Community Question: Should Total War Warhammer 3 have more maps?

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4 months ago
Oct 28, 2024, 1:53:56 AM

Obviously the current focus should be adding more lords & factions. I will not consider the game complete until Ind and Nippon and added, and the Southern Realms get their own flavor. :p

But in time, do you think Warhammer 3 should have more playable maps?

Immortal Empires is the definitive way to play Warhammer 3 but I would also love to play some of the older maps with the QoL improvements.

The menu could be easily split into something like this:

1701476450137.pngI feel like the devs were really going in the more maps direction originally, with Something Rotten in Kislev & Darkness and Disharmony, but then did an 180*.

Heck, I would even buy them as a new DLC if it comes down to it, rather than having to own the old games.

The Realm of Chaos was a terrible story campaign, but Eye of the Vortex was one of the best story campaigns in the whole history of Total War, I would love to be able to play it with Warhammer 3's quality of life improvements.

In the same way it looks to me like the devs were going in the more maps direction originally, they also seemed to go in a multiplayer campaign direction. But these 2 things go hand to hand.

As of today, playing a multiplayer campaign with 8 players has a noticible lack of options:

Immortal Empires -> too big, may take you months to finish it. And a lot of time for players to get close to each other.

Darkness and Disharmony -> too small, it feels like a skirmish map with extra steps, and you have a limited number of factions

Realm of Chaos -> if the base story campaign is bad, the multiplayer story campaign is also going to be bad.

Maps like Mortal Empire, the Old World and especially Season of Revelations & An Eye for An Eye feel like the perfect middle ground for an 8 players campaign.

So you'll end up with:

Gigantic - Immortal Empires

Huge - Mortal Empires, Eye of the Vortex (story)

Big - The Old World, The Realm of Chaos (story)

Medium - Season of Revelations, An Eye for An Eye

Small - Something Rotten in Kislev, Darkness and Disharmony

For Season of Revelations and An Eye for An Eye, I think more playable factions could be added. Yes, you can go for the "story mode" but I think there is bigger value in having these maps as a sandbox. Either way, today you have the option to active story mode or not for a given map.

And eventually, you could have a new campaign map (I doubt even a map size expansion could save The Realm of Chaos) about - Nagash.

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4 months ago
Oct 28, 2024, 2:47:24 AM

I think it would be neat if they ported Old World and Vortex to WH3.  But they definitely don't need to spend resources making new ones.

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4 months ago
Oct 28, 2024, 2:59:57 AM

I would love to see the vortex campaign in partiular ported to wh3, but all these suggestions are great as options for different maps or story maps is not a bad thing. Also in Immortal empires let us have the westren coast of naggaroth sailable!!

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4 months ago
Oct 28, 2024, 3:00:23 AM

Considering the RoC map is no longer the main focus because of a lack of player interest, I don't see the point to create and/or support even more, when 99%+ are only going to be playing IE

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4 months ago
Oct 28, 2024, 3:59:04 AM

Vortex and Old World ports would be sound. 

I found the original small campaigns about wood Elves in warhammer 1 quite good, so I would happily play more focused campaigns. 

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4 months ago
Oct 28, 2024, 5:06:53 AM

More battle and siege maps yes.

More campaign map: no, I'd rather have them expanding/improving the current one.

They could have done several theatre of wars, interconnected with travel points, with the possibility to have them more details, and options at campaign set up to select what theatres you want in your campaign. But it's too late for that now. It should have a been a design decision at the start.

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4 months ago
Oct 28, 2024, 7:04:23 AM

I'd love more campaign maps, both ether story or more sandbox.

don't even need to be old ones, could be similar to RoC(/TOW-mod) being a cut-out zoomed in version of certain regions. And don't need to be as detailed as TOW-mod, as while really cool. Is a bit too big/detailed with a pretty decent turn-time....

Having a Lustria version of TOW would be cool, for a good old Lustria bowl. 

Having a zoomed in Karak 8 peaks, with a race for control of 8 peaks would be awesome for a sandbox-campaign. Just having win (or lose) condition being to get all of 8 peaks under control (for 5 turns?)

as 2 examples. and don't need to have all content/races available to them ether imo. 

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4 months ago
Oct 28, 2024, 8:56:42 AM

Honestly at the start of tww3 I was really hyped by the fact of having several mini campaigns like in tww1 and several smaller maps for multiplayer campaigns in particular .

Unfortunately, given the turn of events, the problems that the game is accumulating and the slow release of new content, I think that it would not be beneficial for the game...

It would be better to concentrate the few resources allocated to the game on Immortal Empire instead that the dispersion on optional content which will not necessarily please many people and which would slow down the content which people have been waiting for a long time now and which is really slow to arrive...

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4 months ago
Oct 28, 2024, 9:16:40 AM

existing maps ported into WH3 => what a dream ... my biggest disappointment in wh2 was that the old world map was not available as it was in WH1 ... resul : 417h on WH1, 252h on WH2 ... does not mean the 2nd is in any way less good, but WH1 with its map was just the original sin coming to life :) .
And of course, the smaller maps of WE and BM would be so much appreciated to be available with WH3 ... I fear it will never happen of course, but that would be a so much crazy feature ...

Updated 4 months ago.
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4 months ago
Oct 28, 2024, 10:50:46 AM

I feel people who say "No new maps, jus concentrate on perfecting IE map!" isn't thinking it through...

IE map is a terrible map.  Unless you want to play 300 turns, you'll never see at least half of the map.  Actually painting the entire map is just a rote exercise after you've achieved your faction objectives.  All that is not bad per se, but in order to cram the entire world into a finite space, all the settlements got squished together and there is no sense of distance to travel.  This makes it an objectively bad map that cannot be saved, and this flaw won't ever be changed because it's a core feature.  Sure you can open up Ind and Khuresh regions, but the settlements everywhere are still too close.

