Every faction leader should have a unique name.

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4 days ago
Sep 15, 2024, 11:06:49 AM

A small suggestion for something that has always annoyd me.

Please give every faction leader for both major and minor factions a unique name that doesn't show up in the random name generator for generic lords and heroes. How many Grizguts, Haupt-Anderssen and Groths can there really be?

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4 days ago
Sep 15, 2024, 12:34:02 PM

Groth is the first ogre prophet. It make sense it is popular name. How many children are named Jesus in Mexico or Muhammad in Germany?

Haupt-Anderssen - it could be cousins and cousins of cousins. Like irl nobles von Habsburgs. They are all around the world.

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3 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 11:33:56 AM

Loreguy#1056 wrote:

Groth is the first ogre prophet. It make sense it is popular name. How many children are named Jesus in Mexico or Muhammad in Germany?

This deserves an upvote ;-)

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