Auto-casting of items and abilities please! Too much on-use stuff, too much micro :(

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8 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 9:37:38 AM

Guys I have Elspeth with gazillion buttons, Ulrica with buttons, Brukner with buttons, priest with buttons, captain with buttons....

It's just ways too much micro for mostly marginal gains to micro all their abilities and items manually.

Coming from Sins of Solar Empires 2, your "hero" ships can be set to auto-cast abilities, and it works amazingly well, without distrupting the real-time battle experience.

I am sure if we ask here, many players would appreciate it greatly.

1) Allow "auto-casting" of abilities in battle so we don't have to switch between dozen of heroes to use their stuff on CD

This is a major life improvement and minimize micro slugfest.

Like, right-click on ability icon to allow it for auto-cast?

This way my Captains for example can spam their stuff on CD and I dont have to bother.

Mages I can micro what spells to cast or just let them have at it.

Potions just drink when health is low, etc.

2) Replace limited uses with just a large cooldown so the items is not trash tier

Many items with few uses per battle are generally weak, would you consider just replacing with large cooldowns instead? Like 3-5 minutes for potions of healing, for example.

And this will also allow them to be set to auto-cast on CD.

Updated 8 days ago.
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8 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 11:43:26 AM

For items like healing potions - yes.  If health < 20 then "drink potion". No brainer. No need to babysit heroes. 

But offensive spells? Fireballs and Golden Hounds randomly decimating your troops? that would be total chaos.

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8 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 11:51:14 AM

The AI doesn't use spells/abilities very well, giving that control of your own stuff.. you'd be better off just not using it at all to be honest. The amount of effort for this to implemented by the devs would severely outweigh its benefit because they would need to do a pass over AI battle logics.

If you're struggling to manage it then just pause the game to issue orders and use abilities whilst you get more comfortable with the game.

Also limited use items are definitely not trash tier. They are limited because they're free. Free abilities that can be used repeatedly are game-changers.

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8 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 12:23:26 PM

What terrible ideas.

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8 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 2:49:24 PM

Asuzu#2909 wrote:

Wow, you guys really enjoy microing 10 buttons on each of ~5 heroes in battle?

It is called Total War and the game already is super simplified. If you struggle with it lower the difficulty so you don't have to use all these abilities. You can also use the pause option during battles. 

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7 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 7:41:23 PM

Asuzu#2909 wrote:

Wow, you guys really enjoy microing 10 buttons on each of ~5 heroes in battle?

YOh think that's hard, try playing a real RTS like Warcraft 3 or StarCraft 

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7 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 9:48:16 PM

Why is this a terrible idea? Tons of RTS games do things like this. 

Battlefleet Gothic allows you to right click any ability you’d like the AI to use for you. Then it’s as simple as right clicking again to disable AI use. 

While yes the AI in TW is terrible at using offensive spells I still see auto ability triggers being useful for buffing/healing abilities.

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7 days ago
Sep 10, 2024, 3:48:30 AM

There is a big button called "auto resolve". You won't have to micro manage other buttons with this.

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7 days ago
Sep 10, 2024, 4:38:43 AM

Steph#6413 wrote:

There is a big button called "auto resolve". You won't have to micro manage other buttons with this.

Wonderful perspective!

Magic must defeat magic!

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7 days ago
Sep 10, 2024, 7:39:44 AM

Jarms48#7854 wrote:

Why is this a terrible idea? Tons of RTS games do things like this. 

Battlefleet Gothic allows you to right click any ability you’d like the AI to use for you. Then it’s as simple as right clicking again to disable AI use. 

While yes the AI in TW is terrible at using offensive spells I still see auto ability triggers being useful for buffing/healing abilities.

Because the game is already way to easy and simplified. If anything CA has to make it harder and more complex. OP seems to lack skills so lowering the difficulty and using the pause function is a good advice. But the idea is terrible. 

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