LLs I believe should be on the board, for Chaos fans to be satisfied and the factions "finished"

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3 months ago
Jul 1, 2024, 2:43:36 PM

Starting with my favorite to least favorite factions 


Only one left really and I hope hes the FLC. Arbaal.


Ghorros, if not as a LL AT LEAST as a Cav focused LH


Vardek Crom (LH)?


Vanir the Reaper

The Glotkin

Gutrot Spume


Engrimm van Horstmann

Gaulrach (LH)?

SLAANESH (Some of these could be LHs too!)


The Masque (LH)?

Vandred the Majestic (LH)?


Egil Styrborg


Alfric Cyanwulf

One of those "Meme" rules of the Varg or Skaeling would be funny, and a chance to be creative.

If these were all present as personalities either as LLs or as some references, LHs, I think Chaos would have PERFECT representation in this iteration of the Old World. And would be a true world ending threat to fear!

Did I miss any favorites? And Chaos fans, what do you think?

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3 months ago
Jul 1, 2024, 2:52:37 PM

Khorne needs:

Skulltaker LL

Arbaal LL

Skarr Bloodwrath LL

Scyla Anfingrimm LH

Tzeentch needs:

Egrimm van Horstmann LL

Galrauch LL or LH

Nurgle needs:

Glottkin LL

Gutrot Spume LL or LH

Valnir is optional

Slaanesh needs:

Dechala LL

Masque LL or LH (preferably LH)

Styrkaar LL

WoC needs:

Vardek Crom LL

Archaon's Lieutenants LHs (Haargoth, Melekh, Feytor, Vandred)

Norsca needs:

Sayl LL

Mona Mimn LL

Egil Styrbjorn and Mortkin are optional LLs

Beastmen needs:

Ghorros LL

Moonclaw LL

Ungrol LH

Slugtongue is optional LH

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3 months ago
Jul 1, 2024, 3:03:42 PM

Khorne- LL's Skarbrand, Skulltaker, Arbaal, Skaar LH's Skaar, Karanak

Tzeentch- LL's Kairos, Changeling, Egrimm, Galrauch LH's Aekold, Blue Scribes

Nurgle- LL's Kugath, Epidemius, Gutrot, Tamurkhan LH's Valnir, Maggot Riders

Slaanesh- N'kari, Masque, Nastaya, Dechala LH's Vandred, Styrkaar

That gives each of them a greater daemon, lesser daemon, mortal, and mutant lord option (Nurgle having more characters could also be the odd man out with Glottkin as well)

Beastmen- LL's Taurox, Khazrak, Malagor, Morghur, Ghorros, Ungrol LH's Moonclaw, Slugtongue

WoC- LL's Archaon, Kholek, Sigvald, Be'lakor, Valkia, Festus, Vilitch, Azazel, Crom

Norsca- LL's Wulfrik, Throgg, Egil, Sayl, Adella, Mona Mimn LH's Beorg, 

That's what I'd hope to see at least by the end

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3 months ago
Jul 1, 2024, 3:09:54 PM

If you guys could only pick one between Glottkin or Gutrot, which would you pick?

And who would be good for Kurgan and Hung?

And they have "borrowed" mechanics from on LL to another before. I think Archaon SHOULD get his lieutenants similar to how Tamrakhan gets his chieftains.

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jul 1, 2024, 3:18:51 PM

Hmmm... separating out "needs" and "wants":