What you actually want is a map with as much size, space, and detail as The Old World from TWWH1, but centered on different areas of the world.  So maybe you have 6 of them all centered on different regions covering the entire world, and maybe a few extra ones where the overlap area is different.  This is much more preferable to one giant bad map where detail and distance were sacrificed for the sake of cramming all 300 LLs into one place.

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4 months ago
Oct 28, 2024, 10:53:46 AM

Sandboxhead#8494 wrote:

I feel people who say "No new maps, jus concentrate on perfecting IE map!" isn't thinking it through...

IE map is a terrible map.  Unless you want to play 300 turns, you'll never see at least half of the map.  Actually painting the entire map is just a rote exercise after you've achieved your faction objectives.  All that is not bad per se, but in order to cram the entire world into a finite space, all the settlements got squished together and there is no sense of distance to travel.  This makes it an objectively bad map that cannot be saved, and this flaw won't ever be changed because it's a core feature.  Sure you can open up Ind and Khuresh regions, but the settlements everywhere are still too close.

What you actually want is a map with as much size, space, and detail as The Old World from TWWH1, but centered on different areas of the world.  So maybe you have 6 of them all centered on different regions covering the entire world, and maybe a few extra ones where the overlap area is different.  This is much more preferable to one giant bad map where detail and distance were sacrificed for the sake of cramming all 300 LLs into one place.

You are not supposed to paint the entire map (you are obviously free to do so). My campaigns never go beyond turn 120 so if I want to explore Lustria instead of the Old World, I can just pick a LL there. 

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4 months ago
Oct 28, 2024, 12:17:23 PM

I would at like to see a smaller scale lore agnostic map that you can load up with eight major factions with random locations and have all other settlements filled with minor factions. Something optimized for one shot sessions or multiplayer campaigns. 

Just about every single strategy game has these sorts of maps, and it’s always perplexed me a bit that CA hasn’t done more of them. The smaller maps they introduced in WH3 don’t fit the bill as they’re locked to certain races and are just subsections of the same RoC map, and therefore not actually purposefully designed for mini-campaigns.

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4 months ago
Oct 28, 2024, 12:21:55 PM

@ Captain Rex:

That which is my point; you don’t need such a huge map.

The cost of such a huge map, that you don’t even use all of in any given game, is increased load times and a squashed terrain for the area that you do use.  Like compressing a 5 volume novel into one 90 minutes movie, it cannot be saved.

Updated 4 months ago.
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4 months ago
Oct 28, 2024, 12:53:17 PM

I don't want to sound like a boomer because I really enjoy the new Total War games, especially Warhammer obviously, but one thing I liked about the old ones was the new maps DLCs.

Total War Rome 2 for example has:

- Prologue Campaign (tutorial)

- Grand Campaign (sandbox)
- Imperator Augustus (The big civil war)

- Caesar in Gaul (Caesar’s conquest)

- Hannibal at the Gates (Punic Wars)

- Empire Divided (Resitutor Orbis, Aurellian!)

- Wrath of Sparta (Greek wars with Sparta)

- Rise of the Republic (early Rome)

Aside from main & tutorial you have 6 other maps covering most of Rome's history. From big to small campaigns, where you can play as pretty much everyone. Aside from age of Constantine and Fall of Rome I think Rome 2 got every major event covered.

Total War: Attila

- Grand Campaign

- The Last Roman Campaign (Gladius Roma, Belisarius!)

- Age of Charlemagne (Europe's Granddaddy)

Once again, I think it's missing the times of the Heraclian dynasty and Basil II Bulgarslayer. Other than that, it's got everything covered.

I wish something like this would happen in Warhammer 3. We still got the obligatory Tutorial & Grand Campaigns, but the rotated Realm of Chaos map sucks & Something Rotten in Kislev with Darkness and Disharmony are just cut versions of the same map that sucks. While we have some 5 great maps from previous games that only need to be converted to Warhammer 3: The Old World, Eye of the Vortex, Mortal Empires, Season of Revelations, An Eye for An Eye.

Having a smaller map would not only be great for performance but also for immersion. Like:

- You want to just focus on the Empire? go for The Old World.

- You want a good story? Eye of the Vortex

- You don't want to focus on Chaos Wastes and want to see the Chaos hordes as a much more unified force? Mortal Empires

- You want a short campaign that maybe you can finish in a day either alone or with friends multiplayer campaign? Season of Revelation and Eye of the Vortex.

This is something that you cannot do in Immortal Empires alone even though it's the best Total War map so far.

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4 months ago
Oct 28, 2024, 1:15:36 PM

Sandboxhead#8494 wrote:

@ Captain Rex:

That which is my point; you don’t need such a huge map.

The cost of such a huge map, that you don’t even use all of in any given game, is increased load times and a squashed terrain for the area that you do use.  Like compressing a 5 volume novel into one 90 minutes movie, it cannot be saved.

As the Empire I still like to be part of a proper World that allows me to trade with Ulthuan, Cathay and other factions. It also leads to external factions invading me from time to time. 

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4 months ago
Oct 28, 2024, 1:18:05 PM
As much as I'd like to give Eye of the Vortex campaign a spin in Warhammer 3, I feel like every campaign they add is going to bog down their resources further and take away the effort that could go into perfecting Immortal Empires.

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4 months ago
Oct 28, 2024, 2:09:25 PM

All I ever play is immortal empires, so I want more maps for that only really.

I already have some mappack mods form the steam workshop, but I wish there were more map makers. Seeing the same maps so often is just dull.

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4 months ago
Oct 28, 2024, 2:29:20 PM

Im more intrested to improve IE with the features from the vortex campaign for example. Make the vortex have a gameplay impact in IE

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