Properly Updating Bretonnia’s Lore and Roster For a New Age

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9 days ago
Oct 8, 2024, 8:10:42 PM

Properly Updating Bretonnia’s Lore and Roster (Naming the Lady of the Lake’s Realm, New Characters and Units, Etc.)

Because I would absolutely love for this to finally happen one day, I decided just to brainstorm some ways the lore of Bretonnia could be expanded on in the future. I adore Arthurian mythos and Warhammer's favored land of chivalry dearly, and over the years it's definitely occurred to me that there’s a fair bit of actual fleshing out that could be done to their lore now that work on The Old World is in full swing.

For example, elements like a lot to do with Mousillon and various characters' lack of major all feels a bit shallow in some areas honestly. At least compared to other factions that got a lot more screen time and things written for them. And, while this particular post doesn't concern itself with those existing characters (as I'm focused on imagining new stuff here), it is, in small part, just some basic ideas I had to attempt to rectify some of the seeming relative lack of writing toward the kingdom a little and make the western Old World a bit more of a magical and fascinating place in other ways. Feel free to enjoy and I’d happily welcome your own brainstorming and thoughts. ^_^

PS: To better reiterate, I know there’s also a lot of footnote units and other cool ideas like everything having to do with Warhammer Robin Hood: the Faceless and Herrimaults, Truffle Hounds, Bertrand the Brigand & the Bowmen of Bergeracetc. There’s also Mousillon and just straightening out all the stuff going on in it as far as Mallobaude, the actual state of the former dukedom, and updating the lore to be something beyond Barony of the Damned which, while an awesome roleplay book, still came out allll the way back in 2nd Edition Roleplay. Seriously that’s 2005, it’s been a whileMallobaude also got some mention during the End Times when he had his big fight with the Green Knight/Gilles le Breton. But otherwise, yeah. The setting has been sitting on this cool barony full of mutants, outlaws, and undead for nearly 20 years and it’s about time they discuss it more because I love the place lol. 


Both these as well as other little mentions are all things that would be cool to talk about in their own right. But for now I just wanted to mainly post about thoughts of mine on things that could be completely new. Still wanted to acknowledge them though and Mousillon actually has a major role in the background of two new major character concepts I’ll describe below. ^_^

PPS: This post is a long one, consider yourself to have been sufficiently warned lol.


The Ideas 


1. The Realm of Avelerian 

We begin with the Lady of the Lake’s realm. A nebulous place in the current lore, we know that the Divine Damsel, whose true identity is Lileath, elven goddess of the moon, dreams and fortune, resides there. (Side Note: But this is something I actually always thought was a little strange as Ladrielleliterally described as the “Lady of Mists”, protector of all things that are hidden or lost, as well as the patron of travelers in the wilderness, and who is said to be the only elven god to still walk the Mortal World, is literally right there next to her on the Elven Pantheon, but whatever. I guess being a dream goddess make sense for the role too though. Honestly both of these just feel like they represent parts of her well.) 


Alongside the Lady herself there is the Lost Sons of Bretonnia and the Grail Damsels the Fay Enchantress brings her to act as her guardians and handmaidens (at least before the latter are sent back out into the Mortal World to aid the kingdom.) There are also said to be “mysterious ghostly spirits of the land resembling knights, beasts, and other creatures”. And THAT is literally all we know about the place. For real, most of it is just left up to the imagination and we know about as much about it as we do the Cathayan Underworld that’s likely beneath the Great Dragon River right now. 


And I mean I know it’s supposed to be a mysterious place most Bretonnians don’t really understand or question...but you see situations like this is why I’m making this post lol. 


So, in my updated lore, the Lady of the Lake’s realm could be described maybe something like this:

Map of Avalon Art

Resembling a mystical isle untouched by time, the realm of Avalerian is a sacred land where the chosen of the Lady reside. (PS: I know that Avalerian” as well as the rest of these names are a bit on the nose in terms of similarity to what they’re supposed to resemble lol. Especially when we already have Avelorn in Ulthuan which has the exact same theme lol. But just go with it. They’rreally just meant to get the general idea across. ^_^) 


In keeping with how Warhammer adapts history and mythology, it’s a stand in for the island of Avalon and its landscape resembles a more mythic version of Bretonnia that’s mostly an enchanted wilderness of forests, glades, and mountains populated by animals like the savage Questing Beasts, the ferocious TarasquesNaiad river spirits, and other strange and otherworldly creatures. A great mist also surrounds the isle on all sides, forming the boundary of the goddess’ sacred lands. 


