Control, Corruption,Difficulty balance makes all 3 of them disfunctional and a bad user experience

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18 days ago
Aug 28, 2024, 8:03:16 PM

Here is my experience right now in Total War Warhammer 3:

  1.  I don't care about building any sort of Control building on Very Hard. Ever.
  2.  I cannot, in any meaningful way, manipulate or interact with the Control of other factions.
  3. I cannot, in any meaningful way, use Corruption anymore.
  4. 4. Should I want these features back, I have to turn to mods or turn down the diffiulty to a level where the game is pisspoor easy. However, the lack of the above features does not make Very Hard (or Legendary) more challanging in any way.

I'd like to go through each system individually, try to interpret what purpose they are supposed to serve, and review if it actually does that. Finally, point at the interaction of these 3 systems.


What is Control supposed to represent?

The idea of Control (formerly known as Public Order) is ideally representing the current status of a province, more precisely, the people inhabiting it and it's major cities, which are represented as Settlements in the game (there are more settlements and people in the lore in most provinces so there are more people). This is why Control is not a settlement limited value, but a Province value. Ideally speaking, the better the living conditions are (be that 0 corruption for imperials or 100 corruption for the respective race spreading it - with the exception of skaven), the happier the local populace should be. Mirroring that, it is only logical that the worse living conditions are (hostile corruption and heroes, armies, raiders present or general instability) the worse public order should become.

Does it work that way?

No. For some reason, it works the exact opposite way. The worse living conditions become, the happier people become. The lower your Control is, the greater +Control value your whole province magically enjoys. On the other side, when your populace is generally happy for a combination of reasons (peace, buildings that improve populace happiness, friendly corruption or lack of, local heroes and armies from your faction) for some reason the Province recieves increasing -Control, negative effect. So far, this is only a weird thematic mismatch / abstract concept that I've seen not a single 4X game handle this way, but I'd like to dig deep into why this is so wrong mechanically speaking.

What does this actually means in the game for you?

First of all this is a universal system that effects all races and factions. I state the obvious because I'd like to underline the weight of the present issue. This means, that naturally speaking Control is gravitating towards the balanced 0 value (between -100 and +100). This also means, that as long as you don't have a brutally overwhelming -Control effect on your Province from every possible sources stacked up, you simply don't have to care. You don't need to build a single Control building as long as you keep enemies out of your territories and you will never, ever suffer a single rebellion. Therefore, unless there are -Control effects present (which is to say, every negative difficulty modifier is removed), you don't need to build any Control building.  Ever. The whole feature, every Control mechanics is ignorable on what is supposed to be the "normal" Total War experience. But just in case you somehow missed any sort of Control issue such as multiple heroes in your province, seeping in corruption and a raiding army, there is an impenetrable defense against Rebellions with the magical "the worse things get, the happier people become" concept with a wildly unbalanced +15 Control bonus your province just pulls out of their collective b*ttholes.

But it gets worse. Since this system is universal, this also applies to all AI factions, right? Therefore, it is virtually impossible to trigger Rebellions now. If Rebellions would work at all. Sadly, it does not.

What is the purpose of Rebellions? Does it achieve it's purpose?

Rebellions serve 2 purposes, a punishing and a rewarding one. 

