Kislev start position for Ostankya with SoC update

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9 months ago
Dec 19, 2023, 2:11:35 AM


I would just like to say that I hope that Ostankya gets a secondary (dual) start position in Kislev when the update comes for Shadows of Change. Personally, I like playing the vast majority of my campaigns in the faction's heartland, and my head canon (and I think the real canon) has a strong connection between Ostankya and the land of Kislev, in particular her whole spooky wizard-grandma protector in the woods theme.

For that reason it would be very nice if a small forest in Kislev was added onto the map. Doesn't need to be very substantial, but I think as a major component of the Legendary Lord's relationship to the faction, it would be nice to have it represented in the geography, and would look good too. I don't think it needs to be big, but just a small copse and a single settlement would work if there's a little room for minor rearrangement. 

Otherwise my personal wish list for Kislev would include:

Lore of Hags (With form of the ancient widow)

A monstrous mount of some kind along with a foot option for Ostankya

An Ungol lord of some kind (Melee such as dual swords, bardiche, gun-axe all sounds fun). A ranged variant also sounds interesting (perhaps with a hunting-hawk mechanic to use in battle). I know Hag Mothers as lords are another popular choice but IMO while making lord and hero versions of generic character units is important, adding in new ones is a little more important, and as the rural people of Kislev who Ostankya protects as inhabitants of her forest, it just makes sense that they'd work together or follow her. 

One or two more units (Ungol infantry just to make the the rest of the fantasy stuff stand out, and one more hag/fantasy themed creature)

I think cross-recruitment should be somewhat limited between the Kislevite sub-factions (only in somewhat extreme cases of factional distrust), I also think beasts casters should somehow get access to the Incarnate of Beasts (Maybe as a final spell).

I'm probably forgetting something, but this was mostly about the start position anyway.

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9 months ago
Dec 19, 2023, 2:22:42 AM

Move Ostankya to her forest.  Move Boris to above Naggaroth.

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9 months ago
Dec 19, 2023, 4:21:53 AM

Why not move drycha to North of altdorf and Olstanky can take her forest just south of kislev. That would make the most sense.

 If Drycha would be too much then move her to one of the other forests or even over by the dwarves capital by the black fire pass. 

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9 months ago
Dec 19, 2023, 4:32:12 AM

I don't know about the lore that well, Laurelorn forest is a very significant location for the Wood Elf there and for High Elf too, the place was initially a part of the HE colony.

So moving Drycha there does not make sense to me.

Maybe expand forest area where Drycha starts and move Stanky there?

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9 months ago
Dec 19, 2023, 4:47:07 AM

 recent years, strange tales have come to Athel Loren, worrying rumours of Drycha's activities. On the fringe of the great Drakwald Forest in the Empire, the peasants tell stories of the trees that come alive,

I got this from Drycha wiki and why I based my original location for her. I will have to look up her current locations lore. I was unaware of any significance to the woodelves. Thanks for the info.

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9 months ago
Dec 19, 2023, 10:30:20 AM

I completely agree that Ostyanka's starting position in IE has to move. I would recommend either of the below two options:

- Easy way: Just put Mother O in Dolganeyr forest in Immortal Empires just as she is in Realm of Chaos and make it a magical forest as well. There are a couple of Kislevite settlements around (Zamoski and Fort Dorznye-Vort I think in RoC?) and the lore reason is easy enough to provide: "Hags had to move slightly out of Kislev due to Orthodoxy inquisition efforts but they are preparing their return to the Motherland".  Done!

The Skulls road province in Immortal Empire is only occupied by a minor Skaven clan, a minor Slaanesh faction and ruins thus she would not step on anybodies toes (well Astragoth is nearby but many LL are close to each other at this stage).

- Harder Way: Take one region from the eastern Oblast province and make it a separate magical forest called Dukhlys forest (I would take Plesk, as the settlement is in the Dukhlys forest province in RoC).  The below extract is from the WHRPG Realm of the Ice Queen (page 7: "Forestland"). The "forested regions in the east" is clearly Dukhlys forest and there are rumours of Wood elves living there as well. This could be a good starting point as well, trying to capture Praag early and set it up as a centre for some kind of Ungol revival.

The majority of Kislev’s (admittedly small) forestland is to be found in the more fertile south or in the more forested regions to the east, in the foothills of the Worlds Edge Mountains, though isolated copses and small wooded areas can be found throughout Kislev. These forests are home to all manner of vile creatures—Beastmen, Orcs, Goblins, or other dangerous beasts—that have come down from the mountains in search of prey.

Despite this, Kislev is not without small woods and forests, some of which are rumoured to be the homes of isolated Wood Elf communities. Such rumours are perhaps not without substance, as there are many folk tales that speak of shadowy bands of archers who have emerged from the forests to save Kislevite warriors from certain death at the hands of Beastmen. However, no sooner are the creatures of Chaos destroyed than these saviours vanish back into the woods without a word.

Updated 9 months ago.
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9 months ago
Dec 19, 2023, 11:47:50 AM

Yes pleeeeaasee move her to her forrest, it's weird having kislevites running around in Naggaroth, and I miss her when playing other kislev factions

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9 months ago
Dec 19, 2023, 11:54:40 AM
MiniaAr#5798 wrote:

I completely agree that Ostyanka's starting position in IE has to move. I would recommend either of the below two options:

- Easy way: Just put Mother O in Dolganeyr forest in Immortal Empires just as she is in Realm of Chaos and make it a magical forest as well. There are a couple of Kislevite settlements around (Zamoski and Fort Dorznye-Vort I think in RoC?) and the lore reason is easy enough to provide: "Hags had to move slightly out of Kislev due to Orthodoxy inquisition efforts but they are preparing their return".  Done!