There is a capital of the island though, and it is known as Camelorn. It’s basically the kingdom of Camelot, but like a magical, naturey version of it that’s had its scenery taken to new heights in the way Warhammer does best. (Points at Cathay and its nifty floating mountains)The Green Knight (AKA: Gilles le Breton) holds court there alongside the spirits of the other thirteen Grail Companions when he’s not off saving the kingdom in their dire hour or testing questing knights of their valor. Within Camelorn, or perhaps somewhere else on the island, is a mystical grove where the Lady herself also resides, and it is frequently visited by the Fay Enchantress when she returns there to deliver new Lost Sons and Grail Damsels as well as make reports about the current status of Bretonnia. 


Besides Camelorn and the Lady’s grove, other enchanted towns and ancient castles and ruins may also populate the island, serving as homes for the spirits that reside there. 


Honestly the realms of the various gods of the Warhammer Fantasy universe in general could do with some exploring and expanding. I had another idea for an adaptation of the Celtic Otherworld/Tír na nÓg” for Albion for example, from which various spirits like analogues for the Tuatha Dé Danann maybe or various creatures like Dullahans could reside and emerge from.


2. New Major Characters 


There’s a whole gallery of classic Arthurian characters and other people from British and French mythology that could be adapted in cool ways into Warhammer. Most of the named knights are referenced through the Grail Companions, but we also have Bretonnia’s various Dukes to be cool, original replacements for them so I consider that covered. 


Still, there are two characters that I would definitely loved to be Warhammerized just like Baba Yaga was to become Mother Ostankya. They would be: 


1. Merilyth 

AKA: Warhammer Merlin

Merlin Art

Throughout the history of Bretonnia magic has always been the purview of the virtuous Grail Damsels and Prophetesses of the Lady. However, in my new lore not only would male wizards also exist, but they could also potentially be a really unique thing imo. 

In comparison to classic Arthurian Merlin, Merilyth is actually much more related to dragons specifically rather than being this general amazing wizard and master of magic. This depiction is a reference to a vision the mythical Merlin is said to have had for King Arthur’s uncle Ambrosius Aurelianus, where he saw two dragons: one red and one white, fighting in a pool beneath a castle. Merlin interpreted this vision as saying that the red dragon represented the British race and the white dragon represented the Saxons. He also predicted that the Saxons would be victorious. 


I’m still thinking of ideas as far as his lore, but he could possibly have had a great dragon as a companion of his, partly draconic/dragon blooded heritage which grants him his unique magical powers (similar to how Merlin was said to have had a demonic father), or to have slain many dragons and gradually mastered their skills through the use of a legendary artifact he found or some form of tutelage. There’s a lot of ways he can be related to dragons, but the main point I have for him right now is that that’s his identity and aesthetic. He’s a user of draconic magic and is respected and feared for it/his involvement with them. 


He resides in a great magical tower named (insert cool name here lol) located possibly somewhere in the Bretonnian hinterlands, maybe far from civilization or perhaps somewhat closer. Either way, he lives isolated along with numerous other students of his that have also learned the ways of dragon magic. 

Merilyth is a character that has an unsteady and testy position within the graces of BretonniaOn one hand, he often serves as an advisor to the land’s great kings, and his guidance has greatly been respected by rulers over the ages. (Merilyth is one of those very long lived characters due to his draconic heritage/magic/blessing etc.) On the other hand though...there’s a reason he and his students live alone. And that is that the Fay Enchantress heavily distrusts them. The Lady tolerates his presence as he fits into her greater plans, but Morgiana le Fay has some serious beef with him. 


