CA, Please Be Careful Which Feedback You Decide to Implement

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17 days ago
Aug 31, 2024, 3:57:08 PM

It’s great that it seems you’re now actively listening to player feedback more and actually implementing some of it. However, not every idea that’s presented on the forum, Reddit, or comment sections is a good idea. I’ve seen some pretty awful ideas get plenty of upvotes, as well. Just because an idea seems popular on any of those platforms, that doesn’t automatically make it a good one. Also realize that the people who are active on these platforms might not always represent the majority of the entire player base, most of whom don’t ever go on these platforms or be very active on them. All I’m saying is please be careful to not implement feedback that are bad ideas just because they seem popular.

EDIT: I think some clarification is in order. By "bad ideas" I mean ideas that go against the lore, gameplay, or both. It seems some people post their ideas just because they think are "cool" or "realistic," but either spit in the face of established lore, would ruin the gameplay, would heavily disrupt the flow of the game, or all of the above. Some of these ideas get a troubling amount of upvotes on any of the platforms. 

There is one particular recent-ish post on this forum that inspired me to make this post. It was so horrendously bad that, if implemented, I know would destroy the gameplay. I was shocked by how many upvotes it got, and it made me worried that CA would actually listen to that horrible "feedback." I'm not going to say which post it was or who posted it because I don't want to call any particular person out. That wasn't the only awful idea I've seen get a lot of upvotes, anyway.

This also has nothing to do with my recent "Do You Want the Dwarfs to Ever Get Shard Dragons, Rune Guardians and Golems, and Ancestor Engines?" poll. I was satisfied with the results and thought that they were interesting. If you want to know what I think about that issue, I think you can make an argument that they are technically a part of the Dwarfs' lore, but the lore of any one of those things is definitely nothing major, as any one of those only has like a few paragraphs of lore at most; the Ancestor Engines' lore is pretty much limited to that one illustration, as far as I'm aware. I don't think those things would absolutely "ruin" the Dwarfs' gameplay, but they're definitely not necessary. I do really like that there is an asymmetric gameplay in this game between the races and think that not every race needs monsters. I agree with the mentality of "If you want to play as dwarfs who have monsters, play as the Chaos Dwarfs instead."

Updated 16 days ago.
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17 days ago
Aug 31, 2024, 4:23:44 PM

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:

For example? What are your criteria of what constitutes a "bad idea"?

Shard dragons and rune guardians for example

Loads of people wanna see that barf introduced to the dawi roster for some odd reason

Hopefully CA ignore those entities completely.

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17 days ago
Aug 31, 2024, 4:24:03 PM

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:

What are your criteria of what constitutes a "bad idea"?

"TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:"

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17 days ago
Aug 31, 2024, 4:28:14 PM

Reeks#2417 wrote:

Shard dragons and rune guardians for example

Loads of people wanna see that barf introduced to the dawi roster for some odd reason

Hopefully CA ignore those entities completely.

I would really prefer if those people just played Chaos Dwarfs if they want "Dwarfs+Monsters" so badly.

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17 days ago
Aug 31, 2024, 4:32:19 PM

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:

Reeks#2417 wrote:

Shard dragons and rune guardians for example

Loads of people wanna see that barf introduced to the dawi roster for some odd reason

Hopefully CA ignore those entities completely.

I would really prefer if those people just played Chaos Dwarfs if they want "Dwarfs+Monsters" so badly.


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16 days ago
Aug 31, 2024, 4:35:47 PM

Reeks#2417 wrote:

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:

For example? What are your criteria of what constitutes a "bad idea"?

Shard dragons and rune guardians for example

Loads of people wanna see that barf introduced to the dawi roster for some odd reason

Hopefully CA ignore those entities completely.

I too hope that they don't get Shard Dragons and Rune Guardians.

As much as I want loads of content, I really feel the Dwarfs are a faction that should be just them against the monsters of the world. Their very design with Slayers being a big part of their roster tells to a race that takes the fight to them.

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16 days ago
Aug 31, 2024, 4:46:10 PM

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:

For example? What are your criteria of what constitutes a "bad idea"?

That one guy being adamant that Daemons of Chaos should be removed from the game, for a start.

