After 4.2 SoC is now worth the price, but not worth to buy

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7 months ago
Feb 22, 2024, 3:45:01 PM

I really like new additions to SoC that 4.2 brings to the table. Adding missing heroes, lords, lore of hag is great and CA made really good job on that. Also - new units, those are always nice. I'm really satisfied with SoC content and I'm glad that CA reevaluated their initial plan for that DLC. Thank you CA, you made really god job here!

Now I would say the DLC is worth it's price and provides good amount of content. I'm sure I will be happy to buy it next time I will want to play one of those 3 races.

But yeah, here is the problem - problems with those races are still there and just adding content won't fix them, making me reluctant do play with them... As a result, I don't really feel I'm in a rush to buy SoC DLC...

None of the Kislev issues were addressed:

- supporter system is still bad

- invocation system is still bad

- Ice Court training still makes sense only for Katarin

- economy did not change

- Mother Ostankya still starts in the most stupid place possible

Tzeentch isn't much better

- there is still only one lord to play "normal" (not trolling) campaign

- cults are still bad

- manifestations are still bad

- replenishment is still bad

- corruption looks just a bit better, but for me -still bad

- Changeling's scheme's rewards seem still bugged/meaningless

Cathy might be a bit better than the others, but still:

- defence of the bastion is meaningless

- caravans are still inferior when compared to similar solution in CD

Yuan Bo might be the only LL from the DLC I might be interested in checking out, but I'm not really Cathy player. The Changeling sounds very creative and potentially fun if someone wants something totally different from the game, but I wouldn't say he will be my choice for Tzeentchian campaigns. Mother Ostankya could be fun, but her start in Naggaroth is totally immersion breaking and very punishing for her recruitment mechanics. And nothing changed for old lords of those races, and I played enough with their old issues to relive that experience...

So yeah, the DLC might be now good (for sure it is much better than before), but I don't really see the reason to buy it, not without proper fixes to core races. We are 2 years after the game release and no hope for them can be seen on the horizon... How long will we need to wait until they are addressed...? 2 more years...? Or is it safe to assume nothing will change, ever...? 

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7 months ago
Feb 22, 2024, 3:52:42 PM

I will never play the Changeling and Mother Ostankya (unless they move her)  but I think it’s objectively worth the price. 

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7 months ago
Feb 22, 2024, 4:23:12 PM
pether#9857 wrote:

None of the Kislev issues were addressed:

- supporter system is still bad

- invocation system is still bad

- Ice Court training still makes sense only for Katarin

- economy did not change

- Mother Ostankya still starts in the most stupid place possible

The supporter system should be made more interesting, but other than that:

  • The Invocation system is perfectly fine.
  • I see this frequently suggested, but the Ice Court system doesn’t make sense for other lords and hero types. The Ice Witches are supposed to be rarer in your campaign. We don’t have access to Patriarch lords and Boyars/Druzhina are supposed to be easier to recruit to fill in the gap while you wait for Ice Witches.
  • The economy doesn’t need to change at all.
  • Ostankya’s start position is up to preference. I think it’s fine.
pether#9857 wrote:

Cathy might be a bit better than the others, but still:

- defence of the bastion is meaningless

- caravans are still inferior when compared to similar solution in CD

I agree with these items, but they are hardly make or break for a Cathay campaign. Cathay is fun as it stands.

pether#9857 wrote:

Tzeentch isn't much better

- there is still only one lord to play "normal" (not trolling) campaign

- cults are still bad

- manifestations are still bad

- replenishment is still bad

- corruption looks just a bit better, but for me -still bad

- Changeling's scheme's rewards seem still bugged/meaningless

Many of these items aren’t even related to Tzeentch. Corruption looking bad to you isn’t a mechanic. You not liking the Changeling doesn’t mean they don’t have two lords.

Cults and Manifestations are ineffectual, but the main mechanics are still good and fun. The same goes for the other Monogod races.

