Now is the Time to Go All In on High Elves

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10 days ago
Sep 7, 2024, 5:19:57 AM

Foreword: Article generated by AI

​The High Elves, with their ancient lore, elegant aesthetics, and powerful magic, have long been a favorite among Warhammer Fantasy fans. Their rich history, spanning millennia, and their distinctive culture make them a compelling choice for players seeking a unique and immersive gaming experience. It's time for Creative Assembly (CA) to recognize the immense potential of the High Elves and commit to creating a series of DLCs that fully explores their vast and fascinating world.

With ten distinct kingdoms and numerous overseas colonies, the High Elves offer an unparalleled level of diversity and complexity. Each kingdom has its own unique traditions, alliances, and rivalries, providing endless possibilities for storytelling and gameplay. By focusing on creating a legendary lord for every High Elf kingdom, CA can tap into this rich tapestry of lore and give players the opportunity to experience the High Elves from a multitude of perspectives.

Imagine commanding the armies of Lothern, the heart of High Elf civilization, under the watchful eye of Teclis, the High Loremaster. Or leading the seafaring warriors of Ellyrion, known for their mastery of naval combat. The possibilities are endless.

Beyond the creation of legendary lords, there is a wealth of other content that could be explored in High Elf DLCs. For example:

  • New units: The High Elves have a vast array of unique units, from the noble Swordmasters of Hoeth to the fearsome Dragon Princes of Caledor. Expanding the roster of available units would provide players with even more strategic options and allow for the creation of truly customized armies.
  • New spells: The High Elves are renowned for their powerful magic, and there is a vast array of spells that could be added to the game. Imagine summoning a Phoenix to rain fire down on your enemies or calling upon the winds to scatter your foes.
  • New buildings: The High Elf kingdoms are known for their beautiful and ornate architecture. New buildings could be added to the game to reflect the unique styles of each kingdom, providing players with new ways to customize their settlements.
  • New campaigns: A series of standalone campaigns could be created, exploring pivotal moments in High Elf history. For example, a campaign could focus on the founding of Lothern or the war against the Dark Elves.

By investing in the High Elves, CA can not only create a series of highly successful DLCs but also deepen the overall experience of Total War: Warhammer. The High Elves are a beloved faction with a massive fanbase, and it's time for them to take center stage.

Now is the time for CA to go all in on High Elves and give the fans what they've been waiting for.

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10 days ago
Sep 7, 2024, 5:24:20 AM

I think you should write your own articles instead of getting AI to generate them.

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10 days ago
Sep 7, 2024, 5:35:35 AM

Beast_of_Guanyin#8747 wrote:

I think you should write your own articles instead of getting AI to generate them.

Creating logical and compelling but actually all bullshit articles for a specific purpose without considering objective conditions and ignoring human emotions is something AI does better than humans

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10 days ago
Sep 7, 2024, 5:39:15 AM

yanghaohit#5017 wrote:

Beast_of_Guanyin#8747 wrote:

I think you should write your own articles instead of getting AI to generate them.

Creating logical and compelling but actually all bullshit articles for a specific purpose without considering objective conditions and ignoring human emotions is something AI does better than humans

It's not compelling because you don't believe it. Fine for an article, good even, but not for a thread. However each to their own.

Updated 10 days ago.
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9 days ago
Sep 7, 2024, 10:28:02 AM

LION_75#7725 wrote:

It`s time to expand ulthuan with more regions and push the island away from the mainland.

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