Missing Lizardmen Units - a Lustria Bestiary (Steam Guide)

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4 months ago
May 16, 2024, 7:48:09 PM


Hello, fellow Warhammer players!

I recently published a new guide on Steam regarding missing Lizardmen units of Lustria.

I was playing the amazing mod "Lost Calm: Jurassic Normal." It has a great idea of extracting the eggs of Lustrian creatures from different sites. It is actually exactly what lizardmen do in the lore as well.

However, the mod is not lore-friendly. Therefore, I wanted to find out which units, beasts, and dinosaurs are left in Lustria that could serve as the basis of a lore-friendly mod or future game mechanic. 

Surprisingly, I actually found more than 20 new units. This is mostly due to the new release of "Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay - Lustria." 

The full guide can be found here:


Updated 4 months ago.
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4 months ago
May 16, 2024, 7:55:03 PM

Tetto'eko LL
Chakax LH
Skink High Priest L
Kroxigor Champion H
Arcanadon w Stone Thrower EotG
Culchan Riders
Skink Bows
Great Wyrm
Skink Braves

+ major mechanical rework

Done. Don't count on anything from the RPGs. Go with the well-established stuff from 8th, 6th and 5th edition.

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4 months ago
May 16, 2024, 8:15:39 PM

Hello Wattman,

they are all in the guide (Tetto'eko, Chakax, Skink High Priest, Arcanadon with stone Thrower, Culchan Riders, Skink Bows, Great Wyrm) and many more!

Do you have a source for the Kroxigor Champion and the Skink Braves?

The mechanical rework is based on the caravan mechanic to collect eggs from different sites!

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4 months ago
May 16, 2024, 8:27:15 PM

Venoxxis_rox_u#2985 wrote:

Hello Wattman,

they are all in the guide (Tetto'eko, Chakax, Skink High Priest, Arcanadon with stone Thrower, Culchan Riders, Skink Bows, Great Wyrm) and many more!

Do you have a source for the Kroxigor Champion and the Skink Braves?

The mechanical rework is based on the caravan mechanic to collect eggs from different sites!

Well the Skink Braves are the 8th edition champions of regular skinks and a Kroxigor Champion would just be a made-up middle between the regulars and the ancients, just so that we have a complete collection of all the sub-species, giving Nakai a true all-Kroxigor experience.

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4 months ago
May 16, 2024, 8:29:38 PM

did Lizardmen ever had s  generic Skink High priest lord in one of their army books? 

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

Tetto'eko LL
Chakax LH
Skink High Priest L
Kroxigor Champion H
Arcanadon w Stone Thrower EotG
Culchan Riders
Skink Bows
Great Wyrm
Skink Braves

+ major mechanical rework

Done. Don't count on anything from the RPGs. Go with the well-established stuff from 8th, 6th and 5th edition.

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4 months ago
May 16, 2024, 8:40:23 PM

Though I doubt most of these units - if any at all - will make it out in the game, I must commend your for your exceptional and meticulous work of compilation. As a fan of the race myself, I applaud the obvious care you put into this.

And I do wish we would see some of these added to the game of course; it just doesn't seem too likely overall.

Great read nonetheless :)

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4 months ago
May 16, 2024, 8:56:47 PM

It was introduced in a White Dwarf issue and CA has already added in White Dwarf originals into the game. See most of the Vampire Coast as example.

Player#29983 wrote:
did Lizardmen ever had s  generic Skink High priest lord in one of their army books? 

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4 months ago
May 16, 2024, 9:06:30 PM

I don't think CA should add a High Skink Priest, or any non-Slaan  generic caster lord, and if they are going to add a new lord, to do a Chameleon Ranged Lord. Right now because Slaan are your only caster lords, and they are somewhat limited, you really go out of your way to protect them, and that playstyle is very lore fitting. I think if you made a generic skink caster lord, the Slaan would be way less valuable.

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4 months ago
May 16, 2024, 9:18:32 PM

That's like saying that HE Mages are less important because they also have Loremasters. 

Or that Vampire Lords are redundant because there are also Necromancer Lords. 

The Slaan have access to all the Lores of magic, High Skink Priests would have the same 2 Skink Priests have access to, so no, they aren't mutually exclusive.

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

I don't think CA should add a High Skink Priest, or any non-Slaan  generic caster lord, and if they are going to add a new lord, to do a Chameleon Ranged Lord. Right now because Slaan are your only caster lords, and they are somewhat limited, you really go out of your way to protect them, and that playstyle is very lore fitting. I think if you made a generic skink caster lord, the Slaan would be way less valuable.