  1. Khorne: I think the game needs Skulltaker, and Scyla Anfingrimm (though the latter probably as a LH). Arbaal is a want, in that I want to see what CA can do with him. But if Arbaal never gets in, I won't weep and tear my garments. I also wouldn't mind Haargoth the Blooded, but that's stretching things pretty far, and Skarr Bloodwrath is a want as well (provided that the End Times stuff is on the table).
  2. Tzeentch: Egrimm is a need, as is Galrauch (IMO as a LH). Classics.
  3. Slaanesh: Dechala is too cool not to be in, and Masque is an 8th edition army book character so needs to be present. On the other hand, there aren't really even characters that I want for LH (like, I'll take Vandred or Styrkaar, but I'm not excited by them).
  4. Nurgle: If the End Times stuff is okay, then the Brothers Glott are obviously a need, alongside the Maggoth Riders and Gutrot Spume. Personally, I really want Valnir the Reaper, and would be sad not to get him, but like Arbaal I don't think the game would feel "unfinished" for his lack.
  5. Undivided: Sayl the Faithless feels like he should be in, though I'd put him just on the "want" side. Likewise Ghorros Warhoof. The rest of the Beastmen are lesser "wants" (can you really say that a character that never had a model is a "need"?).
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3 months ago
Jul 1, 2024, 3:22:13 PM

Steelmidnight#4472 wrote:

If you guys could only pick one between Glottkin or Gutrot, which would you pick?

And who would be good for Kurgan and Hung?

And they have "borrowed" mechanics from on LL to another before. I think Archaon SHOULD get his lieutenants similar to how Tamrakhan gets his chieftains.

I personally would go for Gutrot since he is the cooler character. But both should be LLs. 

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3 months ago
Jul 1, 2024, 4:05:58 PM

Not sure that Tzeentch, Nurgle and Khorne will receive another DLC tbh. 

I hope we will get Ergrimm, Aarbal, and the Glotkkin tho. 

Dechala and The Masque will come for sure. 

For the WoC, Say or Vardek.

For the BM, well, they get so many interesting guys. Impossible to see them all in game sadly. Moonclaw seems the most interesting, followed by Ghorros for the gameplay he could provide. Slugtongue and Ungrol could either be LL or LH. 

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jul 1, 2024, 4:14:13 PM

What Chaos SHOULD have had(with complete inter-Race confederations between them):

Chaos Undivided


1. Archaon

2. Vardek Crom

3. Sayl the Faithless

4. Kholek Suneater

5. Throgg

6. Be’lakor


1. Wulfrik the Wanderer

2. Mordrek the Damned

3. Harald Hammerstorm



1. Skarbrand

2. Valkia the Bloody

3. Arbaal the Undefeated

4. Skarr Bloodwrath


1. U'Zhul the Skulltaker

2. Karanak

3. Scyla Anfingrimm



1. Kairos Fateweaver

2. Vilitch the Curseling

3. Egrimm van Horstmann

4. Galrauch


1. Blue Scribes

2. Changeling

3. Aekold Helbrass



1. Ku'gath Plaguefather

2. Tamurkhan

3. Glottkin

4. Orghotts Daemonspew or Gutrot Spume


1. Epidemius

2. Festus the Leechlord

3. Valnir the Reaper



1. N'Kari

2. Sigvald the Magnificent

3. Dechala the Denied One

4. Azazel


1. Masque of Slaanesh

2. Vandred the Majestic

3. [a new Chaos Elf cultist character]



1. Khazrak One-Eye

2. Morghur

3. Taurox

4. Malagor

5. Slugtongue

6. Ghorros Warhoof


1. Moonclaw

2. Ungrol Four-Horn

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3 months ago
Jul 1, 2024, 4:14:30 PM

Steelmidnight#4472 wrote:
Jul 1, 2024, 11:09:54 AM Copied to clipboard!

If you guys could only pick one between Glottkin or Gutrot, which would you pick?

And who would be good for Kurgan and Hung?

I like Gutrot more because I tend to like the more infantry sized lords over the larger ones, but I think Glottkin would probably have a larger appeal and could have more done with the character.

Kurgan would be Sayl, Hung don't have any characters, and with people not wanting less known Norscan characters, can't really get a new Hung character either.

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3 months ago
Jul 1, 2024, 4:38:53 PM

Great Book of Grudges over on Youtube recently showed a tweet by a developer who said Tzeentch would be getting another LL. But thats all he said. When and who were vague.

