A word about Daniel (Yuri).

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6 months ago
Mar 2, 2024, 9:32:29 PM

Dear CA, please fix Daniel. He sucks. The idea is sound, but the execution feels like it was rushed out while 75% complete because the release date caught y'all by surprise or something. This could potentially be a really cool campaign, but it's just... not fully baked yet. Also his start position needs to be reconsidered...cuz... damn.

Also... stop hiding the high end Tzeentch unlocks for him behind playing the mirror of madness thing -- that is flat out insulting and pointlessly nerfs a LL. No one likes MoM unless they're high at 2 am and thinks watching things get ragdolled is funny.

Oh, and stop making Boris require an unlock from the ROC campaign. No one wants to play that, either, as evidenced by the extremely low rate of people who have unlocked Boris -- and most of those having used a mod to do so.


PS: Thanks for the good strides towards improving the game recently -- it's nice to see you guys back on track, and appreciated.

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6 months ago
Mar 2, 2024, 11:52:51 PM

I mean I played RoC through exactly once as kislev to unlock boris, then never touched it again.Immortal empires > ROC any day! Also I refuse to do Mirror of Madness but then I do not play many deamon factions.

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6 months ago
Mar 3, 2024, 1:32:10 AM

RoC gets a bad rap for how awful it was at launch.

Now that you can stop portals from spawning in your provinces with protection buildings, autocalc the Daemon Prince battles and the Domination Victory option where you give the whole thing the middle finger, it's actually kinda fun.

Plus none of the DLC LLs or factions they've added since launch have anything to do with the Realms of Chaos, so if you want a Mother Ostankiya campaign where she's actually where she should be in IE, you can play her in RoC, and unless you confederate with Kislev proper, you don't have to mess with provinces that are all minor settlements except in places that's already the case in IE.

As for Danny, I've been playing a campaign with him recently and there are a few things I have noticed that I feel need fixing.

First, As to the DP himself, he needs a skill tree rework baaad. It's frankly overwhelming and confusing on where to start, especially if plan on going Chaos Undivided. Instead of five *extremely* skill point hungry skill trees from the get go, I think you should only start with a couple of generic trees, *then* open up with the god-specific ones around the time most other LL start being able to pick up their unique skill line; even if CA wants the player to pick on which god's units they want to focus on, he should really have army skills that buff the basic units of *all* the gods to start with. Also, while I get why he can't equip normal gear, why can't he have any ancillaries?

Second, going through the devotion unlocks is, frankly a bit boring. I get why, and I am thankful, that I don't get a popup for every single part I unlock, but what about unit unlocks and the milestones that are the equivalent to technology unlocks for other factions? In fact, they could probably take a page from how they handle souls for WoC, and have devotion be a resource you spend for techs and unit unlocks like some of the other factions use a special resource for, but the game tracks your total accumulated during the game for Daniel's part unlock. That would make the unlocks meaningful *and* be the first step in possibly allowing for other DoC LL since part unlock and unit/modifier unlocks are no longer so intertwined.

Third, for the big unlocks, (Plagues, Bloodletting, Seduction and Teleport) there are some issues I'd want addressed. Teleport is, frankly, the only one that feels good unlocking, especially on the RoC map where much of the terrain around where you start is rugged. However, Daniel's economy doesn't support the prices for Seduction as is, especially when he has no way of reducing the cost, even if he dedicates to Slannesh... Not sure if that means adjusting it, or some other Slannesh-appropriate benefit. Plagues are *mostly* okay, but could use some updating, as well as some notice about how it takes a turn for a new plague to take effect. Finally, Bloodletting needs the same treatment Valkia got, with its own unique bonuses and penalties, since there isn't nearly as much there to support the rampaging force of nature Skarbrand needs to be to keep it going (like being able to keep moving after razing a settlement, or spawning blood host armies to support you when you end up deep in enemy territory due to chaining battles.)

Finally, Dedicating Daniel to a specific God (or going Undivided) should be a BIG DEAL, but it instead comes off as meh. If I dedicate to a specific god, I should be getting more of the features other monogod factions have, and if I'm going Undivided, how about something like Be'akor's Unholy Manifestations with campaign abilities that get stronger depending on which god in ascendant? Also, why can't Danny get any parts that grant Lore of Fire spells when he goes undivided, when the Undivided Daemon Prince for WoC gets the Lore!?

