The Complete Mess That Is Unit Recruitment And Roster Accessibility

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9 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 8:10:47 AM

I don't think it's a secret that the state of roster accesibility (IE how fast any race can access any unit in its roster) is a total mess. Some races can stuff the high tiers into their armies almost right away (WoC being the biggest offender) while some others have to arduously wait for them to become available. As WoC I can have giants, shoggoths and greater daemons (via random gift from the Eye of the Gods) in my armies in about the first dozen turns and as I "pick them up from the street" there's also almost no investment necessary. Vampires have been like this thanks to gravesites often containing higher tier units. The Dwarf rework of all things put Dwarfs in the same "quick all tier access" category for whatever unholy reason. 

Giving some races quick high tier access and not others creates a huge early game disparity which then of course only snowballs into even more advantages later. There's also no throughline as to which races get it and which don't. Why do Vampire Counts get this advantage, but not Tomb Kings? Why do Dwarfs get this advantage but not High Elves? Why do WoC get this advantage but not monogods? Consistency be damned!

I think CA should overhaul the whole system and decide for one unified tack. Either all races can access their full roster fast or the outliers get hammered back into line. This wishy-washy approach were some races arbitrarily can have this but not others is the worst possible solution.

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9 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 12:19:17 PM

I think we should also get rid of that mechanic whereby some races have to pay unit upkeep and some don't, and some races have ranged units and some don't, and some races have lores of magic and some don't, and some races have movement stances that other's don't, so that every single faction is exactly the same.  That should please everybody.

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9 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 2:38:54 PM

Morthion#1621 wrote:

I think we should also get rid of that mechanic whereby some races have to pay unit upkeep and some don't, and some races have ranged units and some don't, and some races have lores of magic and some don't, and some races have movement stances that other's don't, so that every single faction is exactly the same.  That should please everybody.

Too bad there's no consistency whatsoever with this so no, you can't call it asymmetrical balance.

Please explain why Dwarfs should get fast access to their whoke roster but Empire or High Elves don't? Especially when that was a change brought about only recently? Can you answer that question?

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8 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 4:38:15 PM

I don't think exact parity in speed of roster access is necessary, but I also don't think that's what you're asking for, and I agree that the current state of things is very wonky.  I'd identify the problem more in terms of never really using high-tier units on factions which don't have a way of getting them in the earlygame.  Between the time and money required to build up and get T4-5 recruitment buildings, the time needed to recruit, and the extra cost and upkeep, the improvements to stats are often just not worth the investment.

I'd like to see myself recruiting T4-5 units before all the hard parts of a campaign are over, on any race.  I don't think this necessarily means that recruitment/build-up needs to be faster across the board - it might be that other things need their pace slowed - and part of my issue is certainly also that some high-tier units do not compare very favourably to lower-tier alternatives for the same faction.

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8 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 6:53:03 PM

Steelclaw#6359 wrote:

I don't think exact parity in speed of roster access is necessary, but I also don't think that's what you're asking for, and I agree that the current state of things is very wonky.  I'd identify the problem more in terms of never really using high-tier units on factions which don't have a way of getting them in the earlygame.  Between the time and money required to build up and get T4-5 recruitment buildings, the time needed to recruit, and the extra cost and upkeep, the improvements to stats are often just not worth the investment.

I'd like to see myself recruiting T4-5 units before all the hard parts of a campaign are over, on any race.  I don't think this necessarily means that recruitment/build-up needs to be faster across the board - it might be that other things need their pace slowed - and part of my issue is certainly also that some high-tier units do not compare very favourably to lower-tier alternatives for the same faction.

In Thrones of Britannia and Three Kingdoms all factions had close to full access to their roster from the beginning and I think those games were better off for it. I think that sort of recruitment simply works better with TW as there you play factions with established history as opposed to other 4X games like Civ where you start from scratch. Does it make sense for, say, the Macedonians to have forgotten to recruit Companion Cavalry despite having used them for decades before the start of the game?

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8 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 7:10:08 PM

TainBoCuailinge#8335 wrote:

Morthion#1621 wrote:

I think we should also get rid of that mechanic whereby some races have to pay unit upkeep and some don't, and some races have ranged units and some don't, and some races have lores of magic and some don't, and some races have movement stances that other's don't, so that every single faction is exactly the same.  That should please everybody.

Too bad there's no consistency whatsoever with this so no, you can't call it asymmetrical balance.

Please explain why Dwarfs should get fast access to their whoke roster but Empire or High Elves don't? Especially when that was a change brought about only recently? Can you answer that question?

How big is the difference?  How quickly can you get high-tier Empire units?  How quickly can you get high-tier Elf units?  How quickly do Dwarfs get access to Lores of Magic?  How easy is it to pretend that comparing the races is at all useful instead of asking whether the race's mechanics work within the framework of the race itself?

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