Confederation rework! No more loss of unique mechanics and units!!

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5 months ago
Apr 22, 2024, 9:03:58 PM

At the moment if your player faction confederates another sub faction it assimilates it completely and the special mechanic of this faction is gone, special buildings can no longer be build and special units are no longer recruitable. I like to play High elves the most and I don't like it at all, when you confederate with nagarythe, that you can no longer recruit Shadow walkers or the Hand of the Shadowking nor can you use the shadow path mechanic to bypass difficult terrain, and you lose the special ambush attack stance. When you confederate Yvresse you have no access to the Athel Tamara dungeon and all the mystwalker units and the cage mechanics. When you confederate Aeriel she looses the access to the tree man units. If you confederate Imrik you lose all his special rituals and Dragons ( I am not 100% sure about that).  I know there are some mods out there to help with some of those issues, but I don't want it to be a mod.

Here is my idea: When you start to confederate with other sub factions you are no longer for example Lothern or Reiksland but Highelve Confederation (or just High elves) or The Empire instead of Reiksland, Couronnes becomes the Kingdom of Bretonia. Here is the clue: your starting sub faction remains under your control, and you get the control of the confederated sub faction, but it remains in its color scheme and special rules under your control. You get all the common income, but capital sizes, special rules, buildings and units armies remain part of the certain sub faction under your control in your game turn. If you conquer a new settlement, you can choose to which sub faction it shall belong, and you can shift the ownership of this settlement between the sub factions.

You can combine the units from the different sub factions with those of other sub factions. For example. Couronne can recruit knight of bastonnes color scheme when they recruit in that region, or Lothern can recruit Archers with the Cothique colors when you own the region. You can have all the Regions from the Empire without assimilate everything into Reiksland.

I hope this idea gets some support:)

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5 months ago
Apr 22, 2024, 9:13:45 PM

I don't think this is pratical.

Both from coding (a guess) and from gameplay (less a guess).

People complain about steam rolling already, but having all the special features of all different, sometimes very different factions, would be probably too strong, even if broken up into subfactions.

Also: I think CA wants to have people have reasons to play as that faction, if you get every mechanic more or less by playing one the motivation one can argue, to play as a different faction deminish, 

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5 months ago
Apr 22, 2024, 9:27:40 PM

Bad idea.  Those are faction mechanics, not lord mechanics, and when you confederate the other faction terminates.  It also removes the reason to play those other lords.  

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5 months ago
Apr 22, 2024, 9:28:46 PM

That's the nature of how this game is designed. With on one hand the focus is on unique mechanics and flavour for each lord, which, during a campaign, this idea of uniqueness is hindered by the 'Gotta catch em all under one banner' confederations focussed playstyle. Hence why i play with mods which lets me have as little conferderations as possible, only for specific race mechanics like the Greenskins when they defeat a warboss they assimiliate the faction for example 

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5 months ago
Apr 22, 2024, 9:29:47 PM

Hard pass, the entire point of factions with unique mechanics and units is that they offer a different experience compared to others, if everyone just ends up being the same there is no point in unique mechanics or units at all, it defeats their entire purpose.

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5 months ago
Apr 23, 2024, 12:50:41 AM
SiWI#8629 wrote:
I don't think this is pratical.

For Mechanics, I agree.  It just doesn't seem feasible.

This should absolutely be a thing for units though.

If Spire Walkers follow Eltharion, and now Eltharion follows you, then Spire Walkers should now follow you.  It makes no sense he can't recruit them any more if he joins up with you.  Do the Spire Walkers just stop caring about the fate of Ulthuan because their boss joins forces with another Elf?

mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:
Hard pass, the entire point of factions with unique mechanics and units is that they offer a different experience compared to others, if everyone just ends up being the same there is no point in unique mechanics or units at all, it defeats their entire purpose.

The "purpose" of Factions is to give you buffs and discounts on certain units.  To incentivize and reward you for building armies that are thematic to the Faction.  Not to FORCE you into playing with certain units by restricting your unit selection.  Thus removing player agency from what is meant to be a sandbox experience.

Based on this line of thinking, nobody but Ungrim and Malakai would be allowed to use any Slayers at all.  WHFB was never this restrictive. Everyone in a Race could use any of the Race's units.

Updated 5 months ago.
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5 months ago
Apr 23, 2024, 2:52:08 AM

Some mechanism should be tied more to a region, than a faction.

Nuln armoury when you control Nuln. Or you are Elspeth

Mistwalker =  control Yvresse, or are Eltharion.

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5 months ago
Apr 23, 2024, 6:19:17 AM

Disagree, it's killing all the replayability of the all game, i don't have 6 HE campaign but just 1 at the end... I don't understand why we can confederate some dead LL by the way... It's illogical. If the AI can use that mechanic to why not (can it?), if not, it's making the game easer and easer

Bon jeu à tous 

Good game to all

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5 months ago
Apr 23, 2024, 8:11:14 AM

I second OP´s idea. Base factions feel bland. For example if i have to chose between Tyrion vs Eltharion, Grom vs Skarsnik, Skrolk vs the 3 DLC LL, i often go for a DLC faction just because it feels so much better to play them. 

Giving the opportunity to get an additional faction mechanic for base game races would give the base game races a slight edge over the DLC races, if you are able to get a confederation.