With Chaos monos being the primary focus of this DLC alongside Cathay and Kislev, I strongly believe that Nurgle, Tzeentch, and Slaanesh will get at least one more each. As for Khorne, it depends. If Arbaal is the FLC, they can be a wrap. But if he isnt, then he will be added down the road because he is a fan favorite and is highly requested. Has been since game one actually because fans wanted him in WoC. Personally, I think he fits better in the Mono factions, seeing how in all the novels he led more daemons than he did humans, which is weird for a Khornate Lord really, as its usually in the books Daemons leading daemon hordes and mortals leading mortals, with a touch of the opposites in either. (Archaon being an exception because hes just the big boss and can lead who he feels like LOL). If Arbaal caps it off, I'm content  and they can do whomever without a request or gripe from me concerning Khorne.

BUT they don't want a repeat of ordertide DLC from WH2. So I think they will spread some more mono stuff around as everyone else gets attention. But not much. Maybe a LL here, FLC lord there alongside the rest. I think the Empire could still use quite a bit, Cathay could go for maybe 1 or 2 more, Kislev needs love again at least once, and I HOPE they go over the old factions at least once more each. The only exceptions to this imo would be the Vampirates, Lizardmen (they have PLENTY of LLs! Reworks, maybe. Content no!) and the Skaven just need Thanquil really.

I rarely play anyone other than Dark Elves, Chaos, Beastmen and on the odd occasion, VCs. But I WANT these factions to expand to their full potential, because no body gets excited beating up generics with the same ol troops. The more they add, the more it helps immersion. I saw a guy on another platform complaing because all 3 in the upcoming DLC were destruction. I don't get that. Because everything expands the world and makes it a better playing field. So if any of you have a favorite of any faction, know that I am rooting for them to come along with you!

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3 months ago
Jul 1, 2024, 4:40:34 PM

Steelmidnight#4472 wrote:
If you guys could only pick one between Glottkin or Gutrot, which would you pick?

Glottkin.  No contest.  He was the "star" of that supplement.  And he's the far more unique model.  He's also 3 characters in one.

Steelmidnight#4472 wrote:
And who would be good for Kurgan and Hung?

Sayl.  He's the leader of the Dolgan Tribe of the Kurgans.

Crom is the leader of the Kul Tribe.  But, as Archaon's right-hand man, he really belongs in the WoC.

Sadly, there are no prominent Hung characters mentioned in TT.

Steelmidnight#4472 wrote:
And they have "borrowed" mechanics from on LL to another before. I think Archaon SHOULD get his lieutenants similar to how Tamrakhan gets his chieftains.



MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:
Hung don't have any characters, and with people not wanting less known Norscan characters, can't really get a new Hung character either.

I'd rather have a completely made-up Hung character, over an obscure Norscan character.  The Kurgan and Hung represent fully 2/3rds of the Tribes of Chaos.  They each deserve to be represented by a LL.  Norsca already has representation(and may get more with Mortkin), they don't need to dip into lore blurbs to give them more while Kurgan and Hung have nothing.

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jul 1, 2024, 4:54:25 PM

Croms the guy who rode out alone to challenge Archaons horde, and took down a bunch of his best guys one by one, right? Sounds like an absolute melee beast if its who I am thinking about. I stopped playing TT during the whole End Times debacle. In fact I never thought I would mess with Warhammer again, until a lady I know sent me a video of "Battle of Blackfire Pass" and I was utterly stunned! Bought every DLC the moment its released since as I forgot just how much I loved this universe and chatting with other fans about it. I didnt quit playing BECAUSE of End Times like alot of people did back then, though. I quit because my best friend, lead guitarist, and Tzeentch commander passed away from liver failure. We used to take our wives to weekend conventions back when Warhammer gatherings were like superbowl gatherings LOL. He bought his army when I did. Engrimm was his boy, just as Arbaal was mine....