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4 months ago
May 16, 2024, 9:22:13 PM

ToastingBread#6550 wrote:

It was introduced in a White Dwarf issue and CA has already added in White Dwarf originals into the game. See most of the Vampire Coast as example.

The August 2013 (404) edition it seems to be. Can't seem to find it online (free) though.

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4 months ago
May 16, 2024, 9:36:22 PM

The only thing I could find is a list of the contents of that white dwarf.

"New Releases pg4-29: New releases in 2013 are laced with decent pictures of the models, pull out spreads and short fluff paragraphs to sell the models (hence the length of the section). 

The Carnosaur/Troglodon kit is featured on the two page pullout spread along with the Bastiladon and the other new plastics in the background of a Lizardmen army bursting from the jungle to overrun an Empire fort. Lizardmen releases are: Carnosaur/Troglodon/Kroq-Gar (plastic multipart, sculpted by Seb Perbet); Bastiladon (plastic multipart, sculpted by Alex Hedstrom and Aly Morrison); Terradon/Ripperdactyls/Tiktaq'To/Skink Chief (plastic multi-part, sculpted by Samir Battistotti, Matt Holland, Aly Morrison and Gavin Newton, 3 models plus toad); Skink High Priest (plastic, sculpted by Alex Hedstrom, remember the good times); Tetto'Eko (Finecast, sculpted by Steve Buddie); Gor-Rok (Finecast, sculpted by Steve Buddie), Lizardmen Battalion (16 Saurus, 12 Skinks, 10 Temple Guards, 8 Cold One Riders all mult-ipart plastic); Warhammer Battle Magic Lizardmen (card set); Warhammer:Lizardmen (army book 8th by Jeremy Vetock); Marco Colombo (Finecast Gamesday model 2013)

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

ToastingBread#6550 wrote:

It was introduced in a White Dwarf issue and CA has already added in White Dwarf originals into the game. See most of the Vampire Coast as example.

The August 2013 (404) edition it seems to be. Can't seem to find it online (free) though.

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4 months ago
May 16, 2024, 9:49:43 PM

No? You can recruit HE mages, and Loremasters as regular heroes. You don't need to do a rite to get the only caster hero in the roster. If you could recruit loremasters, but had to do a rite to get HE mages and could only get them every 10 turns, you probably wouldn't bother recruiting HE mages as much.

Slaan right now being the only caster lord, that you can only get every 10 turns means you feel like you need to protect them more, and really care about losing them, because they're harder to get. If you could just get a different caster as well that you recruit normally, it's not as big of a deal if you lose them, even if you want the other lores. Also I would say Necromancers lords do tend to be a bit redundant because you have vampires, and if you're taking a master necromancer, you usually are doing it for themes rather than any real use of them.

mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:
May 16, 2024, 5:18:32 PM Copied to clipboard!

That's like saying that HE Mages are less important because they also have Loremasters. 

Or that Vampire Lords are redundant because there are also Necromancer Lords. 

The Slaan have access to all the Lores of magic, High Skink Priests would have the same 2 Skink Priests have access to, so no, they aren't mutually exclusive.

Updated 4 months ago.
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4 months ago
May 17, 2024, 7:15:48 AM
TheWattman#7460 wrote:

Tetto'eko LL
Chakax LH
Skink High Priest L
Kroxigor Champion H
Arcanadon w Stone Thrower EotG
Culchan Riders
Skink Bows
Great Wyrm
Skink Braves

+ major mechanical rework

Done. Don't count on anything from the RPGs. Go with the well-established stuff from 8th, 6th and 5th edition.

Approved. I like big dinos.

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4 months ago
May 17, 2024, 1:00:13 PM

This exactly. I am not seeing this happening any time soon (too many unique models) but that's a great effort you did there OP !

I am also very interested by Calm's mod but the lack of lore accuracy in favor of the dino fantasy put me off (even though I love dinos).

Player#641602 wrote:

Though I doubt most of these units - if any at all - will make it out in the game, I must commend your for your exceptional and meticulous work of compilation. As a fan of the race myself, I applaud the obvious care you put into this.

And I do wish we would see some of these added to the game of course; it just doesn't seem too likely overall.

Great read nonetheless :)

Updated 4 months ago.
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4 months ago
May 17, 2024, 7:09:42 PM

Thank you very much, gentlemen! Exactly my thought: Lost Calm is amazing, but the distance to the lore is a little bit off-putting. 

Do you really think a lizardmen rework is all that unlikely? 