During the Affair of the False Grail in 2297 IC, he was once regarded as a great enemy of Bretonnia and an ally of Vivianne de Luc (see below), the previous Fay Enchantress chosen by the Lady before Morgiana who ended up rebelling against her goddess for personal reasons. Vivianne and Merilyth were deeply in love (in a reference to how in one tale of Arthurian mythos the Lady of the Lake seduced Merlin), and allies of Duke Maldred of Mousillon during his rebellion. At some point during the fighting however Vivianne turns on Merilyth? Something along those lines, and he betrays her, ultimately leading to her downfall, the freeing of Morgiana from her imprisonment, and a serious blow to Maldred and his consort Malfleur’s war efforts. (Side Note: considering the whole event of the Affair of the False Grail I’ve also considered just making Vivianne and Malfleur the same person as another idea.) 

After the defeat of Maldred, the Lady judged Merilyth and considered him a hero who proved himself virtuous despite his betrayal of Bretonnia, and he is allowed to continue to live in peace as well as teach magic despite the usual ban, out of respect for his and his follower’s help in turning the tide against Mousillon’s forces. This hasn’t stopped Morgiana from holding a personal grudge against him though for his siding with her predecessor. 


Speaking of her... 


2. Vivianne de Luc

Morgan le Fay Art






AKA Warhammer Morgan le Fay...but resembling her cunning and manipulative Arthurian counterpart from later and more famous legends who wanted to control Camelot and put Mordred on the throne, compared to Morgiana who more resembles her classic earlier depictions when she was more friendly with the kingdom and even earlier closer to a nature spirit likely inspired by the Celtic phantom queen The Morrigan. 


Look when plenty of medieval authors want to write their own Arthurian fanfics, character details can get all messy like that overtime lol. Don’t sweat it too much. 

Vivianne is a character I actually named after the mythological Lady of the Lake herself (it’s one of her two well known names alongside Nimue, though there is also Niniane who is a priestess who replaces her in some tales) simply because I liked it as a stand-in. Like the rest of these though, it could really be anything. In terms of her lore, she is going to be a newly adapted version of either Malfleur (see above) or be the true identity of the “Dark Lady of the Bloody Grail from the same story. This was a twisted version of the Lady of the Lake that appeared to knights who supped of the false grail of Maldred: 


Like I mentioned above, Vivianne was the first Fay Enchantress of Bretonnia and favored representative of the Lady before, for whatever reason, she decided to betray her, possibly in the distant past, and eventually teamed up with Maldred and Merilyth to turn on the kingdom. She can best be described as kind of a darkened version of Morgiana, with black hair, a cruel and calculating mind, and a similar level of power that she’s managed to keep after being sacked from her position due to her being a cunning bastard as said. She lives somewhere within the kingdom deep in hiding, possibly an old, crumbling castle or cursed woodland, and from there she plots to one day emerge from the shadows and claim Bretonnia for her own. Think Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty and you get the general picture:

Maleficent Art

She is known to corrupt the wilderness where she travels with her dark sorcery, a twisted form of natural magic that twists the trees and blackens the soil. Dark beasts gather near her and strange, glowing glyphs/sigils can sometimes be found. Besides her corrupted powers granted to her by her former pact with the Lady, she might also know of the magic of dragons as well thanks to her former relationship with Merilyth, able to throw fireballs and possibly transform into a dragon herself (to really ramp up those Maleficent/Flemeth from Dragon Age vibes) or simply tame one, or perhaps cast those previously mentioned glyph/sigil spells. (Partially inspired by both Smite and King Arthur II: The Role-playing Wargame’s depiction of her on that one lol): 


Regardless of their exact nature her powers are varied and vast, and her current objective is to aid Mallobaude the Serpentand she is suspected to have had a hand in the events that led him to pursue his current objectives... 

3. New Magical Lores 

Alongside new major characters come two new and unique lores of magic for the faction. These would be the Lore of Dragons used by Merilyth and his students and the Lore of the Lady used by the Fay Enchantress and the Lady’s Damsels and Prophetesses. I’ve long thought that the Lore of the Lady in particular should totally have been a thing considering the unique spells of the Fay Enchantress on Tabletop, and this lore is widely an adaptation of them. As inspired actually by The Lore of the Lady mod by MDavid on the Steam Workshop which is a really cool one: 


Their spells read as follows: 


Lore of the Lady

Lady of the Lake Art

Lore Passive: Protection of Piety 

  • The lore passive adds +25% missile resistance and 


  • +10 melee damage reflection to the army when any spell is cast. 




