Suggestion for Bretonnia Fixes and Additions

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9 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 3:47:43 AM


1. Peasant Economy: Good mechanic that keeps peasant stack spams in check, but I would like it to be more akin to the skaven food mechanic with how the debuffs and buffs are applied.

2. Spearmen at arms and men at arms changed to be recruited directly from tier 1 settlement. All remaining melee infantry in the Barracks building brought down a tier.

3. Economic buildings changed so farms give only higher base gold and peasant capacity while the industry building can be boosted and gives much more in late game when buffed through tech and the extra building. Right now farms are always better no matter what.

4. Vows get additional ways to complete.

5. The Green Knight becomes a fully fledged hero like Gotrek and Felix and does not go away after a certain number of turns, but he would have locked prerequisites such as attaining a certain level of chivalry. 


1. New Generic Lord focused on boosting peasants and a new generic hero, perhaps a squire that is ranged damage focused, that gives campaign movement range.

2. Foot Knights added as a tier 4 infantry and a tier 5 grail knights on foot of which the latter are unit capped.

3. Malloubade and the Red Duke added. Former Starts in Mousillon and the latter starts in Araby facing up against Repanse and the other Bretonnian factions which would also give Mannfred a much needed ally. 

4. Both Malloubade and the Red Duke would function like Arkhan within the Tomb Kings race and they'll have access to unique units such as Black Grail Knights, instead of the normal grail units, and get access to Vampiric Units. Their Knightly Vows would instead transform the generic Bretonnian Lord into a bloodline vampire lord with the Knight Lord becoming a Blood Dragon and the Prophetess a Lahmian Vampire. The paladin and the damsel would become a black paladin and a damned damsel heroes with different unique skills. For example, maybe the Black Paladin would get access to hunger and the damned damsels would utilize the lores of death and vampire among other things.

5. Both Malloubade and the Red Duke would get access to their own Legendary Hero since they won't have access to the Green Knight. I do not know which character would be most fitting here, Walach Harkon maybe?

6. New Mechanic: Dukedoms. This would be a court-like mechanic. Sway the Dukedoms to your cause whether for the Lady or towards more evil paths and become Ruler of Bretonnia and declare Errantry Wars, or confederate the other factions. Of course, Malloubade and The Red Duke will not be able to confederate Louen or Alberic and vice versa. Repanse and the Fay Enchantress would have their own unique mechanics when playing as one of them. 

What do you think?

Updated 9 days ago.
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9 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 4:32:26 AM

Missing Bretonnia characters:

Legendary Lords

Tancred II of Quenelles

Bohemond Beastslayer

Legendary Heroes

Odo d'Outremer and Suliman the Saracen

Roland the Marshal

Bertrand the Brigand

Knight of the Perilous Lance

Tristan the Troubadour and Jules the Jester

Reynard the Hunter
Armand d'Aquitaine
Jasperre le Beau

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9 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 5:30:24 AM

Bohemond_Beastslayer_Bretonnian_Hero_6th_Edition_miniature.jpgDuke Bohemond the Beastslayer of Bastonne LL with monster hunting mechanic.

qzzyxf0n4vy8.jpeg.jpgDuke Theoderic of Brionne LL. Split the regions in Carcassonne and make Brionne it's own province. A little more survivability down there with all the enemies.

Bandidos.jpg Bertrand the Brigand LL leader of the "Bowmen of Bergerac" faction with Hugo le Petit LH and Guis le Gros LH. Hybrid Horde with ability to ambush and hidden encampment stance. Add Herrimaults as units and Faceless Ones as Heroes.

Damsels given a new model colour coded to Lore.

Skill tree for the Green Knight

Bretonnia on Campaign map recoloured to vibrant green like its battle maps and made beautiful rathe than the drab yellow grass it has now. It's meant to be a lush idyllic land but currently looks dull.

Dragon's Maw added back to the coast of L'Anguille like WH1 and WH2.

Jules_M01.jpgTristan le Troubadour LL and Jules le Jongleur LH added too.

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9 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 8:55:17 AM


  • Peasant Mobs. I'd rather they just be instantly recruitable and completely free of any gold/upkeep cost. They should be emergency units or gap fillers, and if you recruit too many at once then you cripple the peasant economy.
  • Spearmen-at-Arms/Men-at-Arms should be tier 0. IE: Tier I settlement units. 
  • Spearmen-at-Arms (Shields)/Men-at-Arms (Shields) should be tier I. IE: Tier I barracks units.
  • Men-at-Arms (Polearm)/Battle Pilgrims should be tier II. IE: Tier II barracks units. 
  • Foot Squires should be tier III. IE: Tier III barracks unit. 
  • Delete tier IV barracks building.