I’m of the (controversial) opinion that all races should have Tzeentch’s level replenishment. Replenishment is too high across the board.

pether#9857 wrote:
So yeah, the DLC might be now good (for sure it is much better than before), but I don't really see the reason to buy it, not without proper fixes to core races.

This mentality applies to many other races. Why buy Lizardmen DLCs when the core race sucks mechanically? Because the factions are fun. 

That being said if the DLC isn’t worth it to you, and you don’t find the factions fun, don’t buy it.

Updated 7 months ago.
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7 months ago
Feb 22, 2024, 4:24:59 PM
Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

I will never play the Changeling and Mother Ostankya (unless they move her)  but I think it’s objectively worth the price. 

I've always played Ostankya near-exclusively on the RoC map. Since non of the DLC LLs have to deal with the Realm of Chaos storyline/mechanics, I feel like it's the ideal for a lot of them, especially if you are looking for "authentic" matchups.

As for the OP, a lot of those aren't the DLC, but general patch content. I fear Ostankya is going to stay where she is now until we get more LLs, because the need for that spot having someone playable there probably outweighs how wrong it is for her to *be* there, at least in CA's eyes. They did a lot of random Lizardmen tweaks for this patch (albeit on the battlefield) so I wouldn't give up hope that we won't have to wait until the next Kislev or Cathay DLC to address their issues either.

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7 months ago
Feb 22, 2024, 4:27:55 PM
Foefaller#9840 wrote:
Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

I will never play the Changeling and Mother Ostankya (unless they move her)  but I think it’s objectively worth the price. 

I've always played Ostankya near-exclusively on the RoC map. Since non of the DLC LLs have to deal with the Realm of Chaos storyline/mechanics, I feel like it's the ideal for a lot of them, especially if you are looking for "authentic" matchups.

As for the OP, a lot of those aren't the DLC, but general patch content. I fear Ostankya is going to stay where she is now until we get more LLs, because the need for that spot having someone playable there probably outweighs how wrong it is for her to *be* there, at least in CA's eyes. They did a lot of random Lizardmen tweaks for this patch (albeit on the battlefield) so I wouldn't give up hope that we won't have to wait until the next Kislev or Cathay DLC to address their issues either.

I don’t play RoC tho… I would do it but unfortunately CA wasn’t even bothered to change the new Province Capital system there. 

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7 months ago
Feb 22, 2024, 4:31:46 PM
Foefaller#9840 wrote:
As for the OP, a lot of those aren't the DLC, but general patch content.


As I said, I feel the DLC is in a good place now. I just don't see the reason to buy and play with it, due to overall patch updates (or lack of those)

I'm sure if they release new Tzeentch LL in 2 years time or something like that, I will be happy to buy both SoC and that next DLC and have great time with Tzeentch campaign. I just don't see any reason to do it before that...

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7 months ago
Feb 22, 2024, 4:47:35 PM
Surge_2#1464 wrote:

Its worth maybe 70% of asking.

SoC on Sale when, where is the love?

Nah looking at the quality of some of the Units and characters it’s definitely worth it’s price. Saytang alone is better than most LHs we got in previous DLCs. Outstanding quality. 

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7 months ago
Feb 22, 2024, 5:01:46 PM

So it’s not an issue with the DLC, you just don’t like those factions in general.  That’s fine, but it doesn’t mean it’s not worth the buy for anyone who does like them.

note: I bought it and enjoyed all three lords.  I think it is worth the price.  But if you’re not interested in any of those lords, don’t get it.  Same way I don’t buy it - just like I don’t buy call of duty, but I don’t complain about the price or content of the game.

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7 months ago
Feb 22, 2024, 5:02:21 PM

Well it is 6 months old now, people who bought it at release got 10% off but CA are expecting us to pay the full list price. It is quite humourous really. I am not going to pay the same or more than those disgusting cretins who jumped in early and effectively undermined the player base by accepting substandard fare.

CA should just introduce a 30% discount this weekend - at that point I will probably buy it. The longer I have to wait, the steeper the discount I will expect.