  1. Punishing for mismanagement and neglect of an owned province. This is just completely removed from the game with the current Control system. There is no situation ever when your own province suffers a Rebellion UNLESS you delibarately own a single settlement in a province, with no intention to own more of it, or it's a massive province with many settlements that you conquer in an extremely fast pace in which case the templorary Conquest -Control modifier stacks high enough for a single Rebellion to trigger. Which of course you'll kill off in 2 turns maximum and even profit from it, further enliminating any sort of remains of the idea that "province management matters". Since no Rebellion is triggered by neglect or it is on such an extreme delay with the exponentially increasing +Control coming out of nowhere when things turn bad, in practice this means there is no punishment for mismanagement.
  2. Rewarding, as it is supposedly a viable strategy to undermine an empire without open war through the Control system. This is achieved with raiding armies, corruption, and heroes present with the right skillset. This used to be true in Warhammer 1 and Warhammer 2 pre-Control patch (which removed Public Order as a concept and replaced it with Control). It is no longer true in Warhammer 3 though. Before 5.2. I have a save file in which I play as Vlad on Very Hard campaign difficulty, owning most of the Empire with the exception of Nuln capital settlement, that is in the hands of Belegar. I have no wish to go to war with Belegar's faction and it's many dawi allies who I paid off to keep happy throughout my entire campaign, which (provided I understand the system created by concepts such as Control, Corruption, and Rebellions) I tried to undermine his faction. In every single neighbouring province I built a Baelfire Altar (or whatever, spreads corruption to neighbouring provinces), and positioned -Control heroes with maxed out Control blue skills on them. The province Control just never, ever breaks. Therefore a viable, smart strategy is entirely removed from the game, and Rebellion as a rewarding concept does not function either.

So if by any sort of miracle you trigger a Rebellion, we have Rebellions that do absolutely nothing they are supposed to do. It's not punishing for mismanagement, and it's not rewarding for undermining others.

What it does do however, is being exploitable as several blue skill lines stacked up from various specific lords, heroes, and technologies increase the Post Battle Reward to sometimes absurd levels, therefore it makes farming rebellions desireable, which is nonsense because you don't want to purposefully kill your own people, and you don't want to stabilize your potential future (or present) enemy's province either. So no matter how we look at it, Rebellions are so disfuntional that the exact opposite is true to everything it is supposed to be. I believe the new Control system was in part born to counter this last paragraph in particular (Rebellion farming) but it backfired so terribly that... this entire thread is born out of detailing that.


What is corruption supposed to represent?

Certain races transform their enviroment to fit them better, either intentionally as a living requirement (Vampiric Corruption) or just generally trashing it around themselves (Chaos and Skaven). Simultainiously, while it supposed to benefit the respective owner of said corruption type, it is supposed to negatively effect everyone else.

Does it work that way?

No. While the whole visual terraforming is still present (even though lower in visual quality compared to Warhammer 1 and 2 as pretty much entire provinces transform during AI turn instead of the step-by-step, sublte transition we used to have), the mechanical effect of all corruption are negated and made meaningless. Since it is meaningless, corruption as a mechanic is also entirely removed from the game. How and why?

  1. Control. The absurd amount of +Control that magically (and exponentially) increase the worse living conditions become (up to +15!) brutally outweight any sort of -Control effect that comes from Corruption. REMINDER: This is just the core system, how Control works. If not impossible enough (100 corruption maxes out on -10 Control), it is further effected by: Difficulty AI cheats (up to +4), friendly army present (up to +10), heroes present (up to +3 per hero), present lords (this is a separate category because the size of the army gives up to +10 previously mentioned, but up to further +3 from blue skills + X from unique skills).
  2.  Attrition is a fantastic idea. Sadly, Attrition also doesn't work at all. Attrition too, serves a double purpose: to defend your lands and to undermine another's by applying a small amount of damage to their armies standing in the area with high enough corruption. Since the AI gets so many, absolutely brutal cheats that quite literally makes them immune to Attrition (up to 80% immunity!!!), this mechanic too is quite simply, removed from the game. Playing as Kairos, I have a rough time against the lizards when not only my tzeench corruption based attrition doesn't damage them on Very Hard anymore, their Replenishment bonus outweights my Attrition damage on such a brutal degree that they mfing heal in Normal army stance in the middle of a 100% chaos corruption. Playing as any of the Vampire Counts, Attrition damage from corruption was a tool to defend your lands from invaders and to infest another's lands without open war - neither features work anymore because of the AI's brutal cheats, so there is literally 0 benefit to Vampire Counts from their own corruption mechanic (the original corruption race!), only countering their weakness of needing Corruption. I had imperial troops healing on 100% vampiric corruption lands, it's absurd. A used to be well balanced feature that now has no upsides whatsoever for the corruption spreader, only if you count (pun intended) that with enough investment, you can fight back the negative side (Attrition damage from untainted). 
  3. Secondary effects are laughable. Khorne gives +6 melee attack on a 100 corruption. I mean, cool, basic is around 50 + 9 ranks + red skills + tech or whatever. Put up your hand if you EVER cared about this. Slaanesh? Tzeench? +50% ammo... I mean... you win battles before you run out of ammo 90% of the time. Nurgle +15 Growth... okay, that is actually somewhat useful, not that it matters much considering Plagues, but increasing Plague spread chance (for some reason only on enemy settlements, not your own though...) is nice. Slaanesh, don't even get me started with the % income reduction when the AI has free buildings, 90% upkeep reduction, and a massive background income, they can produce 4 fullstacks from a single minor settlement at this point the cheats are so brutal, what on Earth do you care for 15% income reduction? Vampires... Jesus Christ, just... let's move on. It's all placebo, none of these have any meaningful effects. Only Attrition, which, as we know, is simply removed.

