Obvious and less obvious ways to make Greasus and Skrag better?

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2 days ago
Oct 20, 2024, 8:38:38 PM

Title. I'm really curious what will CA do with them, but I hope they'll be clearly better than generic Tyrants and Slaughtermasters.

Greasus should be a real tank that is hard to defeat in melee. Thats why I proposed ''Layers of fat'' skill/buff that would give him 30% missile resist and like 40% physical resistance. Also armour-sundering attacks as so many other LL have them (cmon, Greasus has a giant de facto mace).

Skrag has blades where normal Ogres have hands, so he should at least get a proper melee line. Underway stance for him is obvious.

Their unique items are meh. Skrag could have gorefeast and his gorgers too.

Skrag doesn't buff gorgers, while Greasus is a mess; he makes Ironguts cheaper, but also buffs... Bulls. I understand that CA wanted someone to buff ogre bulls, but it needs some changes.

This is less obvious, but I feel that both Greasus and Skrag should get + 1000 mass buff. Greasus is surprisingly light, while Skrag drags a big cauldron.

Hopefully both will get some sort of unique mechanics, like Empire LLs. Big names rework is guaranteed I feel.

PS. I know this is not about units, but Ironblasters got overnerfed and are totally inaccurate (see Off to battle video on them). They are kinda bad.

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2 days ago
Oct 20, 2024, 9:05:10 PM

Greasus should be given is tabletop mount, I know it's likely quite difficult to animate but his current mount looks awful and doesn't make much sense. 

For Skrag I'd like to see him get a new start but not in the Mountains of Mourn, he's a wanderer so he could be anywhere really. Maybe Naggaroth or Lustria, he just shouldn't be in the Southern Realms as it would be more appropriate for Golgfag. He should get a melee skill line.

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2 days ago
Oct 21, 2024, 2:47:31 AM

Neodeinos#5871 wrote:
Greasus should be given is tabletop mount, I know it's likely quite difficult to animate but his current mount looks awful and doesn't make much sense. 

Greasus's TT mount sucks and also looks awful.  He needs BETTER mount upgrades.

Either a Stonehorn, or a converted Ironblaster wagon that replaces the cannon with a throne.


Neodeinos#5871 wrote:
he just shouldn't be in the Southern Realms as it would be more appropriate for Golgfag.


Updated 2 days ago.
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2 days ago
Oct 21, 2024, 9:17:30 AM

I think Greasus need his gnoblar palanquin and a buff in battle because he is pretty useless... he is too slow and do nothing really good it's a shame !

He need also the feature to be able to stack all the big names (like Settra) and the big names need some update of course !

He could also have a better interaction with the caravans of Cathay, and the possibility to confederate other Ogres Tribe when he defeated the boss (like Norsca for example), to become the really king of The Ogre Kingdom !

He could have a Gnoblar Legendary Hero with him (after Bragg the Gutsman release of course)

For Skrag, he need a Cauldron mecanic like Grom or Nurgle ! It's a big shame he don't have this ! He litterally have a cauldron on the back ! common guys !

Because he like deep caves, he should have a Tunnel stance like Greenskin/Skaven/Dwarfs. And because he is the Prophet of the Maw, we can easily imagine he try to go inside one day and just get out he could be somwhere at the opposite side of the map ! Rumours says that is somewhere nearby Lustria, and now he enjoyed eating Dinosaur meat everyday for the glory of the Big Maw :D (or just put him in the Northern Moutain of Mourn if Ghark Ironskin have no chance to come in the game one day...)

For Golgfag, he can replace Skrag in the Border Prince or, because we know that Wurrzag is leaving to Southlands, Golgfag can take his place. From here, we know there are some Ogres here in the Badland, it's pretty central so he can go to Border Prince, or Empire, or against Dwarfs or Greenskins, he can also go to Nehekara or even take the sea to Ulthuan !

I'm very curious about his new faction mecanisms and I hope the best for the future of Dogs of War coming ! I just hope the DLC release will be faster ! of course I don't want rushed and bad content ! but since the begining of Total War Warhammer 3, it's pretty slow... and we are still waiting a LOT of content ! We definitly need more content, better, faster and more ressources put on this game :)

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a day ago
Oct 21, 2024, 4:15:31 PM

Greasus should be bigger.

Greasus should be carried by Gnoblars.

Or at least Greasus should be seated atop a palanquin borne aloft by Gnoblars.

Updated a day ago.
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a day ago
Oct 21, 2024, 4:50:12 PM

Outside of Greasus’s cart, both LLs just really need skill line and maybe item updates. It’d be nice if they had unique faction mechanics, but not something I’m holding my breath for. 

It would be cool if Greasus could get a cut of profits based on cargo load from caravans/convoys entering territory his faction controls, giving him incentive to either ally with the Chaos Dwarfs or Cathay. Maybe some other trade-related bonuses as well.

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20 hours ago
Oct 22, 2024, 3:57:25 AM

A tollmaster mini-game would be great!  If he gets a cut for trade going through his territory, he might even try to broker a trade deal between Chaos Dwarves and Cathay!  Yay additional diplomacy options!

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4 hours ago
Oct 22, 2024, 7:07:24 PM

A lot of good suggestions above! Idea about ''toll gate'' for Greasus was given to CA long time ago, so maybe they will do it. Anyway, Greasus should be about having strong trade empire in MoM, while Skrag should get something unique connected to Great Maw.

Greasus or Ogres as a whole would benefit from changes to aversion or added technology that would give + 20 diplomacy relation with Chaos Dwarfs and Greenskins. For example, Greasus' bonus to relations with other Ogres is useless, as other Ogre factions get killed and you will be hated for befriending them before they got wiped out by stronger races.

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