There are, of course, several other major issues. The way his settlements work is a whole other can of worms I don't even know how to begin to fix (other than please, for the love of all that is unholy, let us switch which god a settlement is dedicated to!) Not to mention if and how lords other than the DP should get ways of buffing units in their army that are not of their god. But these are the ones I have a clear idea on how I would like to see them addressed.

Updated 6 months ago.
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6 months ago
Mar 3, 2024, 2:48:52 AM

I think since Daniel is the teaching character in the prologue it should make the player's choices more meaningful.

His potential as Katarin's betrothed was wasted.

I hope he can destroy the mortal factions in the game and gain the favor of the Chaos Gods.

But you can also destroy the demon faction and restore your human identity.

Daniel is getting weaker and weaker in the latter route, and players want to get a good ending between him and Katarin.

You must put more training in gaming skills, which echoes the teaching theme of the prologue very well.

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6 months ago
Mar 3, 2024, 4:42:18 AM

My fascination with this character is fixated on one thing and one thing only: why did they name it/him/whatever Daniel!? I mean... Daniel? Why not Joe or Jimmy /s

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6 months ago
Mar 3, 2024, 5:36:51 AM
ravonline#3849 wrote:

My fascination with this character is fixated on one thing and one thing only: why did they name it/him/whatever Daniel!? I mean... Daniel? Why not Joe or Jimmy /s

The guy who play him in YT promo named him after himself. Daniel. (It could be translated as 'God is my judge', funny.)

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6 months ago
Mar 3, 2024, 8:47:03 AM
ravonline#3849 wrote:

My fascination with this character is fixated on one thing and one thing only: why did they name it/him/whatever Daniel!? I mean... Daniel? Why not Joe or Jimmy /s

Just an advertising joke when he is technically a person that has a name and even them official title which is neither but the community largely still calls him Daniel from the one advert.

I understand why the originally locked Boris because they were hyped that the story would be fun. Since towards the end a lot of people were playing the Maelstrom map. The amount of play time had narrowed a bit as each DLC it was fun to play through the narrative campaign to eat Ariel and then go do the ME campaign which had a different start. It gave you two fresh playthrough feelings.

But, RoC started less at the healthy stage the Maelstrom was at the end and far more like its buggy crap fest that was the start and actually managed to have a significantly more annoying timer. By large margins, it left such a bad taste in everyone's mouths that a lot of players didn't even finish the campaign and wont even go back to it this day.

Which is why I think they hold to having Boris remain an unlock rather than just giving. 

But overall, I think there was a big mistake on focusing the game hardlined into such a narrative mode. Obviously much of the fanbase is here for the sandbox mode and even as much as I enjoyed the Maelstrom at the end that is not a primary selling point for me. They should come in tandem without one inhibiting the other. In so much as I don't think any LL should be achievement or progression locked. Nor LH or units or other uprades.

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6 months ago
Mar 3, 2024, 1:48:00 PM
ravonline#3849 wrote:

My fascination with this character is fixated on one thing and one thing only: why did they name it/him/whatever Daniel!? I mean... Daniel? Why not Joe or Jimmy /s

In the official introduction video of his mechanics, the super-serious narrator suggests "Daniel" as fierce and terrifying name worthy of a spawn of evil.

Which is already amusing, but what made it meme-worthy was the fact he keeps calling the DP Daniel throughout the entire video and in the official LPs that followed.

Updated 6 months ago.
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6 months ago
Mar 3, 2024, 2:40:27 PM
Foefaller#9840 wrote:
Which is already amusing

It's a funny joke, that I find annoying the community just adopted as the character's name.

Personally, I always refer to him as Godslayer, because that's what his wiki page is called.

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6 months ago
Mar 3, 2024, 5:45:16 PM
Yuri needs a rework from the ground up and a new undivided mechanic, DoC should always be undivided and as a faction he should have access to some crazy assortment of combos (barriers for all units or regeneration) at the cost of something else. He should always be that "Be'lakor" wannabe and striving for scraps of the gods with devotion being closer to norsca than WoC.
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6 months ago
Mar 3, 2024, 5:48:16 PM
XxXScorpionXxX#2310 wrote:

There's no point in throwing good money after bad until the rest of the game is in a better spot. 

I would hope that CA's impulse control isn't so bad that seeing a thread about Daemons of Chaos suggestions would have them drop everything else they are working on to focus entirely on DoC. Or that their memory is so bad that they completely forget about one of the games many, many issues if too many new thread are created without a new one mentioning it in some way.