The Doom of Dol 

"The caster pronounces an enemy unit to be doomed, incapacitating their means to defend themselves." 


  • This is a hex that reduces a single enemy unit's armour and melee defense. 


  • Overcasting it also reduces target enemy missile resistance, physical resistance and ward save stats. 


Guinevere's Inspiring Prophecy 

"A vision of glorious victory floods the minds of the spellcaster's allies, making them forget about their fatigue and encouraging them to strike the enemy all the more bravely." 


  • The targeted friendly unit gets their melee attack and charge speed and bonus increased, as well as Immune to Psychology and a chance to Rampage to represent reckless bravery. 


  • Overcasting the spell adds an increase to melee damage. 


The Mist of Châlons 

"The spellcaster summons a magical mist around their allies, rendering them invisible to the enemy for a period of time." 


  • Hides a single friendly unit, making them extremely useful for surprise attacks and flanking maneuvers. 

  • Overcasting adds an area of effect. 


Spiteful Glance 

"A single glance of spite from the Enchantress is enough to make the enemy suffer a terrible fate: they turn into a frog." 


  • This is a very potent but also costly direct damage spell which you can use for character sniping or to nuke an elite enemy unit. It has no overcast option. 


Personal Note: This one could also possibly have an AoE effect depending on how developers designed it. But to properly implement it because turning people into frogs is just cool, it’d be really neat if temporary transformations for the game could be worked out mechanically. That’s something that might already be possible for them with a bit of tweaking so I’d love to see it. 


The Beguilement of Blondel 

"The enemy is beguiled by visions of whatever paradise exists in their imagination, becoming languid and entranced, unable to move, fight or make any use of their skills." 


  • This hex reduces a single enemy target's melee attack and renders them incapable to move for a short while and increases their ability recharge times. 

  • Overcasting the spell increases the duration of all these debuffs. 


Crushing Tide of the Lady's Wrath 

The caster summons a globe of holy water, then lets the enemy be crushed under the weight of the waves as punishment for their sins against the Lady. 


  • A potent explosion spell more or less similar to Nurgle's Blight Boil and Foot of Gork. 

  • The overcast version deals greater damage. 


Really something like this would be pretty close to what I’d want from the lore. It’s got all the themes of ze Lady present: lake water, mists, visions, prophecies, frogs, and a healthy balance of offensive and supportive spells. 


Lore of Dragons

Wizard and Dragon Art

My own personally invented lore, this is a school of spellcraft that seeks to emulate and harness the mystical energies and flames of dragons throughout the Old World. Normally these beasts are dreaded enemies of Bretonnia that are quested after to be slain in noble combat by aspiring knights, which makes Merilyth and his followers’ use of their skills all the more suspect to many townsfolk throughout the kingdom. Still, dragons have long been used throughout Bretonnia’s heraldry, from its coat of arms to its helmet designs: 


And “facing a dragon” is such a quintessential aspect of knightly fiction that I felt that their themes could make for a fun addition to the faction. Not in the form of actual dragons on the roster (except for maybe someone like Vivianne and her transformation/possible mount), but their powers? That’d be cool and medieval Britainy/Francery. So here is a possible spell list for Merilyth and his students: 


(Just like with all of this these spells are fairly basic concepts, but a neat thing I’m trying to build on.) 


Lore Passive: Cinderburn 

The ferocity of dragons leave little but ashes in their wake. 


Any time a spell from this lore is cast enemies suffer from reduced Armour? Something like that, still thinking of ideas for this one. 





Calling upon the flame of a ferocious wyrm, the caste conjures and launches a ball of blazing might against their enemy. 


This is the basic Magic Missile fireball of the lore, comparable to the spell Fireball from the Lore of Fire or Burning Wrath from the Lore of HashutThe thing that sets it apart from those two spells though is that after hitting the enemy it leaves a patch of burning terrain where it hits that continues to burn for several more seconds, dealing passive damage to anyone who sets foot on it. 


Overcasting it could cause the patch to continue to burn longer or possibly have a wider area of effect. 


Breath of Fury 

The caster conjures a ferocious dragon’s head above them that sprays forth a powerful flaming breath. 