Summary: Corruption does not matter whatsoever. None of it's effects are funtional and have any effect on the campaign, settlements or armies. It's a placebo feature.

What does this actually means in the game for you?

This means that you if you actually want to learn, think, and enjoy the fruit of your investments (thought, self improvement, turns and gold) you are bound to play on Normal or even Easy difficulty. Above it, the AI gets so many cheats (all detailed here: ) that they don't care about any of your strategies, and the campaign map becomes a game of whack-a-mole, instead of actual province and empire management. The AI will ignore all negative effects of Control (more precisely, enough that your investment here will never have any positive feedback towards you as a working strategy), all negative effects of Corruption and Attrition.

Personally, this kills the game for me. I don't want to play it anymore, because higher difficulties doesn't mean smarter AI (we all gave up on that a long time ago as CA proves time and time again over a decade they cannot do it, they just increase AI cheats), it means sh*ttig on the rules. To a certain extent, I can understand and support it. Larger background income? Ok. More anti-player bias? Ok. Easier confederations? Ok. No cost timed upgrades (think Ikit workshop) because the feature is too complex for the AI to ever make use of it? Ok. Some upkeep reducement because otherwise they'll never match the player? Ok.

What isn't okay is removing entire playstyles by simply making the AI immune to entire features. Imagine if you play Ikit Claw on Normal and have fun, then move up to Hard next time and when you'd detonate your Nuke you get to see the visual effects but the AI has 99% damage reduction against Nukes now because f you that's why. This is what is happening to Corruption. This is what is happening to Attrition. This is what is happening to Control. And if you thought these were bad, CA just doubled down and FURTHER increased the AI cheats (some even more than doubled!) in the last patch.

How to fix it now (mods)

There is a series of mods I've been using since the early days of Warhammer 2 to counter most of these. In my experience, playing on Very Hard is the sweet spot which grants enough background income and aggressivity to the AI towards the player, not to mention overall growth speed as a faction, that there is fun to be head instead of just steamrolling everything, generally speaking, though some factions are so far off in powercreep honestly it doesn't matter (cough*first ever play of Beastmen after rework I facerolled on the keyboard and won Legendary campaign without ever playing legendary in my life before*cough). The mods are the following:

1. No Attrition Immunity for the AI. (no link as I experiment with 3 different mods trying to get one of them to work again)

2. No Difficulty Public Order AI cheats (same)

3. No Difficulty Public Order penality (same)

4. Loreful Strategic Threat (increases AI aggressivity between certain factions depending on who owns certain areas and who should own it, for example if skaven take imperial regions all imperials, dawi and bretonnians will like you less as long as you hold it, on top of a default diplomatic bias).