It's well known that the race works a little bit too straight-forward. If you don't play Tehenhauin, you are basically playing a linear faction with no real tactical or special mechanics. 

Player#641602 wrote:

Though I doubt most of these units - if any at all - will make it out in the game, I must commend your for your exceptional and meticulous work of compilation. As a fan of the race myself, I applaud the obvious care you put into this.

And I do wish we would see some of these added to the game of course; it just doesn't seem too likely overall.

Great read nonetheless :)

MalalTheRenegade#5644 wrote:

This exactly. I am not seeing this happening any time soon (too many unique models) but that's a great effort you did there OP !

I am also very interested by Calm's mod but the lack of lore accuracy in favor of the dino fantasy put me off (even though I love dinos).

Player#641602 wrote:

Though I doubt most of these units - if any at all - will make it out in the game, I must commend your for your exceptional and meticulous work of compilation. As a fan of the race myself, I applaud the obvious care you put into this.

And I do wish we would see some of these added to the game of course; it just doesn't seem too likely overall.

Great read nonetheless :)

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4 months ago
May 18, 2024, 2:26:26 PM

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

Tetto'eko LL
Chakax LH
Skink High Priest L
Kroxigor Champion H
Arcanadon w Stone Thrower EotG
Culchan Riders
Skink Bows
Great Wyrm
Skink Braves

+ major mechanical rework

Done. Don't count on anything from the RPGs. Go with the well-established stuff from 8th, 6th and 5th edition.


>With stone thrower

Yeah no. GW should retcon the Engine of The Gods into being various types of engines. The ones on the Ancient Stegadon would be renamed into a Sun-Fury Engine (Solar Engine is already taken). The Engine of The Gods the Arcanadon would carry would be called the Thunder Engine and would work in two ways. Either hurling spherical lighting, thus giving lizzies indirect magical artillery or allowing them to summon a devastating lightning storm. While the Stegadon is the pinpoint Ion Cannon, the Arcanadon would be the large AoE tarpit destroyer.

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4 months ago
May 18, 2024, 4:21:09 PM

The Arcanadon would thus work pretty much like in the Regiments of Reknown version of the Arcanadon in the mod "Arcanadon - Beast of Light". Do you know the mod?


I understand were you are coming from - and it would probably look very cool. However, a stone throwing device (an actual artillery) is what the Lizardmen roster really needs. 

Ben1990#8909 wrote:

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

Tetto'eko LL
Chakax LH
Skink High Priest L
Kroxigor Champion H
Arcanadon w Stone Thrower EotG
Culchan Riders
Skink Bows
Great Wyrm
Skink Braves

+ major mechanical rework

Done. Don't count on anything from the RPGs. Go with the well-established stuff from 8th, 6th and 5th edition.


>With stone thrower

Yeah no. GW should retcon the Engine of The Gods into being various types of engines. The ones on the Ancient Stegadon would be renamed into a Sun-Fury Engine (Solar Engine is already taken). The Engine of The Gods the Arcanadon would carry would be called the Thunder Engine and would work in two ways. Either hurling spherical lighting, thus giving lizzies indirect magical artillery or allowing them to summon a devastating lightning storm. While the Stegadon is the pinpoint Ion Cannon, the Arcanadon would be the large AoE tarpit destroyer.

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4 months ago
May 18, 2024, 5:55:16 PM

Venoxxis_rox_u#2985 wrote:

The Arcanadon would thus work pretty much like in the Regiments of Reknown version of the Arcanadon in the mod "Arcanadon - Beast of Light". Do you know the mod?


I understand were you are coming from - and it would probably look very cool. However, a stone throwing device (an actual artillery) is what the Lizardmen roster really needs. 

Indeed. It would turn into a dedicated siege beast, perfect for Lizardmen to batter enemy gates from a distance with more effect than a solar engine could.

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4 months ago
May 18, 2024, 6:55:18 PM

That's right, dear comrades. I just want to add to all this that it is also necessary to restore the power of the carnosaurus, which was turned into a laughing stock, as well as significantly strengthen the Dread Saurian, which has a price of 3100, whereas the extremely broken Thunder Barge has only 2800, which can destroy entire armies even after nerf!

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4 months ago
May 18, 2024, 7:09:54 PM

Most of all, I liked the ideas with the legendary hero Coatl! And also Great Wyrm, and Pleodon! Just an amazing article, an amazing job, I just plunged into the world of Lustria, and realized that truly, there is still an incredible amount of content for lizardmen, despite what the idiot haters say! Thank you so much for your hard work!

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