This Old World setting holds alot of powerful and treasured memories for me. He would have been blowing up my phone if he would have seen this game. So I am burning down the world for him too! Hell, now I have a son the age we were who plays as well! I always did like the kind of people this franchise tends to attract.....Well, WHFB anyways. I tried dipping a toe into the 40K universe, but there are players with terminal jackass syndrome who ruined that experience for me on a couple of occasions. "Elitists" I have heard them called.

Does Crom have any special gear, mounts, or rules that set him apart?

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jul 1, 2024, 5:10:21 PM

Crom has fighting stances. No artefacts.

My list - I exclude EoT as I m not sure we ll get EoT exclusives and I m not a fan of them.


Crom LL

Mordrek LH

KhornScylla LHArbaal FLC LL


Dechalla LL

Masque LH or even FLC LL not important


Egrim FLC LL

Galrauch his LH


Bring on Valnir CA!

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jul 1, 2024, 5:17:20 PM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:
I'd rather have a completely made-up Hung character, over an obscure Norscan character.  The Kurgan and Hung represent fully 2/3rds of the Tribes of Chaos.

If we had a race called "Tribes of Chaos" you might have a point but the race is called Norsca, so Norsca is obviously the main focus of it. That's like complaining that a race called the "Ogre Kingdoms" doesn't have a Gnoblar and Yhetee character because they also represent the race.

Steelmidnight#4472 wrote:
Does Crom have any special gear, mounts, or rules that set him apart?

Nope. No unique personality, items, appearance, followers, abilities, or location. You can take a Chaos Lord, name the "Crom the Conquerer" and the character is implemented 99% lore accurate

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3 months ago
Jul 1, 2024, 8:47:54 PM

BM and Norsca are done, I'd be perfectly fine with them never getting any more content. 

Khorne needs Skarr. He's too dumb to pass up, magnifico.

Masque should never be added, awful character. 

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jul 1, 2024, 9:17:00 PM

Galrauch ll or bust, ths lh nonsense are people qho clearly didnt play them on the tt with theit bandwagon jumping.

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3 months ago
Jul 1, 2024, 9:56:24 PM

Steelmidnight#4472 wrote:

If you guys could only pick one between Glottkin or Gutrot, which would you pick?

And who would be good for Kurgan and Hung?

And they have "borrowed" mechanics from on LL to another before. I think Archaon SHOULD get his lieutenants similar to how Tamrakhan gets his chieftains.

Glottkin. Not even close. 

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3 months ago
Jul 1, 2024, 10:44:51 PM

Steelmidnight#4472 wrote:
And Chaos fans, what do you think?

Chaos characters that I want: Sayl the Faithless, Mordrek the Damned, Crom the Conqueror, Arbaal the Undefeated, Scyla Anfingrimm, Valnir the Reaper, Galrauch, Dechala the Denied OneMoonclaw, Molokh Slugtongue.

Steelmidnight#4472 wrote:

Does Crom have any special gear, mounts, or rules that set him apart?

Here are his Storm of Chaos rules

image loaded from urlimage loaded from url

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3 months ago
Jul 1, 2024, 11:16:05 PM

Nyxilis#3646 wrote:

Galrauch ll or bust, ths lh nonsense are people qho clearly didnt play them on the tt with theit bandwagon jumping.

In a choice between Galrauch and Egrimm van Horstmann, Egrimm takes the cake 100% no contest. He fits in with both a deepened cult or a flesh lab mechanic with the trolls. He is a perfect DLC character to pit Tzeentch against the Empire (Empire should IMO face all Chaos Gods except Slaanesh in a DLC) and someone else. Galrauch's only advantage... is that he is 8th edition and could pull a Gorbad, which again nobody would be happy with.

If Tzeentch could get 4 LLs then by all means have Galrauch a LL as well, but in a choice, Egrimm van Horstmann MUST take priority.

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