Now obviously 5.2 being a new patch broke a lot of these. And that's when I sat down, and played vanilla, and thought through everything about the interconnected reasons of why none of the above... essentially function, at all. And ironically enough, when you use mods to DISABLE certain modifictions, that is when these core features start to function. That is when they matter again. As an user of these mods for years, I must tell you I cannot play without them regardless of difficulty. I can win without them, but I don't enjoy playing, and that is by defintion why I am supposed to play any game.

I'm telling you, using these mods didn't make the game easier. It made it fair and more importantly, functional, allowing a broader scale of strategies and playstyles that are not equally viable across all difficulties right now. Plenty of AI cheats still in effect to give you a hard time, trust me.

Alternatively, you can use a mod that removes all +/- Control effects that are caused by Control. It is weird enough that something is defined by itself ("What is oxygen? Well it has oxygen in it"), bringing the system back to something like the old Public Order system was:

How should it be officially fixed

I see multiple options or the combination of them as concepts for fixing this.

  1. Ensure that everyone is playing by the same rules on all difficulty. No Control bonus for the AI, no Control malus for the player, no Attrition immunity for the AI. Control, Corruption and Attrition should be, must be restored as funtional gameplay features across all difficulties, as major playstyle choices should be equally viable across all difficulties (not to mention there are entire races, many of them, build around the idea of corruption, undermining, and using their time for both to take effect as they may lack the power of direct confrontation earlier or are outmatched by others with different strenghts).
  2. A less optimal (though propably more supported by the community) choice would be support for campagin difficulty customization in the manner of battle difficulty customization with sliders. This has the added benefit of obviously, having a customized campaign, however the downside that the overall campaign balance from the development side has to consider wildly different world balances based on custom settings of the players, making any sort of future balancing that much more difficult, and increasing the possibility of things like the infamous dawi bubble from W2 times.
  3. Now if you take 1 OR 2, regardless, you should also add a big scale rebalance or removal of Control bonus-malus from Control itself. To a certain extent I understand Control gravitating towards 0 from +100 (as people get used to good conditions it becomes a standard and they find a reason to be unhappy again) but I absolutely do not understand or support any sort of justification for gravitating towards 0 Control from -100. So either remove both, or just remove the +Control bonus when mismanagement of a province (by either AI or player) slowly leads that province towards Rebellion.
  4. Considering point 3 is in effect, Rebellions are back in the game. I understand the issue they present (farming gold with stacked bonuses, or Food for Skaven), well, make it so that defeating a Rebellion gives no rewards whatsoever. When a rebel army is destroyed, it should reward no gold, no exp. Defeating them is the reward itself, because you fixed something you messed up. Also, Rebellions tend to have a strange tendency of behaving differently depending on who they target. If I trigger a Rebellion with Kairos for any reason on my own settlement (via Changing of Ways), that army will sit there in raiding camp stance until it grows into a deadly force and takes the city. If I do the same on a hostile AI faction, the Rebellion will suicide attack the settlements within 3 turns and die against the Garrison. This is reliably reproducable across all factions (if you can trigger a Rebellion at all, using mods), again, level the playing field and ensure equality.

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18 days ago
Aug 29, 2024, 12:04:32 AM

​Regarding the rubber banding;

I think it´s a good idea, if you want the maximum bonus from public order it shouldn t be a) easy to attainb) easy to retain. 

On the same note, in warhammer, you have far more ways in which you can suddenly suffer immense penalties and it can derail you massively. I wouldn t say that people become "happier" the more things go wrong, but more so that they try to pull themselves together and don t make things actively worse. 

I think the main problem is that everything is too predictable and is weighing you down instead of creating a completely new situation from one turn to the other

So here is what I suggest; 

1. Rebellions shouldn t be the ultimate threat, but you losing a city within the province should be.

So upon reaching the -100 threshold, 1 random city within the province is automatically lost and you have to reclaim it. And this happens EVERY time you go over -100 as long UNTIL you have public order restored OR until THE WHOLE PROVINCE IS LOST.(To mitigate that somewhat you could get a temporary, like 1 turn, public order buff to not let it snowball too hard).

