Are CA aware of the mortal Chaos races missing soundtracks?

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a month ago
Aug 9, 2024, 4:18:38 PM


This is my first post on the CA forums so I hope this is in the right place. Back when Immortal Empires released, one of the first races I played was Warriors of Chaos. At the time I realised the Warriors of Chaos soundtrack from game 1 and 2 had been replaced by the Chaos Daemons/Mono-god factions soundtracks. I checked Norsca and Beastmen and their unique soundtracks were also not in the game. I never really post on forums, but with patches in recent months I saw CA had started making some revisions to some soundtracks in the game, such as pre-battle ones, so I waited to see if these races soundtracks would get added back. It's been a few patches since then and the songs are still not in the game, so I'd like to ask if CA are aware these songs are missing and whether this is a specific choice they have made.

Songs in question;

Chaos Undivided for Warriors of Chaos

The Blood Wolf for Beastmen

Fear Me for Norsca

I'm not sure I'm allowed to link, but you can find all three of these on YouTube. I find it strange that CA would remove such good soundtracks intentionally, so I believe it must be an oversight but hopefully someone can clarify.

Thanks and may the chaos gods bless you,


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a month ago
Aug 11, 2024, 1:31:03 PM

That's true. I've always thought the Daemon's soundtrack was a strange mish mash. I like the tracks but I don't think they're as high quality as the tracks from Warhammer 1 & 2. The removal of the mortal Chaos tracks is something I can't get my head around.

I wanted to add I haven't played Warhammer 1 & 2 for years so I decided to test them now for the mortal Chaos races soundtracks. All three of the songs I listed in my first post play dynamically through any particular battle, so it doesn't matter if you're playing WoC, Beastmen or Norsca, all three songs can play whilst you are superior in the balance of power in a single battle.

I appreciate all the upvotes so far, it would be great if CA add these songs back to TW:WH in a future patch.

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a month ago
Aug 19, 2024, 2:26:30 PM

Disappointed but not surprised the songs are not being added back in with tomorrow's patch 5.2. Lord Mitch of CA did say last Thursday that CA do see the posts on the forums even if they don't reply, so hopefully that is the case here. The songs may be a detail not many people care about, but for me it's details like these that made the series as great as it is. I trust CA will add them to Warhammer III at some point.

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a month ago
Aug 19, 2024, 4:19:28 PM

We're still missing quite a few races having their own tracks as well. I think Dwarfs share both campaign and battle, Beastmen share both, Norsca shares both, and I believe Wood Elves share battle

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a month ago
Aug 19, 2024, 8:42:56 PM

I had to check them on youtube... damn Some of those are great I especially like The Blood Wolf for Beastmen

PS: Some of the songs from "Enter the World of ... " are great I wish to get them ingame - especially the khorne and tzeentch one. this can be said for alot of trailers thou... sad.

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a month ago
Aug 21, 2024, 1:58:22 PM

Nice to see more people agreeing the soundtrack needs some more attention. I wasn't getting my hopes up until they started editing some of the pre-battle songs a few patches ago so CA are definitely giving the game's soundtrack at least some attention.

Please Lord Mitch bless us next patch with the three songs listed in the OP, maybe I'll pay full retail for the next DLC if you do :)

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a month ago
Aug 21, 2024, 4:33:33 PM

CA_Nova#4724 wrote:

Hi there, we do have this feedback logged, and thank you for raising it :) Best, CA_Nova

I'm glad you're aware of that problem.

It's cool if the Daemons have their own soundtrack but the Warriors of Chaos, Beastmen and Norsca should get back their music theme from game I and II.

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25 days ago
Aug 22, 2024, 6:23:36 PM

CA_Nova#4724 wrote:

Hi there, we do have this feedback logged, and thank you for raising it :) Best, CA_Nova

That's brilliant, I trust Lord Mitch and his team will get this fixed! I do appreciate you logging the feedback. Next thing I'll be begging you for is a jukebox style system where players can pick what songs they want to play during their battles ;)



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