This is the expanding cone-shaped Breath damage spell of the lore and a nice way to set your enemies ablaze. You can’t have a Dragon lore without fire being breathed on someone haha. Still thinking of ways this spell could be made a little more unique: One idea I’ve been toying with is the idea of it leaving a cloud of smoke at the area that hinders the enemy’s vision or cause some other negative effect. 


Wing Buffet 

The caster manifests great scaly wings and blows a powerful gust of wind toward the enemy, sending them flying backward. This spell works similar to Wind Blast but it’s a Wind spell instead of a Breath one and it might cause a different status condition than the increased armour-piercing damage Wind Blast inflicts. 



The caster coats their allies’ bodies in hardened and durable scales that none but the strongest blades may pierce. Increases both Armour and Melee Defense. 



The enduring warmth of dragonflame fills the spirits of the caster’s allies, increasing their Weapon and Missile Strength, or possibly offering a bonus to Charge. Still thinking of ideas for this one. 


Blazing Wrath 

The caster summons a great dragon (possibly real, possibly spiritual, or possibly made of flame) that burns a great swath of the battlefield before them. This is a wind spell that works similarly to Fiery Convocation for the Lore of High Magic. 


4. New Units 


Because what kind of lore expansion would be complete without new units as well? Bretonnia is a kingdom that has a lot of magic behind it, but it’s for the most part expressed more subtly in the roster compared to other factions I feel. With it being primarily shown through the Green Knight, Grail Knight, and Damsels. It also doesn’t really have any creatures or unique spells like Kislev recently received. Again this is my attempt to address that a little. As I think that even though chivalry and knights are still probably Bretonnia’s most defining aesthetic, so is Arthurian fantasy and all the magical artifacts, creatures, and events in it as a whole. 


With that said, onward to the units: 


Questing Beast

Questing Beast Art

A creature from the Lady’s enchanted realm of Avalerian with the head of a snake, the body of a leopard, the haunches of a lion, and the feet of a hart (deer), Questing Beasts are among the many strange cross-animal beasts that are said to dwell within the Lady’s woodlands. While these unusual creatures are said to resemble beasts of chaos similar to those that battle alongside the savage Northmen, and indeed their realm does reside within the Aether, their allegiance is truly to that of the noble and fair Lady. Just as the knights of fair Bretonnia hunt down preytons, dragons, and other savage creatures, so to do the Lost Sons of the Lady’s realm hunt down creatures such as the agile and dangerous Questing Beasts. Whether it be for sport and challenge, or to fulfill a quest appointed to them by the Lady they attend to. When Bretonnia is in dire need, sometimes groups of the powerful beasts are brought along by the Lost Sons or sent at the request of the Fay Enchantress to aid the kingdom. They have also been known to serve as proud steeds to the mightiest of knights as wellThough wild and proud, there have been those who’ve been granted visions of them by the Lady, and have gone out on journeys to successfully hunt and tame them. 


PS: If Warhammerized they could also maybe have an alternate design as well to make them look more fey. That'd be a matter of artistic discussion:


Tarasque Art

Another great creature of Avalerian, they are large monstrous beasts said to possess the head of a lion, the durable shell of a turtle, six feet with bear-like claws, a serpent’s/scorpion’s tail, and the ability to breathe a poisonous breath. Oddly enough, despite their ferociousness there are tales of them being tamed by pure maidens and Grail Damsels. (This is in reference to St. Martha, who tamed the beast in the original French folklore.) 


If Bretonnia ever needed their own big, cool and impressive single-entity monster: well here you go lol. 


