3, 2024, 2:09:38 AM

Wyvax#7456 wrote:

Little features like this from older TWs forced me to think much more about strategy on the campaign map. Artillery was powerful and great for sieges but would slow me down, limiting how much ground I could cover per turn and therefore how quickly that army could respond to threats in my empire or limit my ability to squash resistance when assaulting a foreign nation. A whole bunch of these little features have been either eliminated or greatly simplified over the franchises which has resulted in a far more dumbed down and less mentally stimulating campaign. It really bums me out.

Well, I do think that while a lot of little features have been removed from the TW games, I don't think that they were all strictly the most necessary of features, but I do understand what you mean.

I just feel like while having different types of units effect things like the movement range and such of armies can be kind of realistic and all, I do feel like it wasn't always handled as well as it needed to be in some past TW games.

Because I can't remember if it was Napoleon or Shogun 2, but I think that I remember playing a campaign and adding just 2 units of artillery to an army greatly reduced the movement range of the army by a pretty noticeable amount.

I feel like things like messing with movement ranges based on the types of units either needs to be handled really well, or they shouldn't bother adding it in, as it can make a mess of things.

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3 months ago
Jul 3, 2024, 5:44:21 PM

HighestandCo#9562 wrote:

I guess to answer the OP I'd say:

1. Movement speed is now based on army comp. Cavalry is fastest, infantry/monsters slower, artillery slowest.

2. No replenishment unless you can recruit the unit in that province. Characters excepted.

3. RoR are now recruited in the same way as their normal unit counterparts, except they retain their level requirement.

4. If you conquer a settlement from a different race, none of the buildings are converted.

5: All battle summons are either very close to the summoner (within 10 yards) or must be pre-positioned in the deployment phase. I'm looking at you, Skaven.

These would be the small revisions I would start with.

Well, I do think that most of those are mostly good little ideas, though I don't agree with the replenishment one, unless it's maybe an elite regional or RoR unit of sorts.

Though I will say that I think that summons should really have a much longer life span if they're restricted to only being able to be summoned near your units, though I would like for them to have no degeneration at all.

And I don't know if converting buildings is possible anymore, just because it could possibly cause a lot of glitches that might not be able to be fixed, as it would be switching a bunch of stuff from one faction to another, and it would be made all the worse if it was between different races.

Though I will say that it should still retain its level, or at least not go back to a level 1 settlement. Because if you were to conquer a Level 5 Altdorf as the Greenskins, it should at least stay a level 3 settlement if you occupy it.

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3 months ago
Jul 3, 2024, 5:52:55 PM

GreenColoured#3418 wrote:

Something as basic as unit caps would go a long way. Lacking a proper population or food system typical RTS have, nor any real base building, the game needs something to control player armies.

100% unit caps and I would add, an option to lock pop up towers to deployment phase only.

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3 months ago
Jul 3, 2024, 6:05:30 PM

Walkabout#1505 wrote:

GreenColoured#3418 wrote:

Something as basic as unit caps would go a long way. Lacking a proper population or food system typical RTS have, nor any real base building, the game needs something to control player armies.

100% unit caps and I would add, an option to lock pop up towers to deployment phase only.

+1 on the second. I forgot about that one.

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3 months ago
Jul 3, 2024, 6:21:05 PM

Leveling/Build Queues for Characters/Settlements.

The ability to turn on AI control of your units during battles.

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3 months ago
Jul 3, 2024, 10:39:03 PM

Walkabout#1505 wrote:

100% unit caps and I would add, an option to lock pop up towers to deployment phase only.

+1 for the appreciation of unit caps.

Though I'm a little mixed on the towers thing.

I would much prefer that the defensive buildings would also greatly build up the supplies for the settlement, as well as having the deployable defenses, not just the towers, be far stronger and better placed. Because I wouldn't mind some of the bigger major capitals having citadels that have like 3 towers right next to each other that cover a major approach.

Though I think it could work if there was more supplies and it took the towers a LOT longer to recharge to when they can be rebuilt.

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3 months ago
Jul 3, 2024, 10:44:27 PM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

Leveling/Build Queues for Characters/Settlements.

The ability to turn on AI control of your units during battles.

What do you mean by leveling/build queues exactly?

And not to sound mean, but I personally think the idea of allow the AI to run anything more than reinforcement armies seems pretty lazy to me.

Don't get me wrong, if it's like setting up a custom battle or something mode made for recording cinematic battles and such things, then that's different, but I do feel like people should need to control real battles, because I've found that even when you capture an enemy lord with only a handful of units, it can end not quite as well if you don't control it, even if just a bit.

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3 months ago
Jul 4, 2024, 1:55:40 AM

VikingHuscal1066#5774 wrote: 
What do you mean by leveling/build queues exactly?

When you recruit a new character/capture a new settlement, you can just go "I want these skills/buildings unlocked in this order" and as the character/settlement levels up, it picks them automatically.  Bonus points if you can save presets.

Currently, I think I spend 75% of my turn selecting the same skills and buildings over and over.

VikingHuscal1066#5774 wrote:
And not to sound mean, but I personally think the idea of allow the AI to run anything more than reinforcement armies seems pretty lazy to me.

In a game that already has Autoresolve?

The game has all these amazing battle animations that I NEVER get to watch, because I'm too busy micromanaging the battle.  I'd love to be able to toggle AI control of units at will, so I can zoom in and watch the fun without worry about the rest of my army just sitting around doing nothing.

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3 months ago
Jul 4, 2024, 4:26:30 AM

Unit caps only serve to restrict strategy. 

If I want to choose to have 1 elite army instead of 2 medicore armies or 3 weak armies that's a valid strategic choice. If any one of those are too strong then that can be balanced. Unit caps don't even solve the doomstack problem, there's still an optimal stack to take with or without them. 

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jul 4, 2024, 4:28:15 AM

HighestandCo#9562 wrote:

Walkabout#1505 wrote:

GreenColoured#3418 wrote:

Something as basic as unit caps would go a long way. Lacking a proper population or food system typical RTS have, nor any real base building, the game needs something to control player armies.

100% unit caps and I would add, an option to lock pop up towers to deployment phase only.

+1 on the second. I forgot about that one.

That'd make them vastly more tolerable. 

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3 months ago
Jul 4, 2024, 4:41:05 AM

VikingHuscal1066#5774 wrote:

And I will say from experience, that hard unit caps would really help the game's MP battles, as it would it would force players to learn to get better at using the different armies of the races they play.

Ranked MP already has hard unit caps. They were introduced midway through WH2's lifespan.

This is why I find CA's excuse of why they don't introduce unit caps in SP spurious, they already know that certain units become very imbalanced if you bring more than a certain number of them.

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jul 4, 2024, 4:57:46 AM

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:

VikingHuscal1066#5774 wrote:

And I will say from experience, that hard unit caps would really help the game's MP battles, as it would it would force players to learn to get better at using the different armies of the races they play.

Ranked MP already has hard unit caps. They were introduced midway through WH2's lifespan.

This is why I find CA's excuse of why they don't introduce unit caps in SP spurious, they already know that certain units become very imbalanced if you bring more than a certain number of them.

There's no excuse. Caps just do not belong in SP. 

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