2. Rebellions should start to appear sooner

Basically, from -50 onwards you have a chance of a rebel army spawning randomly in the province. 

3. Unhappy people should have more consequences.

In older titles, if you had negative public order ,people would riot and damage the city and the garrison in the process. 

So in TWW, from -25 onward there is a chance every turn of buildings/garrison units getting damaged. 

4. Make rebellions have a destabilizing effect on neighboring provinces. 

Just like in real life, people witnessing a successful revolt might motivate them to try for themselves.

Essentially, it would translate to a public order debuff for all provinces neighboring the rebellious province. 

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18 days ago
Aug 29, 2024, 12:04:43 AM

​Aug 25, 2024, 3:26:52 PMI would also look at the bonuses that are currently provided in the way they are currently provided. 

I think, there are too many bonuses provided and they don t follow a theme. 

1. I think that these should be the bonuses/debuffs that you get. 

- Improved construction time- Bonus taxation - Improved line of sight over the province. 

2. Make the scaling of the stages an amount of bonuses less symmetrial

I´d suggest making things scale from -20 to 20, then from 20 to 40, then from 40 to 80, then from 80 to 100. 

Essentially it would follow the logic of " It´s easy to get better from nothing, takes effort to make things good and it´s hard to have things perfect. 

That way, the bonuses in the 80-100-stage could be a bit more beefy ( maybe double that of the 40-80).

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16 days ago
Aug 30, 2024, 7:38:36 PM

Corruption can`t be fixed just take a look at new cults even with a cultist it spreads too slowly. Either return to warhammer 2 system or forget about it.

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16 days ago
Aug 30, 2024, 11:29:53 PM

dogoska#1535 wrote:

Corruption can`t be fixed just take a look at new cults even with a cultist it spreads too slowly. Either return to warhammer 2 system or forget about it.


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16 days ago
Aug 30, 2024, 11:59:55 PM

dogoska#1535 wrote:

Corruption can`t be fixed just take a look at new cults even with a cultist it spreads too slowly. Either return to warhammer 2 system or forget about it.

Chaos corruption is one of those problems that can't simply be "fixed" - it has to be comprehensively implemented at the level of general game design. 

Chaos corruption should be the primary sexy mechanic of the Total War: Warhammer games - in the same way that different resources were for Troy and trade and ship battles were for Empire. Right now, corruption does not even rise to the level of an afterthought. Corruption should be integrated with cults, the secret building system, a system where WoC and Daemons/Gods interact, and a far, far stronger "Manifestations" system that can bring catastrophes across the campaign map on the order of what happened to Mordheim. Corruption should be absolutely foundational to how Daemon factions even play - and cults should be a primary and unavoidable way of gaining campaign power.

The corruption problem isn't just a corruption problem.  It's a problem of how WoC and the Monogod factions have been designed. The Chaos Wastes operate like any normal region. The Realm of Chaos isn't even in IE.

Chaos and Chaos corruption are foundational to the Warhammer setting. They can't be simple afterthoughts. Chaos has to be integrated into campaign gameplay at a deep level. 

Maybe that's impossible or at least improbable, but it's the truth. 

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15 days ago
Aug 31, 2024, 9:48:43 AM

Good thinking here! Indeed corruption, control and attribution systems are underwhelming. Also, many buildings and skills have even more underwhelming - anything "+2%" is just not worth note on these systems - it needs to be in range of +/- 10% at least to be even worth your consideration. These systems should be easy to rebalance if you just sit down and go through them systematically (with a hint of AI data analysis to support it btw, it does the job for you in an afternoon).

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15 days ago
Aug 31, 2024, 10:01:37 AM

This mod seems to address many of AI cheats as "all-in-one" package?

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15 days ago
Aug 31, 2024, 10:24:43 AM

stanmons#9238 wrote:

This mod seems to address many of AI cheats as "all-in-one" package?