Lou Carcolh and Other Creatures 

Lou Carcolh Fanart,h_1583,q_75,strp/lou_carcolh___mythtober_day_12_by_braunca_dffdrex-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTU4MyIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzRmZTZlMmY2LTg1YjAtNGVjMi05ZDhmLTBhZjE4OTNhZjM5MVwvZGZmZHJleC1lMThlZWM5MC0wZGQ2LTRmYmMtYTA4Yy04ODVhY2UwNGYzYjIuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEyODAifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.UxKiKioPnTbmDnIIHdcdQ4sI6gdOTTU2F6qGHpIUGYI

Lou Carcolh, also known as Giant Snails, are in fact a real thing in French folklore and medieval manuscripts are full of little drawings in the margins of knights battling snails. It’s also why we have ShellmetEscavalier, and Accelgor as Pokemon haha. It’s this whole thing, and I know a lot of players are turned off by the idea of them...But those fans haven’t really considered what a creature based off them might look like in the Warhammer Fantasyverse imo. These divine, Aether realm snails from Avalerian (or possibly just Bretonniacould maybe look like something similar to the above picture imo, and fit right in. Obviously they’d have poison attacks maybe, or mucus that slows enemies to prepare them for cavalry charges, there’s a lot of nifty things that could be done with the idea. 


Aside from them, all I’d encourage developers at GW to do is go nuts. Hybrid animal monsters that were supposed to be “dragons” as well as other more mythical versions of common animals are all over medieval French mythology: 


Blending the heroic knight side of Bretonnia and the magical spirit side implied by the Lady’s realm and folklore, that’s what I’d really love to see for the faction. 



Naiad Art

The watery attendants of the Lady and pure spirits of the lakes of Bretonnia, these creatures can often be found in both the Mortal World and Avelerian. They are powerful conjurers, and gladly defend their lakes, rivers, and streams from attackers by dousing them with blasts, waves, and columns of their native element. 


Lost Son 

Fae Knight Art



The allies of the Green Knight and the chosen protectors of Avelerian, the Lost Sons are those sons of Bretonnia who display magical talent at a young age and are taken by the Fay Enchantress from their parents never to be seen again...or so it is said. They aided King Louen Leoncoeur during his battle against the undead of Myldeon when a whole army of them emerged from a mystical lake riding upon bestial water-horses which snorted and grunted through dagger-like teeth. Their hair rippled, swirling as if underwater and their voices roared in unison, untold years of rage waiting to be unleashed.” Probably the most notable of their number currently known in the lore is Landuin of Couronne, son of Brocard the Bold, a great warrior and close friend of Louen. 


We don’t have pictures of these guys, but I can assume they probably look similar to the Green Knight or like a variation on him, lots of naturey or watery themes to their armor, possibly symbols of the Lady, the Green Man from Celtic folkloreish designs, etc. There’s a chance they might also be packing some Bound Spells from the Lore of Life or perhaps another spell Lore, serving as magical warriors/cavalry a bit like the Sisters of the Thorn for the Wood Elves. 


Wizard of the Dragon Order 

Wizard with Fire Art

Still not sure what to officially call these guys’ group, but they’re students and followers of the Great Wizard Merilyth who resides in a ye’ olde grand as fudge magical tower somewhere in the Hinterlands of Bretonnia. 


Use your imagination as to what it’s called or looks like, but it’d definitely be an important and defining new lore location for the kingdom:

Wizard Tower On A Mountaintop Art




Generally considered a bit weird and distrusted by both the common folk and Fae Enchantress alike but respected by King Louen, the Dukes, and the Lady of the Lake, their presence is seen as more than a bit of a divisive topic among the people. Regardless, they have studied the ways of the great wyrms that reside within the mountains of the kingdom and have studied a way to emulate their abilities through sorcery under the tutelage of their possibly dragon-blooded teacher Merilyth. 


In terms of their design they resemble exactly what one expects when one hears the word “wizard”, old with flowing white beardsdressed in hooded robes, and carrying staffs, these elderly gents might resemble the above image. Maybe with some more draconic elements in their designs maybe? It’s a decision to mull over artistically. 



Bard/Minstrel Adventurer Art



With many of their number hailing from the great dukedom of Brionne, these wandering minstrels are players of excellent songs in taverns far and wide and favored guests of the common peasantry and knights alike. Among the knights of Brionne there are even said to be minstrel-knights that ride not only with blade and shield, but lute and lyre as well, traveling abroad and practicing their art for the entertainment of the masses. 


Though they generally prefer the glow of a warm hearth to the dangers of the battlefield, there are many bards that enjoy accompanying armies on their marches and supporting troops with the blessing of their skillful ballads. They also are far from defenseless, as these aren’t just your typical roleplay bards nah, these are your Dungeons & Dragons/Final Fantasy bards where they’ve been trained in the use of the sword and perhaps bow and serve as lighter armored but agile and talented warriors also. They could perhaps be a Hero unit, serving in both a scouting role as well as a support role by buffing nearby troops with their songs. 