The only Bret infantry that should count towards peasant economy are those with peasant in their name.


  • Need way more extensive skill trees. Just look at Lords and Paladins, it's so sad compared to nearly every other race.
  • Each LL basically needs a rework on their faction mechanics and skill trees. It'd be nice if some of them were more unique.


  • Heroes should also start with completed vows depending on the chivalry level.
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8 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 4:46:58 PM

Jarms48#7854 wrote:


  • Peasant Mobs. I'd rather they just be instantly recruitable and completely free of any gold/upkeep cost. They should be emergency units or gap fillers, and if you recruit too many at once then you cripple the peasant economy.
  • Spearmen-at-Arms/Men-at-Arms should be tier 0. IE: Tier I settlement units. 
  • Spearmen-at-Arms (Shields)/Men-at-Arms (Shields) should be tier I. IE: Tier I barracks units.
  • Men-at-Arms (Polearm)/Battle Pilgrims should be tier II. IE: Tier II barracks units. 
  • Foot Squires should be tier III. IE: Tier III barracks unit. 
  • Delete tier IV barracks building.

The only Bret infantry that should count towards peasant economy are those with peasant in their name.


  • Need way more extensive skill trees. Just look at Lords and Paladins, it's so sad compared to nearly every other race.
  • Each LL basically needs a rework on their faction mechanics and skill trees. It'd be nice if some of them were more unique.


  • Heroes should also start with completed vows depending on the chivalry level.

If they don't add Foot Knights, I think they're an Old World thing anyways so chances are slim, then they should definitely delete the tier 4 barracks and have it only at tier 3.

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8 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 9:39:24 PM

eomat#7953 wrote:

Bohemond_Beastslayer_Bretonnian_Hero_6th_Edition_miniature.jpgDuke Bohemond the Beastslayer of Bastonne LL with monster hunting mechanic.

qzzyxf0n4vy8.jpeg.jpgDuke Theoderic of Brionne LL. Split the regions in Carcassonne and make Brionne it's own province. A little more survivability down there with all the enemies.

Bandidos.jpg Bertrand the Brigand LL leader of the "Bowmen of Bergerac" faction with Hugo le Petit LH and Guis le Gros LH. Hybrid Horde with ability to ambush and hidden encampment stance. Add Herrimaults as units and Faceless Ones as Heroes.

Damsels given a new model colour coded to Lore.

Skill tree for the Green Knight

Bretonnia on Campaign map recoloured to vibrant green like its battle maps and made beautiful rathe than the drab yellow grass it has now. It's meant to be a lush idyllic land but currently looks dull.

Dragon's Maw added back to the coast of L'Anguille like WH1 and WH2.

Jules_M01.jpgTristan le Troubadour LL and Jules le Jongleur LH added too.


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8 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 10:52:02 PM

While I like them, the "fixes" you put aren't fixes. I'd love to see provincial income increase instead of region increase for the milling/storehouse buildings. Would be pretty simple to do and would improve the economy a fair chunk since you're not going to be building the increase buildings in every settlement otherwise

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8 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 11:55:02 PM

kissmydairia#7307 wrote:

If they don't add Foot Knights, I think they're an Old World thing anyways so chances are slim, then they should definitely delete the tier 4 barracks and have it only at tier 3.

Just stick them in the tier 3 barracks. Foot Knights would be pretty similar to Foot Squires anyway. Trading damage for durability and slightly better quality. 

Updated 8 days ago.
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7 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 4:52:13 PM

AxiosXiphos#9040 wrote:

I personally want to see the Warband upgrade system for Bretonnia. It makes so much sense with the way their units progress.


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7 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 5:00:40 PM
Old World put footknight but take care to not doing that with Quest/Grail Knight because by doing so, you make an infantry powerhouse faction, and throw the chivalry theme in trash bin.
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7 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 9:55:58 PM

Leping#7906 wrote:
Old World put footknight but take care to not doing that with Quest/Grail Knight because by doing so, you make an infantry powerhouse faction, and throw the chivalry theme in trash bin.

Bret footknights existed long before TOW. As far back as 3rd edition Fantasy. They just disappeared from future army books.

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6 days ago
Sep 11, 2024, 8:44:06 AM

Make Repanse truer to TT.

1. Give her original colour scheme:

image loaded from url

2. Create halo vfx:

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3. Give her one-handed sword, a shield strapped to her forearm, and a banner:

image loaded from url

image loaded from url

Updated 6 days ago.
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