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6 months ago
Mar 3, 2024, 7:55:48 PM
dogoska#1535 wrote:
Yuri needs a rework from the ground up and a new undivided mechanic, DoC should always be undivided and as a faction he should have access to some crazy assortment of combos (barriers for all units or regeneration) at the cost of something else. He should always be that "Be'lakor" wannabe and striving for scraps of the gods with devotion being closer to norsca than WoC.

If you want to play him as Undivided, do that. There’s no reason to rework his ability to dedicate to a single god.

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6 months ago
Mar 3, 2024, 8:05:19 PM
Nyxilis#3646 wrote:
ravonline#3849 wrote:

My fascination with this character is fixated on one thing and one thing only: why did they name it/him/whatever Daniel!? I mean... Daniel? Why not Joe or Jimmy /s

Just an advertising joke when he is technically a person that has a name and even them official title which is neither but the community largely still calls him Daniel from the one advert.

I understand why the originally locked Boris because they were hyped that the story would be fun. Since towards the end a lot of people were playing the Maelstrom map. The amount of play time had narrowed a bit as each DLC it was fun to play through the narrative campaign to eat Ariel and then go do the ME campaign which had a different start. It gave you two fresh playthrough feelings.

But, RoC started less at the healthy stage the Maelstrom was at the end and far more like its buggy crap fest that was the start and actually managed to have a significantly more annoying timer. By large margins, it left such a bad taste in everyone's mouths that a lot of players didn't even finish the campaign and wont even go back to it this day.

Which is why I think they hold to having Boris remain an unlock rather than just giving. 

But overall, I think there was a big mistake on focusing the game hardlined into such a narrative mode. Obviously much of the fanbase is here for the sandbox mode and even as much as I enjoyed the Maelstrom at the end that is not a primary selling point for me. They should come in tandem without one inhibiting the other. In so much as I don't think any LL should be achievement or progression locked. Nor LH or units or other uprades.

I am 100% against having to unlock any faction beyond simply paying the money for the game/DLC in question. I don't like it, I have never liked it, not in any TW game that has ever been made and I have always altered the game to unlock factions from the moment I first found out you could alter a .txt file to toggle things playable back in Medieval. It's a pet peeve with TW games at this point.

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6 months ago
Mar 5, 2024, 2:53:12 AM
Biggles#4266 wrote:

Just out of interest can you auto resolve the final battle now? Could make it playable again.

I know you can auto resolve the wave battles for each Daemon Prince soul. And it's always as an Heroic Victory too, so as long as your units aren't half dead you won't lose any for avoiding the slog.

Can't confirm the final battle though, as I've yet to get that far in an RoC campaign (not because I hate RoC, just that I find it very hard to stick with a playthrough for more than 80+ turns regardless, and without mods you have to play for around 120 turns to get all the souls) but I would genuinely be kinda disappointed if the final battle for the right to save/interrogate/experiment with/take the eyes/take the skull/get off on the misery of/eat Ursun was an autocalc, even if it was the wave battle to end all wave battles in scale and slogfest.

Updated 6 months ago.
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6 months ago
Mar 5, 2024, 3:27:42 AM
撿骨頭#8601 wrote:

But you can also destroy the demon faction and restore your human identity.

I don't believe that is how Chaos works... Once down the path of Damnation it is exactly that, absolute damnation, no chance of return, ever.

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6 months ago
Mar 5, 2024, 6:48:54 AM

Fine, with the help of Ursun, another humanoid body was created for Daniel's broken soul.

Is this more acceptable?

Updated 6 months ago.
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6 months ago
Mar 5, 2024, 6:50:55 AM
撿骨頭#8601 wrote:

Fine, with the help of Ursun, another humanoid body was created for Daniel.

Is this more acceptable?

No. That’s not how it works. Yuri already lost his soul to the Chaos Gods. There is no way to turn back again. 

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6 months ago
Mar 5, 2024, 10:40:14 AM
Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:
撿骨頭#8601 wrote:

Fine, with the help of Ursun, another humanoid body was created for Daniel.

Is this more acceptable?

No. That’s not how it works. Yuri already lost his soul to the Chaos Gods. There is no way to turn back again. 

Please see the previous part of the conversation,

I mentioned that it would be nice if CA gave players more choices in deciding Daniel's route in the prologue.

If it is irreversible, then I will choose not to give my soul to the Chaos Gods.

Shoot the bullet at Be'lakor and continue to rescue Ursun.

Of course, YURI still became DANIEL for some reason.

Then continue the story.

Updated 6 months ago.
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