And i like that idea since often the base races are the faction core leaders like Karl Frans for the Empire, Tyrion for the High Elves, Malekith for Dark Elves etc.

So they should be able to incorporate the newly confederated faction fully into the empire. 


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5 months ago
Apr 23, 2024, 9:10:09 AM

I have long had similar thoughts but slightly different. For me it feels wrong when a sub faction controls the primary faction itself. Like Gelt controlling the Empire and confederating Franz, or someone other than Thorgrim being the high king. Just no. 

Using the Empire as an example you could play as Gelt while still recognising Franz as being the emperor. So maybe for order factions you could bring in high office positions like the Empire used to have before the original rework. Karl would always hold the title of Emperor and be recognised as such during a Gelt play through. 

It also wouldnt sit right painting the Empire in Gelts faction colours so what you could do is instead of confederation as it currently is, confederate via the tech tree down an appropriately difficult to achieve unification branch. So Gelt would start with his faction colours, Franz would start in Reikland colours and then when you finally confederate Reikland, your faction colours change to that of the Empire, with Franz holding the emperor of man office and Gelt holding the patriach of the colleges of magic office. Mechanics wouldn't change at all and stay the same as your primary faction. As for races with unique units, after confederation you could unlock them via the tech tree, incorperating them into the unified factions armies.

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5 months ago
Apr 23, 2024, 9:52:19 AM
Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

I could not disagree more. Keeping factions as unique as possible is the main priority. 

100% agree

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5 months ago
Apr 23, 2024, 10:35:33 AM


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5 months ago
Apr 23, 2024, 11:48:40 AM

I think allowing units after confederation or through a building chain is my limit on this. Too many mechanics stacking on top of each other would make the game too complicated for me.

So, most walkers if you own Tor Yvresse and Eltharion.

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5 months ago
Apr 23, 2024, 12:16:40 PM

Same people who want all kislev factions to be neighbours...

Same people who use mods to collect ll...

No this is bad... the full point of unique faction mechanics is so if you play that faction it's ermmm unique... exactly the reason LL are scattered around the world to make it a different experience or it would all play the same. 

Only person I ever confed with is WE and Franz as confed mechanic is terrible and wipes out factions and makes you stupid OP...

I skip all bret confed mechanics and normally just wipe out my fellow brets it just feels bad to confed.

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5 months ago
Apr 23, 2024, 12:59:03 PM
Enée#5981 wrote:
Disagree, it's killing all the replayability of the all game, i don't have 6 HE campaign but just 1 at the end

Then just...don't confederate other LLs?  The game doesn't force you to do it.

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5 months ago
Apr 24, 2024, 8:17:29 PM

I never thought to get so much response to this topic. If I summarize correctly, some of you would fear losing the uniqueness of their faction. Why do you confederate at all? Just murder all subfactions and take their land. In my opinion, the argument about losing one's uniqueness is illogical. It pretty much keeps the uniqueness of every subfaction alive, and it is much more lorefriendly than assimilating every province to Etaine or Reiksland. What about an option to choose between assimilating and keeping the unique mechanics and color scheme of the subfaction the moment the confederation takes place? I mean, some legendary lords have tailor-made tech trees for their special mechanics, for example, Eltharion or Alariele, that lose their whole functionality without their special units. 


For those who say it is too complicated for them, just don't confederate.


This is just my opinion; I have no influence on CA, but I wish this topic would have some kind of impact on improving the confederation system.

I do not remember exactly if it was Rome 1 or 2, where there was a confederation system for some factions, for example, Germanic tribes, where you could become the Suebi alliance when you confederated other tribes of the germanic mainfaction. This was one reason why I came up with this idea.


Have a good day, and don't get angry if I say something you dislike!


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3 months ago
Jun 30, 2024, 10:40:58 AM

Sorry for a bit of necroposting here.

First of all, I have to say that I absolutely love the idea as an option or mod.

Factions do lose their uniqueness in that way, but it's logical to get some mechanics (like Elspeths) after confederation.

So why can't we have that feature as an option if we want to?

Secondly, speaking about mods there is actually one (合邦就能用 confiderating you can get 5.1), that's already done.

I haven't test it yet but it has 700+ comments so it should work at least.
Its description is in Chinese so it is not easy to find it through the steam workshop.
If anyone was looking for that mode like I did, be welcome to use the link (:

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Jun 30, 2024, 10:49:08 AM

dingbat#5498 wrote:

Bad idea.  Those are faction mechanics, not lord mechanics, and when you confederate the other faction terminates.  It also removes the reason to play those other lords.  


This game is about replayability. You want to play with another faction's mechanic ? Then play with that faction. Simple.

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4 days ago
Sep 15, 2024, 7:32:40 PM

MalalTheRenegade#5644 wrote:

dingbat#5498 wrote:

Bad idea.  Those are faction mechanics, not lord mechanics, and when you confederate the other faction terminates.  It also removes the reason to play those other lords.  


This game is about replayability. You want to play with another faction's mechanic ? Then play with that faction. Simple.

Sorry that i must say this but this argument makes no sense. If you don't want to have other faction mechanics than don't confederate. Just wipe all the other factions off the map.

Uniqueness and replayability are not destroyed. By the way, confederations take quite a while. You always have a different start and a different faction leader. So there is plenty of possibility for a unique experience. Having legendary lords with crippled mechanics and tech trees is not fun.

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