We need more agressivity from the AI

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a day ago
Oct 21, 2024, 9:40:07 AM

Hi there,
Hi really hope that in 5.3 or 6.0 CA will add more agressivity to the AI. 

I cannot count the numbers of campaigns where the invasions just stack all their armies close to one city without any movement. It's the same for the really powerfull factions during a campaign, they are not moving their armies a lot, or not enought against the player i think. The player need a real opposition, it can be just for very hard and legendary difficutlies for sure or another option that we can select or not (the difficulties option is more logic and meaningfull). It seems logic for a strategy game that the AI wants to destroy the player and not leave the last city alone without real threat... That happened to me 2 or 3 times maybe where the AI can kill me easily, but no, they leave me peacefully during some turns so i can make another army and take back my territories one by one... Such a shame.

The game is easy on us, but with a world wide battle, no one is easy on an opponent, so why the AI is not a threat with the last city we've got? I understand why (fun, player who paid the game, rewarding the player, not punishing him to much) but for a high difficulty, we need an AI that want to destroy its opponent... Even if its a player.

Do you want that too? Do you have any exemples to give? 

Thanks a lot and good game to all

Merci à tous et bon jeu

Thanks a lot CA for the last updates, you are making a really good job. Keep it in that way


Updated a day ago.
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a day ago
Oct 21, 2024, 10:50:59 AM

More AI aggressiality is good as long as it’s not blantantily biasedal against the player’s funaction.  Yes?

Updated a day ago.
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a day ago
Oct 21, 2024, 11:43:12 AM

They also really need to fix that bug where a faction suddenly decides to be completely AFK sitting all their armies on a single settlement, it's been introduced in the 4.0 and hasn't been fixed yet.

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a day ago
Oct 21, 2024, 1:16:38 PM

Ingr8#8085 wrote:


Ouai l'IA est trop passive, elle ne fait rien de dingue contre le joueur et ne te tue jamais vraiment, elle arrete avant de te finir. En plus les armées restent autour d'une cité sans bouger parfois c'est trop énervant!

Faut qu'elle soit plus agressive vis à vis du joueur

Bon jeu à toi

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a day ago
Oct 21, 2024, 1:18:59 PM
Yeah they definitly need to fix that bug, it's sooooo annoying and it's killing the threat and the atmosphere of the campaign.For sure that "agressivity +" need to be balanced but they had to add it, for a lot a reason
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9 hours ago
Oct 22, 2024, 6:04:41 AM

Doesn't that always happen when an AI is on its last settlement?  It's in TWWH2 as well; I always assumed it's run out of money and all it can do is sit there and wait for someone to come gobble it up.  Like the runty kid during PE class, nobody wants to confederate with it.

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9 hours ago
Oct 22, 2024, 6:35:15 AM

Sandboxhead#8494 wrote:

More AI aggressiality is good as long as it’s not blantantily biasedal against the player’s funaction.  Yes?

LMAO! Nice. 

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