Priest of the Lady 

Medieval Priest Art



Resembling traditional medieval monks and priests from Europe, these devoted souls serve as clergymen of the Lady of the Lake and work to spread her word and teachings to all the proud and virtuous citizens of Bretonnia. Often practicing their faith either in impressive cathedrals guarded by Grail Guardians or helping out alongside Damoiselles du Grail (Warhammer nuns) and Hermit Knights in smaller abbeys to protect sacred artifactsthey are among the most faithful of the Lady’s followers and sometimes follow alongside armies to preach the Lady’s blessings. As well as spread them, should said knights be crusading. 


They also have Battle Prayers, that’s right, I’m giving Bretonnia their own version of Kislev’s Patriarchs or The Empire’s Warrior Priests. While not particularly well-armored or defended, their faith in ze Lady is absolute and she and her loyal knights is all the protection they need. 


Granted I’m still thinking of said Battle Prayers so I don’t really have anything to list here yet unfortunately. But I do have some inspiration in mind from Warhammer: The Old World. In the current tabletop game there actually is a new “Lore of the Lady” that can be utilized by the Handmaidens that serve as analogues to the classic Damsels and Prophetesses of 8th Edition/Total War Warhammer. These spells are neat, and I could envision creating something similar for these Priests of the Lady: 


PS: If Amalric of Gaudaron were ever added to the game these guys would be a cool accompanying unit lol:  


Battle Tower 

Bretonnian War Castle Art



The final new unit I had an idea for. One that was inspired by both this artwork: 


And this mod for a “War Castle”: 


Basically these would be a Bretonnian equivalent of The Empire’s War Wagons. Only it’s not a wagon, it’s a tower on wheels. Meaning that it’d probably be less agile, but more defensible and armored as well as offering better range for the archers standing atop it. 


I think it could be a cool idea, because what’s more Bretonnian than a castle/tower you take WITH you? Exactly. (Dusts hands) 


But let me know your all’s thoughts. Is there any ways you’d like to flesh out these concepts? Would you have your own takes on them? Is there any new ideas you have that you’d think would be cool for the setting? I’d love to hear them! Please remember that this is all in good fun and there’s no need to be nitpicky about anyone’s thoughts. Feel free to criticize constructively, not insult. We good? Good. (Nods approvingly before floating away mysteriously into some unknown light...) 

Updated 7 days ago.
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7 days ago
Oct 10, 2024, 8:49:58 AM

Clearly you've put a lot of thought into this, and I love seeing all the references to RPG lore and unused concept art. Nice work :)

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7 days ago
Oct 10, 2024, 10:34:29 AM

For me, i'd love to see a DLC with an evil and corrupted version of Bretonnia. The current version of Bretonnia is very much themed around order and chivalry... see a faction mechanics where the LLs gets more and more corrupted as the campaign goes on, and they corrupt and confederate the other LLs (evil versions with altered visuals/ traits/ skill trees) into their faction would be so fun. And you can recruit the Red Duke as a special LL into your faction (FLC). Units like undead grail knights, zombie peasants and Zombie peasant bowmen ect and then having a mechanic where you can recruit some VC units too

All of that would be amazing. If we get Slaanesh vs HE vs DE in April next year, maybe we get a DLC which includes evil Bretonnnia for Halloween 2025!

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6 days ago
Oct 11, 2024, 8:27:04 PM

I do not like playing Bretonnia at all, since their roster is so, very old-school, vanilla total war. Its just boring imo. If I had to choose between playing a thousandth campaign of Dark Elves and maybe a tenth of Brettonnia, I would pick the dark elves every time lol. 

So, any dlc/update incentive that shifts the focus of their roster is welcome lol

Updated 6 days ago.
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6 hours ago
Oct 17, 2024, 7:42:55 AM

Breztonnia really needs the same love as Kislev got for Old World. More magical and fantastical stuff would do wonders honestly. Things like Questing Beasts, Kelpies (Water Horsers), Naiads, Frogmen and so on. 

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