The Skulls road province in Immortal Empire is only occupied by a minor Skaven clan, a minor Slaanesh faction and ruins thus she would not step on anybodies toes (well Astragoth is nearby but many LL are close to each other at this stage).

- Harder Way: Take one region from the Duklys forest province and make it a separate magical forest.  The below extract is from the WHRPG Realm of the Ice Queen. The "forested regions in the east" is clearly Dukhlys forest and there are rumours of Wood elves living there as well. This could be a good starting point as well, trying to capture Praag early and set it up as a centre for some kind of Ungol revival.

The majority of Kislev’s (admittedly small) forestland is to be found in the more fertile south or in the more forested regions to the east, in the foothills of the Worlds Edge Mountains, though isolated copses and small wooded areas can be found throughout Kislev. These forests are home to all manner of vile creatures—Beastmen, Orcs, Goblins, or other dangerous beasts—that have come down from the mountains in search of prey.

Despite this, Kislev is not without small woods and forests, some of which are rumoured to be the homes of isolated Wood Elf communities. Such rumours are perhaps not without substance, as there are many folk tales that speak of shadowy bands of archers who have emerged from the forests to save Kislevite warriors from certain death at the hands of Beastmen. However, no sooner are the creatures of Chaos destroyed than these saviours vanish back into the woods without a word.

If there is a magical forest in Kislev proper, occupied by some rogue elves, then as far as I'm concerned Ostankya can start anywhere (in exile) but I would like the magical forest teleportation hex to come earlier in the campaig so she can jump back to Kislev early and either support the Tzarina or exact revenge, or continue to build a new empire outside of Kislev.

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9 months ago
Dec 19, 2023, 12:48:57 PM

Yeah, Mother Ostankya must be moved closer to Kislev. I understand CA wanted more diversity in Dark Elf area, but this doesn't work. Not at all...

I wouldn't mind Drycha being moved somewhere else, but I don't think it's required. Some forest on the north of Kislev should be good for Ostankya

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9 months ago
Dec 19, 2023, 1:03:11 PM
pether#9857 wrote:

Yeah, Mother Ostankya must be moved closer to Kislev. I understand CA wanted more diversity in Dark Elf area, but this doesn't work. Not at all...

I wouldn't mind Drycha being moved somewhere else, but I don't think it's required. Some forest on the north of Kislev should be good for Ostankya

And it's not like Naggaroth has a diversity issue, most factions there are not Dark Elves but other races.

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9 months ago
Dec 19, 2023, 3:07:59 PM

Totally agree with this suggestion, it is so weird for Mother Ostankya to show up in Naggaroth

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9 months ago
Dec 19, 2023, 3:17:07 PM

The thing is, I don't see where they can move her right now. I guess they could add a magic forest to Kislev - but right now there is nowhere good for her to be placed. I'm sure Naggaroth was just used as a last resort.

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9 months ago
Dec 19, 2023, 3:19:14 PM

My biggest issue is not Ostankya starting in Naggaroth, but the fact we don't have Dukhlys as a Magical Forest in Immortal Empires. That would enable her to easily return to the right side of Kislev (the one turned towards their enemies). I also think it sort of sucks we don't have a Forest of Knives in Norsca, for an Ostankya (or Wood Elf) who'd like to jump right into Norscan lands. 

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9 months ago
Dec 19, 2023, 3:22:40 PM

I’m perfectly fine with the idea of her in Naggaroth, just add a dual start with a magical forest in Kislev that she also owns.

Updated 9 months ago.
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9 months ago
Dec 19, 2023, 3:43:49 PM
AxiosXiphos#9040 wrote:

The thing is, I don't see where they can move her right now. I guess they could add a magic forest to Kislev - but right now there is nowhere good for her to be placed. I'm sure Naggaroth was just used as a last resort.

Why would RoC starting position not be a viable start position in IE as well, namely Dolganeyr forest in the Skulls Road/Road of Skulls? There are only minor factions there (2 skaven settlements, 1 minor Slaanesh settlement and one ruin). This is also where the Ku'gath migration strategy via the River Ruin sea lane puts you as this is indeed a nicer spot than the Dragon isles.

Updated 9 months ago.
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9 months ago
Dec 19, 2023, 4:11:39 PM

As long as she doesn't start in Kislev I don't have a huge preference. But we already have 2 lords in Kislev, and one just north of it.

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9 months ago
Dec 19, 2023, 5:27:09 PM
MiniaAr#5798 wrote:
- Easy way: Just put Mother O in Dolganeyr forest in Immortal Empires just as she is in Realm of Chaos and make it a magical forest as well.

The easy way, AND the correct way.

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

But we already have 2 lords in Kislev, and one just north of it.

Which is why Boris should move.  He's the one that was lost in the Chaos Wastes.

Ostankya is literally bound to the Motherland.  She belongs in Kislev more than any other LL.

Updated 9 months ago.
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9 months ago
Dec 19, 2023, 8:46:54 PM

I guess the issue is that making a new magical forest requires new events for wood elves. Hopefully they'll add more one the wood elves get an update 

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