Why would you need to mod AI cheats away when you could just play on easy for the same result?

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15 days ago
Aug 31, 2024, 2:03:43 PM

It could be fixedc by using a tweaked version of warhammer 2 as the old system had a problem that untainted was for all purporses another form of corruptive pressure that placed in the pie chart, this caused problems when the 3 corruptions met in a province (skaven, vampire and chaos).

Ironically the best way to solve that problem is to add the minus to other corruptions as a building/tech/edict just as it is already exists in the game such as skaven rubbish piles, norsca edict or N`kari special line.

Keeping the old untainted it would solve the many corruption problems whilst making a corruption a constant, harder to spread and osmosis useful, plus avoind the 100% corruption status all the time (honestly a fully corrupted province would be a piece of the realms of chaos).

HighestandCo#9562 wrote:

dogoska#1535 wrote:

Corruption can`t be fixed just take a look at new cults even with a cultist it spreads too slowly. Either return to warhammer 2 system or forget about it.

Chaos corruption is one of those problems that can't simply be "fixed" - it has to be comprehensively implemented at the level of general game design. 

Chaos corruption should be the primary sexy mechanic of the Total War: Warhammer games - in the same way that different resources were for Troy and trade and ship battles were for Empire. Right now, corruption does not even rise to the level of an afterthought. Corruption should be integrated with cults, the secret building system, a system where WoC and Daemons/Gods interact, and a far, far stronger "Manifestations" system that can bring catastrophes across the campaign map on the order of what happened to Mordheim. Corruption should be absolutely foundational to how Daemon factions even play - and cults should be a primary and unavoidable way of gaining campaign power.

The corruption problem isn't just a corruption problem.  It's a problem of how WoC and the Monogod factions have been designed. The Chaos Wastes operate like any normal region. The Realm of Chaos isn't even in IE.

Chaos and Chaos corruption are foundational to the Warhammer setting. They can't be simple afterthoughts. Chaos has to be integrated into campaign gameplay at a deep level. 

Maybe that's impossible or at least improbable, but it's the truth. 

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15 days ago
Aug 31, 2024, 6:17:05 PM

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:

stanmons#9238 wrote:

This mod seems to address many of AI cheats as "all-in-one" package?

Why would you need to mod AI cheats away when you could just play on easy for the same result?

It's scaled down version of AI advantage to remove the most outrageous cheating, a new design choice if you will to harder difficulties. This combined with Hecleas aggrsesive AI and its quite a good package - AI is very active but plays roughly with the same rules as the player. 

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14 days ago
Sep 1, 2024, 6:19:39 PM

I ran a comparison of vanilla 5.2 very hard difficulty (2) and Less campaign cheats mods. As you can see, it is primarily halving the attribution resistance and toning down research cost discount and reduces one army campaign recruitment bonus. The last one seems particularly impactful on AIs ability to create new stacks with no money spent. Not sure if wh_main_effect_force_all_campaign_upkeep is an active value i.e. is AI given free pass on army upkeep?

wh_main_effect_force_all_campaign_upkeepNot present0.0000Added (0.0000)

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14 days ago
Sep 1, 2024, 6:21:56 PM

stanmons#9238 wrote:

I ran a comparison of vanilla 5.2 very hard difficulty (2) and Less campaign cheats mods. As you can see, it is primarily halving the attribution resistance and toning down research cost discount and reduces one army campaign recruitment bonus. The last one seems particularly impactful on AIs ability to create new stacks with no money spent. Not sure if wh_main_effect_force_all_campaign_upkeep is an active value i.e. is AI given free pass on army upkeep?

I guess a more dynamic difficulty model would have to modify these values depending on how well the player is doing based on script and support table results... or perhaps these are too crude modifiers overall and adjusting other AI modifiers brings better results. 

wh_main_effect_force_all_campaign_upkeepNot present0.0000Added (0.0000)

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14 days ago
Sep 1, 2024, 6:22:19 PM

stanmons#9238 wrote:

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:

stanmons#9238 wrote:

This mod seems to address many of AI cheats as "all-in-one" package?