Like bro, DoC got issues, but wanting to remove a core race of Warhammer Fantasy 8th edition is just idiotic.

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16 days ago
Aug 31, 2024, 4:56:14 PM

I hope the feedback CA does take into account is about making core-game mechanics actually influence the game in a meaningful way again, like public order, replenishment and corruption.

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16 days ago
Aug 31, 2024, 5:05:52 PM

Am I the only one getting a rather strong sense of entitlement from OP? Like, what even is bad content? Content I don't like?

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16 days ago
Aug 31, 2024, 5:10:15 PM

mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:

Am I the only one getting a rather strong sense of entitlement from OP? Like, what even is bad content? Content I don't like?

No, I agree with OP. There are some ideas thrown out on this forum that just feels like a downgrade.

Another example is moving Alith Anar to Arnheim. On paper it makes sense. In practice, it's just a way easier starting position than his current one, where he starts deep into Druchii territory. Moving him would make his campaign a lot less interesting.

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16 days ago
Aug 31, 2024, 5:12:29 PM

Fossoway#5540 wrote:

mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:

Am I the only one getting a rather strong sense of entitlement from OP? Like, what even is bad content? Content I don't like?

No, I agree with OP. There are some ideas thrown out on this forum that just feels like a downgrade.

Another example is moving Alith Anar to Arnheim. On paper it makes sense. In practice, it's just a way easier starting position than his current one, where he starts deep into Druchii territory. Moving him would make his campaign a lot less interesting.

The thing is, that's your opinion.

My point is that the OP made a post asking CA not to take into account "bad feedback" without explaining what that is, which sounds very much like "don't take into account what I personally don't like"

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16 days ago
Aug 31, 2024, 5:17:06 PM

mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:
Like, what even is bad content? Content I don't like?

Traditionally, if someone wants the content, it's absolutely required, missing, and has to come. If someone doesn't want it, than it's bloat and isn't needed

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16 days ago
Aug 31, 2024, 5:21:41 PM

mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:
Am I the only one getting a rather strong sense of entitlement from OP? Like, what even is bad content? Content I don't like?

You aren't.

People are often quick to abandon democracy the moment they realize they aren't in the majority anymore.

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16 days ago
Aug 31, 2024, 5:21:48 PM

MODIDDLY1#9212 wrote:

mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:
Like, what even is bad content? Content I don't like?

Traditionally, if someone wants the content, it's absolutely required, missing, and has to come. If someone doesn't want it, than it's bloat and isn't needed

^ This.

There are plenty changes that are needed and unanimously agreed upon. Let's fix those first.

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16 days ago
Aug 31, 2024, 6:06:57 PM

Reeks#2417 wrote:

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:

For example? What are your criteria of what constitutes a "bad idea"?

Shard dragons and rune guardians for example

Loads of people wanna see that barf introduced to the dawi roster for some odd reason

Hopefully CA ignore those entities completely.

They did already and hope continue in to the future 

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16 days ago
Aug 31, 2024, 7:05:43 PM

Fossoway#5540 wrote:

mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:

Am I the only one getting a rather strong sense of entitlement from OP? Like, what even is bad content? Content I don't like?

Another example is moving Alith Anar to Arnheim. On paper it makes sense. In practice, it's just a way easier starting position than his current one, where he starts deep into Druchii territory. Moving him would make his campaign a lot less interesting.

This suggestion makes sense if you advocate for differing start positions for AI and players. Arnheim is a boring start to players, but it might be a chance for Alith Anar AI to survive long enough to make an impact on the map so players can run into him.

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16 days ago
Aug 31, 2024, 7:06:00 PM

DarthEnderX-#6513 wrote:

mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:
Am I the only one getting a rather strong sense of entitlement from OP? Like, what even is bad content? Content I don't like?

You aren't.

People are often quick to abandon democracy the moment they realize they aren't in the majority anymore.

Please see my edit to my original post.

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15 days ago
Sep 2, 2024, 8:31:53 AM

mecanojavi99#6562 wrote:

Am I the only one getting a rather strong sense of entitlement from OP? Like, what even is bad content? Content I don't like?

A good rule of thumb is "everything that Equix and Vanilla Gorilla suggest". 

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