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7 months ago
Feb 22, 2024, 5:06:14 PM

Nothing including abominable minimal remodels such as Chaos Lord of Tzeentch and Centigors of Tzeentch can be truly worth its price. These two additions lowered the overall quality of SoC. That being said, the rest of new content is pretty good, great even. I'm considering buying it. My first DLC in Game3.

I have a question, does the Golden Knight have unique combat animations? Or is her situation as miserable as that of Ulrika?

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7 months ago
Feb 22, 2024, 5:07:47 PM
Bobsyourankle#7897 wrote:
Well it is 6 months old now, people who bought it at release got 10% off but CA are expecting us to pay the full list price. It is quite humourous really. I am not going to pay the same or more than those disgusting cretins who jumped in early and effectively undermined the player base by accepting substandard fare.

Cringe comments aside, you can already find similar deals using third party sites like isthereanydeal.

How people don’t know this in 2024 is beyond me.

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7 months ago
Feb 22, 2024, 5:08:59 PM
Maedrethnir#1968 wrote:

Nothing including abominable minimal remodels such as Chaos Lord of Tzeentch and Centigors of Tzeentch can be truly worth its price. These two additions lowered the overall quality of SoC. That being said, the rest of new content is pretty good, great even. I'm considering buying it. My first DLC in Game3.

I have a question, does the Golden Knight have unique combat animations? Or is her situation as miserable as that of Ulrika?

I checked her in custom battle and it seems like Naryska uses Archaons animations when on foot and mounted… 

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7 months ago
Feb 22, 2024, 5:39:40 PM
Passthechips#4366 wrote:
Bobsyourankle#7897 wrote:
Well it is 6 months old now, people who bought it at release got 10% off but CA are expecting us to pay the full list price. It is quite humourous really. I am not going to pay the same or more than those disgusting cretins who jumped in early and effectively undermined the player base by accepting substandard fare.

Cringe comments aside, you can already find similar deals using third party sites like isthereanydeal.

How people don’t know this in 2024 is beyond me.

You don't realise that I am planning on using those on top of the discount? Really, are you so foolish in 2024?!

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7 months ago
Feb 22, 2024, 5:44:35 PM
Bobsyourankle#7897 wrote:
You don't realise that I am planning on using those on top of the discount? Really, are you so foolish in 2024?!

TW DLCs rarely have permanent discounts to my knowledge. For example, Tomb Kings DLC is still full price 7 years later.

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7 months ago
Feb 22, 2024, 5:45:04 PM

I feel like SoC's content is now enough for me to buy the DLC, but I won't buy it because between bugs, powercreep, and lack of interesting decisions and choices in the mechanics, the game is currently not a fun enough strategy game to play.

Maybe next patch.

Updated 7 months ago.
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7 months ago
Feb 22, 2024, 6:07:41 PM
Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:
Saytang alone is better than most LHs we got in previous DLCs. Outstanding quality. 

Mecha Angel alone should provide a 10% decrease in price.

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7 months ago
Feb 22, 2024, 6:12:35 PM
Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:

I will never play the Changeling and Mother Ostankya (unless they move her)  but I think it’s objectively worth the price. 

Same.  SoC is worth $25 now.

Of course, I won't PAY $25.  Because I'm a cheapskate that doesn't buy anything at full price.

But I'll be getting it next time it goes on sale.  Rather than waiting until it's 50%-off, which is what I was going to do before.

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7 months ago
Feb 22, 2024, 6:15:04 PM
Captain_Rex#1635 wrote:
Maedrethnir#1968 wrote:

Nothing including abominable minimal remodels such as Chaos Lord of Tzeentch and Centigors of Tzeentch can be truly worth its price. These two additions lowered the overall quality of SoC. That being said, the rest of new content is pretty good, great even. I'm considering buying it. My first DLC in Game3.

I have a question, does the Golden Knight have unique combat animations? Or is her situation as miserable as that of Ulrika?

I checked her in custom battle and it seems like Naryska uses Archaons animations when on foot and mounted… 

Awful, if true. That would make her the second Kislev LH without unique combat animations.

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