Why would you need to mod AI cheats away when you could just play on easy for the same result?

It's scaled down version of AI advantage to remove the most outrageous cheating, a new design choice if you will to harder difficulties. This combined with Hecleas aggrsesive AI and its quite a good package - AI is very active but plays roughly with the same rules as the player. 

The AI won't play with the same rules as the player. The player always has a huge advantage, especially with CA deliberately crippling or denying the AI usage of a lot of the tools this game offers.

If I want an easy game I play on easy.

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14 days ago
Sep 1, 2024, 6:31:44 PM

When will ML model training with parameters enter game AI... make it understand the game systems in full and then provide the "genius" version and dumped down model variants...

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14 days ago
Sep 1, 2024, 6:57:05 PM

stanmons#9238 wrote:

When will ML model training with parameters enter game AI... make it understand the game systems in full and then provide the "genius" version and dumped down model variants...

No one would want to play such a game. If an AI played the game as good as a player, people would just complain about cheating anyway. Whenever people demand a "better AI" they don't mean an AI that can actually outplay them, they want an AI that is more realistic at losing to them.

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14 days ago
Sep 1, 2024, 7:35:31 PM

Still further on handicap values - AI personalities have on hard/legendary different overrides than lower difficulties based on my quick study, meaning that there's a big divider between easy/normal vs. hard/vhard/legendary on several factors of the game. As such if the handicaps are toned down a bit - it still makes a different game.

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10 days ago
Sep 5, 2024, 10:47:16 PM

Control is a non-issue in the game and has been since they updated it in WH2.  I went back to WH1 and realized that even a -1 to public order would cause problems eventually.  In WH2/3 not even a -16 makes me blink.

I like the idea of regions simply seceding -- losing a settlement is far more of a concern than a tiny army popping up to be easily crushed.

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10 days ago
Sep 5, 2024, 11:31:35 PM
Completely agree. Sad that control and corruption means so little for the player or for AI. I hate that there's all these mechanics and they're just tuned to be inconsequential. I know the game has a lot of moving parts and they don't want to break the game flow or whatever but they should really try and take a crack at making it all mean something, then make it part of another difficulty slider or something. If it's too annoying for some players, they can turn it down.
Kind of wish they'd add in different events that appear in your secured territory. Mechanically they'd be like treasure battles, appearing randomly and leads to a battle when you march an army to it. But it'd cause negative effects in the province they're in while active (public order, recruiting cost, building income, corruption). Could be stuff like minor orc tribe raids, dark elf slavers, giant spider infestations, you name it. Nowhere is supposed to be safe in the warhammer world and it'd make the world feel more alive and be another mechanic that plays into managing corruption/public order
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10 days ago
Sep 5, 2024, 11:42:36 PM

Millor#1263 wrote:

Kind of wish they'd add in different events that appear in your secured territory. Mechanically they'd be like treasure battles, appearing randomly and leads to a battle when you march an army to it. But it'd cause negative effects in the province they're in while active (public order, recruiting cost, building income, corruption). Could be stuff like minor orc tribe raids, dark elf slavers, giant spider infestations, you name it. Nowhere is supposed to be safe in the warhammer world and it'd make the world feel more alive and be another mechanic that plays into managing corruption/public order

I agree! In my mind maybe something tied to climates (i.e., a value visible on the climate penalties that says: Mountains: high chance of Skaven or Greenskin rising from the Deeps). Use the Encounter Battle icon. It could also be a value attached to certain buildings, maybe high level walls or something, which generate, say, an EB of 4-6 "Roadwardens" (Pistoliers) that add a +2 PO to the region. And maybe the EB wanders around, so you might have to deal with it if you're attacking high level Empire settlements. But random hostile stuff like Greenskins in a lot of climates would be nice, too.

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